Comparing Capability of Static Analysis Tools to Detect Security Weaknesses in Mobile Applications Tosin Daniel Oyetoyan1 and Marcos Lordello Chaim2 1 Department of Software Engineering, Safety and Security SINTEF Digital, Trondheim Norway 2 Software Analysis and Experimentation Group (SAEG) School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities University of Sao Paulo Abstract. Smartphones are prevalent today and store sensitive and private data. Malicious applications are constant threats to user data on smartphones as they could sniff or manipulate them by exploiting software weaknesses in legitimate mobile applications. Static analysis tools can be used to reduce these risks during development. However, it is important to know the capability of these tools in order to make informed decisions and avoid false-sense of security. In this preliminary study we investigate the detection capability of mainstream vs. Android-specific tools to guide decision-making during tools’ selection. Keywords: Security, Android, Static analysis tools, Mobile, CWE, OWASP 1 Introduction Smartphone devices are very popular today. These devices aggregate personal data related to our lifestyle, relationships, finances, professions, locations, recordings, conversations, preferences, videos and photos [21]. These are very sensitive and private data. A breach as a result of vulnerabilities in the mobile software could have devastating impact on the user. Malicious mobile applications could sniff and manipulate sensitive user data [5] or even launch a denial-of-service attacks [19]. Despite these challenges, developers often do not code with a mindset Copyright ©2017 by the paper’s authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. In: M.G. Jaatun, D.S. Cruzes (eds.): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Secure Software Engineering in DevOps and Agile Development (SecSE 2017), published at 9 of attackers because they care more about functionalities. As a result, common and inadvertent mistakes become exploitable vulnerabilities [5]. Static analysis of the application’s source or object code has been advocated as a strategy to detect weaknesses [4] during implementation. The goal is to detect part of the code that could become vulnerable. Static analysis tools (SATs) are utilized to support developers to identify security risks in their code. The goal of this research is to assess tools that detect security-related weaknesses in Android applications. We choose Android because of its open platform and market dominance. Data from the third quarter of 2016 show Android with 86.8% of marketshare followed by Apple’s iOS with 12.5% and others (e.g., Windows phone, Symbian) with 0.7% [6]. In addition, other smartphone platforms have similar security model, however, Android is claimed to have the most sophisticated application communication system [5]. In Android, user-installed applications are sandboxed, each runs in a dedicated process, each has its own private data directory, and employs the least privilege principle [9]. Android defines four types of components: Activity (user interface), Service that executes processes in the background, Content Provider for data sharing, and Broadcast Receiver that responds asynchronously to system- wide messages. Communication between applications are achieved through a message passing mechanism (Intent messages). Configuration of application com- ponents are done in the mandatory manifest file. In order to protect applications, Android defines four types of permissions: Normal, Dangerous, Signature, and SignatureOrSystem. Specific challenges in Androids make static analysis different from regular Java applications [18]. Android apps run in a special virtual machine named Dalvik that generate bytecodes differently from regular Java virtual machine. As a result, static analysis tools must be able to analyze the Dalvik bytecode when Java source code is not provided. Further, Android apps could have many entry (Main) points which make them different from regular Java applications. Additionally, in Android apps, different components have their own lifecycle. Because these lifecycle methods are not directly linked to the execution flow, they limit the soundness of some analysis scenarios. Organizations develop both standard desktop and mobile applications, and also manage them in a similar Software Configuration Management environment. Moreover, in agile development and DevOp environments, tools are success factors that ensure continuous deployment and fast delivery [8]. The tendency is to run one type of SAT across the code base during a build operation. In our experience, a common question that practioners have asked us is whether mainstream SATs are good enough for scanning mobile applications. We are thus interested to compare non-specific and Android-specific SATs in their capability in terms of strengths and limitations to detect relevant mobile-related weaknesses. This is relevant to allow users make informed decisions about what tools to use, how to use them, and what results to expect. Our mainstream tools are chosen from the open source community based on availability and accessibility. In this preliminary study, we concern ourselves with the scope of weaknesses that can be found 10 by Android-specific SATs and mainstream SATs. The following two research questions summarize the problems we partly address in this paper: RQ1. What are the similarities and differences between mainstream SATs and Android SATs in the type of weaknesses they detect? RQ2. What are the runtime costs of executing SATs in mobile apps? We have used the combination of common weaknesses and enumeration (CWE) dictionary by MITRE [20] and OWASP top 10 2016 data for our assessment. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we discuss the approach we have used in this study. Section 3 presents our preliminary results and provides some discussions of the results. In Section 4, we present an overview of related studies. Section 5 discusses the limitations and threat to the validity of our work. Finally, we conclude the paper in Section 6. 2 Approach 2.1 Common Weaknesses in Android Applications and CWE Selection Based on OWASP top 10 2016, the most common security risks in mobile applications are: (1) Improper platform use, (2) Insecure data storage, (3) Insecure communications, (4) Insecure authentication, (5) Insuficient cryptography, (6) Insecure authorization, (7) Client code quality issues, (8) Code tampering, (9) Reverse engineering, and (10) Extraneous functionality [23]. Many empirical studies have as well validated the existent of these risks in many real-world Android applications. (see [5, 11, 15, 19]) In this preliminary assessment, we have used 8 weaknesses [20] categories to assess the selected static analysis tools. Three categories are specific to Android applications. The rest are general quality weaknesses applicable to all applications. The rationale behind this choice is to investigate how the tools could detect weaknesses in the different categories. Additionally, we mapped the selected CWEs to the OWASP’s top security risk categories. CWE-927: Use of Implicit Intent for Sensitive Communication (#3) An implicit intent can be used to transmit data without specifying the receiver. It is possible for any application to process the intent by using an Intent Filter for the intent. CWE-926: Improper Export of Android Application Components (#1) Android application components (Activity, Service, or Content Provider) are exported through the manifest file. Exporting components without proper restriction as to which applications can launch or access the data could result into integrity, confidentiality and availability issues. CWE-319: Unencrypted Socket (#3) The study by Enck et al. [11] shows that certain Android applications include code that use the Socket class OWASP – Open Web Application Security Project ( 11 directly. Java sockets are potential attack surface as they represent an open interface to external services. CWE-921: Storage of Sensititve Data in a Mechanism without Ac- cess Control (#2) This weakness occurs when applications store sensitive information in file systems or devices that are not protected. Examples include memory cards or USB devices. CWE-359: Exposure of Private Information (‘Privacy Violation’) (#6) Accessing private data such as passwords or credit card numbers need explicit authorization. Privacy violation could occur when unauthorized entities have access to data. CWE-478: Missing Default Case in Switch Statement (#7) This weakness occurs when code that uses switch statement omit the default case. Execution logic may be altered when the system encounters variable value not handled in the logic. Security issues may happen, if switch logic is used to handle security decision or is linked to other aspects of code where security decision happens. CWE-611: Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Refer- ence (’XXE’) (#7) Applications that process XML documents could be vul- nerable to XXE-attacks if proper validations and sanitations are not put in place. An example is the CVE-2016-6256 XML External Entity(XXE) attack in the SAP Business One Android Application. Debug Mode Activated (DMA) (#10) There are cases where production code is shipped with developer’s configuration. An example is when debug option is enabled which can lead to disclosure of confidential and senstitive data. 2.2 Selection of tools and applications Our tool selection was guided by the tools’ availability and ease of use. Both Emanuelsson and Nilsson [10] and Hofer [14] report on installation as a seemingly important metric when choosing a static analysis tool. Practitioners can be wary of tools that are very complicated to set up and use. As a result, the selected tools are open-source or those available for use without cost and are also easy to install and use. We selected FindBugs and FindSecBugs as mainstream tools as they are widely available and used to assess code weaknesses at industrial settings. We selected 4 Android SATs that have pre-built libraries and can be easily configured and executed. Table 1 lists the Android SATs with their URLs. The techniques utilized by the tools to scrutinize a mobile app are listed in column “Technique”. The idea of selecting tools using different techniques is to assess their ability to identify the CWEs related to OWASP’s top risk categories and also evaluate the runtime costs of each technique. We choose 7 open-source real mobile applications for assessment. In Table 2, we present the apps, a short description, the size of the object code, and the volume of downloads. We selected apps from different domains (e.g., secure communication, content management, graphics manipulation), and with fairly large size (0.3M to 6.8M), to expose the tools to a variety of contexts. Moreover, 12 Table 1. Android SATs SAT URL Technique AndroidLint Source code scanner Amandroid Taint analysis JAADS Taint analysis Androbugs Object code scanner they are largely used apps: two of them have more than 1M, one more than 600K, and two more than 100M downloads. Thus, they are real-world apps which are being used by users. Table 2. List of assessed apps App Description Size (Mb) # Down. open-source podcast manager for Android AntennaPod 6.2 >100K SSH, telnet, and terminal emulator ConnectBot 3.8 >1M XMPP-based instant messaging client Conversations 6.8 >10K Online repair guides for consumer electronics and gadgets iFixit 6.0 < 5K Password manager KeePassDroid 3.7 >1M Ringtone maker RingDroid 0.344 >100K Barcodereader Zxing 0.75 >600K 2.3 Analysis We run each tool against the selected Android applications. The results of the tools are generated in different formats. This presents enormous challenge for tools’ comparison. In addition, there is no pre-CWE mappings for the Android- specific tools. As a result, we manually inspect the tools’ messages and map them to an appropriate CWE wherever applicable. We did not check whether the result is false positive or not in this study as we are concerned only with the identification of weakness types identified by each tool. Lastly, we manually search for the occurence of each weakness categories in the tools’ result for each application. 3 Preliminary Results and Discussion We summarise the initial results of our assessments in Table 3. The first column describes the CWE that is investigated. The second column (merged) lists the 13 Table 3. CWE Detected by Tools Tools CWE Apps FindSecBugs FindBugs AndroidLint Amandroid AndroBugs JAADS CWE-927: Use of Im- X 5 5 5 5 X iFixit, Antenna- plicit Intent for Sensi- Pod, Conversa- tive Communication tions CWE-926: Improper 5 5 X X X 5 AntennaPod, Export of Android Ap- iFixit, Zxing plication Components CWE-319: Unen- X 5 5 5 5 5 iFixit crypted Socket CWE-921: Storage of X 5 5 X X X All apps Sensititve Data in a Mechanism without Ac- cess Control CWE-359: Exposure X 5 5 5 5 5 Conversations of Private Information (’Privacy Violation’) CWE-478: Missing De- X X 5 5 5 5 Zxing fault Case in Switch Statement CWE-611: Improper Re- X 5 5 5 5 5 Keepassdroid, striction of XML Ex- Zxing ternal Entity Reference (’XXE’) Debug Mode Activated 5 5 5 5 X X All apps (DMA) Table 4. Execution time of mainstream and Android SATs Apps FindSecBugs FindBugs AndroidLint Amandroid AndroBugs JAADS AntennaPod 5min30sec 4min1sec 1min7sec 5h52min39sec 46sec 11min59sec ConnectBot 3min3sec 2min15sec 0min51sec 1h45min28sec 21sec 6min35sec Conversations 3min28sec 4min12sec 0min54sec 4h59min22sec 46sec 13min57sec iFixit 6min54sec 4min46sec 0min22sec 3h15min27sec 22sec 7min1sec KeePassDroid 6min52sec 5min8sec 15min6sec 0h55min33sec 17sec 5min8sec RingDroid 3min12sec 1min43sec 0min4sec 0h6min39sec < 1sec 1min43sec Zxing 4min56sec 3min28sec 1min24sec 0h18min43sec 2sec 2min18sec 14 tools and indicate whether the tool finds the stated CWE. The third column lists the applications where the stated CWE is found. For example, only FindSecBugs found CWE-319 in iFixit whereas none of the other tools found this weakness in iFixit. In addition, the weakness was not spotted in the rest of the apps. From the results, we make the following observations: AndroBugs checks inter- component communication-based, configuration and deployment weaknesses. JAADS checks inter-component, communication-based and configuration weak- nesses. Amandroid analyses inter-component communication; however, users have to reason about the results. FindSecBugs is tailored for security audit in general with limited extension to Android applications. For example, it does not analyse the AndroidManifest.xml file. AndroidLint reports on many quality issues from its report but miss many specific security issues. RQ1. What are the similarities and differences between mainstream SATs and Android SATs in the type of weaknesses they detect? In this preliminary study, we found FindSecBugs to cover a wide range of the weakeness categories but missed the topmost important risk (CWE-926) and the OWASP top #10 (Debug Mode Activated). Mainstream SATs are therefore useful and necessary to uncover relevant mobile-specific weaknesses but they are not sufficient. Furthermore, general quality issues can sometimes be very important when they occur where security decision is being taken (e.g. Missing Default in Switch). Android-specific tools could not detect the above weakness. In addition, the Android SATs did not detect CWE-319 (Unencrypted Socket), CWE-359 (Exposure of Private Information), and CWE-611 (Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference). Both OWASP top #1 and #10 are not detected by any of the mainstream tools but are detected by some Android-specific tools. In addition, to check the 8 weakness categories requires at least 3 combination of tools from the mainstream and Android SATs, as a result, we conclude that one tool is not enough to catch the whole range of weaknesses. Nevertheless, it would be possible for FindSecBugs and FindBugs to detect some Android-specific CWEs if the manifest file were analyzed and patterns particular to Android applications were supported. These relatively simple mod- ifications would have a beneficial impact on the development of more secure Android mobile apps because FindSecBugs and FindBugs are widely known and used at industrial settings. RQ2.What are the costs of running SATs in mobile apps? Tools’ performance depends on the technique utilized. Taint analysis is more costly than code scanning for bug patterns. The time to run the selected SATs are presented in Table 4. We have used a computer running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS equipped with Intel Core i7-4510, 2GHz CPU, and 15.6 GBytes of RAM. All tools were run three times and the average time are reported in Table 4. The data for Amandroid represents the time to run the five different taint analysis provided by the tool. We report the user value of the Linux time command for all SATs, which represents the user CPU time. The exception is AndroindLint for which we used a stop watch. For AntennaPod (in row one of Table 4), on the average, FindSecBugs took five minutes and 30 seconds, FindBugs took four minutes and 15 one second, AndroidLint, one minute and seven seconds, Amandroid, five hours, 52 minutes and 39 seconds, AndroBugs, 46 seconds, and JAADS, 11 minutes and 59 seconds. The mainstream tools (FindBugs and FindSecBugs) and AndroidLint take at most tens of minutes to analyze the code because they scan it for patterns of possible vulnerabilities. AndroBugs scans the apk for particular patterns, but it does not scan the whole code. As a result, it requires few seconds to obtain its report. The most costly tools are those that utilize taint analysis. Amandroid provides a thorough analysis, but it demands a high runtime cost to obtain the data. JAADS taint analysis is much faster than Amandroid’s, but its report is not as comprehensive. This preliminary data suggest that tools that scan the code for bug patterns and perform light taint analysis can be utilized during development time. On the other hand, thorough taint analysis is only fitting in a continuous integration environment, especially, during overnight builds. 4 Related work Empirical studies have been conducted to compare the strengths and shortcomings of SATs [14, 16, 17, 25, 27]. In general, they run SAT against a set of programs with known vulnerabilities. Most of the studies assess performance such as the precision, recall, true negative rate and accuracy of tools [17, 27]; others assess also the cost of running the tools, e.g. [14, 27]. There are also efforts that have quantitatively evaluated static analysis tools with regards to their performances to detect security weaknesses in benchmark synthetic code. The Center for Assured Software (CAS) [22] developed a benchmark test cases with “good code” and “flawed code” across different languages to evaluate the performance of static analysis tools and assessed 5 commercial tools. Goseva-Popstojanova and Perhinschi [12] investigated the capabilities of 3 commercial tools. Their findings show that the capability of the tools to detect vulnerabilities was close to or worse than random guessing. Díaz and Bermejo [7] compares the performance of nine tools mostly commercial tools using the SAMATE security benchmark test suites. They found an average recall of 0.527 and average precision of 0.7. They found also that the tools detected different kinds of weaknesses. Charest [3] compared 4 tools against 4 out of the 112 CWEs in the SAMATE Juliet test case. The best average performance in terms of recall is 0.46 for CWE89 with 0.21 average precision. All these studies have used real or synthetic code with known vulnerabilities to detect the performance of the tools. In this study, we have only investigated whether the tools can detect certain weaknesses with mappings to MITRE CWEs in the mobile apps. Android apps have been empirical studied [1, 2, 13, 24] and various program analysis techniques for security assessment in Android have been investigated [26]. To the best of our knowledge, there are not studies that investigate similarities and differences between mainstream and Android-specific SATs. We present the first step of study to assess how mainstream vs. mobile-specific tools compare in 16 detecting top security risks in mobile apps. Currently, we are not focusing on tools’ performance such as the recall or precision of tools but rather on whether they are able to detect specific top risks vulnerabilities relevant to Android apps. Additionally, we are interested in investigating their runtime costs. 5 Limitations and Threats to Validity Our assessment could not cover the whole spectrum of CWEs that could map to the OWASP top-10. We have used a selected set of CWEs from MITRE dictionary and map them to the OWASP top-10 lists. Possibilities exist that other CWEs not in the list we assessed could map to any of the OWASP top-10. This phase of our study did not focus on identifying false positives from the results of the tools. In addition, information about performance metrics such as recall or precision are not addressed in this study. In our future study, we plan to identify real weaknesses and also seed artificial weaknesses in the apps to be able to compute the performance metrics. We have performed only manual assessment of the tools. This limit the precision and the scope of analysis we could perform. Our plan includes automatic and statistic analysis in the next phase. The CWE we selected did not cover the entire spectrum of weaknesses relevant for mobile applications beyond the OWASP top-10. Our future work plans to expand the scope of the CWE for our analysis. Finally, our preliminary result does not offer a strong conclusion regarding any of the tools we have assessed. This is a limitation but also a cautious one because we have not provided the actual performance of the tools but rather their detection capabilities. However, the result does provide useful advice regarding the possibilities of Android SATs and mainstream SATs for detecting weaknesses in mobile applications. 6 Conclusions and Future Work We report the initial assessment of the SATs capability to detect top security risks in mobile applications. The verification of the CWEs detected by the tools were carried out manually which constitutes a threat to the internal validity of the results. Although we have selected apps with different characteristics, we caution the reader not to expand the conclusions beyond the set of the selected apps. In our future work, we plan to automate the collection and analysis of the data from the apps to reduce the risks to internal and external validity. Additionally, we intend to conduct statistical analysis of the results to support the conclusions. We presented the first step of a research on the capability of mainstream and Android-specific static analysis tools to detect security weaknesses in mobile apps. The results of a preliminary assessment of two mainstream tools (FindBugs and FindSecBugs) and 4 Android-specific tools (Amandroid, AndroBugs, AndroidLint, and JAADS) are presented. These tools were run against 7 real-world mobile apps. 17 In this preliminary study, we found that mainstream tools can cover a wide range of the weakeness categories; however, important risks may go undetected if the practitioner rely only on these tools. On the other hand, Android-specific tools were able to detect top risk weakeness but also miss some general security and quality issues. The runtime cost of the tools is dependent on the analysis technique. As expected, data-flow based techniques (e.g., taint analysis) are more costly than scanning for bug patterns. Our initial assessment indicates that practitioner cannot prescind from the mainstream tools when developing mobile apps. Nevertheless, she or he should consider adding Android-specific tools to cover significant risk categories. In our future work, we aim to conduct a large scale study of many Android applications and many static analysis tools. We are also interested in assessing the quality of the tools’ results. 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