A Uniform Morphological Analyzer for the Kazakh and Turkish Languages Gulmira Bekmanova1 , Altynbek Sharipbay1 , Gulila Altenbek2 , Eşref Adalı3 , Lena Zhetkenbay1 , Unzila Kamanur1 , Altanbek Zulkhazhav1 1 L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana Kazakhstan, 2 College of Information Science and Engineering, Xinjiang University, P.R. China 3 Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, gulmira-r@yandex.ru, sharalt@mail.ru, jetlen 7@mail.ru unzila.88@mail.ru, altinbekpin@gmail.com, glaxd2014@163.com, esrefadali@gmail.com Abstract. The Kazakh and Turkish languages belong to the group of the Turkic languages and have much in common. The detailed compar- ison of the ontologies on the example of the Kazakh and Turkish nouns allowed entering the analysis of morphological rules of these languages and the unified system of designations to create the uniform morpho- logical analyzer based on the general algorithm of the morphological analysis. Keywords: morphological analysis of the Kazakh and Turkish languages, ontology, analysis of morphological rules 1 Introduction One of the methods to reduce the semantic barrier between the human and the computer is searching new methods of a natural language processing. Nowadays it is obvious that in order to implement the human-computer interaction in a natural language and to create a linguistic support of the information processes the study of the language itself is required. Besides the resources consumed could be decreased due to formalization of language rules providing the storage of in- formation in procedural but not in declarative form. For the Kazakh and the Turkish languages which morphological regularities are quite well yielded to for- malization, it would produce an excellent result. All language levels are characterized by existence of basic elements. A language studying can take place from two positions – the analysis and synthesis because the revealed rules of synthesis can assist to carry out the analysis and vice versa. In this case the Kazakh and Turkish languages are studied from both positions the analysis and synthesis. This very integrated approach allows to study in details all regularities and to reveal such nuances which when using only of one of approaches would remain outside our attention. For researching and the maximum formalizing of each language subsystem it is necessary to create the program tools implementing the studying process by identifying and verifying the analysis and synthesis rules. There-with it will greatly automate the research process and a researcher does not need to accumulate and collect information. And the labor intensity is very low. The morphology modeling is related to all applications such as natural lan- guage and tasks processing and includes information search, moods analysis, spelling correction, detection of the generated texts, parts of speech marking and entity extraction. The morphology is used in linguistics to refer to the study of structure and formation of words. The Agglutinative languages (agglutinare from Latin means to stick together) are languages which morphological system is characterized by agglutination (”pasting”) of various formants. As a formant either prefixes or suffixes act and each of them makes its own sense. As the Kazakh and Turkish languages belong to the group of Turkic languages and the languages of this group can be classified as agglutinative languages. These languages are full of word forms (inflections). Inflections are formed by addition of suffixes. The suffixes are attached in the strict sequence and the re- sulting new words can belong to the other part of speech. The possessive form in Kazakh is similar to a possessive form in English [1, 2]. Plenty of researches cov- ering formalization of morphological rules and morphological analyses of [3-6] the Turkic languages are avail-able. The first morphological analyzer of Kazakh was developed in 2009 and based on the procedural method. The procedural method implies the preliminary systematization of morphological knowledge about a natural language and development of morphological information assignment al- gorithms to a separate word form [7, 8].The procedural morphological analyzer of Kazakh consisted of the following stages: marking the stem in the current word form, its identification, assigning to a word form the corresponding list of morphological information. The disadvantage of this method is high labor intensity while compiling the dictionaries of compatibility. This challenge is dif- ficult to be settled and cannot be automated completely for languages which are characterized by a large number of counterexamples. The implementation of this method occupies considerably smaller memory size, but at the same time the morphological analysis period due to splitting a word form into components and applying the procedures of compatibility increases [8]. The second version of the morphological analyzer was developed in 2012 and based on the formal morphological rules [9]. Later versions were based on using the ontological mod- els and the hyper graphs [10-13]. The other research groups developed their own morphological analyzers [15-16]. The works on creation of the morphological analysis for the Turkish language are carried out for a long period of time and presented in papers [17-21]. In this paper the results received in [17] were used. The peculiarity of this morpho- logical analyzer is the methodology for carrying out the analysis. The Turkish words with affixation were used without any lexicon. This morphological ana- lyzer is completely based on the rules and implies using only the dictionary of counterexamples. The analyzer is based on the final automatic model. 2 The generalized ontologic models of parts of speech of the Kazakh and Turkish languages Ontology is a powerful and widely used tool for modelling relationships between objects which belong to the different subject area. Ontology should be classified based on the degree of dependence on the task or application area, ontological model for knowledge representation and expression as well as other criteria [22]. We used the ontology editor Protg (http://protege.stanford.edu) to build the ontology. It is a free open source ontology editor and a framework for building knowledge bases. It was developed at Stanford University in collaboration with the University of Manchester. The morphological features of initial forms of nouns (N) are as follows. A noun can be either animate (anim) or inanimate (inanim); this feature determines the trajectory of the inflection of a noun. Nouns in the Kazakh language can be conjugated (pers end) and vary for case (cases) and number (number), as well as have a possessive form (poss end) [10]. Fig.1: Ontological model of the Kazakh noun [10] Figure 1 shows the ontological model of the Kazakh noun with its morphological features. Concepts and relationships used in this ontological model are explained in Table 1. Table 1. Concepts and relationships Notation Description NotationDescription N Noun 2 pr 2 personal Part of 3 pr 3 personal speech Item Item Poss endPossessive endings Anim Animate 1 ps 1 personal Sign of v16 2 per- animacy sonal Inanim Inanimate 3 ps 3 personal Sign of Number Number inani- macy Cases Cases Pl Plural Nom Nominative Sg Singular case Gen Genitive case is a Dat Direction- da- Denotes tive case Acc Accusative e3, e4 has feature Loc Locative case Has Abl Ablative case Devided Ins Instrumental Change case Pers end Personal end- Add ings 1 pr 1 personal The ontology model of the Kazakh parts of speech allows us to completely de-scribe the morphological rules and their relationships. On the basis of this on- tological model we developed generalized ontological models of the Kazakh and Turkish language parts of speech. The developed ontological model of nouns of the Kazakh language in Protege environment is displayed in the Figure 2, and the ontological model of nouns of the Turkish language is shown below in the Figure 3. Fig.2: The ontological models of nouns for the Kazakh language Fig.3: The ontological models of nouns for the Turkish language In this way the comparative ontological models of noun for machine translation system include all the categories of morphological features, for instance, noun is divided as stem and complex according to the structure of noun in the Kazakh language whereas in the Turkish language there is not such division, further- more, a noun can be common, proper, concrete, abstract, animated, inanimate according to meaning in the Kazakh language, while in the Turkish language a noun can be common, proper, animated, inanimated. In both languages the divisions of affixation are similar, e.g., the forms of cases, number, possessives and conjugations. There are seven cases in Kazakh whereas in Turkish there are five. 3 The uniform morphological analyzer for the Kazakh and Turkish languages The comparison of the ontological models allowed creating the general symbol system of morphological markers which are used in morphological analyzer. Table 2. - The comparison of morphological markers of the Kazakh and Turkish languages nouns N Abbrevia Name in En- Name in Name in Unified Tag tion glish Kazakh Turkish 1 +Noun Noun Zat esim İsim Noun 2 +A1sg Personal 1 Zhiktik 1. Tekil PERS.1SG singular 1 zhaq, Şahıs Uyum zhekeshe Özelliği 3 +A2sg Personal 2 Zhiktik 2. Tekil PERS.2SG singular 2 zhaq, Şahıs Uyum zhekeshe Özelliği 4 PERS.2SG.POL 5 +A3sg Personal 3 Zhiktik 3. Tekil PERS.3SG singular 3 zhaq, Şahıs Uyum zhekeshe Özelliği 6 +A1pl Personal 1 Zhiktik 1. Çoğul PERS.1PL plural 1 zhaq, Şahıs Uyum koepshe Özelliği 7 +A2pl Personal 2 Zhiktik 2. Çoğul PERS.2PL plural 2 zhaq, Şahıs Uyum koepshe Özelliği 8 PERS.2PL.POL 9 +A3pl Personal 3 Zhiktik 3. Çoğul PERS.3PL plural 3 zhaq, Şahıs Uyum koepshe Özelliği 10 +P1sg Possessive 1 Zhiktik 1. Tekil Şahıs POSS.1SG singular 1 zhaq, Iyelik Eki Taweldik 1 zhaq, zhekeshe 11 +P2sg Possessive 2 Taweldik 2. Tekil Şahıs POSS.2SG singular 2 zhaq, Iyelik Eki zhekeshe 12 +P2sgpol Possessive 2 Taweldik POSS.2SG.POL singular (for- 2 zhaq, mal) zhekeshe, resmi tueri 13 +P3sg Possessive 3 Taweldik 3. Tekil Şahıs POSS.3SG singular 3 zhaq, Iyelik Eki zhekeshe 14 +P1pl Possessive 1 Taweldik 1. Çoğul POSS.1PL plural 1 zhaq, Şahıs Iyelik koepshe Eki 15 +P2pl Possessive 2 Taweldik 2. Çoğul POSS.2PL plural 2 zhaq, Şahıs Iyelik koepshe Eki 16 +P2plpol Possessive Taweldik POSS.2PL.POL 2 plural 2 zhaq, (formal) koepshe, resmi tueri 17 +P3pl Possessive 3 Taweldik 3. Çoğul Iye- POSS.3PL plural 3 zhaq, lik Eki koepshe 18 +Pnon Non Posses- Taweldenbegen Belirsiz NON. POSS sive İyelik 19 +Nom Nominative Atau Yalın Durum NOM 20 +Acc Accusative Tabys Belirtme Du- ACC (whom?) rumu 21 +Dat Dative Barys Yönelme Du- DAT rumu 22 +Abl Ablative Shyghys Çıkma Du- ABL rumu 23 +Loc Locative Zhatys Kalma Du- LOC (where?) rumu 24 +Gen Genitive Ilik Tamlayan GEN (whose?) Durumu 25 +Ins Instrumental Koemektes Aracılık Du- INS rumu 26 +Pos +Positive Bolymdy Olumlu POSIT 27 +Neg +Negative Bolymsyz Olumsuz NEGAT For example, the line 4 of the above-mentioned table does not have any mean- ings in the Kazakh and Turkish columns, there is no analogue in English, but preserved name means that for the other Turkic languages such morphological marker for noun exists. In the lines 12 and 16 the blank value in the Turkish lan- guage means that this morphological marker exists only for the Kazakh language. Metalanguage is one of key concepts of system of the description of an object of science and is defined as artificial language of ”the second order” in relation to which natural human language acts as ”language object”, that is as a subject of a linguistic research. In our case a natural language are the Kazakh and Turkish languages enter-ing into the Turkic group of languages. The unified symbol system (UNIFIED TAG) was developed based on the idea of creating unified metalanguage for Turkic Languages. Firstly, the idea of creating metalanguage was proposed at the 1st so-called Inter- national Conference on Computer processing of the Turkic Languages (TurkLang- 2013) which was held in Astana on 3-4 October, 2013. A group of famous professors of technical sciences A.A. Sharipbay (Astana, Kazakhstan), D.SH. Suleimenov (Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia), Eşref Adalı(Istanbul, Turkey) is work- ing on the creation of metalanguage. At the UniTurk scientific-practical seminar of the conference the discussion of problems related to the unification of grammatical categories for the corpuses of the Turkic languages raised a great interest and held successfully. For computerizing the Kazakh language it is very important step to research the computational linguistics of the other Turkic-speaking countries. From this point studying the structures of agglutinative languages that are similar to Kazakh and make comparisons between them leads to a successful computer transforming of all languages belonging to the Turkic languages group. We are very confident that it will bring great success in development of the Kazakh language computerizing. Our goal is to use correctly these similarities and differences in the language automating direction. While entering to a computer the similarities between languages help to solve the unsolved problems in one language by supplement- ing the achievements of another language, moreover, studying the differences of languages according to its features in cooperation gives us an opportunity to implement a method in one language which didn’t give any results in another language. The analysis made revealed that the Kazakh and Turkish languages have much in common. The Table 3 shows the comparison of the rules for a noun window in the Kazakh and Turkish languages. Table 3. - Example of inflection a noun window English Kazakh Turkish Case endings of Noun (singular form) window tereze: tereze+Noun+A3sg+ pencere: pencere+Noun+A3sg Pnon+Nom +Pnon+Nom window ’s terezening: tereze+Noun+A3sg pencerenin: +Pnon+Gen pencere+Noun+A3sg +Pnon+Gen to win- terezege: tereze+Noun+A3sg+ pencereye: pencere+Noun+A3sg dow Pnon+Dat +Pnon+Dat window terezeni: tereze+Noun+A3sg+ pencereyi: pencere+Noun+A3sg Pnon+ Acc +Pnon+ Acc window terezede: tereze+Noun+A3sg+ pencerede: pencere+Noun+A3sg Pnon+ Loc +Pnon+ Loc from win- terezeden: tereze+Noun+A3sg+ pencereden: dow Pnon+ Abl pencere+Noun+A3sg +Pnon+ Abl with win- terezemen: tereze+Noun+A3sg pencerele: dow +Pnon+Ins pencere+Noun+A3sg+ Pnon+ terezemen: tereze+Noun+A3sg+ Ins P1sg +Ins pencerele: pencere+Noun+A3sg+P1sg+ Ins Case endings of Noun (plural form) windows terezeler: tereze+Noun+A3pl pencereler: pencere+Noun+A3pl +Pnon+Nom +Pnon+Nom windows’ terezelerding: pencerelerin: pencere+Noun+ tereze+Noun+A3pl +Pnon+Gen A3pl +Pnon+Gen to win- terezelerge: tereze+Noun+A3pl pencerelere: pencere+Noun+ dows +Pnon+Dat A3pl +Pnon+Dat windows terezelerdi: tereze+Noun+A3pl pencereleri: pencere+Noun+ +Pnon+ Acc A3pl +Pnon+ Acc windows terezelerde: tereze+Noun+A3pl pencerelerde: pencere+Noun+ +Pnon+ Loc A3pl +Pnon+ Loc from win- terezelerden: tereze+Noun+A3pl pencerelerden: pencere+Noun+ dows +Pnon+ Abl A3pl +Pnon+ Abl with win- terezelermen: pencerelerle: pencere+Noun+ dows tereze+Noun+A3pl +Pnon+Ins A3pl +Pnon+ Ins The record of morphological rules in the unified form allowed to create the uni- form rule-based algorithm of morphological analysis for the Kazakh and Turkish languages in the papers [9, 10, 17]. 4 Conclusion In the present scientific paper the morphological features of the Kazakh and Turkish languages are analyzed. 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