=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1999/preface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1999/preface.pdf |volume=Vol-1999 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1999/preface.pdf
 Preface of the 1st International Workshop on Practicing
  Open Enterprise Modelling within OMiLAB (PrOse)

              Dominik Bork*, Dimitris Karagiannis*, Jan Vanthienen**

                                * University of Vienna,
                        Research Group Knowledge Engineering,
                         Waehringer Street 29, Vienna, Austria
                           ** Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
                        Naamsestraat 69, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

1      Introduction

   The digital transformation opens new research fields such as Internet of Things,
Factories of the Future and Cyber-Physical Systems. Thereby enterprises face infor-
mation systems with increasing scope, flexibility and distribution. At the same time,
enterprises rely on highly flexible, tightly integrated business processes, which en-
force the integration of the underlying information systems. Conceptual models, aim-
ing to simplify complexity, are eligible instruments for designing and managing such
complex systems. OMiLAB (Open Models Initiative Laboratory, www.omilab.org) is
a scientific experimentation space for the conceptualization, development, and de-
ployment of modelling methods and the models designed with them.
   The PrOse workshop focuses on how open enterprise models, enterprise modelling
methods and enterprise modelling tools are: (1) used, (2) adopted, and (3) evaluated in
education, industry, and research in the scope of the aforementioned challenges and
within OMiLAB. In 2017, the PrOse workshop was held in conjunction with the 10 th
IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM) in
Leuven, Belgium.
   After a thorough, double-blind peer review process, five papers have been selected
for presentation at the workshop:
   In the paper entitled ‘PRISM: A Knowledge Engineering Tool to Model Collective
Behaviors of Real-time IoT Systems’ Rahmani et al. report on a new method called
PRISM that enables the model-driven specification of domain knowledge in form of
behaviour ontologies. The method has been developed with the ADOxx metamodel-
ling platform. The paper further shows an illustrative example of how the PRISM
method can be applied in the emergency medical service domain.
   The paper entitled ‘Integrating Processes, Cases, and Decisions for Knowledge-
Intensive Process Modelling’ reports on the integrated modelling with Business Pro-
cess Model and Notation (BPMN), Decision Model and Notation (DMN), and Case
Management Model and Notation (CMMN). Although the standards claim for in-
teroperability, the authors identify possible threats to consistency and derive some
sample solutions ensuring consistency between the multiple models.
   The paper ‘Viable Systems Model: More Support Tools Needed’ by Marite Kiri-
kova raises awareness to the necessity of proper tool support for the Viable Systems
Model (VSM) approach. After a thorough introduction to the VSM approach, the
paper reports on concrete challenges and requirements for a VSM modelling tool.
   The paper authored by Thilo Maximilian Glässner et al. reports on the experiences
of implementing the Structured-Entity-Relationship Modelling (SERM) method with
the ADOxx platform. Based on the gathered experience, the paper concludes with
guidelines for teachers and students interested in conducting similar tool implementa-
tion projects.
   The paper entitled ‘Engineering the Cooking Recipe Modelling Method: a Teach-
ing Experience Report’ by Buchmann and Ghiran also reports on how metamodelling
can be conducted in university teaching. A focus of this paper is on how to enable
students to identify domain-specific requirements and how to transform them into
modelling method designs by referring to a modelling method’s building blocks. As a
running example, the paper introduces a cooking recipe modelling method which
shall be developed and revised in an agile manner by the students.
   The PrOse 2017 workshop program was further enriched by an invited keynote.
We are very thankful that Prof. Dr. Kurt Sandkuhl from the University of Rostock
accepted our invitation. Prof. Sandkuhl’s talk is entitled ‘Digitalization, Cyber-
physical Systems and Industry 4.0: Challenges and Implications for Enterprise Model-
   We want to thank all authors for submitting their research to the workshop; we
want to thank Prof. Sandkuhl for giving a keynote; and we want to thank all the pro-
gram committee members who contributed with their expertise in order to finalize
such an interesting program.

2      Workshop Organization

2.1    Workshop Chairs

          Dominik Bork, University of Vienna, Austria
          Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria
          Jan Vanthienen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

2.2    Program Committee

          Xavier Boucher, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de St. Etienne,
          Robert Andrei Buchmann, Babes Bolyai University, Romania
          Hans-Georg Fill, University of Bamberg, Germany
          Yoshinori Hara, Kyoto University, Japan
          Birger Lantow, University of Rostock, Germany
   Moon Kun Lee, Chonbuk University, Korea
   Pericles Loucopoulos, University of Manchester, UK
   Heinrich C. Mayr, Alpen-Adria University, Austria
   Haris Mouratidis, University of Brighton, UK
   Oscar Pastor, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
   Andrea Polini, University of Camerino, Italy
   Janis Stirna, Stockholm University, Sweden
   Jelena Zdravkovic, Stockholm University, Sweden