=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2070/paper-01 |storemode=property |title=Bringing Incremental Builds to Continuous Integration |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2070/paper-01.pdf |volume=Vol-2070 |authors=Guillaume Maudoux,Kim Mens }} ==Bringing Incremental Builds to Continuous Integration== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2070/paper-01.pdf
    Bringing Incremental Builds to Continuous Integration

                          Guillaume Maudoux                                     Kim Mens
                   guillaume.maudoux@uclouvain.be                          kim.mens@uclouvain.be
    ICTEAM Institute for Information & Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics
                                     Université catholique de Louvain,
                                        Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

                                                                   starts with source code management (A). When com-
                                                                   mits are ready, they enter continuous integration (B)
                       Abstract                                    where software is built and tested in different stages
                                                                   of increasing complexity and duration. To bring these
     Incremental builds can considerably speed up                  modifications to end-users, code needs to be deployed
     the edit-compile-test loop during program de-                 (D) and released (E). This pipeline is all about tooling,
     velopment. While this technique is commonly                   and a particular importance is attached to the build
     used for local builds, it is seldom enabled                   system (C) used by developers to test their code lo-
     during continuous integration. Correctness of                 cally and by continuous integration to both produce
     continuous integration builds is usually pre-                 artifacts and drive tests. As pressure increases to get
     ferred to compilation speed. With current                     frequent releases and shorter development cycles, re-
     tools, it is not trivial to get both properties,              lease engineers try to optimize this pipeline at each
     but we show that it is theoretically achiev-                  stage. In particular, the goal of continuous integra-
     able with a carefully designed system. We                     tion is to have short build times and fast test feedback
     first assess the potential benefits of incremen-              to developers. Optimizing the edit-compile-test loop
     tal builds in continuous integration environ-                 shortens developers’ critical paths and accelerates soft-
     ments. We then identify different reasons that                 ware evolution. A recent study on Travis CI [2] showed
     prevent that optimisation in practice. From                   that “ [t]he main factor for delayed feedback from test
     these, we derive requirements to be met by                    runs is the time required to execute the build ”.
     future build systems to support incremental                      Incremental compilation is the technique by which a
     continuous integration. These steps are illus-                build system can efficiently update previous build arti-
     trated with existing tools, research insight and              facts. With sufficient information about dependencies
     sample cases from industry. Ultimately, this                  between build steps, it is possible to tell which steps
     paper defines a new research direction at the                 are impacted by the updated sources and run only
     intersection of build systems and continuous                  these to generate correct build artifacts. The other
     integration.                                                  optimization based on build task dependencies is par-
                                                                   allel execution of independent tasks. These two fea-
1     Context                                                      tures explain why developers use build systems despite
                                                                   the added hassle of configuring them. However, dur-
The field of release engineering is concerned with the             ing continuous integration (CI) software is generally
pipeline of techniques and operations between isolated             built from clean sources, making incremental builds
developers writing source code and end users enjoying              impossible.
released applications. Release engineers maintain and
                                                                      This paper is motivated by the need to understand
optimize this pipeline from end to end. A classical re-
                                                                   why incremental builds are considered essential to de-
lease engineering pipeline [1], as depicted on Figure 1,
                                                                   velopers on their own machines but are seldom used
                                                                   in continuous integration environments where they
Copyright ⃝c by the paper’s authors. Copying permitted for
private and academic purposes.
                                                                   could seemingly bring the same outstanding advan-
Proceedings of the Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques and
                                                                   tages. Shunning incremental builds, release engineers
Tools for Software Evolution SATToSE 2017 (sattose.org).           voluntarily lose the performance gain of updating only
07-09 June 2017, Madrid, Spain.                                    the required build products. We will show that re-

       Figure 1: An overview of the release engineering pipeline, borrowed and freely simplified from [1]

lease engineers prefer correctness over optimization,          ment described in this section illustrates how much re-
and that it is not so trivial to scale incremental com-        sources and developer time could be spared with such
pilation to CI environments. Because continuous in-            an optimization.
tegration is mostly automated, release engineers trade            To assert the usefulness of incremental builds in
slower compilations against better quality guarantees          continuous integration, we reproduced the workload
on build products. Computer time is quite cheap, and           of an integration server. A list of consecutive com-
tracking build issues is time consuming. We will see           mits are build incrementally from a complete build
that in that context their decision makes sense.               of their parent. The build time for the first commit
   But decreasing the edit-compile-test loop time is a         serves as an estimate of the duration of a full rebuild
pressing concern of most organizations. Developers             from clean sources. Comparing duration of incremen-
waiting for CI test results start to work on unrelated         tal builds with full rebuilds gives an idea of the po-
issues. When the compilation finishes, developers need         tential gain. This experiment relies on the simplifying
to switch context to understand test failures on their         assumptions detailed below.
previous issue. With very slow compilations, develop-             In practice, we analyzed the last 63 commits1 on
ers may need to juggle with three issues at the same           mozilla-inbound2 . As its name suggests, this repos-
time, losing more concentration to context switches.           itory belongs to the Mozilla foundation. It contains
Some developers may prefer to wait for CI results in-          mainly the source code of the web browser Firefox.
stead of switching contexts too often, wasting even            mozilla-inbound accepts briefly tested patches and gets
more time.                                                     merged daily into mozilla-central if the branch passes
   That being said, there are other challenges involved        extensive tests. It is the normal landing point for non-
in enabling incremental builds on continuous integra-          critical changes [6]. In their analysis of Mozilla’s patch
tion servers. For example, builds are distributed on           management infrastructure, Rodrigo Souza et al. [8]
a cluster of workers. Workers may not be assigned              have shown that continuous integration is key to early
to consecutive builds, making incremental builds less          patch backout and stable builds on stable branches.
useful.                                                           For each of the 62 most recent commits, we have
   In this article, we show that wasted time on com-           launched an incremental build, the 63rd was used to
pilation is significant, and that there are solutions to       bootstrap the incremental build chain, and it’s build
make build systems correct. We outline the features            time was used to estimate the duration of a full re-
required for the next generation of build system to en-        build. The results are presented in Figure 2, in an em-
able incremental builds in continuous integration se-          pirical cumulated density function (CDF) where the 62
tups while guaranteeing correctness in all cases.              builds are ordered by build time. The horizontal line
                                                               represents the time required for a full rebuild, and the
                                                               other one represents the time for an incremental build
2   Incremental build experiment                               of a given commit from it’s parent build. The coloured
We claim that incremental builds would benefit CI en-          area between these lines represents the potential gain
vironments. Were it not the case, there would be no              1 hg   log -r341198:341136
reason to update CI tools to support it. The experi-             2 https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/

                                                                  onds, which is still more than 20 times faster than a
                                                      3h31min     full rebuild. This means that for a majority of builds,
                                                                  compilation time can be reduced by one and sometimes
                                                                  two orders of magnitude.
                        89,4%                                         The graph shows that 65% of the commits have lit-
                                                                  tle impact on the build. For the first 20% there is
                                                                  no impact at all. The cost of an incremental build

                                                                  in that case is minimal. It is the time needed by the
                                                                  build system to detect that nothing needs to be done.
                                                                  Such commits are more frequent than one would ex-
                                                                  pect. A closer look at their contents shows documen-
Figure 2: Empirical distribution function of incremen-
                                                                  tation changes, but also changes to the test suite. For
tal build times and the potential gain they introduce
                                                                  these changes in particular, rebuilding Firefox from
compared to full rebuilds.
                                                                  scratch seems a real waste of time. After these com-
in time due to incremental builds. Two different met-              mits follows a chunk of minor commits. They change
rics are reported. The wall time corresponds to the               files with low impact on the final Firefox executable.
real time elapsed between the start and the end of the            They contain for example .js files that are bundled as-
incremental build. CPU time on the other hand is the              is in the final data archive. Incremental builds need
cumulative time spent on the task by all the CPU’s.               only rebuild the said archive to complete. The right
As the experiment was run on an Intel i5 with two                 part of the curve contains average-impact changes (.c
cores and four threads, the CPU time cannot be more               files or their equivalent) requiring some rebuild and
than four times the wall time. CPU time can be seen               high-impact changes (.h files or equivalent) that trig-
as the expected duration of a sequential build on the             ger the recompilation of complete sub-components of
same machine.                                                     the project. Very high impact changes include changes
   Of course, this experiment is not perfect. From the            to the build definition itself (change in compiler flags),
number of commits analyzed, it is difficult to draw                 and mass edits of source files (update of copyright
meaningful conclusions. We also conducted two fast                headers for example). Such big changes where not in-
experiments on the much smaller i3 project3 which ex-             cluded in our test set.
posed a similar distribution of the build times. We can              The potential gain of achieving correct incremental
expect that many repositories follow the same pattern,            builds during CI can be represented on the graph as
following the intuition that most changes are small and           the area between the incremental build time (CDF)
local and very few are spanning the entire project. We            and the time required for a full rebuild represented by
made the assumption that the duration of a full re-               the horizontal line of corresponding color. When ap-
build is stable across patches. The duration of the               plied to CPU time, this gives the amount of wasted
only full-rebuild is represented by the horizontal line           CPU time. During that time, CI workers are building
on Figure 2. It seems reasonable to think that big,               products that are known to be the same as before as
longstanding projects like Firefox have little variations         per the build specification. Applied to the wall time,
in their full rebuild duration, but this hypothesis re-           this gives the useless latency introduced in the edit-
mains to be checked. Also, all the times were sampled             compile-test loop of programmers. This has a real im-
only once. Displaying the results as a CDF provides               pact on programmer workflow. When they work on
some smoothing, but we cannot provide an estimate                 updates to the test suite, the result of the tests on the
of the variability of build times. This should also be            CI infrastructure will be delayed by that amount of
addressed with more experiments. Finally, we assume               time.
that it is possible to build each commit incrementally
from its parent. As we will see in the next section, this             This problem is obviously not restricted to Mozilla.
is not trivial when builds are spread on a cluster.               If, as preliminary experiments tend to show, the cumu-
   These limitations of our initial experiment do not             lative density function of incremental build times has
invalidated its main conclusion, however. A closer                the same shape for most projects, then nearly 90% of
analysis of the Firefox case shows that when there is             CPU time on CI workers is wasted. From this experi-
nothing to rebuild, an incremental build takes 29 sec-            ment, we see that incremental builds could save a lot
onds +/-1 (wall clock time). This is 100 times faster             resources, either developer attention and time or bare
than a full rebuild, and happened for 10 builds out of            computing power. Despite this, the optimization is
61. The median case spent two minutes and 23 sec-                 not used on continuous integration infrastructures. In
                                                                  the next section, we take a closer look at the reasons
  3 https://i3wm.org/                                             behind this absence.

3     Build properties                                          sive definition. Recent build systems like pluto [4],
                                                                bazel5 , buildsome6 , button7 and many more claim
Having illustrated that incremental builds could pro-
                                                                to be correct. Although their definitions of correct-
vide huge performance gains, we now try to explain
                                                                ness are not equivalent, most agree on the fact that
why such a well known optimization is never used in
                                                                correct build systems never need full rebuilds because
automated build farms. We identify three reasons that
                                                                their incremental build algorithms will always man-
make incremental builds unfit for CI environments.
                                                                age to “do the right thing”. This is a feature of new
    a. (lack of) Correctness: Existing build systems im-        build systems only. Existing projects will need time
       plement incremental builds incorrectly. The ob-          to switch to these build systems. For example, it is
       tained build result with incremental compilation         still recommended8 to clean the source tree before and
       differs from the one produced by a clean, full re-        after every build of the Linux kernel.
       build.                                                      The number of new build systems claiming to be
 b. (lack of) Control over the environment: Build sys-          correct is a strong hint that old, approximative build
    tems rely heavily on their environment. If not              systems do not meet today’s expectations of quality
    strictly controlled, products built from the same           and usability.
    source may not be the same. After multiple in-
    cremental builds, these impurities stack up, and            3.2   Control of the environment
    correctness is impacted.
                                                                Definitions of correctness used by legacy build systems
    c. (lack of) Linearity: CI uses clusters to build and       are local to the source tree. There is a broader scope
       test patches. A given worker may not have access         in which builds happen, commonly referred to as the
       to the build products of previous builds, forcing        environment. The environment is composed of all the
       it to rebuild from scratch. This requires commu-         parameters that are not under direct control of the
       nication and caching between builds.                     build system but that may influence the build results
   We discuss details of these aspects in the following         and therefore its correctness with respect to the whole
sections.                                                       environment. Variability in build environments ap-
                                                                pears with the set of available applications, their in-
3.1     Correctness                                             stalled versions, the processor architecture of the build
                                                                machine and many other parameters. Even small set-
At the heart of correctness resides the idea that a             tings like the hostname, the amount of RAM or the
build system should behave like a pure function. For            current time can impact builds in subtle ways.
a given initial state, the build system should always
                                                                   For incremental builds to produce correct results,
produce the same result. This means that incremental
                                                                they must either take these impurities into account, or
builds and full rebuilds from the same sources should
                                                                great care should be taken to run successive incremen-
always yield the same products. There are various
                                                                tal builds into (nearly) identical environments. Next-
ways to break current build systems. While some
                                                                gen build systems and package managers are starting
build systems are more robust than others, most can
                                                                to run their subprocesses in controlled sandboxes to
be tricked into producing wrong results. This topic
                                                                tame the impact of developer’s environments. For ex-
has been extensively studied by Mike Shal [7]. We will
                                                                ample, sandboxing was added in bazel in late 20159 .
only give a small example of such incorrect behavior
                                                                   Also, CI platforms have long seen the usefulness of
of make. Because it has no memory of its previous
                                                                controlling the build environments for reproducibility
invocations, make cannot tell sources from old build
                                                                purposes. Docker and VirtualBox are probably the
products. When a target ’old’ is renamed into a tar-
                                                                most used tools to manage build environments. Start-
get ’new’, make does not delete ’old’ when it produces
                                                                ing from this, it remains to be ensured that build sys-
’new’. The resulting state has both ’old’ and ’new’,
                                                                tems can detect environment changes. Based on that
which would not be the case if the system had been
                                                                information, they can rebuild the impacted parts or
build from clean sources. This example also shows that
                                                                take other appropriate actions. Smarter build system
correctness requires to keep a trace of previous execu-
                                                                could track important parameters from the environ-
tions. However make is a stateless program. It explores
                                                                ment and try to hide the others from the build tasks.
the working tree at each invocation to discover what
needs to be done. If it remains stateless, it will never          5 https://bazel.build/
achieve correctness as described here.                            6 http://buildsome.github.io/buildsome/

   Together with his article, Mike Shal developped                7 http://jasonwhite.github.io/button/
                                                                   8 https://www.csee.umbc.edu/courses/undergraduate/
tup4 , a correct build system as per his own exten-
    4 http://gittup.org/tup/                                       9 https://blog.bazel.build/2015/09/11/sandboxing.html

   The nix package manager [3] is an interesting                to be done in the future.
project in this context. It installs every software pack-          With these three issues addressed, we have sketched
age in a different path. As packages cannot conflict,            the key issues to be addressed by a build system good
multiple versions of the same package can be installed          enough to be used in continuous integration. With
at the same time. When using full paths, it is trivial to       these three features, the build system would meet the
detect different versions of the same binary; they have          correctness and reproducibility requirements of release
different paths. This also means that you have control           engineers while still providing the full benefit of in-
over which version of libraries are used. Nix packages          cremental builds. All these aspects are individually
do not depend on common installation paths like /usr            present in different pieces of software. The challenge
or /lib. They reference their dependencies directly by          resides in making them work together.
their full path. nix allows fine-grained control over
execution environments and system configuration, and            4   Ideal build system
could be used to wrap old-fashioned build systems that
do not take the environment into account.                       In order to support continuous integration for CI, we
   By properly controlling the environment and tak-             propose a design for an ideal build system. To anchor
ing it into account, build systems will produce correct         this discussion in the real world, we propose to reuse
incremental builds at the level required by release en-         existing software. This would avoid building yet an-
gineers.                                                        other build system from the ground up. The tools pro-
                                                                posed here could most probably be replaced by other
                                                                equivalent tools.
3.3   Lack of linearity
                                                                    At the core, we need a correct algorithm to manage
The last obstacle for CI to use incremental builds is           incremental builds. The algorithm from tup is correct
that CI builds are usually performed by a cluster of            (see Section 3.1) and could be reused as-is. However,
different workers. These workers cannot perform effi-              tup does not take into account changes to the host
cient incremental builds because they probably did not          system, and does not provide caching.
build the most recent version before the change being               To manage the environment, we propose to use nix
tested. If nothing is done, chances are that the worker         as described in Section 3.2. Combining tup with nix,
will have to catch up with intermediary commits and             we can generate build configuration files containing the
build more products than strictly needed. This has              full path to the command to run. The way nix in-
been observed at mozilla and motivated the develop-             stalls packages ensures that the command path will
ment of a shared build cache named sccache [5]. On              change when the executable or one of its dependencies
a lower level, it also requires workers to maintain a           change. This way tup will detect changes to the build
cache of previous builds. This is not easy to do when           command and trigger rebuilds where needed. As tup
workers are provisioned dynamically on the cloud. In            already tracks environment variables, and nix allows
both cases, the solution is identical. A cache of build         to remove much variability between systems, the build
results needs to be maintained.                                 environment would be under control.
   Caching build results is not a new idea. It is exactly           Finally, to provide sharing across the workers, we
what the ccache program performs for the C/C++                  need an efficient and correct caching mechanism. The
compiler. By comparing input files’ content and com-            cache should be implemented at the lowest level, be-
piler flags, ccache is able to cache object files and           neath tup. Whenever tup invokes a build command,
detect equivalent compiler invocations. In that situ-           the cache will first check if there is already a build
ation, ccache does not call the compiler but directly           result for that exact compilation. If the same step al-
produces the object files from its cache. As explained          ready happened, the cache produces the build outputs
above, this does only work if all the relevant parame-          without running the build step. If not, the build step
ters are taken into account. Failing to detect parame-          is executed and the results are added to the cache and
ter changes, ccache may produce incorrect object files.         shared on the cluster. The cache needs to take into
A similar mechanism could be implemented for entire             account the content of the input files, and all the com-
build steps. Given a build system with enough con-              pilation parameters like the compiler version and its
trol on the environment of its sub-processes, it could          flags as well as the available packages.
cache the result of sub-commands execution and query                While there exist excellent caching tools, significant
the cache before each sub-command. A well-designed              research and testing is required for this step. In partic-
cache could be shared by all the CI workers making the          ular it requires to design a proper encoding of a build
knowledge of one available to the others at once. Many          command and all its dependencies to make lookup of
questions remain on the feasibility and practical per-          previous identical builds efficient. Also, caching the
formance of such an implementation. Much remains                result of a build may be more complex than it looks.

How should we cache the result of a build step that ap-          References
pends to an existing file for example? Finally, caching
                                                                 [1] Bram Adams and Shane McIntosh. “Modern
is never easy to implement correctly, and may turn
                                                                     Release Engineering in a Nutshell – Why Re-
out to be impractical. For example, network access
                                                                     searchers Should Care”. In: IEEE 23rd Interna-
could be slower than a local rebuild. This part of the
                                                                     tional Conference on Software Analysis, Evolu-
tool requires investigations to ensure its feasibility and
                                                                     tion, and Reengineering (SANER). Vol. 5. Mar.
                                                                     2016, pp. 78–90. doi: 10.1109/SANER.2016.108.
   A tool designed like this should provide correct and
efficient incremental builds for distributed continuous            [2] Moritz Beller, Georgios Gousios, and Andy Zaid-
integration environments. Like most optimizations,                   man. ńOops, my tests broke the buildż: An Anal-
this tool would add complexity and introduce poten-                  ysis of Travis CI Builds with Github. Tech. rep.
tial bugs to be discovered. A careful assessment of the              PeerJ Preprints, 2016.
final tool would have to be realized. While we cannot            [3] Eelco Dolstra, Merijn De Jonge, Eelco Visser, et
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try, we believe that a huge speed-up in compilation                  ware Deployment.” In: LISA. Vol. 4. 2004, pp. 79–
time could make it attractive.                                       92.
                                                                 [4] Sebastian Erdweg, Moritz Lichter, and Manuel
5   Conclusion                                                       Weiel. “A Sound and Optimal Incremental Build
With incremental builds, we have argued that it is                   System with Dynamic Dependencies”. In: SIG-
possible to improve build performance by one or two                  PLAN Not. 50.10 (Oct. 2015), pp. 89–106. issn:
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it is on the critical path of developers that must wait          [5] Mike Hommey (glandium). Shared compilation
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                                                                 [6] Kim Moir. “Built to Scale: The Mozilla Re-
each of these we explained how it can be handled and
provided examples of existing tools capable of doing it.             lease Engineering toolbox”. EclipseCon. 2014.
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6   Acknowledgments                                                  A software analytics approach”. In: IEEE Soft-
We thank Bram Adams for his comments on an earlier                   ware 32.2 (2015), pp. 89–96.
version of this paper. We would also like to thank
Kim Moir and Mike Shal for their attentive reading
and their eagerness at discussing release engineering
practices at Mozilla.
