Vol-2067⫷ Vol-2068 ⫸Vol-2069

Joint Proceedings of the ACM IUI 2018 Workshops

Joint Proceedings of the ACM IUI 2018 Workshops
co-located with the 23rd ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces ( ACM IUI 2018 )

Tokyo, Japan, March 11, 2018 .

Edited by

Alan Said *
Takanori Komatsu **

* University of Skövde , Sweden
** Meiji University , Japan

Table of Contents

Workshop 1: Symbiotic Interaction and Harmonious Collaboration for Wisdom Computing - SymCollab

Organised by: Kenji Mase, Nagoya University; Norihiro Hagita, ATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Labs; Yukiko Nakano, Seikei University
  1. An Exploration of the Principle of Emerging Interactions in Spatiotemporal Diversity
    Ichiro Tsuda , Minoru Asada , Yuji Kawai , Mitsuru Kikuchi , Ikki Matsuda
  2. Selfie Guidance System in Good Head Postures
    Naihui Fang , Haoran Xie , Takeo Igarashi
  3. Moral Interaction with Robots: an Example with a Tour Guide Robot
    Satoru Satake , Takayuki Kanda
  4. Identifying Discourse Boundaries in Group Discussions using a Multimodal Embedding Space
    Ken Tomiyama , Fumio Nihei , Yukiko Nakano , Yutaka Takase
  5. A Study on Skill Acquisition Mechanism and Development of Skill Transfer Systems
    Hideki Koike , Jun Rekimoto , Junichi Ushiba , Shinichi Furuya , Asa Ito
  6. Social Imaging and Human Technology for Empowering People
    Kenji Suzuki
  7. Implicit Ambient Surface Information: From Personal to Interpersonal
    Katsumi Watanabe , Makio Kashino , Kimitaka Nakazawa , Shinsuke Shimojo

Workshop 2: Intelligent Music Interfaces for Listening and Creation - MILC

Organised by: Peter Knees, Vienna University of Technology, Austria; Markus Schedl, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria; Rebecca Fiebrink, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
  1. How Automated Recommendations Affect the Playlist Creation Behavior of Users
    Iman Kamehkhosh , Dietmar Jannach , Geoffray Bonnin
  2. geMsearch: Personalized Explorative Music Search
    Christian Esswein , Markus Schedl , Eva Zangerle
  3. MedleyAssistant – A System for Personalized Music Medley Creation
    Zhengshan Shi , Gautham J. Mysore
  4. An Environment for Machine Pedagogy: Learning How to Teach Computers to Read Music
    Gabriel Vigliensoni , Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza , Ichiro Fujinaga
  5. Beyond a Skeuomorphic Representation of Subtractive Synthesis
    Martin Lindh
  6. Overviewing a Field of Self-Organising Music Interfaces: Autonomous, Distributed, Environmentally Aware, Feedback Systems
    Phivos-Angelos Kollias
  7. Learning Latent Representations of Music to Generate Interactive Musical Palettes
    Adam Roberts , Jesse Engel , Sageev Oore , Douglas Eck
  8. Lumanote: A Real-Time Interactive Music Composition Assistant
    James Granger , Mateo Aviles , Joshua Kirby , Austin Griffin , Johnny Yoon , Raniero Lara-Garduno , Tracy Hammond

Workshop 3: Exploratory Search and Interactive Data Analytics - ESIDA

Organised by: Dorota Glowacka, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh; Evangelos Milios, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University; Axel J. Soto, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester; Fernando V. Paulovich, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University; Denis Parra, Department of Computer Science, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
  1. PIHVI: Online Forum Posting Analysis with Interactive Hierarchical Visualisation
    Jaakko Peltonen , Ziyuan Lin , Kalervo Jaäarvelin , Jyrki Nummenmaa
  2. Semi-Automated Prevention and Curation of Duplicate Content in Social Support Systems
    Igor A. Podgorny , Chris Gielow
  3. Searching for Diverse Perspectives in News Articles: Using an LSTM Network to Classify Sentiment
    Christopher Harris
  4. Towards Faster Annotation Interfaces for Learning to Filter in Information Extraction and Search
    Carlos A. Aguirre , Shelby Coen , Maria F. De La Torre , William H. Hsu , Margaret Rys
  5. Interactive Visualization for Topic Model Curation
    Guoray Cai , Feng Sun , Yongzhong Sha

Workshop 4: Theory-Informed User Modeling for Tailoring and Personalizing Interfaces - HUMANIZE

Organised by: Mark P. Graus, Eindhoven University of Technology; Bruce Ferwerda, Jonkoping University & Johannes Kepler University; Marko Tkalcic, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano; Panagiotis Germanakos, SAP SE & University of Cyprus
  1. Predicting Users' Personality based on Their 'liked' Images on Instagram
    Alixe Lay , Bruce Ferwerda
  2. You Are What You Post: What the Content of Instagram Pictures Tells About Users' Personality
    Bruce Ferwerda , Marko Tkalcic
  3. Identifying Dominators and Followers in Group Decision Making based on The Personality Traits
    Yong Zheng
  4. Shopping as a Social Activity: Understanding People's Categorical Item Sharing Preferences on Social Networks
    Yu Xu , Michael J Lee
  5. Trust-related Effects of Expertise and Similarity Cues in Human-Generated Recommendations
    Johannes Kunkel , Tim Donkers , Catalin-Mihai Barbu , Jurgen Ziegler
  6. Learning Preferences and Soundscapes for Augmented Hearing
    Maciej J Korzepa , Benjamin Johansen , Michael K Petersen , Jan Larsen , Jakob E Larsen , Niels H Pontoppidan
  7. Personalizing Mobile Fitness Apps using Reinforcement Learning
    Mo Zhou , Yonatan Mintz , Yoshimi Fukuoka , Ken Goldberg , Elena Flowers , Philip Kaminsky , Alejandro Castillejo , Anil Aswani
  8. Personalizing a Parenting App: Parenting-Style Surveys Beat Behavioral Reading-Based Models
    Mark Graus , Martijn Willemsen , Chris Snijders

Workshop 5: Web Intelligence and Interaction - WII

Organised by: Yasufumi Takama, Tokyo Metropolitan University; Yukiko Kawai, Kyoto Sangyo University; Daisuke Kitayama, Kogakuin University; Taro Sugihara, Okayama University; Mitsuo Yoshida, Toyohashi University of Technology
  1. On Studying Bad Practices in Configuration UIs
    Tony Leclercq , Maxime Cordy , Bruno Dumas , Patrick Heymans
  2. Effect of Slideshows in Websites on Information Search Based on Gaze Data
    Yutaka Matsushita , Makoto Kanda
  3. Supporting Real Estate Search Through Automatic Information Suggestion
    Goro Otsubo
  4. VisualEYEze: A Web-based Solution for Receiving Feedback on Artworks Through Eye-Tracking
    Bailey Bauman , Regan Gunhouse , Antonia Jones , Willer Da Silva , Shaeeta Sharar , Vijay Rajanna , Josh Cherian , Jung In Koh , Tracy Hammond
  5. Improved Listwise Collaborative Filtering with High-Rating-Based Similarity and Temporary Ratings
    Yoshiki Tsuchiya , Hajime Nobuhara
  6. A Smart Walking Navigation System based on Perceived Exertion
    Panote Siriaraya , Kodo Maeda , Yusuke Nakaoka , Yukiko Kawai , Shinsuke Nakajima
  7. Personal Values-based User Modeling from Browsing History of Reviews
    Yasufumi Takama , Suzuto Shimizu , Hiroshi Ishikawa
  8. An E-Commerce Recommender System using Complaint Data and Review Data
    Toshinori Hayashi , Yuanyuan Wang , Yukiko Kawai , Kazutoshi Sumiya
  9. Detecting Utterance Scenes of a Specific Person
    Kunihiko Sato , Jun Rekimoto
  10. Label Propagation Using Amendable Clamping
    Tatsurou Miyazaki , Yasunobu Sumikawa
  11. Temporal Analysis of Online Social Graph by Home Location
    Shiori Hironaka , Mitsuo Yoshida , Kyoji Umemura ,

Workshop 6: User Interfaces for Spatial-Temporal Data Analysis - UISTDA

Organised by: Shoko Wakamiya, Nara Institute of Science and Technology; Adam Jatowt, Kyoto University; Yukiko Kawai, Kyoto Sangyo University; Toyokazu Akiyama, Kyoto Sangyo University; Ricardo Campos, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, LIAAD INESC TEC, Portugal
  1. Utilization of Information Interpolation using Geotagged Tweets
    Masaki Endo , Masaharu Hirota , Hiroshi Ishikawa
  2. Reading Type Classification based on Generative Models and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory
    Seyyed Saleh Mozaffari Chanijani , Federico Raue , Saeid Dashti Hassanzadeh , Stefan Agne , Syed Saqib Bukhari , Andreas Dengel
  3. SportSense: User Interface for Sketch-Based Spatio-Temporal Team Sports Video Scene Retrieval
    Lukas Probst , Ihab Al Kabary , Rufus Lobo , Fabian Rauschenbach , Heiko Schuldt , Philipp Seidenschwarz , Martin Rumo
  4. Toward Finding Latent Cities
    Eduardo Graells-Garrido , Diego Caro , Denis Parra
  5. Novel Location De-identification for Machine and Human
    Katsuya Taguchi , Eiji Aramaki

Workshop 7: Explainable Smart Systems - ExSS

Organised by: Brian Lim, National University of Singapore; Alison Smith, Decisive Analytics Corporation; Simone Stumpf, City, University of London
  1. The Design and Validation of an Intuitive Confidence Measure
    Jasper van der Waa , Jurriaan van Diggelen , Mark Neerincx
  2. An Axiomatic Approach to Linear Explanations in Data Classification
    Jakub Sliwinski , Martin Strobel , Yair Zick
  3. Explaining Contrasting Categories
    Michael Pazzani , Amir Feghahati , Christian Shelton , Aaron Seitz
  4. Explaining Complex Scheduling Decisions
    Jeremy Ludwig , Annaka Kalton , Richard Stottler
  5. Explainable Movie Recommendation Systems by using Story-based Similarity
    O-Joun Lee , Jason J. Jung
  6. Labeling Images by Interpretation from Natural Viewing
    Karen Guo , Danielle Pratt , Angus MacDonald III , Paul Schrater
  7. Normative vs. Pragmatic: Two Perspectives on the Design of Explanations in Intelligent Systems
    Malin Eiband , Hanna Schneider , Daniel Buschek
  8. Explaining Recommendations by Means of User Reviews
    Tim Donkers , Benedikt Loepp , Jürgen Ziegler
  9. What Should Be in an XAI Explanation? What IFT Reveals
    Jonathan Dodge , Sean Penney , Andrew Anderson , Margaret Burnett
  10. Interpreting Intelligibility under Uncertain Data Imputation
    Brian Lim , Danding Wang , Tze Ping Loh , Kee Yuan Ngiam
  11. Explanation to Avert Surprise
    Melinda Gervasio , Karen Myers , Eric Yeh , Boone Adkins
  12. Representing Repairs in Configuration Interfaces: A Look at Industrial Practices
    Tony Leclercq , Maxime Cordy , Bruno Dumas , Patrick Heymans
  13. Explaining Smart Heating Systems to Discourage Fiddling with Optimized Behavior
    Simone Stumpf , Simonas Skrebe , Graeme Aymer , Julie Hobson
  14. Working with Beliefs: AI Transparency in the Enterprise
    Ajay Chander , Ramya Srinivasan , Suhas Chelian , Jun Wang , Kanji Uchino
  15. The Problem of Explanations without User Feedback
    Alison Smith , Jim Nolan

2018-03-07: submitted by Alan SAid, metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2018-03-07 : published on CEUR-WS.org | valid HTML5 |