Combining Feature and Algorithm Hyperparameter Selection using some Metalearning Methods Miguel Viana Cachada1 , Salisu Mamman Abdulrahman2 , and Pavel Brazdil1 1 LIAAD - INESC TEC/Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto, 2 LIAAD - INESC TEC/Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto and Kano University of Science and Technology Wudil, Kano State, Nigeria Abstract. Machine learning users need methods that can help them identify algorithms or even workflows (combination of algorithms with preprocessing tasks, using or not hyperparameter configurations that are different from the defaults), that achieve the potentially best per- formance. Our study was oriented towards average ranking (AR), an algorithm selection method that exploits meta-data obtained on prior datasets. We focused on extending the use of a variant of AR* that takes A3R as the relevant metric (combining accuracy and run time). The extension is made at the level of diversity of the portfolio of work- flows that is made available to AR. Our aim was to establish whether feature selection and different hyperparameter configurations improve the process of identifying a good solution. To evaluate our proposal we have carried out extensive experiments in a leave-one-out mode. The re- sults show that AR* was able to select workflows that are likely to lead to good results, especially when the portfolio is diverse. We additionally performed a comparison of AR* with Auto-WEKA, running with dif- ferent time budgets. Our proposed method shows some advantage over Auto-WEKA, particularly when the time budgets are small. Keywords: Average Ranking, Selection of Classification Algorithms, Combining Feature and Algorithm Selection, Hyperparameters Configu- ration. 1 Introduction Users of machine learning systems are facing the problem of how to choose a combination of data processing tools and algorithms. The goal is usually de- fined as maximizing or minimizing some quantitative measure. In classification problems, the goal could be optimizing the classification accuracy, the lift score or the ROC area (AUC). A typical practical data mining task consists of many sub-tasks which result in an extremely large search space that could be very time consuming for humans to explore manually. These sub-tasks correspond, mostly, to the workflow phases highlighted in Fig. 1: preprocessing (e.g., feature selec- tion), algorithm selection and parametrization. Therefore strategies and methods are needed that can help the users to suggest or select an optimized data mining solution. Machine learning workflow Data transformation Model configuration Data Pre- Algorithm Model Model Cleansing extraction processing Selection Evaluation Deployment Hyper- parameters Fig. 1. A typical machine learning workflow. Our work aimed to use average ranking, a very simple algorithm selection method [2], and study how the performance of this method is affected by a more diversified portfolio of workflows. These, in addition to using algorithm default configurations (as in [2]), include workflows where the application of classification algorithms is preceded by a feature selection method and/or alternative hyper- parameter configurations are used. It is expected that average ranking would perform better with a larger portfolio. On the other hand, it can be argued that this does not come without a cost, in terms of resources and time. However, with the emergence of on-line sources such as OpenML [35], the results from applying different workflows to a wide range of datasets are becom- ing available. Our work can be used as a proof of concept that average ranking serves as a good baseline recommendation method with which alternative meth- ods could be compared. With that objective in mind we performed a small-scale comparison between average ranking and Auto-WEKA [34] and present those results here. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we present an overview of existing work in related areas. Section 3 describes the average ranking method with a focus on the variants of ranking methods that incorpo- rate both accuracy and run time in the evaluation strategy. Section 4 provides the experimental results and an empirical comparison with Auto-WEKA [34]. Section 5 presents conclusions and discusses future work. 2 Related Work In this paper we address a particular case of the algorithm selection problem, oriented towards the selection of classification algorithms, that has been thor- oughly investigated over the last 25 years. One approach to algorithm selec- tion/recommendation relies on metalearning. The simplest method uses just performance results on different datasets in the form of rankings. Some com- monly used measures of performance are accuracy, AUC or A3R that combines accuracy and run time [1]. The rankings are then aggregated to obtain a single aggregated ranking. The aggregated ranking can be used as a simple model to identify the top algorithms to be used. This strategy is sometimes referred to as the T op-N strategy [5]. A more advanced approach, often considered as the classical metalearning approach, uses, in addition to performance results, a set of measures that char- acterize datasets [28, 5, 32]. Other approaches exploit estimates of performance based on past tests in so-called active testing method for algorithm selection [22]. The main idea of feature subset selection (FS) is to remove redundant or irrelevant features from the dataset as they can lead to a reduction of the clas- sification accuracy or clustering quality and to an unnecessary increase of com- putational cost. Feature selection and dimensionality reduction approaches are discussed extensively in literature [27, 14]. Many practical studies were performed to evaluate these techniques on different fields, for example: e-mail filtering and drug discovery [18], e-mail spam detection [12], bioinformatics [31] and health- care [8, 7]. In some of these studies it was observed that dimensionality reduction techniques improved the classifiers accuracy while others conclude the opposite. It can be observed that the usefulness of such techniques is likely to be depen- dent on the type of data and problem. A question arises whether the inclusion of such workflows in the given portfolio improves the overall quality of search for the best solution. The choice of algorithm hyperparameters has been typically formalized as an optimization problem, being the objective function the same metric used to evaluate the performance of the corresponding algorithm. A simple method is grid search, which consists in exhaustively searching within a predefined set of hyperparameter values. Another method, random search, was introduced by Bergstra and Bengio [3] to overcome the potential large computational cost of grid search. Some classes of algorithms, like neural networks, allow for the use of gradient descent for hyperparameter optimization [25]. Classical heuristics for optimized search have also been suggested, for example, genetic algorithms [29], tabu search [13] and particle swarm optimisation [26]. An approach that has recently been attracting attention for its good results is Bayesian optimization. It consists in iteratively fitting a probabilistic model as each hyperparameter combination is tested. The aim is that this model gives good suggestions on what combinations should be tried next. Some methods to construct this function, optimizers, have been suggested, namely, SMAC - Se- quential Model-based Algorithm Configuration [17], Spearmint [33] and TPE - Tree Parzen Estimator [3]. An optimizer benchmarking framework and compar- ison of the three methods is presented in [10]. Auto-WEKA [20, 34] is a tool designed to help novice users of ML by auto- matically searching through the joint space of WEKA learning algorithms and their respective hyperparameter settings to maximize a given performance mea- sure (for instance accuracy, AUC, etc.) by using a SMAC [17] optimizer. Other algorithm selection tools include auto-sklearn [11] that, apart from us- ing a SMAC optimizer, uses classical metalearning techniques, namely, dataset similarity through metafeatures and automatic ensemble construction, ASlib [4], a benchmark library for algorithm selection containing 17 algorithm selection scenarios from six different areas with a focus on (but not limited to) constraint satisfaction problems, AutoFolio [24] that uses SMAC to automatically deter- mine a well-performing algorithm selection approach and its hyperparameters for a given algorithm selection data and Leveraging Learning to Automatically Manage Algorithms (LLAMA) [19], an R package for algorithm portfolios and selection. 3 Overview of the AR Method This section presents a brief review of the average ranking method that is often used in comparative studies in the machine learning literature. This method can be regarded as a variant of Borda’s method [23]. For each dataset the algorithms are ordered according to the performance measure chosen (e.g., predictive accu- racy) and assigned ranks. Among popular ranking criteria we find, for instance, success rates, AUC, and significant wins [6, 9, 21]. The best algorithm is assigned j rank 1, the runner-up is assigned rank 2, and so on. Let rA k be the rank of al- gorithm k on dataset j. In this work we use average ranks, which is obtained using   X D j rA ˆk =  rAk  ÷ n (1) j=1 where n is the number of datasets. The final ranking is obtained by ordering the average ranks and assigning ranks to the individual algorithms accordingly. Average ranking represents a useful method for deciding which algorithm should be used. It would normally be followed on a new, target dataset: first the algorithm with rank 1 is evaluated, then the one with rank 2 and so on. In each step the better one is maintained as the potentially best option. In this context, average ranking can be referred to as the recommended ranking. 3.1 Average Ranking AR* that gives preference to fast tests Ranking methods use a particular performance measure to construct an ordering of algorithms. Some commonly used measures of performance are accuracy, AUC or A3R that combines accuracy and run time [1]. Although other measures could have been used instead, here we focus on the ranking that exploits a combined measure of accuracy and run time, A3R. As the authors of [1] have shown, this leads to good results when loss time curves [30] are used in the evaluation. Here we use the following formulation for this measure: SR daij SR dairef A3R dairef ,aj = (2) (Tadji /Tadref i )P where SR daij and SR dairef represent the success rates (accuracies) of algorithms aj and aref on dataset di , where aref represents a given reference algorithm. Instead of accuracy, AUC or another measure can be used as well. Similarly, Tadji and Tadref i represent the run times of the algorithms, in seconds. As the average ranking method does not require pairwise comparisons, the values of SR dairef and Tadref i 0 can be set to 1. Hence, we can use the simplified formula A3R aj = SR daij /(Tadji )P , as in [30]. To trade off the importance of time, the denominator is raised to the power of P, while P is usually some small number, such as 1/64, representing in effect, the 64th root. This is motivated by the observation that run times vary much more than accuracies. It is not uncommon that one particular algorithm is several orders of magnitude slower (or faster) than another. Obviously, we do not want the time ratios to completely dominate the equation. If we take P = 1/N (i.e. N th root), we get a number that goes to 1 when P is approaching 0. In our experiments described in Section 4, we follow [30, 2] and choose P = 1/64, as it was shown to lead to better results than some other settings. This version of average ranking is referred to as AR*. 3.2 Evaluation using loss time curves Our aim was to investigate the impact of using feature selection and different hyperparameter configurations on average ranking method. The results are pre- sented in the form of loss time curves [30] which show how the performance loss depends on time. The loss is calculated as the difference between the perfor- mance of the algorithm identified using the proposed ranking method and the ideal choice (which is the best performance known, identified within the largest set of performance results available in our study). The individual loss time curves are aggregated into a mean loss time curve1 . The mean loss time curve can be characterized by a number representing the mean loss in a given interval (MIL). This characteristic is similar to AUC, but there is an important difference. When talking about AUCs, the values fall in the 0-1 interval. Our loss time curves span the interval Tmin - Tmax which is specified by the user. Typically the user only worries about run times when they exceed a minimum value. In the experiments here we have set Tmin to 10 seconds. The value of Tmax was set to 104 seconds, i.e. about 2.78 hours. 1 Another possibility would be to use median loss time curves. These could be accom- panied by 25% and 75% percentile bands. 4 The Methodology Adopted and Experimental Results 4.1 Overview of the methodology adopted Our first aim is to study the effect of using feature selection with given classi- fication algorithms when using the A3R-based average raking method. We ac- complished this by constructing portfolios of algorithms that are preceded or not by feature selection. We then performed a similar analysis with portfolios of workflows that also include different hyperparameter configurations for some of the algorithms. The workflows are evaluated over each of the 37 datasets we use (refer to Table 4 in the Appendix). In each study, loss time curves and MIL values are generated using leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation, where 36 datasets are used to generate the model (i.e., average ranking) and the corresponding loss time curve on the dataset left out. The average ranking is followed sequentially. The AR* method uses the con- cept of current best (abest ). When this method comes to testing algorithm ai in the ranking, the test is carried out using 10-fold cross validation (CV). If the performance of algorithm ai is better than that of abest , ai is used as the new abest . This way we obtain one loss time curve per dataset in every LOO cycle. The individual loss time curves are used to generate the mean loss time curve. Using LOO cross-validation helps to gain confidence that the average ranking can be effectively transferred to new datasets and produce satisfactory outcomes. Note that the loss is computed in reference to the best workflow overall for the dataset left out, which is identified within the largest portfolio of algorithms available. In our study, this portfolio includes all variants that take different hyperparameter configurations into consideration, with and without feature se- lection. All experiments were performed using Weka software [15] and its algorithms implementations. 4.2 Effect of feature selection To study the effect of feature selection, we use a total of 124 workflows. The setting for the experiment uses two different portfolios. The first one contains 62 classification algorithms with their default hyperparameter settings, while the second includes workflows consisting of Correlation Feature Selection (CFS) [16] followed by one of the 62 classification algorithms. Fig. 2 shows the results of 3 different variants of the A3R-based average ranking method. The variant AR* uses just our set of classification algorithms with no feature selection method and default hyperparameter configurations. AR*+FS+A is the variant where our algorithms are always preceded by CFS. The variant AR*±FS+A uses all 124 algorithm configurations. Overall, the variant AR*±FS+A yields the smallest MIL value (Table 1). However, the MIL of the variant AR* is very close and, in addition, both loss time curves are quite similar (Fig. 2). 9 AR* AR* + FS + A 8 AR* ± FS + A Accuracy Loss (percentage points) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1e+0 1e+1 1e+2 1e+3 1e+4 1e+5 Time (seconds) Fig. 2. Loss time curves of the variants of A3R-based average ranking method used to study the effect of feature selection Table 1. Mean interval loss associated with the variants of A3R-based average ranking method used to study the effect of feature selection AR-Variant AR* AR*+FS+A AR*±FS+A MIL 0.7735 2.3396 0.7476 Regarding AR*+FS+A, although the algorithms preceded by feature selec- tion are, in general, faster than their counterparts, as they deal with datasets with fewer features, their accuracy tends to be negatively affected. In Fig. 2 it can be observed that the AR*+FS+A loss time curve is able to compete with the other two variants up to approximately the 6 second mark, but eventually reaches its limit in accuracy improvement. This happens because the set of algorithms used does not include the ones with performance closer to the best available. In our study, AR*+FS+A provides the best accuracy for just 4 datasets, while AR*±FS+A achieves the best accuracy in 13 datasets. 4.3 Effect of diversity of hyperparameter configurations We have additionally experimented with several versions of some of the algo- rithms in our algorithm portfolio. Each version was associated with a particular configuration of the corresponding hyperparameters. The extended portfolio in- cluded 3 versions of Multilayer Perceptron, 7 of Support Vector Machines (with polynomial and radial basis function kernels), 7 of Random Forests, 8 of J48 and 5 of K-Nearest Neighbors, totalling 30 additions (refer to Tables 5 and 6 in the Appendix for more information regarding the algorithms used). To study the effect of different algorithm parametrizations we again define AR* as the baseline portfolio and compare it with AR*+Hyp+A that includes the 30 extra algorithm versions mentioned above and the variant AR*±FS+Hyp+A, which contemplates also feature selection. AR*±FS+Hyp+A is the portfolio with the largest number of workflows, 184, corresponding to 62 algorithms with default configurations, 30 versions with al- ternative hyperparameter configurations and the same 92 previous configurations preceded by feature selection. 8 AR* AR* + Hyp + A 7 AR* ± FS + Hyp + A Accuracy Loss (percentage points) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1e+0 1e+1 1e+2 1e+3 1e+4 1e+5 Time (seconds) Fig. 3. Loss time curves of the variants used to study the effect of hyperparameter configurations diversity Table 2. Mean interval loss associated with the variants of A3R-based average ranking method used to study the effect of hyperparameter configurations diversity AR-Variant AR* AR*+Hyp+A AR*±FS+Hyp+A MIL 0.7735 0.5035 0.4691 From Table 2 it can be observed that, similarly as in the previous study (Section 4.2), the variant with more diversity, AR*±FS+Hyp+A in this case, is the one with the lowest MIL. However, when compared with AR*+Hyp+A, we note that the difference in terms of MIL is not very high and also, when observing both loss time curves (Fig. 3), we cannot say that one is better than the other. In fact, up to the 100 seconds mark AR*±FS+Hyp+A appears to be worse than AR*+Hyp+A. In our view, this is because, in many cases, average ranking includes different variants of the same algorithm in a close succession. This may lead to a loss of time spent on testing variants that do not result in any gain. Nevertheless, the variant AR*±FS+Hyp+A is the most complete set of algorithm alternatives and includes all best possible accuracies achievable per dataset, hence its loss time curve eventually reaches 0. When compared with AR*, the other two portfolios allow to clearly achieve better loss time curves and lower MIL, confirming that a portfolio that is richer in algorithm versions has increased the chances of providing better recommenda- tions. Our results also suggest, however, that it is desirable to provide methods that allow to construct portfolios that include all important variants, but exclude others, in order to avoid losing time testing many ”similar” alternatives. 4.4 Comparison between A3R-based AR and Auto-WEKA For the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of our proposed method in prac- tice, we have decided to carry out similar experiments using Auto-WEKA [20, 34]. An empirical study was done by comparing the accuracy obtained by each system for the same run time. The Auto-WEKA runs were made using cross- validation with 10 folds: reference accuracy results from the average of all folds; reference run time is the sum of training and testing time, measured using all data to train and test the model. Regarding the Auto-WEKA experiment, a required parameter is time limit, which sets a time budget for it to run. The actual run time is, however, somewhat different from the one defined in the parameter, so it needs to be measured. After running, Auto-WEKA outputs one or more recommendations for the model configurations (that always include an algorithm and its hyperparameters and may or may not include a feature selection procedure). For the purpose of this empirical study, we used only the first Auto-WEKA recommendation for each dataset. The train and test time spent needs to be added to the given budget. In this study we have used four time budgets: 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes. The steps to compare both methods are detailed below. They refer to one dataset but the same steps were repeated for all datasets. 1. Auto-WEKA is run for a predefined time budget. Its actual run time (search time) is measured and the recommended configuration is recorded. 2. The recommended configuration is run within a WEKA Experiment class, using cross-validation with 10 folds. The predictive accuracy for the recom- mended algorithm returned by Auto-WEKA is obtained. 3. The Auto-WEKA model run time is measured from the tasks of training and testing the recommended configuration over all data. 4. Auto-WEKA total run time is computed by adding the search time to the recommended model run time. The sum of the two times is used to retrieve the actual performance of our system. One way to compare the overall performances of the algorithm recommenda- tion methods is to count the number of data sets on which a particular method is the overall winner. Table 3 shows the aggregated results for the four Auto-WEKA time budgets, where Win refers to the number of cases where AR*±FS+Hyp+A has higher accuracy than Auto-WEKA. This is a simple comparison that does not consider the statistical significance test of the differences. Still, it can be observed that AR*±FS+Hyp+A has more wins for lower Auto-WEKA time budgets. Table 3. Comparing AR*±FS+Hyp+A with Auto-WEKA Budget Time(min) Win Loss Ties 5 35 1 1 15 31 5 1 30 29 7 1 60 25 11 1 5 Conclusion and Future Work In this paper we have presented a study that exploits the average ranking method AR* that gives preference to well-performing workflows which are also fast to test. Our portfolios combine algorithm selection with feature selection and a set of hyperparameter configurations. The portfolio that uses the most diverse number of workflow configurations (AR*±FS+Hyp+A) achieved the best re- sults. The second runner-up was AR*+Hyp+A with quite similar performance. These results confirm that it is indeed important to incorporate hyperparam- eter configurations into the portfolio, as it can lead to improved performance. Although the addition of extra variants to the given portfolio could, in princi- ple, slow down the process of identifying the best or the near best solution, the usage of AR* mitigates this adverse effect. It opts for fast and good performing workflows before the others. Additionally, we have compared A3R-based average ranking against Auto- WEKA and showed that the proposed method competes quite well with the latter, especially when smaller time budgets are used. Future work Our future plan is to devise a method of pruning portfolios of workflows with the aim to avoid investing time in testing the variants of algorithms that are of similar nature and have similar performance. Another alternative line that could be followed could explore the approaches based on active testing (AT) and/or surrogate models, whose aim is to select the most promising candidate to test. It would be desirable to use a much larger portfolio to guarantee that the potentially best solutions are not really left out. We could collect more test results with alternative feature selection methods and preprocessing methods, as well as hyperparameter configurations, or even reuse a larger set of results already available through OpenML [35]. We could also extend the comparison with Auto-WEKA to higher time bud- gets, as well as use other currently available methods to perform further com- parisons (e.g., auto-sklearn [11]). We are also considering the investigation of approaches that allow to take into account the costs (run time) of off-line tests used to gather the meta-data that our proposed method exploits. Their cost could be set to some fraction of the cost of on-line test (i.e. tests on a new dataset), but not really ignored altogether. Acknowledgements The authors wish to express our gratitude to the following institutions which have provided funding to support this work: – Federal Government of Nigeria Tertiary Education Trust Fund under the TETFund 2012 AST$D Intervention for Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil, Kano State, Nigeria for PhD Overseas Training; – Project NanoSTIMA: Macro-to-Nano Human Sensing: Towards Integrated Multimodal Health Monitoring and Analytics/NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000016, which is financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). References 1. Abdulrahman, S.M., Brazdil, P.: Measures for Combining Accuracy and Time for Meta-learning. In: Meta-Learning and Algorithm Selection Workshop at ECAI 2014. pp. 49–50 (2014) 2. 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OpenML Dataset #Instances #Attributes #Classes Task id anneal 2 898 39 6 kr-vs-kp 3 3 196 37 2 letter 6 20 000 17 26 balance-scale 11 625 5 3 mfeat-factors 12 2 000 217 10 mfeat-fourier 14 2 000 77 10 breast-w 15 699 10 2 mfeat-karhunen 16 2 000 65 10 mfeat-morphological 18 2 000 7 10 mfeat-pixel 20 2 000 241 10 car 21 1 728 7 4 mfeat-zernike 22 2 000 48 10 cmc 23 1 473 10 3 mushroom 24 8 124 23 2 nursery 26 12 960 9 5 optdigits 28 5 620 65 10 credit-a 29 690 16 2 page-blocks 30 5 473 11 5 credit-g 31 1 000 21 2 pendigits 32 10 992 17 10 cylinder-bands 33 540 40 2 segment 36 2 310 20 7 diabetes 37 768 9 2 soybean 41 683 36 19 spambase 43 4 601 58 2 splice 45 3 190 62 3 tic-tac-toe 49 958 10 2 vehicle 53 846 19 4 waveform-5000 58 5 000 41 3 electricity 219 45 312 9 2 solar-flare 2068 1 066 13 3 yeast 2073 1 484 9 10 satimage 2074 6 430 37 6 abalone 2075 4 177 9 29 kropt 2076 28 056 7 18 baseball 2077 1 340 18 3 eucalyptus 2079 736 20 5 Table 5. Algorithms used in the study. # Algorithm # Algorithm 1 A1DE 32 Kstar 2 AdaBoostM1 DecisionStump 33 LADTree 3 AdaBoostM1 IBk 34 LMT 4 AdaBoostM1 J48 35 LogitBoost DecisionStump 5 AdaBoostM1 LMT 36 LWL DecisionStump 6 AdaBoostM1 NaiveBayes 37 LWL J48 7 AdaBoostM1 OneR 38 LWL RandomTree 8 AdaBoostM1 RandomTree 39 MultiBoostAB DecisionStump 9 AdaBoostM1 REPTree 40 MultiBoostAB IBk 10 Bagging DecisionStump 41 MultiBoostAB J48 11 Bagging IBk 42 MultiBoostAB JRip 12 Bagging J48 43 MultiBoostAB NaiveBayes 13 Bagging Jrip 44 MultiBoostAB OneR 14 Bagging LMT 45 MultiBoostAB RandomTree 15 Bagging LWL DecisionStump 46 MultiBoostAB REPTree 16 Bagging NaiveBayes 47 MultilayerPerceptron 17 Bagging OneR 48 NaiveBayes 18 Bagging RandomTree 49 NaiveBayesUpdateable 19 Bagging REPTree 50 NBTree 20 BayesNet 51 OneR 21 ClassificationViaRegression M5P 52 PART 22 CVParameterSelection ZeroR 53 RacedIncrementalLogitBoost D.Stump 23 Dagging DecisionStump 54 RandomCommittee RandomTree 24 DecisionStump 55 RandomForest 25 DTNB 56 RandomSubSpace REPTree 26 END ND J48 57 RandomTree 27 HoeffdingTree 58 REPTree 28 IBK 59 SimpleLogistic 29 IterativeClassifierOptimizer LogitBoost D.Stump 60 SMO PolyKernel 30 J48 61 SMO RBFKernel 31 JRip 62 ZeroR Table 6. Alternative hyperparameter configurations. The hyperparameters that are not mentioned in the table were used with their default values, with the only exception of the number of training epochs (N) in MultilayerPerceptron, that was set to 100 for all experiments instead of the default 500. Parameter Algorithm Parameter description** interval* Size of each bag, as a percentage of the training P = [80, 100] set size. RandomForest Number of attributes to randomly investigate, K = [0, 250] where 0 = int(log2(#attributes)+1). M = [1, 10] Minimum number of instances per leaf . Confidence threshold for pruning (smaller values C = [0.01, 0.25, 0.5] J48 incur more pruning). M = [2, 10, 20] Minimum number of instances per leaf . C = [0.1, 1, 10] Complexity parameter. SMO PolyKernel E = [1, 2] The exponent of the polynomial kernel. SMO RBFKernel C = [0.1, 1, 10] Complexity parameter. K = [1, 5, 20] The number of neighbors to use. IBK Whether to perform distance weighting I = [No, Yes] by 1/distance. Number of hidden layers, where H = [a, o] ’a’ = (#attributes + #classes)/2 and MultilayerPerceptron ’o’ = #classes. D = [No, Yes] Whether the learning rate decays as training progresses. *Parameters in bold are the default. **Adapted from WEKA documentation.