=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2088/paper6 |storemode=property |title=Geospatial Data Integration and Visualisation Using Linked Data |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2088/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-2088 |authors=Weiming Huang,Ali Mansourian,Lars Harrie,Sebastian Hunger,Azimjon Sayidov,Robert Weibel,Kiran Zahra |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/agile/Huang17 }} ==Geospatial Data Integration and Visualisation Using Linked Data== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2088/paper6.pdf
         Geospatial data integration and visualisation using Linked Data
           Weiming Huang                                      Ali Mansourian                                    Lars Harrie
       GIS Centre, Department of                        GIS Centre, Department of                       GIS Centre, Department of
       Physical Geography and                           Physical Geography and                          Physical Geography and
       Ecosystem Science, Lund                          Ecosystem Science, Lund                         Ecosystem Science, Lund
              University                                        University                                      University
         Sölvegatan 12, 223 62                             Sölvegatan 12, 223 62                          Sölvegatan 12, 223 62
             Lund, Sweden                                      Lund, Sweden                                    Lund, Sweden
      weiming.huang@nateko.lu.se                       ali.mansourian@nateko.lu.se                       lars.harrie@nateko.lu.se


    Geospatial data are increasingly available nowadays, and this leads to more analyses and visualisation of geospatial data from several
    sources. To enable this, we need homogenous data as well as proper integration methods. Geospatial data integration has been a long-
    standing research topic for decades, and this paper discusses the utilisation of Linked Data technology stack to alleviate the geospatial
    data integration, particularly in the multi-scale context. Furthermore, this paper also discusses the possibilities of incorporating
    symbolisation information in Linked Data along with the integrated linked geospatial data for visualisation.
    Keywords: geospatial data integration; multi-scale; Linked Data; visualisation; symbolisation.

1    Introduction                                                         web map), the thematic data are usually simply
                                                                          overlaid on the top of a base map without explicit
The rapid development of the Internet, together                           links and integration. However, the scales of the
with the incentives from legislation, commence,                           thematic data and the base map are generally not
and the open data trend, has led to the improvement                       synchronised because unlike the thematic layer, the
of the availability of geospatial data, including both                    base map is usually a multi-scale map from an
the authoritative geospatial data accessible from                         authoritative mapping agency and has multiple
governmental Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs)                          representations (for details, see Huang et al., 2016).
and the prevalent Volunteered Geographic                                    In this context, the Semantic Web technologies,
Information (VGI). For example, in Europe, the                            particularly the ones concerning Linked Data,
INSPIRE1 directive formulated that in a few years’                        provide a promising technical framework to ease
time, several authorities that are responsible for                        the integration and linking between geospatial data.
creating and maintaining geospatial data are obliged                      “Linked Data” is the term for the collection of
to set up download services to facilitate the access                      design principles and technologies centred around a
and sharing of geospatial data. The substantial                           paradigm to publish, retrieve, reuse, and integrate
improvement of data availability will enable cross-                       data on the Web (Kuhn et al. 2014). The adoption
data set analysis and visualisation, in which the                         and application of Linked Data in the geospatial
integration of geospatial data from different sources                     community have developed considerably in recent
is indispensable.                                                         years. A number of geospatial data sets have been
  The productions of geospatial data from different                       released as Linked Data, and some of them have
sources are generally isolated, and this causes the                       made up an indispensable portion in the linking
syntactic and semantic heterogeneity that are two                         open data (LOD) cloud (The Linking Open Data
significant obstacles for geospatial data integration.                    cloud diagram, 2017; Figure 1). On the other hand,
Furthermore, the links between multi-source                               the visualisation and symbolisation of linked
geospatial data that are of relevance are often                           geospatial data has been rarely exploited, and it is
lacking. The absence of links between data sets                           even trickier in a multi-scale context. Hence, this
impedes the integration of geospatial data for                            project mainly concentrates on investigating the
visualisation and analysis, and this impediment is                        integration and visualisation of multi-source
especially significant in a multi-scale environment.                      geospatial data utilising the Linked Data technology
For example, in a map mashup (a common form of                            stack, in particular in a multi-scale context. The
    AGILE PhD school 2017

following research questions will be addressed            Data integration is a long-standing research theme

                             Figure 1. The central part of LOD cloud of November, 2017

within the work:                                          in the geospatial domain where geometric,
  • How to organise geospatial data in different          topological as well as semantic information are
scales in Linked Data, the design of unique resource      used (see e.g. , Walter and Fritch 1999, Du et al.
identifiers and ontologies is important to link the       2012, Yang et al. 2014). With a few exceptions
multiple representations of each geographic object;       (e.g., Mustière and Devogele. 2008), these studies
  • How to establish the links between different          have concentrated on the integration of data of
geospatial Linked Data sets, particularly in a multi-     similar levels of detail.
scale context;                                              In the abovementioned environment of map
  • How the links between data sets can be utilised       mashup, in which multi-source geospatial data are
for the synchronisation of scales between multi-          generally simply overlaid together without any
source geospatial data sets;                              links established between each other, the
  • How the linked geospatial data sets should be         integration usually is about multi-scale data sets.
visualised and symbolised, namely how the                 Stern and Sester (2013) studied mashups of natural
symbolisation information should be defined and           protected areas on top of a base map, where the
organised, and on which level (feature level, feature     protected areas often have common geometries with
collection level, etc.) it should be defined.             the base map. To overcome the problem of
  • How the linked geospatial data sets would             inconsistencies in the multi-scale representation,
benefit the SDI.                                          they argued that the base map should act as
                                                          constraints for generalising the thematic data.
2     Related work                                        Toomanian et al. (2013) used Semantic Web
                                                          technologies to integrate multi-source data in map
2.1    Geospatial data integration using Linked           mashups. They defined the semantic relationships
       Data                                               between feature types in the thematic data and the
                                                          base map in the map mashups using ontologies.
                                                                                       AGILE PhD school 2017

These semantic relationships were then used to           of multi-scale geospatial data sets has been rarely
enable real-time adjustment of the thematic features     explored, and this is the focus of this project.
to the base map.
  Linked Data technology has been adopted to             2.2   Visualisation of geospatial linked data
facilitate geospatial data integration in some other
                                                         The linked geospatial data are situated at rather
studies. For instance, Wiemann and Bernard (2016)
                                                         central places in the LOD because geospatial and
investigated possibilities for the integration of SDI
                                                         location data often serve as nexus and linkage
and Linked Data paradigm in terms of spatial data
                                                         between different data items and sets (Janowicz,
integration. They implemented a prototype system
                                                         2012). However, the portrayal and symbolisation of
where the spatial relationships were explored by the
                                                         linked geospatial data have been seldom discussed.
OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) and then
                                                         When it comes to the visualisation of linked
explicitly and separately stored using Linked Data,
                                                         geospatial data, the providers of such data generally
including the information of involved features,
                                                         use external styling service or hard-coded
relationship types and conducted relationship
                                                         symbolisation parameters. The LinkedGeoData
measurements. Lutz et al. (2009) addressed a
                                                         (LGD) project which released OpenStreetMap
hybrid ontology-based solution for overcoming the
                                                         (OSM) data in Linked Data used separate renderer
semantic heterogeneity in SDI. They designed a
                                                         service where the symbolisation rules are settled to
shared vocabulary on top of which the application
                                                         render the LGD data (Stadler et al. 2012). The
ontologies were designed, then they used the
                                                         GeoNames2 has an online portal in which the
ontology reasoner (DL query) to identify the
                                                         entities can be shown on the top of either a digital
subsumption relationships between concepts, thus
                                                         base map or satellite images; the entities are simply
the corresponding concepts in                different
                                                         shown as labels with numerical signs or bounding
classification systems were recognised; they also
                                                         boxes with uniform symbology. In these cases, the
used semantic annotations to label the data services
                                                         portrayal information is not explicit and can be
to enable the data requestor to use a tailored
                                                         hardly reused by the users or other organisations
language to retrieve data. The tailored language was
                                                         which are interested in the geospatial data in RDF
then translated into DL query and subsequently the
                                                         and the visualisation of the data.
WFS requests were invoked.
                                                           There have been some studies using ontologies to
  In the framework of Linked Data technology,
                                                         organise and semantically annotate the symbology
some techniques have been extended in order to
                                                         information in Linked Data. For example, the OGC
improve the handling of linked geospatial data. For
                                                         (Open Geospatial Consortium) explored semantic
example, SPARQL, as the query protocol for RDF,
                                                         mediation of portrayal information of geospatial
has a standardised geospatial extension –
                                                         data using ontology in their testbed 11 and 12
GeoSPARQL (Perry and Herring, 2011).
                                                         (Fellah, 2015; 2017). They designed symbology
GeoSPARQL also provides an ontology as a
                                                         ontologies during the testbeds, and the ontologies in
standardised exchange basis for geospatial RDF
                                                         testbed 11 was more inclined to the ISO 19117
data (Battle and Kolas, 2012) and this has been
                                                         standard (Kresse and Fadaie, 2004) and the
adopted in several studies in which the geospatial
                                                         ontology in testbed 12 was better aligned to
data sets are published as Linked Data and linked to
                                                         Symbology Encoding (SE; Müller, 2006) and
other data sets. For example, Patroumpas et al.
                                                         Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD; Lupp, 2007). In
(2015) exposed the INSPIRE-compliant data and
                                                         outline, the ontologies that they developed were
metadata as Linked Data by transforming them into
                                                         modularised to avoid huge-sized ontology and
the data model of resource description framework
                                                         foster the reusability, specifically the vocabulary
(RDF) using XSLT transformations and then
                                                         was modularised into style ontology, symbol
exposing them through (Geo)SPARQL endpoints,
                                                         ontology, symbolizer ontology and graphic
they adopted the GeoSPARQL ontology for the
                                                         ontology. However, there still very few study
geometric representation of their RDF data sets.
                                                         concerning how the symbolisation information
These technical advances enable the geospatial data
                                                         should be associated with geospatial information in
to be linked and referenced. However, the linking
                                                         the LOD cloud, and how the multi-scale
    AGILE PhD school 2017

symbolisation should be arranged if the data are in     The PhD study of the Weiming Huang at GIS
several different levels of detail.                     Centre, Lund University is jointly funded by China
                                                        Scholarship Council (CSC) and Lund University.

3    Method
The Linked Data technology will be leveraged in
this project. Specifically, the data will be            1.https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/
constructed upon their connections with the             2.http://www.geonames.org/
reference data sets. For example, the natural
protected areas are generally defined by their
connections with other geographic objects (e.g.,        Reference
river, lake, road, etc.). Assuming that the reference
geospatial data that have the topographic and           Abele, A., McCrae, J.P., Buitelaar, P., Jentzsch, A.
cadastral objects are released in Linked Data, then     and Cyganiak, R. (2017) Linking open data cloud
the natural protected areas can be defined upon their   diagram 2017 [online]. Available from: http://lod-
relations with the objects in base map, and the         cloud.net/ [accessed 15 February 2017]
scales between the reference data and the thematic
data that are built upon the reference data can be      Battle, R. and Kolas, D. (2012) Enabling the
automatically synchronised. Several case studies        geospatial semantic web with parliament and
will be performed to verify the feasibility of the      GeoSPARQL. Semantic Web, 3(4), 355-370.
approach. In addition to this, the symbolisation
information of both thematic and reference data will    Du, H., Anand, S., Alechina, N., Morley, J., Hart,
also be incorporated into the Linked Data sets to       G., Leibovici, D., Jackson, M. and Ware, M. (2012)
enable tailored visualization. The symbolisation of     Geospatial information integration for authoritative
thematic data also can be dependent on the styling      and crowd sourced road vector data. Transactions
or other information in reference data.                 in GIS, 16 (4), 455–476.
  To realise this idea, we need:
• Multiple representation databases that are released   Fellah, S. (ed.) (2015) OGC Testbed-11 Symbology
as Linked Data to serve as reference data sets, the     Mediation Engineering Report, Open Geospatial
GeoSPARQL can be employed to act as vocabulary          Consortium.
for geometries; and the design of URI still needs to
be explored;                                            Fellah, S. (ed.) (2017) Testbed-12 Semantic
• Ontologies that define the formal semantics of the    Portrayal, Registry and Mediation Engineering
relations between thematic and reference data, these    Report, Open Geospatial Consortium.
can be extended from GeoSPARQL;
• Ontologies that define the styling information of     Huang, W., Harrie, L. and Mansourian, A. (2016).
linked geospatial data, some concepts from SE and       On-demand mapping and integration of thematic
SLD can serve as reference;                             data. In ICA Workshop on Generalisation and
• A mechanism for generating thematic data from         Multiple Representation, 14 June, Helsinki,
the relations with reference data for visualisation     Finland.
and analysis;
• A prototypical system that can automatically          Janowicz, K. (2012) Place and Location on the Web
generate thematic data from the above data              of      Linked     Data.     WWW         document,
modelling and visualise them according to the           http://stko.geog.ucsb.edu/location_linked_data
tailored symbolisation information.
                                                        Kresse, W. and Fadaie, K. (2004). ISO standards
                                                        for geographic information. Springer Science &
Acknowledgement                                         Business Media.
                                                                                     AGILE PhD school 2017

Kuhn, W., Kauppinen, T., and Janowicz, K. (2014)        data in viewing services. Journal of Spatial
Linked Data – a paradigm shift for geographic           Information Science, 2013(6), 43-58.
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