Vol-2033⫷ Vol-2034 ⫸Vol-2035

AI*CH 2017
Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage

Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage
co-located with the 16th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence ( AI*IA 2017 )

Bari, Italy, November 14, 2017 .

Edited by

Francesco Mele *
Antonio Origlia **
Antonio Sorgente *

* SMCMS Lab of Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems(ISASI) - CNR , Napoli, Italy
** LUxCID Lab of URBAN/ECO Research Center - University of Naples "Federico II" , Napoli, Italy

Table of Contents

Accepted Papers

Additional material

The whole proceedings (including the preface and the table of contents) can be downloaded as a single PDF file .
2017-12-19: submitted by Antonio Sorgente, metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2017-12-22 : published on CEUR-WS.org | valid HTML5 |