=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2028/paper6 |storemode=property |title=A Language of Case Differences |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2028/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-2028 |authors=Fadi Badra |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/iccbr/Badra17 }} ==A Language of Case Differences== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2028/paper6.pdf

                      A Language of Case Differences

                                            Fadi Badra

             Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, LIMICS, (UMR S 1142), F-93430
            Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR S 1142, LIMICS, F-75006
                          INSERM, U1142, LIMICS, F-75006, Paris, France

              Abstract. This paper contributes to a line of research that consists
              in applying qualitative reasoning techniques to the formalization of the
              case-based inference, and in particular, to its adaptation phase. The im-
              portance of capturing case differences has long been acknowledged in
              adaptation research, but research is still needed to properly represent
              and reason upon case differences. Assuming that case differences can be
              expressed as a set of feature differences, we show that Category The-
              ory can be used as a mathematical framework to design a qualitative
              language in which both case differences, similarity paths and adaptation
              rules can be represented and reasoned upon symbolically.

              Keywords: case differences  qualitative modeling  similarity path  adaptation

        1    Introduction

        Qualitative modeling provides formalisms that focus on how people represent
        themselves and reason about dynamical systems. Qualitative representations
        partition continuous quantities, and turn them into entities that can be rea-
        soned upon symbolically [8]. The case-based inference aims at finding a com-
        plete description of a target problem by transferring information from a set of
        past problem-solving episodes, called cases, that are indexed in memory. Adap-
        tation is the part of this process that aims at modifying a retrieved case when
        it can not be reused as it is in the new situation. Previous work on applying
        qualitative modeling techniques to adaptation includes a qualitative represen-
        tation of relationships between quantities (called variations in [3]), such that
        co-occurrences of variations (called co-variations in [4]) can be interpreted as
        qualitative proportionalities. These proportionalities have been shown in [4] to
        play a great role in different commonsense inferences, and in particular, it has
        been suggested that adaptation was essentially an “analogical jump” performed
        on such proportionalities.
            In existing formalizations, adaptation is recognized as being part of the case-
        based reasoning cycle [1], but surprisingly, the adaptation step is not included
        in the case-based analogical inference [17]. A study of the literature shows the
        adaptation step is always performed after the analogical inference (i.e., retrieval,
        mapping, and transfer) has taken place, and only aims at modifying its result.

Copyright © 2017 for this paper by its authors. Copying permitted for private and
academic purpose. In Proceedings of the ICCBR 2017 Workshops. Trondheim, Norway

Some adaptation methods such as critique-based adaptation [11], or conservative
adaptation [14] are used to resolve inconsistencies in the reused source case,
whereas others such as differential adaptation [9], case-based adaptation [6] or
adaptation by reformulation [15] modify the reused source case in order to fit the
requirements on the target case. One of the reasons why adaptation is left out of
the case-base inference is that adaptation essentially consists in reasoning on the
differences that exist between two cases. While the importance of capturing case
differences has long been acknowleged in adaptation research (see for example
[13], for a recent review), research is still needed to properly represent and reason
on case differences.
    Establishing a difference between two states is the result of a comparison
process. Comparisons are qualitative judgements that play an important role
in similarity assessment and in the analogical inference. According to [12], “ a
comparison assembles two elements in order to come up with a third term that
will tell their relationship ”. Comparison involves three ideas: the source of the
comparison, the target of the comparison (what the source is compared to), and
their relationship. For example, one could compare a sheep (the source) to a
goat (the target), on how they forage (their relationship): a sheep would graze,
whereas goats are browsers. Comparisons are usually made with respect to a
particular feature (or property), shared by the objects under comparison, and
which can be measured, like the size, the weight, or the type of forage [21].
Some results even suggests that people use aggregated features inferred from
the features of individual objects to compare collections of objects [20].
    Assuming that case differences can be expressed as a set of differences in
feature value, we show that Category Theory can be used as a mathematical
framework to design a qualitative language in which both case differences, but
also “horizontal” connections of variations (similarity paths), and “vertical” con-
nections (adaptation rules) can be represented and reasoned upon symbolically.
    The paper is organized as follows. The next section provides some preliminary
definitions. Feature comparisons are modeled in Sec. 3 as labeled arrows, and
formalized in Sec. 4 as morphisms of a category. Two constructions are made on
such categories: products (Sec. 5), and paths (Sec.6). In Sec.7, comparisons are
ordered by generality using a subsumption relation. Finally, Sec.8 concludes the

2   Preliminaries

Category theory is the mathematical study of algebras of functions [2]. A cat-
egory consists of a set of objects and a set of arrows. For each arrow f , there
are given objects dompf q and codpf q called the domain and the codomain of
f . We write f : A ÝÑ B to indicate that dompf q  A and codpf q  B. For
two arrows f and g such that codpf q  dompg q, there is a given arrow g  f
called the composite of f and g. For each object A, there is a given arrow
1A : A ÝÑ A called the identity arrow of A. Arrows satisfy the associativity
law : h  pg  f q  ph  g q  f for all f : A ÝÑ B, g : B ÝÑ C, and h : C ÝÑ D.

Identity arrows verify f  1A  1B  f  f for all f : A ÝÑ B. An arrow
f : A ÝÑ B is called an isomorphism if there is an arrow g : B ÝÑ A such
that g  f  1A and f  g  1B . A groupoid is a category in which every ar-
row is an isomorphism. The category Rel is the category where objects are sets
and arrows are binary relations. The identity arrow on a set A is the identity
relation: 1A  tpa, aq P A  A | a P Au. Given f „ A  B and g „ B  C, the
composition g  f is defined as: pa, cq P g  f iff Db P B | pa, bq P f and pb, cq P g.
Categories are mathematical structures which underlying structure is a quiver,
i.e., a directed graph where loops and multiple arrows between two vertices are
allowed, on which the definition of a category adds constraints on identity mor-
phisms, associativity, and composition. A path in the graph of a category is a
sequence ÝÑ    ÝÑ . . . ÝÑ  of arrows of C such that for all i, dompÝÝÝÑq  codpÝÑq
            c1 c2        cn                                                ci 1          ci

A path category (or free category) generated by a directed graph is the category
where the objects are vertices, and arrows are paths between objects. A func-
tor F : C ÝÑ D between two categories C and D is a mapping of objects to
objects and arrows to arrows that preserves domain and codomains, identities,
and composition: F pf : A ÝÑ B q  F pf q : F pAq ÝÑ F pB q, F p1A q  1F pAq ,
and F pg  f q  F pg q  F pf q. The product C  D of two categories C and
D is the category of pairs and arrows. Its objects have the form pC, Dq, for
C P C and D P D, and its arrows have the form pf, g q : pC, Dq ÝÑ pC 1 , D1 q for
f : C ÝÑ D P C and g : C 1 ÝÑ D1 P D. Compositions and units are defined
componentwise, i.e., pf 1 , g 1 q  pf, g q  pf 1  f , g 1  g q, and 1CD  p1C , 1D q.

3     Modeling Feature Differences
We are interested in modeling the comparison between two values of a same
feature. In the following, the term feature denotes either a binary variable (i.e.,
a variable which takes one of the two values 0 or 1), or a nominal variable (i.e., a
variable which takes nominal values, like the color), or a quantity (i.e., a variable
which take values on ordinal, interval, or ratio scales [18]). The term feature space
denotes the set of values taken by a particular feature.
    A straightforward way to represent a comparison from a source A to a target
B is to trace an arrow from A to B and to label this arrow with a term that
represents their relationship. For example, an arrow named g Ñ b can be used
to represent the relationship in which the forage differs from g(raze) to b(rowse)
from source to target (Fig. 1). The distinction between the source and the target

                                     A             B

    Fig. 1: A comparison of two feature values represented by a labeled arrow.

of a comparison makes the process by essence directional. It can be noted that

this remains true even if the underlying relation is symmetrical. To illustrate
this, consider the symmetrical binary relation brother, which relates two people
when they are brothers. For two brothers A and B, both brotherpA, B q and
brotherpB, Aq hold (by symmetry), but A ÝÝÝÝÝÑ B and B ÝÝÝÝÝÑ A represent
                                             brother            brother

two different comparisons.
     When the source and the target of the comparison are values of a same feature
space, the comparison relation is transitive: if A can be compared with B and B
with C, then A can be compared with C [5]. Besides, the relation is invertible,
by which we mean that it is not possible to compare an object A to an object
B without also being able to “reverse the viewpoint” and compare B with A
with another relationship (possibly the same). For example, if a sheep A can be
compared to a goat B with the relationship g Ñ b (g stands for graze, and b
for browse), then an inverse relationship b Ñ g can be used to compare B to A.
It can be noted that feature value comparisons constitute a special case among
similarity relationships. In the general case, similarity relationships are neither
transitive nor invertible. For example, if Ted went to the same school as John
and John went to the same school as Mary, it does not entail that Ted went to
the same school as Mary. Comparisons may also not be invertible in simili (“a
tree is like a man”) or metaphors (“love is a battlefield”): we might say “a man
is like a tree”, meaning that a man has roots, but not “a tree is like a man” [21].

4   Formalization
Feature spaces can be formalized as categories, which we will call feature cat-
egories. The objects are the values of the feature space, and arrows represent
comparisons between these values. Category Theory seems to be a natural set-
ting to represent such comparisons, since arrows (also called morphisms) are
the main “building blocks” of categories as mathematical structures. The cat-
egorical notion of composition of arrows corresponds to the transitivity of the
comparison relation. Besides, each object of a category must be related to itself
by an identity arrow. So representing a feature space as a category requires to
distinguish identity arrows from difference arrows. Identity arrows, like d Ñ d or
, have the same object as origin and destination, and express commonalities.
Difference arrows, like d Ñ m of , have different origin and destination objects,
and express differences. As all arrows are invertible in a feature category, the
obtained category is a groupoid.
    For example, the category Bin (Fig. 2) represents the quantity space of
Boolean values, by taking as objects the two Boolean values 1 (True) and 0
(False), and as arrows the possible comparisons between these values. Feature
categories may also represent quantity spaces. For example, consider the category
C , in which objects are elements of N, and there are three arrows Ý
                                                                       Ñ, ÝÑ, and
ÝÑ. The arrow ÝÑ is the¡ identity arrow that links every integer x P N to itself.
The arrow Ý  Ñ (resp., ÝÑ) links two integers x and y whenever x y (resp.,
x ¡ y). Every arrow Ý   Ñ is invertible since y ¡ x holds whenever x y. The
category Area (Fig. 3) represents location areas of apartments. Its objects are

                   0Ñ0          0                     1       1Ñ1

Fig. 2: The example category Bin, in which objects represent the Boolean values
0 and 1, and arrows represent comparisons between these values.

the three nominal values d(owntown), m(idtown), and u(uptown), and its arrows
the nine possible comparisons between them.


        dÑd        d                                           m    mÑm










Fig. 3: The example category Area, in which objects represent the three ar-
eas d(owntown), m(idtown), and u(uptown), and arrows represent comparisons
between areas.

4.1   Semantics

Feature categories are interpreted on a set (like a set of patients, of cooking
recipes, etc.). Let X denote such a set. The semantics of a feature category
C on a set X is given by a functor .I : C ÝÑ Rel, called the interpretation
functor, which maps each object of the category C to a subset of X , and arrows
to subsequent binary relations. The functor .I generalizes the notion of binary
variation. The definition of a binary variation as proposed in [3] corresponds to
the indicator function of .I , when it is restricted to a given arrow of C.
    If there exists a field function ϕ : X ÝÑ C, which maps each element of X to
an object of C, the interpretation functor .I can be defined to map each object
a of C to its inverse image by ϕ in X , i.e., to the set of elements of X which

take the value a for the property ϕ:

                   aI  tx P X | ϕpxq  au                       for an object a of C
          p a Ñ bq  a  b „ X  X
                    I       I        I
                                                                 for an arrow a Ñ b of C

For example, let X be a set of patients, and ϕ : X ÝÑ C be a field function
that associates to each element of X an object of the category C , representing
the age of the patient. The interpretation functor .I : C ÝÑ Rel maps each
age value n P N to the set of patients having that age, and maps each compari-
son to the corresponding binary relation. The binary relation pÝ   ÑqI is the set of
pairs pa, bq of patients such that b is (strictly) older than a. Likewise, let X be
a set of apartments, and ϕ : X ÝÑ Area be a field function that associates to
each element of X an object of the category Area. The interpretation functor
.I : Area ÝÑ Rel maps each nominal value to the set of apartments having the
corresponding location area, and maps each comparison to the corresponding bi-
nary relation. The binary relation pÝÝÝÑqI is the set of pairs pa, bq of apartments
such that a is located in midtown and b is located in downtown.

5       Representing Differences on Multiple Features
The product C1  C2  . . .  Cn of n comparison categories C1 , C2 ,. . . ,Cn has
as objects the n-tuples pa1 , a2 , . . . , an q where ai is an object of Ci , and as arrows
the n-tuples pa1 Ñ b1 , a2 Ñ b2 , . . . , an Ñ bn q, where ai Ñ bi is an arrow of Ci .
For example, pÝÝÝÑ,Ý  Ñq is an arrow in the product Area  C , and could be
used to represent the comparison between an apartment located in midtown and
an apartment located in downtown, both having the same price.
    The interpretation functor .I is extended to products in such a way that
an element x P X is in the interpretation of the product if it is common to all

interpretations of Ci ’s:

                        pa1 , a2 , . . . , an qI            I
                                             for n objects a of C
                                                         i                          i          i

 pa Ñ b , a Ñ b , . . . , a Ñ b q  pa Ñ b q for n arrows a Ñ b of C
    1      1   2        2        n       n
                                                         i       i
                                                                                    i      i       i

6       Similarity
6.1      Analogy as Shared Differences
Two pairs are analogous when the same comparison can be made between them.
When comparisons represent relations, this idea is consistent with the idea of
analogy as a transfer of a relational structure, as outlined by Structure-mapping
Theory [10]. For example, in the Andromeda galaxy, the X12 planets resolve
around the X12 star, which can be represented as comparisons of the form
“A:X12 planet ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÑ X12 star”. An analogy can be made between the
                resolve around

Andromeda galaxy and the solar system, by mapping these comparisons with
comparisons such as “A:solar system planet ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÑ sun”. But the idea
                                                      resolve around

of analogy as shared comparisons can be generalized to the comparisons made
to establish feature differences, that do not represent relations. For example, a
same comparison g Ñ b can be made from a sheep to a goat and from a cow
to a moose: cow graze, whereas moose browse. As a result, a cow is to a sheep
what a moose is to a goat.
    The same idea can be applied to logical proportions, which can be seen as
shared comparisons. For two propositional variables x and y, there are four
indicators: I1 px, y q  x ^ y, I2 px, y q  x ^ y, I3 px, y q  x ^ y, and I4 px, y q 
x ^ y, and each logical proportion is defined by two distinct equivalences between
these indicators [19]. For example, two pairs px, y q and pz, tq are in analogical
proportion if I2 px, y q  I2 pz, tq and I3 px, y q  I3 pz, tq, i.e., if x ^ y  z ^ t and
x ^ y  z ^ t (here,  denotes the logical equivalence). Let Cx , Cy , Cz , and Ct
be the feature categories constructed as in Fig. 4. The category Cx contains the

                     xÑx         x                      x     xÑx

Fig. 4: The category Cx , with two objects (x and x) for a propositional variable
x, and arrows represent changes between these values.

two objects x and x for the propositional variable x. The interpretation functor
.I is defined using the valuation function v, which is a function from the set of
propositional variables to t0, 1u, seen as the class of all subsets of a one-element
set (0 is the empty set and 1 is the one-element set):

              aI  v paq P t0, 1u                      for an object a of Cx
       pa Ñ bq  a  b „ t0, 1u  t0, 1u
               I     I     I
                                                   for an arrow a Ñ b of Cx

The arrow px Ñ x, y Ñ y q of the product Cx  Cy is interpreted as the binary
relation px Ñ x, y Ñ y qI  v px ^ y q  v px ^ y q. Two pairs px, y q and pz, tq are
in analogical proportion if the interpretation of the two arrows px Ñ x, y Ñ y q
and pz Ñ z, t Ñ tq are the same, i.e., if px Ñ x, y Ñ y qI  pz Ñ z, t Ñ tqI .
Likewise, two pairs px, y q and pz, tq would be in paralogy if the interpretation of
the arrows px Ñ x, y Ñ y q and pz Ñ z, t Ñ tq are the same.

6.2   Similarity Paths
Let C be a feature category. A similarity path of C is a combination of arrows
                    dÑd    dÑm
of C. For example, ÝÝÝÑ  ÝÝÝÑ is a similarity path in the category Area. The
free category F pCq generated by C is the category that has the paths of C as

arrows. This definition can be extended to the product Π  C1  C2  . . .  Cn
of n comparison categories C1 , C2 ,. . . ,Cn . A path in Π is an arrow of the free
                                                          dÑd          ÑÑ
category F pΠ q generated by Π. For example, (ÝÝÝÑ,Ý          Ñq  pÝdÝÝ ,Ý
                                                                          Ñq is a path
in the free category generated by the product Area  C .
    The interpretation of a similarity path on the set X is given by the in-
terpretation functor .I which by definition of functors, preserves composition:
 Ýc  ÝÑ q  pÝÑ
       d I        d I
                     q  pÑÝc qI . Here, the composition operation  on the arrows of
the category Rel is the usual composition of binary relations. This definition can
also be extended to the product Π  C1  C2  . . .  Cn of n feature categories
C1 , C2 ,. . . ,Cn : for two sets of arrows ci , di P Ci ,

      ppÝcÑ, . . . , ÝÑq
          1        n  c
                          pÝdÑ, . . . , ÝÑqq
                           1         n   d   I
                                                 pÝdÑ, . . . , ÝÑq
                                                  1       n     d  I1
                                                                      pÝcÑ, . . . , ÝÑq
                                                                             n        c I

For example, for an apartment srce P X located in downtown, and an apartment
tgt P X located in midtown, the pair psrce, tgtq is in the interpretation of
                           dÑd              ÑÑ   Ñq if there is an apartment pb such
the similarity path pÝÝÝÑ, Ý      Ñq  pÝdÝÝ    ,Ý

            dÑd                  Ñ        
that srce pÝÝÝÑ, Ý     ÑqI pb pÝÝÝÑ, ÝÑqI tgt, that is, such that the location of pb is
                                d   m

downtown and its price is strictly greater than the price of srce, and equal to
the price of tgt. This definition is consistent with the notion of similarity path,
which is defined in [16] as a sequence of relations

                  srce  pb0 r1 pb1 r2 pb2 . . . pbq1 rq pbq  tgt

such that the pbi ’s are problems and ri ’s are binary relations between problems.

7     Ordering Differences
7.1   A Subsumption Relation
A subsumption operator „ enables to order comparisons by generality. Let C1
and C2 be two feature categories. For an arrow ÝÑ        of C1 , and an arrow ÝÑ
                                                      c1                         c2

of C2 , we write ÝÑ „ ÝÑ to represent that whenever an A can be compared to
                  c1    c2

B using the comparison ÝÑ
                               , then A can be compared to B using comparison
ÝÑ. For example, in Π  Area  C , the subsumption relation ÝdÝÝ
 c2                                                                        ÑÑm
                                                                               „ ÝÑ
represents the fact that any apartment located in downtown is more expensive
than any apartment located in midtown. The subsumption operator „ can also
relate the arrows of two product categories ΠC  C1  C2  . . .  Ck and ΠD 
D1  D2  . . .  D` . For example, if ΠC  C  Area represents comparisons
between the number of rooms and the location of apartments, and ΠD  C
represents comparisons in price, then pÝ
                                         Ñ, ÝmÝÝ
                                                    „ÝÑ represents the fact that for
a same number of rooms, an apartment located in downtown is more expensive
than an apartment located in midtown.
    Subsumption relations ÝÑ     „ ÝcÑ are interpreted as set inclusions in X  X :
                             c1      2

                               ÝcÑ „ ÝcÑ if ÝcÑI „ ÝcÑI
                                1        2    1       2

This definition extends naturally to product categories:

       pÝcÑ, . . . , ÝcÑq „ pÝdÑ, . . . , ÝdÑq if pÝcÑ, . . . , ÝcÑqI „ pÝdÑ, . . . , ÝdÑqI
         1          k          1          `         1          k           1          `

A subsumption relation corresponds to the notion of co-variation, that is de-
fined in [4] as a functional dependency between variations, and may be used to
represent adaptation rules.

7.2   Analogical Jump

An analogical ”jump” consists in making the hypothesis that a subsumption
relation on comparisons holds for a given pair of objects. From a logical point
of view, an analogical jump is defined in [7] as the following hypothetical rule of

                 if P pxq  P py q and Qpxq, then we can infer Qpy q

For example, Bob’s car and John’s car share the property P of being a 1982
Mustang GLX V6 hatchbacks, and Bob’s car has the property Q of having a
price of 3500 $. The inference is that the price of John’s car should also be
around 3500 $. This schema can be rephrased using comparisons:

                                   from x Ý
                                          Ñ y, infer x ÝÑ y
                                           P               Q

In this schema, ÝÑ and ÝÑ are two comparisons representing respectively that
                    P         Q

an element shares the property P with another element, and that it shares the
property Q. This inference consists in making the hypothesis that the subsump-
tion relation Ý
              Ñ „ ÝQÑ on comparisons holds for the pair px, yq. Such inference

can also be made when the comparisons represent differences. For example, if
ΠC  C  Area represents comparisons between the number of rooms and the
location of apartments, and ΠD  C represents comparisons in price, then the
subsumption relation pÝ
                        Ñ, ÝmÝÝ
                                   „ÝÑ can be applied to a pair px, yq of apart-
ments to infer that an apartment y located in downtown is more expensive than
an apartment x with the same number of rooms, but located in midtown.

8     Conclusion

Category Theory seems to be a natural setting to represent the feature compar-
isons made when establishing case differences. We showed that it can be used to
and to design a qualitative language in which both case differences, similarity
paths and adaptation rules can be represented and reasoned upon symbolically.
We believe that such results open the way to new qualitative formalizations
of the case-based inference, that would be able to integrate both retrieval and
adaptation in a same analogical process.

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