Process Model Repair by Detecting Unfitting Fragments? Alexey A. Mitsyuk1 , Irina A. Lomazova1 , Ivan S. Shugurov2 , and Wil M.P. van der Aalst3,1 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya ul., 101000 Moscow, Russia. {amitsyuk,ilomazova} 2 Technical University of Munich, Arcisstraße 21, Munich, Bavaria, 80333, Germany. 3 Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, NL-5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Abstract. Process models often do not adequately reflect the behavior of real-life systems. In the general case, it is possible to construct a new adequate model by applying one of the discovery algorithms. At the same time, there are cases when the original model is of particular value. In such cases, it is better to apply model repair algorithms. Those algorithms construct a model which reflects real behavior according to some criteria. Moreover, the repaired model remains as similar to the original one as possible. This paper proposes a modular approach which consists of three parts: (1) decomposing the process model and event log into model fragments and sub-logs, (2) selecting the fragments which need to be repaired, (3) repairing the selected fragments using a process discovery algorithm. Keywords: process mining, process model repair, process model de- composition, Petri nets, divide and conquer 1 Introduction Modern process-aware information systems can be designed using model-driven software engineering approaches. However, the exact implementation of design models in real-life systems is a rare case. Moreover, processes tend to change during the system’s life-cycle. A process owner usually wants relevant, up-to- date models describing the process. In this paper we suggest a method, which can repair a model. Real behavior of a system can be studied by analyzing its event logs. One can discover the model of a real system from them [3]. Moreover, process engineers ? This work is supported by the Basic Research Program of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. can diagnose the discrepancies between observed (event logs) and modeled (pro- cess models) behaviors using conformance checking techniques [3]. It is possible to use the results of conformance checking as an input for model repair [8]. Process model repair aims at improving the quality of a model (according to some quality criteria), while changing as few of its parts as possible. The general model repair problem can be defined as follows. The initial model N is a Petri net. The event log L does not conform to N according to some predefined criteria. The general repair problem is to find such a model N r (repaired model) that L better conforms N r according to this criteria and N r is as similar to N as possible. In this paper, we propose a new method for model repair. Our approach is based on the idea of patch-ups. We find the non-conforming fragments in a model and replace them with conforming ones. This paper describes the constraints, as well as pros and cons of this approach. We propose a general modular scheme which can be implemented using different algorithms. In this paper, we show one possible implementation of fitness-aware repair. The general scheme employs the divide & conquer concept. 2 Related Work One of the first papers in the field of process model repair was published in 2011 [8], where the authors formulated the problem of repair. Later in [10] they focused on fitness-aware control-flow repair. Models here are labeled workflow nets. The approach separates non-conforming and conforming behaviors from the event log. Non-conforming traces are then grouped into non-conforming sub- logs, and for each of them the corresponding sub-process workflow model is discovered. Then these sub-process are added to the initial model in such a way that the repaired model successfully replays the given event log. This approach also allows to remove infrequently used parts of the model, and hence to make the repaired model more simple. The problem of model simplification is close to model repair. [9, 17] present a method for simplifying the model structure in such a way that it can still replay most of the behavior described in the log. Using frequency metrics for model simplification is also described in [11]. Another view on process repair, called impact-driven repair, is introduced in [16]. This procedure can be applied when a number of repair operations is limited, and various repairs have different values. Based on the notion of align- ments [4], the paper suggests assigning costs to change operations. The approach investigates the space of all possible repairs. Authors proposed and evaluated a set of algorithms which can seek optimal (w.r.t. to assigned costs for repair oper- ations) repairs. In other words, the repair for Petri nets has been reduced to an optimization problem. Plenty of experiments were conducted to select the best algorithm with suitable parameters. One more contribution to the field of model repair is [5], where the well- structured process models (process trees) are improved w.r.t. the four classical quality metrics: fitness, precision, generalization, and simplicity. The authors use a special genetic discovery algorithm, and pay attention to similarity between the repaired and original models. In this paper, we use the divide & conquer principle which has already been employed within process mining. The core papers on it are [1, 2] and [20]. In [2] the author considers the task of model and log decompositions in context of pro- cess mining. The practical questions of applying the divide & conquer principle in process mining are considered in [20]. In particular, the author proposed a mod- ular scheme for process discovery. Hompes et al. [12] investigated the so-called re-composition techniques. These methods help to select the most appropriate size of decomposition fragments during process discovery [13]. Model and event log decompositions have been used for boosting the performance of conformance checking [15]. In contrast to the existing approaches, this paper presents model repair based on model decomposition, which allows keeping the initial model structure un- changed as much as possible. This is important when a source model is readable and well structured, i.e. it was developed by experts. If there were just minor local changes in the process, we can repair the model by correcting its local fragments. 3 Preliminaries Multi-sets, Functions, and Sequences. Let IN denote the set of natural numbers (including zero). A multi-set over a set S is a function b : S → IN. ByB(S) we denote the set of all multi-sets over S. Further by b = [e, e, e, c, d, d] = e3 , c, d2 we designate the multi-set over S = {e, c, d}, where b(e) = 3, b(c) = 1, b(d) = 2. By abuse of notation, we extend set operations to multi-set in the standard way. For a function f : X → Y , dom(f ) denotes its domain, and f : X 9 Y denotes a partial function. A function f Q is a function projection of a (partial) function f onto a set Q ⊆ X , iff dom(f Q ) = dom(f ) ∩ Q and ∀x ∈ dom(f  Q ): f Q  (x) =  f (x). This notation can be extended to multi-sets, e.g. e3 , c, d2 {c,d} = c, d2 . By X ∗ we denote the set of all finite sequences over a set X, and we use triangle brackets for sequences, e.g. σ = hx1 , x2 , ..., xn i is a sequence of length n. By σ1 · σ2 we denote the concatenation of two sequences, σQ is the projection of sequence σ onto the set Q. Process Models. In this paper, a process model is a labeled workflow net. A Petri net is a triple (P, T, F ), where P and T are disjoint sets of places and transitions, and F : (P × T ) ∪ (T × P ) → IN is a flow relation. For a transition t ∈ T a preset •t and a postset t• are defined as the subsets of P such that •t = {p|F (p, t) 6= 0} and t• = {p|F (t, p) 6= 0}. A labeled Petri net is a tuple (P, T, F, l), where l: T → UA ∪ {τ } is a labeling function, which maps transitions to activity labels from UA . A transition t is called invisible, if l(t) = τ , otherwise it is called visible. A marking of a Petri net is a function M : P → IN, i.e. a multi- set of places. A transition t ∈ T is enabled in a marking M iff ∀p ∈ P M (p) ≥ F (p, t). An enabled transition t may fire yielding a new marking M 0 , such that t M 0 (p) = M (p) − F (p, t) + F (t, p) for each p ∈ P (denoted M → M 0 ). A workflow net (WF-net) N = (P, T, F, l) is a labeled Petri net, such that (1) there is one source place i ∈ P such that •i = ∅, and Mi = [i], (2) there is one sink place o ∈ P such that o• = ∅, and Mo = [o], (3) every node n ∈ P ∪ T is on a path from i to o. h t8 c f t3 t6 a b e source t1 c1 t2 c2 d c3 t5 c4 g sink t4 t7 Fig. 1: The Model of Compensation Requests Processing (activities have the fol- lowing labels: a = Register request; b = Check ticket; c = Examine casually; d = Examine thoroughly; e = Decide; f = Send rejection letter; g = Pay compen- sation; h = Re-initiate request) An example of a WF-net is shown in Figure 1. This model is a variation of the conventional process mining example which can be found in [3]. It represents processing of compensation requests in a company. We will also use the following notations. Tv (N ) is a set of all labeled (visible) transitions in WF-net N : l(t ∈ Tv ) 6= τ . Tvu (N ) is a set of visible transitions in WF-net N with unique labels, that is ∀t, t0 ∈ Tvu : l(t) 6= l(t0 ) iff t 6= t0 . The union of two WF-nets is a WF-net N U = N 1 ∪ N 2 , which is built by the union of sets of places, transitions, and flows: N 1 ∪N 2 = (P 1 ∪P 2 , T 1 ∪T 2 , F 1 ∪F 2 , lu ), where lu ∈ (T 1 ∪ T 2 ) 9 UA is a union of l1 and l2 , dom(lu ) = dom(l1 ) ∪ dom(l2 ), lu (t) = l1 (t) if t ∈ dom(l1 ), and lu (t) = l2 (t) if t ∈ dom(l2 ) \ dom(l1 ). Event Logs. Let A ⊆ UA be a set of activities. A trace σ is a finite sequence of activities from A, i.e. σ ∈ A∗ . An event log L is a finite multi-set of traces, i.e. L ∈ B(A∗ ), i.e. L = ha, b, c, d, ei3 , ha, b, a, d, ei5 , ha, d, c, b, ei is an event log. A  projection of an event log L = [σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σn ] onto a set of activities B is a log L B = [σ1 B , σ2 B , . . . , σn B ], where σi B is a projection of the trace σi onto B. Let N be a WF-net with transition labels from A, an initial marking [i], and a final marking [o]. Let σ be a trace over A. We say that a trace σ = a1 , . . . , ak t1 tk perfectly fits N iff there exists a sequence of firings [i] = m0 → ... → mk+1 = [o] in N , s.t. the sequence of activities λ(t1 ), λ(t2 ), . . . , λ(tk ) after deleting all invisible activities coincides with σ. A log L perfectly fits N iff every trace from L perfectly fits N . E.g. the following traces perfectly fit the model in Figure 1: [ha, b, c, e, f i, ha, b, c, e, h, b, d, e, gi, ha, b, d, e, gi]. 4 Modular Repair Scheme We consider the following repair problem: given a workflow net N and an event log L, which does not perfectly fit N , to construct a model N r (repaired model), so that L perfectly fits N r . We propose a modular approach for model repair. In this paper, we have deliberately limited the scope of its application but it is also applicable to the general model repair problem. The main idea here is to define a general description for a class of model repair algorithms, based on the divide & conquer principle. This scheme can be refined into different repair algorithms by choosing appropriate methods as its actual procedural parameters. The repair scheme consists of building blocks, each of which executes one of the steps. A graphical representation of the model repair scheme is shown in Figure 2. Building blocks are shown with black frames. The following blocks are present: (1) Decomposition, (2) Projection, (3) Selection, (4) Repair, (5) Composition, (6) Evaluation. Each block contains an applicable algorithm. Arcs show the data transfer between building blocks. The input of the scheme is a pair (L, N ) where L is a norma- Event Log Input Model Initial tive event log and N is a non- conforming initial model. Model N Decomposition is decomposed into several frag- Projection ments using one of decomposi- tion algorithms. In the projection block, an algorithm splits the event Selection Model Parts log into sub-logs which correspond Log Parts to the model fragments. The se- lection block contains a confor- Log Parts for «Good» «Bad» Parts the «Bad» mance checking algorithm. This al- Model Parts Parts gorithm calculates the conformance Repair level for each pair (Li , N i ). Ac- cording to this number, all model Composition fragments are separated into two Repaired sets. The first one contains con- Parts forming (good ) fragments. The sec- Evaluation ond one consists of model frag- ments which do not conform corre- sponding sub-logs (bad ). The repair block contains an algorithm which Evaluation Results Output Repaired Model somehow replaces non-conforming model fragments by conforming ones. The composition block is Fig. 2: Modular Repair Scheme paired with the decomposition one. The result can be evaluated in the evaluation block by using any of the confor- mance checking methods. This is a general scheme. Definition 1 (Modular Repair Scheme). Let UA denote the universal set of activities, and UN be the set of all WF-nets with transitions labeled over UA . The modular repair scheme is a procedure, which takes an event log L ∈ ∗ B(UA ) and a WF-net N ∈ UN as an input and outputs a repaired model N r , which perfectly fits L, i.e. N r = ModularRepair (L, N ). The modular repair scheme has four procedural parameters eval , split, repair , ∗ and compose, where eval ∈ (B(UA ) × UN ) → [0; 1] is an evaluation function, ∗ repair ∈ B(UA ) × UN ) → UN is a repair function, split ∈ UN → P(UN ) is a decomposition function which is always paired with a related composition function compose ∈ P(UN ) → UN . In Section 5, we propose a specific set of algorithms which can be used to implement the scheme. Obviously, these algorithms cannot be chosen arbitrar- ily. The main constraint comes from the requirement of valid decompositions [2]. Valid decomposition assumes that the only elements, which can be shared be- tween different fragments, are visible transitions with unique (in the initial net) labels. We slightly modify the definition in [2] for our purpose. Definition 2 (Valid Decomposition for WF-nets). Let N ∈ UN be a WF- net with a labeling function l. D = {N 1 , N 2 , . . . , N n } ⊆ UN is a valid decompo- sition if and only if – N i = (P i , T i , F i , li ) is a Petri net for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n, – li = lT i for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n, – P i ∩ P j = ∅ for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, – Ti ∩ T j u S ⊆ Tv (Ni) for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, and – N = 1≤i≤n N . D(N ) is the set of all valid decompositions of N . It is proved in [2] that each valid decomposition can be used to decompose both the process discovery and conformance checking. It means that one can split the model into several fragments using valid decomposition and then unambigu- ously compose the initial model from model fragments using the corresponding composition function. More formally, the following statements are valid. Theorem 1 (Checking for Perfect Fitness Can Be Decomposed [2]). Let L ∈ B(A∗ ) be an event log with A ⊆ UA and let N ∈ UN be a WF-net. For any valid decomposition D = {N 1 , N 2 , . . . , N n } ∈ D(N ): L is perfectly fitting WF-net N if and only if for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n: LAv (N i ) is perfectly fitting N i . Theorem 2 (Discovery can be decomposed  1 [2]). Let L ∈ B(A∗ ) beSan event log with A = {a ∈ σ | σ ∈ L} ⊆ UA , C = A , A , . . . , An with A = C, 2 ∗ and disc ∈ B(UA ) → UN aSdiscovery algorithm. Let distr disc(L, C, disc) = {N , N , . . . , N } and N = 1≤i≤n N i . N ∈ UN and D = {N 1 , N 2 , . . . , N n } 1 2 n is a valid decomposition of N , distr disc(L, C, disc) ∈ D(N ). Using these results we can formulate the conditions for fitness repair. Definition 3 (Perfect Fitness Repair for WF-nets). Let L ∈ B(A∗ ) be an event log with A ⊆ UA , and let N ∈ UN be a WF-net such that fitness(L, N ) < 1. Let N 0 = ModularRepair (L, N ) be a modular repair scheme. ModularRepair is a perfect fitness repair if fitness(L, N 0 ) = 1. Proposition 1 (Sufficient Conditions for Perfect Fitness Repair). ModularRepair is a perfect fitness repair if 1. split is a valid decomposition; 2. repair is a perfect discovery, for any event log it makes perfectly fitting model; 3. compose is a transition fusion which merge all transitions with equal labels. Proof. This proposition is a direct corollary of the Theorem 1. Let N be a WF- net model with fitness(L, N ) < 1. By applying split N is decomposed into a set of fragments D = {N 1 , N 2 , . . . , N n }. Each fragment N i is then evaluated, let fi = fitness(LAv (N i ) , N i ). By Theorem 1 ∃j: 1≤j≤n, fitness(LAv (N j ) , N j ) < 1, since the decomposition is valid. Fragments with not perfect fitness should be re- paired. Then repair function repair is applied to each such fragment. For each i, 1≤i≤n let Nri = repair (LAv (N i ) , N i ) if fitness(LAv (N i ) , N i ) < 1, and Nri = N i if fitness(LAv (N i ) , N i ) = 1. Since we use a perfect discovery function, we get ∀i: 1≤i≤n, fitness(L Av (Nri ) , Nri ) = 1. Note that the set of activities was not changed. By Theorem 2 the set Dr = {Nr1 , Nr2 , . . . , Nrn } is a valid decomposition of the net Nr = compose(Dr ). Moreover, each fragment perfectly fits the corre- sponding event log projection. Hence, by Theorem 1 we get fitness(L, Nr ) = 1 . t u 5 Modular Repair using Maximal Decomposition, Inductive and ILP Miners The proposed general scheme can use specific algorithms as building blocks. In particular, the maximal decomposition is a valid decomposition [2]. Maximal decomposition is based on partitioning of net edges and is defined as follows. Each edge resides strictly in a single fragment. Transitions with unique labels are placed on borders of fragments. This is needed to support the causal de- pendencies between fragments. As a consequence, each transition, which has a unique label in the original net, will reside in two or more fragments. And finally, splitting saves an initial marking of the net. A place in a fragment is marked iff it was marked in the original net. It is important to mention that for a given system net there can be one and only one maximal decomposition. Maximally decomposed net can be easily composed back by fusion of transitions with the same labels. Maximal decomposition is valid by construction [2]. SN2 SN5 h SN3 SN4 h SN6 t8 t8 SN1 c c f f t3 t3 t6 t6 a a b b e e source t1 t1 c1 t2 t2 c2 d d c3 t5 t5 c4 g g sink t4 t4 t7 t7 Fig. 3: A Maximal Decomposition of the Model from Figure 1 We developed Algorithm 1 for constructing the maximal decomposition. It works as follows. Function decompose starts from an arbitrary place of ini- tial net. It calls handlePlace function while there are places to traverse. The handlePlace function is needed to start the recursive procedure handlePlace- Recursively. This procedure traverses successor and predecessor nodes of a Algorithm 1 Maximal Decomposition Construction Input: N = (P, T, F, Minit , Mf inal ) — a Petri net with markings Output: DN — a decomposition (set of Petri nets) 1: function decompose(N ) 2: HandledP laces ← emptymap; DN ← ∅; 3: for all p ∈ P do 4: if p ∈/ keys(HandledP laces) then 5: N 0 = (P 0 , T 0 , F 0 , Minit 0 , Mf0 inal ); . make new empty fragment 6: HandledP laces ← HandledP laces ∪ handlePlace(N , p, N 0 ); 7: marking(N 0 ) ← CopyM arking(N ); 8: DN ← DN ∪ {N 0 }; 9: end if 10: end for 11: return DN ; 12: end function 13: function handlePlace(N , p, N 0 ) 14: P Dict, T Dict ← emptymap; . mapping of nodes from original net to a current fragment 15: handlePlaceRecursively(N , p, N 0 , P Dict, T Dict); 16: return P Dict; 17: end function 18: function handlePlaceRecursively(N , p, N 0 , P Dict, T Dict) 19: if p ∈ keys(P Dict) then 20: return ; 21: end if 22: P Dict[p] ←− createP lace(N 0 , label(p)); . create new place in N 0 with label of p 23: handlePrecedingTransitions(N , p, N 0 , P Dict, T Dict); 24: handleSubsequentTransitions(N , p, N 0 , P Dict, T Dict); 25: end function 26: function handle(Preseding/Subsequent)Transitions(N , p, N 0 , P Dict, T Dict) 27: for all f ∈ (incoming/outgoing)(N, p) do 28: t0 ←− null; t ← (source/target)(f ); 29: if t ∈ keys(T Dict) then 30: t0 ←− T Dict[t]; . a transition has already been handled 31: else 0 0 32: t ←− createT ransition(N , label(t), visible(t)); 33: T Dict[t] ←− t0 ; . new transition 34: end if 0 0 0 35: addArc(N , (t /P Dict[p]), (P Dict[p]/t )); 36: if ¬visible(t0 ) then 37: for f 0 ∈ (incoming/outgoing)(N, t) do 38: handlePlaceRecursively(N , (source/target)(f 0 ), N 0 , P Dict, T Dict); 39: end for 40: end if 41: end for 42: end function place. The algorithm splits the net fragments if it finds visible transition. Note, that all visible transitions in the initial net are assumed to have unique labels. The proof of this algorithm correctness is straightforward and rather technical, so we omit it here. Figure 3 shows the result of decomposing the example model (Figure 1) according to this algorithm. It was decomposed into six net fragments. Note, that the result is always unique. A number of process discovery algorithms have been proposed in the litera- ture [11, 14, 22]. In this paper, we use the Inductive miner [14]. This algorithm guarantees perfect fitness of a discovered model when executed with particular settings (inductive miner infrequent with zero noise threshold ). It uses sequential (and recursive) inductive inferences to build the so-called process trees, which can be simply translated into well-structured workflow nets. Another discovery algorithm, which we also use, is ILP (Integer Linear Programming)-based algo- rithm [22]. It also guarantees perfect fitness with particular settings. Further we show experiments with both algorithms. There have been published a SN3 SN3' c d c lot of papers on log-model con- b t3 t4 b t3 formance evaluation [4, 7, 15]. t2 c2 d s-start τ s2 t2 s3 τ s-end t4 ts1 ts2 Among the main quality di- mensions are fitness and preci- sion [3]. Fitness measures the Fig. 4: This Model is Discovered by Inductive proportion of traces in an event Miner log which can be successfully re- played by the model. All traces from a perfectly fitting log can be replayed. Pre- cision shows the proportion of model runs which have corresponding traces in an event log. That is, perfect precision means the model allows only the behavior presented in the log. h t8 We consider fitness as f t6 a c e the main criteria for eval- source bt1 c1 t3 gc3 t5 c4 sink uation of repair results. τ t2 s3 s-end t7 ts1 τ ts2 For fitness checking we s-start s2 d use alignment-based fit- t4 ness evaluation function (cf. [4] for details). Let us consider an example. Fig. 5: The Petri Net after Transition Fusion Suppose, the model shown in Figure 3 does not correspond exactly to the current behavior in terms of the order of implementation of events with labels b and d. Now in contrast to the behavior of the model d always precedes b if both appear in the trace. Namely, our log contains traces ha, d, b, e, f i and ha, b, c, e, gi, and there are no traces in which b precedes d. Then by applying the alignment-based fitness evaluation algorithm to model fragments shown in Figure 3 we obtain that fragment SN 3 does not perfectly fit the log. So, we discover a correct WF-net for this fragment using Inductive miner (see Figure 4). After discovery of the correct model fragment and fusion of all fragments we obtain the net shown in Figure 5. This model perfectly fits the log with traces ha, d, b, e, f i and ha, b, c, e, gi. One can easily see that repaired model is not a WF-net. It contains tokens in places source and s-start in initial marking. The final marking for the net consists of two tokens in places sink and s-end. However, this model can be easily transformed into an equivalent WF-net by adding invisible start and finish transitions. Note, that we have removed places s-start and s-end, since they restrict the model behavior and may generate a deadlock. However, this generates another problem — increases the number of possible model runs, and hence and reduces the model precision. To avoid such problems it is better not to change fragment border nodes during the repair transformations. This can be done by considering larger fragments. 6 Evaluation We have implemented the approach as a plug-in for ProM Framework [21] which is a well-known tool in the process mining community. We already described some details of implementation in [19]. In order to evaluate our method we selected several artificial WF-nets. For these models we generated event logs using the tool Gena [18]. Then the initial models were slightly changed. These updated models were repaired using our approach. Selected results are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Selected Experimental Results Two models SM1 and LM2 were selected. Both models are larger than the example which is shown in Figure 1. One can find the number of nodes in each model in Size column. Fitness and Precision columns show the corresponding metrics (calculated using technique from [4]). The Sim column contains similarity evaluation results. Calculate Graph Edit Distance Similarity ProM plug-in [12] was used for calculating similarity. In turn, this plug-in is based on the theo- retical backgrounds presented in [6]. The method returns a number between 0 (models are completely different) and 1 (models are equal). This plug-in takes into consideration not only the structure of both models but also node labels. The N-f column shows the overall number of decomposition fragments. A num- ber of changed (repaired) fragments is shown in N-bf column. We show Time in milliseconds4 . However, we understand the relativity of this calculation. It is also interesting to compare the results for repair and direct discovery. For compari- son, we used two discovery algorithms which provide perfect fitness: Inductive 4 Test configuration: Intel Core i7-3630QM, 2.40 GHz; 4 GB RAM; Windows 7 x64 and ILP miners. BL models were changed locally — we replaced neighbor tran- sitions, which were connected via one or two places. BNL models contain more substantial changes — we replaced distant transitions. The results in Table 1 were obtained using the deletion of sink and source places. An implementation of the algorithm for alignments calculation consumes a lot of memory in such cases, as it checks all possible behaviors of the model. In some cases the memory of our machine (4GB) was too small. These cases are marked with f in corresponding cell. Existing algorithm for similarity calculation also failed in some cases. These are cases, when a repaired model contains many silent transitions. Again, the number of possible combinations is too large. Table 1 shows how our repair approach provided perfectly fitting models. However, we need to improve the precision of repaired models. In cases with local changes (BL) the approach shows acceptable results. It is interesting that the repair using ILP is faster than direct discovery (even with all the overhead on checking the fragments’ fitness). 7 Conclusion This paper proposes a modular approach for process model repair. The approach can be instantiated using different algorithms as building blocks. The main idea is to use model decomposition and then replace unfitting model fragments instead of complete re-discovery. A proposed approach has been evaluated on several artificial process models. The method we propose allows to keep the initial model structure as much as possible. This is crucial when the initial model is of some special value, i.e. it has a clear structure and/or was developed by human experts, who will continue working with it. The experiments we made show that repairing a model based on its decomposition can be very helpful. However, there are still open problems and questions. First, our approach significantly reduces the precision of the model. To cope with this problem, we plan to propose more subtle decomposition techniques to avoid problems with fragment border nodes. The re-composition method [12] may be also helpful for improving the quality of obtained models. Second, we plan to compare the presented approach with other existing model repair methods. Moreover, the approach evaluation on real-life cases is needed. It would be also interesting to consider decomposition based model repair taking into account a combination of fitness, precision, generalization, and simplicity metrics, and to study the applicability of this method to the cases of non-local changes. Acknowledgments. The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for impor- tant and helpful remarks and suggestions. References 1. van der Aalst, W.M.P.: Decomposing Process Mining Problems Using Passages. In: Haddad, S., Pomello, L. (eds.) PETRI NETS 2012. LNCS, vol. 7347, pp. 72–91. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2012) 2. van der Aalst, W.M.P.: Decomposing Petri Nets for Process Mining: A Generic Approach. Distributed and Parallel Databases 31(4), 471–507 (2013) 3. van der Aalst, W.M.P.: Process Mining - Data Science in Action, Second Edition. Springer (2016) 4. 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