=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2088/paper2 |storemode=property |title=Development of Methodological Tools for Assessment and Enhancement Geospatial Literacy |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2088/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2088 |authors=Christos Charcharos,Emmanuel Papadakis,Thomas Blaschke,Vuokko Heikinheimo,Hoda Allahbakhshi,Robert Weibel,Weiming Huang,Ali Mansourian,Lars Harrie,Sebastian Hunger,Azimjon Sayidov,Robert Weibel,Kiran Zahra |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/agile/Charcharos17 }} ==Development of Methodological Tools for Assessment and Enhancement Geospatial Literacy== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2088/paper2.pdf
                Development of Methodological Tools for Assessment and
                          Enhancement Geospatial Literacy
                                                                 Christos Charcharos

                                                School of Rural and Surveying Engineering
                                                  National Technical University of Athens
                                              H. Polytechniou Str. 9, 15780, Zografos Campus
                                                              Athens, Greece


      Recent studies have demonstrated the importance of spatial thinking in sciences and in everyday life. The dissertation consistes of four
    distinctive but consecutive phases and its main purpose is the development of a methodological tool for the holistic assessment and
    enhancement of spatial abilities. This need is dictated by the fact that the current international approaches are limited to the assessment of
    individual small-scale spatial thinking factors, using paper-and-pencil questionnaires, while those of large-scale are usually neglected. In order
    to achieve that, in the first phase of the dissertation, spatial thinking will be delineated by identifying all its discrete factors through the
    implementation of Multidimensional Scaling (MDS). Afterwards, the methodological tool will be designed, implemented and evaluated. In
    addition, it will either be supported by a digital platform (e.g. GEOTHNK) or be a serious game that addresses to everyone (from young
    people to adults). In the third stage, the often-supported correlation between spatial thinking and problem-solving abilities will be investigated,
    using appropriate statistical methods. The last phase of the dissertation concerns the enhancement of spatial thinking at formal learning settings
    through the development of learning activities and scenarios that exploits Information and Communication Tools (ICT). Thus, students will
    be able to familiarize themselves with the building blocks of spatial thinking (spatial concepts, representation tools and reasoning processes).

    Keywords: Spatial thinking, small-scale, large-scale, assessment, enhancement.

1     Introduction                                                           processes (combining maps and making inferences
                                                                             about the potential areas).
Spatial thinking is the cognitive ability to visualize                         Spatial and geospatial thinking are used as
and interpret location, position, distance, direction,                       identical concepts, but there is an important
relationships, movement, and change over space, in                           difference that distinguishes them. In order to
different situations and at different scales (Sinton et                      realize that distinction, someone should fully
al., 2013). It is defined as a constructive synthesis                        understand the models of geographic space, which
of three components: (a) concepts of space, (b) tools                        can be categorized based on their projective size in
of representation, and (c) processes of reasoning                            relation to human body and the mobility that is
(NRC, 2006). The geospatial domain presents an                               required to comprehend their dimensions. Montello
excellent opportunity towards achieving a                                    (1993) considers that the geographic space consists
meaningful connection between theoretical, higher-                           of four major classes: figural, vista, environmental
level concepts and tools of representation and their                         and geographical. The first two spaces are
application in everyday life such as locating one’s                          projectively smaller than the human body or equal
home or following directions to an unknown place.                            to it respectively and can be apprehended without
For example, to identify suitable areas for                                  appreciable mobility, while the environmental and
constructing a winery based on various criteria                              geographical space are projectively larger or much
(altitude and distance from towns and rivers),                               larger than the human body and can be perceived
someone should grasp spatial concepts (location,                             via mobility or maps respectively. Golledge (2008),
distance, proximity, area of influence and                                   using the previous classification of geographic
elevation), use representation tools (maps and                               space, notes that the term “spatial” refers to the
terrain models), and be able to perform reasoning
    4th AGILE PhD School, October 30 – November 2, 2017

figural and vista space, while the term “geospatial”      According to Booth & Thomas (2000), spatial
refers to the environmental and geographical space.       thinking includes cognitive skills related to map
  The report of National Research Council (NRC,           reading and making, processes involving
2006) "Learning to Think Spatially: GIS as a              representation, scale, transformation, production
Support System in the K-12 Curriculum" argues             and recall of symbolic information, recognition and
that spatial thinking is essential in science and:        understanding of spatial projections, coordinate
“without explicit attention to [spatial literacy], we     systems, geometric configurations, formulation of
cannot meet our responsibility for equipping the          verbal instructions as well as navigation and
next generation of students for life and work in the      orientation based on observation and instruments
21st century”. This report marked the need for a          handling. This complexity hinders the delineation
turn in education towards the enhancement of              of spatial thinking because there isn’t an explicit
                                                          categorization of its factors. Many researchers have
spatial thinking and spatial literacy.
                                                          dealt with this issue and various factors have
  The results from NRC’s report stress the
                                                          emerged such as spatial perception, spatial
rewarding effects of developing geospatial skills in
                                                          visualization and mental rotation (Linn & Peterson,
increasing the participation in STEM disciplines          1985),      visualization,    spatial   relationships,
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics),          flexibility of closure, closure speed and perceptual
lacking of which acts as a barrier for students           ability (Carroll, 1993), navigation, dynamic spatial
leading them to dropout (Utal & Cohen, 2012).             ability, environmental ability etc. In addition,
Even more, spatial thinking is a vital talent for         spatial thinking factors have been defined in a
achieving STEM innovation, however due to being           variety of ways (e.g. similar descriptions with
neglected by educational systems it has been missed       different terms, identical terms with different
(NSF, 2010).                                              meanings). Furthermore, the number of factors
  Spatial skills are not innate but can be taught and     varies from author to author and ranges from two to
cultivated with meaningful results. Their                 ten (D’Oliveira, 2004). It is remarkable that the
empowerment can be achieved through formal                majority of them refers to small-scale factors, while
learning settings (Hegarty, 2014; Uttal et al., 2012      those of large-scale have not been studied
& 2013) and according to the NRC report:                  extensively.
“fostering spatial literacy can be achieved only by         The second contribution of the dissertation
systemic educational reform”. For example,                concerns the development of a methodological tool
children's spatial abilities can be enhanced by           for the holistic assessment of spatial thinking. So
puzzle games or the use of spatial language and           far, questionnaires are used to assess a single spatial
                                                          thinking factor, particularly those of small-scale.
gestures by teachers (Newcombe, 2010). Sorby
                                                          For example, Card Rotation test identifies two-
(2009) improved the performance of undergraduate
                                                          dimensional orientation and mental rotation of
students of polytechnic schools through a spatial
                                                          objects, Hidden Image test evaluates flexibility of
visualization course.                                     closure, Paper FormBoard assesses two-
  This dissertation will try to give more insights        dimensional spatial visualization (Ekstrom, 1976).
regarding: a) the “families” of spatial thinking          In addition, some questionnaires have been
abilities by defining the small- and large-scale          developed that simultaneously evaluate several
spatial thinking factors, b) methods for holistic         small-scale factors, such as the Spatial Thinking
assessment of spatial thinking, c) the often-             Ability Test (Lee & Bednarz, 2012) and the Spatial
supported correlation between spatial thinking and        Ability Test (Khaing, 2012). Therefore, there aren’t
problem-solving abilities and d) the enhancement of       any means for holistic evaluation of both small- and
spatial thinking abilities through the use of ICT         large-scale spatial thinking factors. Moreover, most
tools and resources.                                      of the aforementioned questionnaires were
                                                          developed without the contribution of a geospatial
                                                          scientist. Thus, spatial abilities are determined in
2     Research Questions                                  the narrow context of psychology and not within the
                                                             4th AGILE PhD School, October 30 – November 2, 2017

broad spectrum of spatial thinking (Hegarty et al.,         • The subject of the fourth phase is the
2002).                                                    enhancement of spatial thinking through the
  The investigation of the relationship between           development of educational resources using a
spatial thinking and problem-solving skills               properly structured toolkit.
constitutes the third pillar of the dissertation.
Problem-solving skills have been associated with            More specific, in the first phase the international
other cognitive skills such as critical and reflective    literature has been studied in order to record all
thinking skills (Demirel et al., 2015), metacognitive     small- and large-scale spatial thinking factors. So
and innovation skills (Brumer et al., 2014). Recent       far, 33 factors have been identified, 20 of which are
studies have also examined the correlation between        characterized as small-scale factors. Approximately
these two cognitive abilities. However, in these          100 participants will take part in an experimental
studies only a specific spatial thinking factor is        process, which will cluster these factors into
associated with a specific type of problem. For           categories. Using existing questionnaires that have
example, the type of visual representation with the       been checked for validity and reliability, a score
ability to solve verbal problems (Boonen et al.,          will be calculated for each factor. Through
2014) or the ability to locate objects with the ability   appropriate statistical analyses (Pearson correlation
to reason about distances (Mohring, 2015).                coefficient or Spearman’s rank correlation
  The fourth axis of the dissertation concerns the        coefficient), the correlation matrix of these factors
development of educational resources in order to          will be produced, which will also be used as the
cultivate spatial thinking through formal learning        entry data for conducting multidimensional scaling
settings. In the international literature, various        (MDS), resulting in the identification of the
methods can be spotted, including the use of virtual      “families” of spatial thinking.
environments (Hauptman, 2011), educational                  The next phase includes the design and
scenarios (Kavouras et al., 2014) or Web-GIS (Jo et       implementation of the methodological tool, which
al., 2016). In all these methods, the curriculum of       will be an extension of the GEOTHNK platform
secondary and tertiary education was studied and          developed in the framework of a European project
the resources were developed targeting specific           to promote spatial thinking in formal learning
courses. Although there are many educational              settings (Kavouras et al., 2014). Firstly, the
resources at an international level, those that are       functional requirements of the system, the goals to
available in Greece are few and limited to the            be achieved and the end users, consisting of young
development of educational scenarios without              people and young adults (ages 13 to 25), will be
exploiting Information and Communication                  defined. At the implementation stage, except for the
Technology (ICT) tools.                                   methodological tool, an online questionnaire will
                                                          also be developed, meeting the necessary standards
                                                          of validity and reliability. The methodological tool
3    Methodology
                                                          will provide the ability to interact with the user in
                                                          order to evaluate spatial thinking. Thus, learning
The dissertation consists of four successive phases,
which are analyzed below:                                 analytics tools are likely to be used, which will
                                                          collect, analyze and measure data from the learners,
  • In the first phase, an extensive literature review    for purposes of understanding and optimizing
has been conducted in order to identify the               learning and the environments in which it occurs.
representative factors / “families” of spatial            Several learning analytics tools have been
thinking.                                                 developed, such as SNAPP, C4S, AWE, PASS
  • The second phase involves the design and              (Atif et al., 2013), which will be evaluated in order
implementation of the methodological tool in which        to identify the one that best suits the needs of the
learning analytics tools will be integrated.              methodological tool.
  • The third phase concerns the evaluation of the
                                                            In the third phase, a preliminary evaluation of the
methodological tool and the investigation of the
relationship between spatial thinking and problem-        methodological tool with a relative small number of
solving skills.                                           participants will be carried out in order to identify
    4th AGILE PhD School, October 30 – November 2, 2017

any errors and omissions. Once these errors are           I would like to acknowledge Eugenides Foundation
corrected, the methodological tool will be used to        for its financial support through a PhD scholarship.
assess spatial thinking of secondary and tertiary         In addition, I would like to thank my supervisor
students. Additionally, problem-solving skills of         Prof. Marinos Kavouras, as well as Dr. Margarita
the same students will be evaluated, using the            Kokla and Dr. Eleni Tomai for their support.
“Programme for International Student Assessment”
(PISA) questionnaire (OECD, 2015) or the Adult
Literacy and Lifeskills Survey (OECD, 2005),              References
addressed to people between 16 to 65 years old.
Appropriate statistical methods and analyses (as          Atif, A., Bilgin, A., Richards, D., Marrone, M.
mentioned previously) will be used to explore the         (2014) Learning Analytics in Higher Education: A
possible relationship between spatial thinking and        Summary of Tools and Approaches. In:
problem-solving skills. In addition, through a            Proceedings of 30th Ascilite Conference, Sydney,
regression analysis, the relative contribution of         2014.
spatial thinking “families” to the development of
                                                          Boonen, A., Van Wesel, F., Jolles, J., Van der
problem-solving skills will be examined.
                                                          Schoot, M. (2014) The role of visual representation
  Finally, the fourth phase concerns the
                                                          type, spatial ability, and reading comprehension in
development of new educational resources that will        word problem solving: An item-level analysis in
enhance student’s spatial thinking. The curriculum
                                                          elementary school children. International Journal
of secondary and tertiary education will be studied
                                                          of Educational Research, 68, 15-26.
in order to identify the appropriate courses, in the
context of which the resources will be developed. In
                                                          Booth, R., Thomas, M. (2000) Visualization in
order to create interactive educational resources,
                                                          mathematics learning: Arithmetic problem-solving
ICT tools will be exploited, thus familiarizing the
                                                          and student difficulties. Journal of Mathematical
students with concepts of space, representation           Behavior, 18(2), 169-190.
tools and reasoning processes. For example, one
idea is to develop a serious game regarding spatial
                                                          Carroll, J. (1993) Human cognitive abilities: a
thinking, using existing game engines, such as            survey of factor analytic studies. Cambridge,
Unity 3D. Its purpose is twofold: a) to present an
                                                          Cambridge University Press.
alternative to existing methods of assessment and
be more attractive to children, as well as b) to serve    D’ Oliveira, T. (2004) Dynamic spatial ability: an
as means of enhancement and assessment of spatial
                                                          exploratory analysis and a confirmatory study.
thinking simultaneously.
                                                          International Journal of Aviation Psychology,
                                                          14(1), 19-38.
4     Expected Results
                                                          Demirel, M., Derman, I., Karagedik, E. (2015) A
The expected results of this dissertation constitute
                                                          Study on the Relationship between Reflective
its contribution as well as its innovative features,
                                                          Thinking Skills towards Problem Solving and
which are the following:
                                                          Attitudes towards Mathematics. In: Alevriadou, A.,
   • the delineation of spatial thinking by identifying
all its discrete small- and large-scale factors,          (ed.) Proceedings of 7th World Conference on
   • the design, implementation and evaluation of a       Educational Sciences, Greece, 2015.
methodological tool, supported by a digital
platform for the holistic assessment of spatial           Ekstrom, R., French, J., Harman, H., Dermen, D.
thinking,                                                 (1976) Manual for kit of factor referenced cognitive
   • the correlation, if any, between spatial thinking    tests. Princeton, NJ, Educational Testing Services.
and problem-solving skills, and
   • the development of new learning activities to        Golledge, R., Marsh, M., Battersby, S. (2008) A
enhance spatial thinking through formal education.        Conceptual Framework for Facilitating Geospatial
                                                           4th AGILE PhD School, October 30 – November 2, 2017

Thinking. Annals of the Association of American         basis for GIS, Proceedings of COSIT '93. 716, pp.
Geographers, 98(2), 285-308.                            312-321. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in
                                                        Computer Science.
Hauptman, H. (2010) Enhancement of spatial
thinking with virtual spaces 1.0. Computers and         National Research Council (NRC), (2006) Learning
Education, 54(1), 123-135.                              to Think Spatially: GIS as a Support System in the
                                                        K-12 Curriculum. Washington D.C., The National
Hegarty, M. (2014) Spatial Thinking in                  Academies Press.
Undergraduate Science Education. Spatial
Cognition and Computation, 14(2), 142-167.              National Science Foundation, (2010) Preparing the
                                                        Next Generation of Stem Innovators: Identifying
Hegarty, M., Richardson, A., Montello, D.,              and Developing our Nation’s Human Capital.
Lovelace, K., Subiah, I. (2002) Development of a        [Online]             Available              from:
self-report measure of environmental spatial ability.   http://www.nsf.gov/nsb/publications/2010/nsb103
Intelligence, 30, 425-447.                              3.pdf [Accessed 7th February 2016].

Jo, I., Hong, J.-E., Verma, K. (2016) Facilitating      Newcombe, N. (2010). Picture this: Increasing
spatial thinking in world geography using Web-          math and science learning by improving spatial
based GIS. Journal of Geography in Higher               thinking. American Educator, 34 (2), 29–35.
Education, 40(3), 442-459.                              Organization for Economic Co-operation and
                                                        Development (OECD) and Statistics Canada,
Kavouras, M., Kokla. M., Tomai, E., Darra, N.,          (2005) Learning a Living: First Results of the Adult
Baglatzi, A., Sotiriou, S., Lazoudis, A., (2014) The    Literacy and Life Skills Survey. Ottawa and Paris,
GEOTHNK platform: connecting spatial thinking           OECD Publishing.
to secondary education. In: Proceedings of 14th
International Conference on Advanced Learning           Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Technologies, Athens, 2014.                             Development (OECD), (2015) PISA 2015 Released
                                                        Field Trial Cognitive Items. Paris, OECD
Khaing, N.-N., Yamada, T., Ishii, H. (2012)             Publishing.
Developing two equivalent spatial ability tests for
Myanmar middle school students. Japanese                Sinton, D. (2011) Spatial Thinking, In: Stoltman, J.
Journal for Research on Testing, 8, 49-67.              (Ed.). 21st Century Geography: A Reference
                                                        Handbook. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications.
Lee, J., Bednarz, R. (2012) Components of spatial
thinking: Evidence from a spatial thinking ability      Sorby, S. (2009) Educational research in
test. Journal of Geography, 111(1), 15-26.              developing 3-D spatial skills for engineering
                                                        students. International Journal of Science
Linn, M., Petersen, A. (1985) Emergence and             Education, 31, 459–480.
characterization of gender differences in spatial
abilities: A Meta-analysis. Child Development, 56,      Uttal, D., Cohen, C. Spatial Thinking and STEM
1579-1498.                                              Education: When, Why, and How?. Psychology of
                                                        Learning and Motivation, 57, 147-181.
Mohring, W., Newcombe, N., Frick, A. (2015) The
relation between spatial thinking and proportional      Uttal, D., Meadow, N., Tipton, E., Hand, L., Alden,
reasoning in preschoolers. Journal of Experimental      A., Warren, C., Newcombe, N. (2013) The
Child Psychology, 132, 213-220.                         Malleability of Spatial Skills: A Meta-Analysis of
                                                        Training Studies. Psychological Bulletin, 139 (2),
Montello, D. (1993) Scale and multiple                  352-402.
psychologies of space. In Frank, A., Campari, I.,
(Eds.), Spatial information theory: A theoritical