=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2068/preface-esida |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2068/preface-esida.pdf |volume=Vol-2068 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2068/preface-esida.pdf
   Second Workshop on Exploratory Search and Interactive
                 Data Analytics (ESIDA)
      Dorota Głowacka? Evangelos Milios◦ Axel J. Soto4 Fernando V. Paulovich◦ Denis ParraO
      ?                                ◦                           4               O
        University of Edinburgh          Dalhousie University        ICIC-CONICET    PUC Chile
                      ?                            ◦                 ◦
                        dorota.glowacka@ed.ac.uk, eem@cs.dal.ca, paulovich@dal.ca,
                                  axel.soto@cs.uns.edu.ar, O dparra@ing.puc.cl
ABSTRACT                                                                            Despite an increasing interest in exploratory search and in-
This is the second edition of the Workshop on Exploratory                           teractive data analytics [6], several research questions still re-
Search and Interactive Data Analytics (ESIDA). This series                          main open, e.g.:
of workshops emerged as a response to the growing inter-
                                                                                    • What is the scope of exploratory search [10]?
est in developing new methods and systems that allow users
                                                                                    • How to design systems that can support both traditional
to interactively explore large volumes of data, such as docu-
                                                                                      lookup search and exploratory search [2] as well as support
ments, multimedia or specialised collections, such as biomed-
                                                                                      personalisation [9]?
ical datasets. There are various approaches to supporting
                                                                                    • How machine learning methods can be complemented with
users in this interactive environment ranging from the devel-
                                                                                      user domain knowledge to improve information finding or
opment of new algorithms through visualisation methods to
                                                                                      sense making [4]?
analysing users’ search patterns. The overarching goal of ES-
                                                                                    • How can exploratory search and interactive analytics be
IDA is to bring together researchers working in areas that
                                                                                      used in specialised domains, such as bioinformatics [13],
span across multiple facets of exploratory search and data
                                                                                      mobile network data [7], or social media [5]?
analytics to discuss and outline research challenges for this
novel area.
                                                                                    WORKSHOP OVERVIEW
                                                                                    The aim of the workshop was to investigate different aspects
Author Keywords                                                                     of the design and evaluation of interactive search and data
exploratory search, interactive search, data analytics,                             analytics algorithms and systems that tightly couple interac-
personalisation                                                                     tive visualization with analytics of the content of the data sets.
                                                                                    The workshop included two keynotes, four regular papers and
ACM Classification Keywords
                                                                                    one short paper.
H.5.m. Information Interfaces and Presentation (e.g. HCI):                          The first keynote, by Giulio Jacucci (University of Helsinki,
Miscellaneous                                                                       Finland), was titled “Entity Based User Interfaces for Re-
                                                                                    sourceful Information Exploration”. The talk proposed a
                                                                                    new approach characterised by entity modelling of informa-
BACKGROUND                                                                          tion, conversational and synergic human-computer interac-
While retrieval techniques operating on text or semantic                            tion, combining search and recommendation, and mapping
annotations have become an industry standard, traditional                           relationships and representations of intent, queries and re-
search by keyword query becomes cumbersome for other                                sults. To demonstrate these features the talk discussed re-
forms of data (e.g. images, video, music) and even for textual                      cent systems developed by the speaker’s team including an
data in the case of ambiguous queries (e.g. bank referring to                       interactive model of intent represented by keywords used to
side of a river or a financial institution). Also, in complex                       direct exploratory search, a system utilising entity based par-
scenarios, or when the path from data to decision is not clear,                     allel search streams, and an interactive map visualisation for
exploratory search is necessary to understand and seek infor-                       multi-aspect information retrieval. The talk summarised the
mation interactively. Therefore, by actively engaging the user                      principles embodied in the presented system towards a frame-
in the information retrieval loop, the user can explore a given                     work that considers principle of how to employ entities in in-
dataset more easily as well as gradually direct their search to                     formation exploration.
a more specific area of the search space.
                                                                                    The second keynote, by Shlomo Berkovsky (CSIRO, Aus-
                                                                                    tralia), was titled “Improving interactive information discov-
                                                                                    ery”. The talk presented computational ways for improving
                                                                                    the interaction of users with the recommendation lists or Web
                                                                                    search results, aiming to devise a method that simplifies and
                                                                                    shortens information discovery for users. One practical appli-
                                                                                    cation of a generalised linear search (combination of the es-
                                                                                    tablished linear and generalised search approaches) was pre-
©2018. Copyright for the individual papers remains with the authors. Copying per-
mitted for private and academic purposes.                                           sented, evaluated both with offline datasets and in an online
ESIDA’18, March 11, 2018, Tokyo, Japan
user study. It was discussed how similar interactive informa-      5. A. Dang, A. Moh’d, A. Gruzd, E. Milios, and
tion discovery approaches can be applied to scenarios beyond          R. Minghim. An offline–online visual framework for
recommender systems and Web search.                                   clustering memes in social media. In From Social Data
                                                                      Mining and Analysis to Prediction and Community
Sense making of document collections was the subject of               Detection, pages 1–29. Springer, 2017.
two papers. Hierarchically organized social media discus-
sions were visualized as scatter plots via dimensionality re-      6. D. Glowacka, E. Milios, A. J. Soto, and F. Paulovich.
duction [11]. A variety of interaction techniques was demon-          Exploratory search and interactive data analytics. In
strated to help reveal semantic relationships between posts           Proceedings of the 22Nd International Conference on
that are not associated with the given hierarchy. Interactive         Intelligent User Interfaces Companion, IUI ’17
topic models were used for highlighting key points of dis-            Companion, pages 9–11, New York, NY, USA, 2017.
cussion in online petition data [3]. Content curation of the          ACM.
contents of a social Q&A system, by performing interactive
                                                                   7. E. Graells-Garrido, D. Caro, and D. Parra. Toward
cluster analysis to cluster together near-duplicate entries to
                                                                      finding latent cities with non-negative matrix
improve search relevance was the focus of one paper [12].
                                                                      factorization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.09093, 2018.
Detection and classification of sentiment, aiming to identify
outliers and fake news in news corpora is addressed in [8],        8. C. G. Harris. Searching for diverse perspectives in news
using a Recursive Neural Network, in particular Long Short            articles: Using an lstm network to classify sentiment. In
Term Memory (LSTM) network. An interactive query inter-               ESIDA, 2018.
face supported an empirical study in which users classify sen-
                                                                   9. A. Medlar, J. Pyykkö, and D. Glowacka. Towards
timent on name entities. User input is compared with the re-
                                                                      fine-grained adaptation of exploration/exploitation in
sult obtained from the LSTM network. The last two papers
                                                                      information retrieval. In Proceedings of the 22Nd
focus on human annotation of documents to train machine
                                                                      International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces,
learning systems. A user interface facilitates and optimizes
                                                                      IUI ’17, pages 623–627, New York, NY, USA, 2017.
the interactive steps of document presentation, inspection and
labelling of publications, and supports the incorporation of
domain-specific features (terminology gazetteers and docu-        10. E. Palagi, F. Gandon, A. Giboin, and R. Troncy. A
ment metadata), in [1].                                               survey of definitions and models of exploratory search.
                                                                      In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Workshop on
REFERENCES                                                            Exploratory Search and Interactive Data Analytics,
 1. C. Aguirre, S. Coen, M. F. D. L. Torre, W. Hsu, and               ESIDA ’17, pages 3–8, New York, NY, USA, 2017.
    M. Rys. Towards faster annotation interfaces for                  ACM.
    learning to filter in information extraction and search. In
    ESIDA, 2018.                                                  11. J. Peltonen, Z. Lin, K. Järvelin, and J. Nummenmaa.
                                                                      PIHVI: Online forum posting analysis with interactive
 2. K. Athukorala, A. Medlar, A. Oulasvirta, G. Jacucci,              hierarchical visualization. In ESIDA, 2018.
    and D. Glowacka. Beyond relevance: Adapting
    exploration/exploitation in information retrieval. In         12. I. Podgorny and C. Gielow. Semi-automated prevention
    Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on               and curation of duplicate content in social support
    Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI ’16, pages 359–369,              systems. In ESIDA, 2018.
    New York, NY, USA, 2016. ACM.
                                                                  13. A. J. Soto, C. Zerva, R. Batista-Navarro, and
 3. G. Cai and F. Sun. Interactive visualization for topic            S. Ananiadou. Litpathexplorer: a confidence-based
    model curation. In ESIDA, 2018.                                   visual text analytics tool for exploring
 4. D. B. Coimbra, R. M. Martins, T. T. Neves, A. C. Telea,           literature-enriched pathway models. Bioinformatics, 1:9,
    and F. V. Paulovich. Explaining three-dimensional                 2017.
    dimensionality reduction plots. Information
    Visualization, 15(2):154–172, 2016.