=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2002/nusclscisumm2017 |storemode=property |title=WING-NUS at CL-SciSumm 2017: Learning from Syntactic and Semantic Similarity for Citation Contextualization |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2002/nusclscisumm2017.pdf |volume=Vol-2002 |authors=Animesh Prasad |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sigir/Prasad17 }} ==WING-NUS at CL-SciSumm 2017: Learning from Syntactic and Semantic Similarity for Citation Contextualization== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2002/nusclscisumm2017.pdf
    WING-NUS at CL-SciSumm 2017: Learning
    from Syntactic and Semantic Similarity for
           Citation Contextualization

                                  Animesh Prasad

         School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore

      Abstract. We present here system report for our model submitted for
      shared task on Computational Linguistic Scientific-document Summa-
      rization (CL-SciSumm) 2017. We hypothesize that search and retrieval
      based techniques are sub-optimal for learning complex relation likes
      provenance. State-of-the-art information retrieval techniques using term
      frequency - inverted document frequency (TF-IDF) to capture surface
      level closeness along with different textual similarity features for seman-
      tic closeness are insufficient to capture implied and entailed provenance
      with less surface-level similarity. In our comparative studies, we find
      that the provenance is relative i.e. something makes a better provenance
      than other based on certain linguistic cue or key information being more
      prominently conveyed, and hence we model the problem as pairwise-
      ranking and not simple ranking or classification. To capture above points
      we propose a joint scoring approach weighting surface level closeness and
      learned semantic relation. We use TF-IDF and Longest Common Subse-
      quence (LCS) for the syntactic score and pairwise neural network ranking
      model to calculate semantic relatedness score. For citation-provenance
      facet classification, we retrofit the same neural network architecture on
      identified provenance, with the removed pairwise ranking component.

      Keywords: deep learning, ranking, provenance, facet, citation contex-

1   Introduction
With the overwhelming amount of scientific studies published every minute, it
has become very difficult to keep track of the recent advancements. Keeping this
vision in mind the BiomedSumm followed by CL-SciSumm task was proposed in
2014 [1]. The focus of these tasks is to create a summary of a scientific document
(reference paper) by taking into account the documents citing it (citing papers)
as well. This aims at gathering a comprehensive summary around the docu-
ment which includes the limitations, strengths and overall view of the scientific
community towards the piece of work.
    To locate such references to the documents it’s important to identify the
cross-document discourse. One such structure used to capture such discourse is
citation context i.e. the piece of the text in the reference paper (RP) cited by the
citing paper (CP). The text in the CP is called the citance and the corresponding
text in RP is called the provenance. Provenance helps in citation understanding
and together with the citance can be used to understand important aspects like
function, emotion, polarity etc. In the task scenario, the annotations use the
statements from the provenance to create the summaries making it the perfor-
mance bottleneck. Hence, in the CL-SciSumm 2017, the provenance identification
acts at the main task.
    The overall task structure is as follows:

 – Task 1a: Identifying the provenance of the citance
 – Task 1b: Classifying the identified provenance in on of the 6 facets
 – Task 2: Using the identified provenance make a summary of the RP (bonus

   We present our approach for the citation contextualization (task 1a and task
1b) which has been most fundamental and difficult challenge of the complete

2   Related Work

In prior attempts, researchers have come up with features like TF-IDF, LCS,
Jaccard Similarity etc. computed over the citance and the candidates and run
simple linear regression models for getting the score. Selecting the best candidate
hence result into the provenance identified from human-engineered feature with-
out considering any comparative suitability with respect to other candidates.
The closest approach to ranking was first used for this problem in form of linear
optimization constraints using a averaged word embedding representation [5].

3   Method

Here, we discuss statistic of the data for the task.

 – CL-SciSumm 2017 training set compromises of 30 training documents (20
   and 10 documents from CL-SciSumm 2016 training and test sets respectively
 – For each citation, the number of positive samples (provenance) is much
   sparser than negative samples (non-provenance) being in the order of 1 to 5
   out of odd 250 lines. On training data, more than 50% of the citations have
   only 1 line citance and around 85% have less than 3 line as citance. This
   makes selecting fewer lines a better strategy.
 – The training data for facet is also highly skewed. Out of the facets Hypothe-
   sis, Aim, Implication, Results and Method; Method citation makes up more
   than 50% of the citations which makes selecting Method always a good naı̈ve
3.1   Provenance Detection

Task 1a can be modeled in many possible ways including standard search and
retrieval, sequential labeling, classification or ranking. Usually, a high fraction
of citation (mainly for facets like Methods) shows high surface level similarity
with the original citance and hence using retrieval techniques to capture high
syntactic and semantic similarities give satisfactory results. However, this does
not cover the cases where there is a less semantic similarity and the provenance
are usually implied or entailed. Retrieval based techniques using TF-IDF like
features are bound to fail in such cases. This calls for more powerful and general
purpose model which has the ability to incorporate both the semantic similarity
and learn the higher order relations between the texts.
    To incorporate both such components in the model we propose a weighted
scoring model as:

 score = α1 (surface level closeness score) + α2 (learned semantic relation score)
    To calculate surface level closeness a lot of features and scoring schemes has
been proposed in prior runs of the CL-SciSumm [2]. All global statistics based
features (like TF-IDF) are calculated treating each line in the RP as a document.
A generic framework for incorporating such scoring is:

      surface level closeness score = β1 (TF-IDF score) + β2 (LCS score)+
                                      β3 (Jaccard similarity) + .....

Since the evaluation criteria use the ROUGE-SU4 and exact match for evaluation
we use TF-IDF and Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) score to calculate the
surface level similarity. We note that this is not the exhaustive combination of
features as others features have shown to add to the performance, but we use
only basic features to show the validity of our hypothesis and applicability of
our method. Further, we assume that other similarity based features could be
captured by the semantic relation model. For the semantic relation score, we
explore deep learning based models using word embeddings as the features. We
experiment with the options of classification and ranking.

Classification Versus Ranking. The classification model as shown in Fig. 3.1
uses RP text and CP text to form training tuples. First, vocabulary indexed text
converted to word embedding passes through a Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) or Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). The CNN subpart of the network
comprises convolution layer followed by a max pooling layer. The merge layer
then does an element-wise multiplication of the activations thus learned for both
the text. This models representation level similarity between the two texts. Fi-
nally, this representation passes through a feed forward layer which classifies it
as either 1 or 0 depending on the label of the RP text. Some practical aspects
of training are:
                          Fig. 1. The classification model

 – We avoid overwhelming negative samples while constructing the snippet of
   RP texts for training. We form samples per line rather than all possible
   combination of consecutive 1 to 5 lines. This helps in keeping the number of
   negative samples in reasonable yet varied.
 – Another way to keep the ratio of negative samples in check is to down-sample
   the RP texts. It can be done by random selection or more sophisticated way
   of filtering text e.g. selecting text only if the TF-IDF is greater than a certain
   threshold. In our experiments, this way does not give better performance as
   compared to just using all lines.

    Another approach deploying similar architecture but with ranking ability
is by incorporating modification as shown in 3.1. The training samples for this
model are created by making tuples of two RP texts and one citance text. One of
the RP text is always the correct provenance while other is sampled by one of the
techniques discussed previously. The class label then predicts out of the two texts
which one is better provenance for the citance text. The model predicts 0 or 1
depending on the RR text 1 or RR text 2 is the better provenance. During testing
the system returns the RP text which wins the maximum number of pairwise
comparison. The benefits of this model as compared with the classification model

 – It solves the problem of skew class distribution by forming an exactly equal
   number of tuples of positive and negative samples.
 – It adds the ability to learn comparative features from the representations
   which make one text provenance as compared to other texts.
                            Fig. 2. The ranking model

3.2   Facet Identification
For facet identification, we reuse the classification model however its trained
on true provenance and citance samples and the output labels are one of the 5
classes. For balancing the class we use class weights as the log1000 of the inverse
of the frequency.

4     Results
Now we discuss the results for the different experimental setups we tried. All
these experiments are done on the test set of CL-SciSumm 2016 while training
on the train set for CL-SciSumm 2016, with no overlap among the sets. The final
submitted system uses all the documents for training. The parameters α and β
are selected equally to sum to 1. A more sophisticated way of selecting these
values is to use development set to learn the coefficients jointly during training,
which can be explored in later works. All the neural networks are trained in Keras
with small learning rate for 2 iterations using Adagrad optimizer. The input is
padded to form a sequence of maximum length 100. GloVe word embedding
of 300 dimensions is used and the size of LSTM/CNN experimented is 64. For
facet identification, since multiple classes are allowed we pick all classes which
are within a certain δ set as 0.05 probability score from the highest score.
    The results from Table 1 shows that the classification model does not learn
a lot compared with a model which predicts all the RP tests as non-provenance.
However, the ranking model does significantly better possibly because of better
class distribution and better modeling power of the ranking model compared to
classification model as discussed.
    The results from Table 2 shows that the proposed model for task 1a and
task 1b does not give better results as compared to already proposed traditional
                Table 1. Result of classification versus ranking models

                                        P R F1 F1 All False
                        Classification 0.69 0.70 0.69 0.67
                          Ranking 0.75 0.73 0.75      0.50

                    Table 2. Results on CL-SciSumm 2016 test set

                                          P R F1
                                 Task 1a 0.09 0.05 0.07
                                 Task 1b 0.06 0.03 0.04

syntactic similarity based features [3]. Similar trend is observed for CL-SciSumm
2017 blind1 test set as reported in Table 3. Particularly for task 1b, the results
are not even close to simple features based classifiers, even though when CNN
work extremely good in sentence classification[4].

                 Table 3. Results on CL-SciSumm 2017 blind test set

                                 Evaluation P   R    F1
                         Task 1a Micro 0.064 0.048 0.055
                         Task 1a Macro 0.068 0.056 0.062
                         Task 1a ROUGE2 0.078 0.124 0.084
                         Task 1b Micro 0.064 0.048 0.055
                         Task 1b Macro 0.058 0.017 0.026

5     Discussion
Few observations and conclusions evident from the experiments and results are:
 – A lot of documents have large OCR errors. Simple feature-based models
   are more robust as compared to word embedding based neural models due
   to a large number of OOV words cause of OCR errors. Hence, passing the
   data through robust input processing pipeline drives the current state of
   the art. This would not particularly help neural architecture because its
   difficult to retain semantics or even find embedding after removing stop
   words, stemming and other such filters.
 – There is a high amount of noise (subjectivity) associated with the annotation.
   For almost all the deep learning classifier or ranking models training does
   not result in significant decrease in cross-entropy.
    We hereby declare that despite being part of one of the organizing institutions, we
    did not have access to any additional data, information or help.
 – For facet classification, class Method gets selected mostly. Even for task
   1b results from Table 2 gets beaten by a simple model always predicting
   Methods giving an F1 of 0.23. This may again be because of too many
   logical sub-classes being annotated together as Method.

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