=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2104/paper_188 |storemode=property |title=Production Activity of Agricultural Business Structures and Its Efficiency in Ukraine |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2104/paper_188.pdf |volume=Vol-2104 |authors=Nadiia Reznik,Mykola Ilchuk,Sergey Us |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/ReznikIU18 }} ==Production Activity of Agricultural Business Structures and Its Efficiency in Ukraine== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2104/paper_188.pdf
    Production Activity of Agricultural Business Structures
               and Its Efficiency in Ukraine

                      Nadiia Reznik 1, Mykola Ilchuk 1 and Sergey Us 1
         National University of Life and Environmental Science, 27 Heroiv Oborony st., Kyiv,
                                          03041 Ukraine
              rezniknadiya@ukr.net, ilchukmykola54@gmail.com,

         Abstract. The paper discusses that in the conditions of domestic economy
         transformational changes, insufficient financing and economic risks growth;
         there is a need to increase efficiency level of agricultural business structures ac-
         tivity. Providing of these conditions depends on scientific and practical devel-
         opments implementation into enterprises production activity with a purpose of
         its improvement. To achieve a high efficiency level, it’s necessary to analyze
         the agribusiness structures functioning environment which is characterized by
         market conditions dynamic changes and greatly affects the size, specialization,
         production structure etc. Most enterprises are on the stage of assets accumula-
         tion and production diversification directions search which involves different
         activities and intensive development. At the same time, banks’ lending volume
         decrease and production costs growth due to devaluation of the national curren-
         cy as well as economic activity decline leads to agricultural enterprises research
         of new ways to increase return on investments.

         Keywords: agricultural business structure, plant growing, stockbreeding, social
         efficiency, employment, integral indicator.

1        Introduction
The aim of the article is to develop offers how to optimize production activity of agri-
cultural business structures and increase its efficiency. This task requires resources
provision level determination of agricultural enterprises, their rational combination
and effective usage. They should be solved by resource-saving production technolo-
gies, investments attractiveness increase and responsible attitude to the environment.
    A significant contribution to the research of the production activities of the agricul-
tural business structures and definition of production’s optimization belong to such
domestic and foreign scientists as M. Ilchuk [1, 2], S. Kvasha [3], N. Reznik [4, 5], U.
Lupenko [6], M. Malik [7], B. Paskhaver [8], O. Shubravskaya [9], A. Sen [10], S. Mo-
cherny [11], A. Borisov [12], A. Azryliyan [13] and others [14-16]. In particular O.
Shubravskaya claims that production optimization is among the main methods to pro-
vide agricultural enterprises effective functioning in the unstable market environment.
Because of that, its theoretical and methodological implementation features, the corre-
lation between production resources, and their influence on output as well as parame-
ters and restrictions for the optimization model development under limited resources
conditions are extremely important [9]. S. Mocherny considers optimization of pro-
duction as a process of interaction between people and nature, as well as just between
people during creating material and immaterial goods in an optimal (the most perfect)
state by choosing optimal criteria with quantitative and qualitative parameters in order
to develop productive forces and economic relations [11]. A. Borisov offers that it is –
the definition of optimal values of economic indicators in the process of creating dif-
ferent types of economic product in order to achieve the best state [12]. A. Azryliyan
interprets the optimization of production as bringing the human-made process of cre-
ating products (products, energy and services) into the best (optimal) state [13].
   Highly appreciating the contribution of these scientists for the development of the
theoretical and methodological foundations in analysis of the production activity of
agricultural enterprises and its efficiency, it should be noted that the question about
influence of the main factors of agrarian production on its effectiveness remains to be
fully investigated and needs offers for improvement of the main economic, social and
environmental indicators of agricultural production in conditions of economic risks

2       Research Findings

2.1     Analysis of agricultural business structures
In accordance with the economic theory of social welfare, namely its provisions about
efficiency of resource distribution, each enterprise should maximize the effect of the
use of productive resources taking into account social interest. It means that in addi-
tion to efficient use of resources according an economic point of view, it should be
taken into account the possible negative influence on nature and potential social prob-
lems due to excessive automation of production and the failure of the enterprise to
provide workable people of the countryside with work. An existed interrelation be-
tween the interests of business, society and the environment is situated below (fig. 1).

                          Private business interests: increasing of prof-
                        it and recoupment of expenditures, reduce of
                        risk, reduce the period of capital turnover, in-
                                   creasing of profit margin

         Social interests of the soci-               Environmental interests of the so-
        ety: creation of new jobs,                 ciety: reduction of environmental
         increasing of wages, im-                 pollution, improvement of the condi-
      provement of labor conditions                    tion of renewable resources
Fig. 1. Interrelation between the interests of business, society and the environment in organiza-
tion process of production

    Effective production activity of agricultural business structures requires a rational combi-
nation of plant growing and stockbreeding branches, needs to take into account market con-
ditions, as well as providing of economic, social and environmental efficiency of agricultural
production. A rational combination of branches involves using secondary production, trans-
ferring of seasonal employers to permanent employment during the year at the expense of
diversification of production, as well as increasing of economic efficiency of production
activities and reducing of financial risks.
    Analysis of the cultivated areas and stockbreeding of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine
is shown below with the aim to evaluate production activity (fig. 2).
                   Sugar beet              Other
                      1%                 crops 10%                   Winter
                    Soybeen                                          wheat
                      7%                                             25%

                    Rape 5%

                   crops 5%                                          Sunflower
                                   Corn for                            21%
                                  grain 20%       Spring
                                                 barley 6%
                                     Other                  Beef
                                   livestock                11%
                                      and                          Other
                                    poultry                        cattle
                                      2%                            11%

                    (chiken)                                        Pork 24%

Fig. 2. Structure of the cultivated areas and stockbreeding of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine,
2016 (including farms)

   Ukrainian agricultural enterprises, including farms, are concentrated on the produc-
tion of the four most profitable crops: winter wheat, corn, sunflower and soybeans.
More than 50% of the total land area of agricultural enterprises is used for the grain
crops. At the same time, the structure of grain cultivation is changing: if in 2011 win-
ter wheat accounted for 43,9%, spring barley – 20,9%, corn – 12,7%, then in 2016 the
crop area under wheat was 25% , under barley – 6%, and corn – 20%. One of the
reasons for this change is possibility of getting bigger profit from 1 hectare of corn
cultivation. An important trend is the reduction of cultivated areas under fodder crops,
because of decreasing of livestock and poultry and a reduction of volume of produc-
tion of certain livestock products. Changing the livestock structure is explained by
higher profitability and a lower period of capital turnover when chicken and pork are
grown. At the same time, the growth of cattle in most agricultural enterprises is gen-
erally unprofitable. However, the reduction in the number of cattle has both negative
social (unemployment, income reduction) and negative environmental influence, in
particular reduction of organic fertilizers introduction. In addition, the creation of
large complexes for the production of pork and poultry meat involves significant risks
in the conditions of epidemics, and also has a negative influence on the environment.
   Changing structure of cultivated area and livestock have direct influence on the volume
and production of agricultural products. Consider changes of gross products in terms of
the main types of products of plant growing and stockbreeding sectors, as well as its struc-
ture with the aim to research influence of the above changes on the production results of
agricultural enterprises (Table 1).

 Table 1. Gross products of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine, calculated according constant
                                        prices of 2010

  Types of          2012            2013            2014             2015            2016
  products       Mln.    %       Mln.    %       Mln.    %        Mln.    %       Mln.    %
                 hrn.            hrn.            hrn.             hrn.            hrn.
Products    of   71275     74    66813     71    92138    76,1   82130     72,6   103128   75,5
plant growing
Wheat            17530    18,2   13681    14,5   18143     15    12932     11,4   17982    13,2
Barley            7972     8,3    5260     5,6    5197     4,3    3928     3,5     4279     3,1
Corn              8747     9,1   10152    10,8   20646    17,1   18751     16,6   28018    20,5

Sunflower        14715    15,3   15875    16,9   20716    17,1   20267     17,9   26846    19,7

Soybeans          2382     2,5    3808     4      5085     4,2    5362     4,7     6158     4,5

Rape              5050     5,2    3854     4,1    3839     3,2    3293     2,9     6375     4,7

Other prod-      14879    15,5   14183    15,1   18512    15,3   17597     15,6   13470     9,9
Products of      24998     26    27276     29    28915    23,9   30952     27,4   33463    24,5
Cattle (live      2125     2,2    2033     2,2    1984     1,6    2076     1,8     2043     1,5
Pork (live        4292     4,5    5244     5,6    5752     4,8    6202     5,5     7123     5,2
Poultry(live     8500     8,8    9321     9,9    9724     8,0    10396     9,2    11772     8,6
Milk             5460     5,7    5512     5,9    5585     4,6     6304     5,6    6422      4,7
Eggs             4208    4,4   4766      5,1   5462      4,5   5574    4,9     5693      4,2
Other pro-       412,9   0,4   400,8     0,4   408,6     0,3   400,9   0,4     410       0,3

   This table confirms that there is a steady tendency to increase the share of produc-
tion of basic agricultural products in the structure of gross products. At the same time,
there is an increase in production of corn for grain and sunflower and a decrease in
the production of barley and wheat. In the stockbreeding sector, the decline of produc-
tion is only for beef; production of other types of products is increasing. At the same
time, the change in the structure and size of production in livestock production is
much slower than in the field of plant growing. Also, the production of livestock
products is much less dependent on the natural and climatic conditions, so there are
no such sharp fluctuations in the volume of gross products, as in the field of plant
   The size of agricultural enterprises is depend on available agricultural land, the re-
quirements of production specialization, the size of production expenditures, the
availability of financial resources, etc. Consider the quantitative changes in agricul-
tural enterprises of Ukraine by size of land (Table 2).

 Table 2. Groups of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine by size of agrarian land, units

Groups of agricul-         2012        2013       2014         2015      2016         2016
tural enterprises                                                                     in %
Up to 5,0 ha               5850        5784      5639          5332     5026           85,9
5,1-10,0 ha                4082        4038      3983          3809     3755           92,0
10,1-20,0 ha               5088        4925      4897          4795     4784           94,0
20,1-50,0 ha              13928        13707     13535         13334    13294          95,5
50,1-100,0 ha              4731        4831       4895         5016      5275     111,5
100,1-500,0 ha             7385        7181       7195         7261      7233     97,9
500,1-1000,0 ha            2764        2667       2595         2624      2666         96,5
1000,1-2000,0 ha           2781        2661       2549         2565      2531         91,0
2000,1-3000,0 ha           1363        1347       1304         1270      1251         91,8
3000,1-4000,0 ha            701         666        640          632       619         88,3
4000,1-5000,0 ha            378         376        355          334       323         85,5
5000,1-7000,0 ha           313          332       342           337      345      110,2
7000,1-10000,0 ha          159          178       175           179      165          84,9
Over 10000,0 ha            112          131       152           164      175      156,3
Enterprises,     which    49635        48824     48256         47652    47442     95,6
have agrarian land, ha
Enterprises, which         7517        7669       7877         8214      8416     112,0
don’t have agrarian
land, ha
 Total                           57152      56493        56133         55866       55858       97,7

    This grouping makes possibility to argue that transformational changes have led to the
consolidation and reduction of agricultural enterprises.
    Reasonable consolidation of enterprises contributes for more efficient use of resources.
There is a steady tendency to reduce the number of agricultural enterprises with the aim of
its consolidation, which has influence on the reduction of the number of employers in
agricultural enterprises of Ukraine (Table 3).
    Reducing the number of employers in the stockbreeding is faster than in the field of plant
growing. One of the reasons for this is a reduction in stockbreeding and a focus on poultry
breeding, which has a higher level of profitability, a shorter period of capital turnover, and is
less labor-intensive.

       Table 3. Level of employment in agricultural business structures of Ukraine, thsd. persons

      Indicators         2012        2013       2014         2015        2016     2016 in % to
      Number of          733,0      709,2       732,7        708,2      678,8           92,6
      thsd. persons
      plant growing      513,7      500,1       538,4        528,0      510,0           99,3

      stockbreeding     219,3       209,1     194,3        180,2        168,8           77,0

      Structure of      100 %       100 %     100 %        100 %        100 %             -
      plant growing       70,1       70,5        73,5        74,6        75,1            +5

      stockbreeding       29,9       29,5        26,5        25,4        24,9            -5

  At the same time, such a decrease in the number of employees may mean a transition to a
more efficient system of production activity.

2.2      Analysis of production efficiency of agricultural business structures
Providing of effective production activity of agricultural business structures involves accord-
ance to scientifically substantiated level of use of production resources. One of the ways to
provide it is to reduce the cost of labor to execute production processes and control of target
using of labor time. The implementation of this strategy requires automation of processes
and the transition from labor to capital-intensive production. Compare the number of agricul-
tural employers per 1000 hectares of agrarian land and the proportion of the employed popu-
lation in different countries to determine the optimal number of workers in the agricultural
sector of Ukraine (fig. 3).
                                          120                                                                       30

                                                                                                                          Share of employeed in agricultural
    Number of employees in agriculture,

                                          100                                                                       25

                                                                                                                               sector of the country, %
                                          80                                                                        20
           individuals/1000 ha

                                          60                                                                        15
                                          40                                                                        10
                                          20                                                                        5
                                            0                                                                       0

                                                     Number of employees in agriculture, individuals/1000 ha
                                                     Share of employed in agricultural sector of the country, %

Fig. 3. Employment level in agricultural sector of different countries, 2016

    These data provide an opportunity to argue that agriculture of Ukraine is labor-intensive
in comparison with other considered countries of the world. For example, with the working
out of 1,000 hectares of agricultural land in the EU, the number of workers is twice as low as
in Ukraine, and in the USA this figure is five times smaller. At the same time, employs about
18% of the Ukrainian workable population are employed in agriculture, compared to 5% in
the EU and 2% in the USA. This means possibility to significantly reduce the labor produc-
tivity of the agricultural sector, increase its competitiveness if modern technology and the
necessary level of investment in Ukraine appear. A system of indicators was used to
evaluate the efficiency of agricultural production, including: cost 1 ts, sales volume,
price, profit on 1 ts and profitability level (table 4).

                       Table 4. Main production efficiency indexes of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine, 2016

                                                  Cost,                        Price,           Profit,           Profitability
  Products                                                      volume,
                                                UAH/quintal                  UAH/quintal      UAH/quintal           level, %
  Wheat                                            146,2        6998047          187,2             41,0                 28,0
  Sunflower                                        281,9        3920759          384,7            102,8                 36,5
  Corn                                             140,1       14950106          176,8             36,7                 26,2
  Soybean                                          346,8        1363196          466,5            119,7                 34,5
  Barley                                           144,6        1349163          171,1             26,5                 18,3
  Rape                                             324,2        1061920          418,8             94,6                 29,2
  Poultry                                         1281,5        3102711         1084,5           −197,0              −15,4
  Eggs,                                            503,2         644403          799,1            295,9                 58,8
  1000 pcs.
 Pork              1747,7         303617          1845,9           98,2             5,6
 Beef              2128,4         179518          1365,1          −763,3          −35,9
 Milk              328,3         2760868          364,5            36,2            11,0

   Among many instruments which are used for enterprises production efficiency
analysis one of the most common is production function. Production function is a
technical ratio between amount of resources used by producers and production vol-
ume on its basis. It is calculated at the macroeconomic level, where it shows aggre-
gate output dependence in monetary terms, and at microeconomic level. One of the
most popular type of production function is Cobb-Douglas function which in general
form can be written as [5]:
                              =       ,    =                                              (1)
where: A – coefficient which characterizes production efficiency, α і β – production
elasticity coefficients of capital K and labor L, which according to neoclassical theory
every production factor role in final output growth (or revenue share of relevant factor
in total income unit). In practical calculation the model should be converted into line-
                                =               +               +                         (2)
   The equation of agricultural enterprises production function of the countries cal-
culated for 2005-2014 years and evaluated by least squares method in econometric
modelling environment Eviews (table 2 and table 3). Constructed regression models
show output (V) dependence from fixed assets value (K) and salary fund (L). Pro-
duction function calculation based on Ukrainian agricultural enterprises data creates
the following model:
                           = 0.88 ∗            + 0.39 ∗            − 4.12                  (3)
where determination coefficient is (R2=0,986).
   It allows to consider that production volume change caused by fixed assets value
and salary fund changes on 98,6%. Factors L=0,88 and K=0,39 together equal 1,27>1,
which shows high reproduction level with Labor factor dominant role in it. Calcula-
tions indicate that Ukrainian agricultural enterprises production is labor-intensive
which means lower competitiveness of their products on global market. It is necessary
to optimize agricultural production of Ukrainian enterprises to improve competitive-
ness of domestic crop and livestock production.
   The construction of a relative indicator requires the transformation of absolute data
into relative indicators. There may be several ways of such a transformation, let's
consider the most popular: relatively average, relatively to norm or standard, relative-
ly to the scale of variation and relatively to the entire array. In addition, it is necessary
to define the weighting coefficients that allow following methodical techniques: cal-
culation of the matrix of coefficients for pair correlation, factor’s load and expert
estimates. Summarizing the experience of calculating integral indicators, we can offer
an algorithm for its construction in the form of the following sequence of steps: the
formation of feature’ set, standardization of indicators, justification of weighting
functions and aggregate of indicators.
   Formation of a set of features involves defining the initial list of selected criteria of
the synthetic category that is being analyzed, as well as selecting methodology from
the list of individual criteria and statistical indicators that play a key role in the for-
mation of the integral indicator. The validity of the calculation process and the value
of the obtained data depend on the correctness of the hypothesis, on the basis of
which the criteria for the integral indicator is selected.
   The evaluation criterion of production structure optimization was accepted integral
index of aggregate enterprise production efficiency (Іп), which was considered in
their works by such scientists as S. Shumskaya [14, 15] and U. Sayenko [16]. Me-
thodical approach of aggregate production efficiency determination on the test enter-
prise A data was constructed on three indicators that characterize economic, social
and environmental performance. According to investigation purpose, economic effi-
ciency most adequately described by profit value, social efficiency by average annual
employees number and ecological by used organic fertilizers amount. Integral index
value of aggregate test enterprise A efficiency was determined by formula:
                                      !" = # $ + # $ + # $                              (4)
   where а1, а2, а3 – weight performance indicators coefficients which characterize
the influence of this partial indicators. The weight coefficients determined on the
basis of experts evaluations based on agricultural economy transformational changes
in 2000-2016 years.
   х1, х2, х3 – graduated economic (profit), social (average annual employees number)
and environmental (organic fertilizers usage) performance indexes. The graduation of
the indicators calculated in relation to their average value (table 5). These coefficients
change annually, since technological efficiency is closely linked to natural conditions,
productive potential of land, technological characteristics of land, which is an im-
portant part of the cost of production and has influence on the profitability of an en-
terprise, and economic efficiency depends, for example, on market prices and tax

          Table 5. Basic production performance indicators of test agricultural enterprise A

tors           2007    2008     2009    2010     2011     2012    2013    2014     2015    2016
                                           Statistical data
    Profit,    809     130      3346    5571     2624     6333    3820    6543     8253    3384
thsd UAH
Average        334     296      221     250      288      254     222     229      171     165
Organic        6186    5830     5580    4520     3890     5080    4632    4238     4523    4781
                               Graduation (relative to average value)
Profit,       0,19    0,03    0,82    1,36     0,64    1,55     0,93    1,60     2,02    0,82
thsd.         8       2       0       5        3       2        6       3        2       9
Average       1,37    1,21    0,91    1,02     1,18    1,04     0,91    0,94     0,70    0,67
annual        5       8       0       9        5       5        4       2        4       9
ees num-
ber, per-
Organic       1,25    1,18    1,13    0,91     0,79    1,03     0,94    0,86     0,91    0,97
fertilizers   6       4       3       8        0       1        0       0        8       1
                             Weight coefficients (experts evaluation)
Profit,       0,62    0,60    0,60    0,52     0,52    0,42     0,40    0,38     0,41    0,38
thsd.         3       4       3       4        3       5        0       6        2       7
Average       0,23    0,26    0,24    0,29     0,29    0,30     0,35    0,37     0,37    0,34
annual        6       5       9       4        4       7        9       7        7       3
Organic       0,14    0,13    0,14    0,18     0,17    0,21     0,22    0,23     0,26    0,27
fertilizers   1       1       8       2        0       6        3       7        1       0

   Methodical approach of total efficiency integral index in test enterprise A production was
built on three main factors, which characterize economic, social and environmental efficien-
cy. In the research it was found that economic efficiency most appropriate reflected by profit,
social efficiency – by average annual number of employers and environmental efficiency
characterized by organic fertilizers amount (fig. 4).
                                                                             Normalized profit


                                                                             Normalized average
                                                                             annual employees



                                                                             Normalized organic
                                                                             fertilizers amount

         0                                                                   Integral indicator of
         2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020
                                                                             the total efficiency
                                 YEARS                                       of the test
                                                                             enterprise A

Fig 4. Aggregate efficiency integral index of test agricultural enterprise A production

   Calculated integral index of aggregate enterprise production efficiency of test agri-
cultural enterprise A is increasing from 0,82 in 2015 year to 1,53 units in 2020 year
despite the fact that profit growth occurs at a lower rate from 0,83 to 1,15 units ac-
cordingly. Growth is caused by livestock increase and, as a result, new jobs creation
as well as organic fertilizers higher usage.
   Integral indexes usage for production optimization effectiveness determination of
agricultural enterprises can become an important method of companies’ conditions
assessment in agricultural economy sphere because it allows to take under account at
the same time indicators which are expressed in different measuring units. Further
investigations should be performed towards database expanding for integral index
calculation and improvement of factors weight coefficients justification.
 3      Conclusions
 Offered calculations of the production function of Cobb-Douglas and the overall
 integral indicator of total production efficiency make possibility to argue that the
 agricultural business structures in Ukraine have opportunity to provide expanded
 reproduction. At the same time, the factor of labor on the volume of production is
 0.88 and is much higher than the influence of the factor of capital (0.39) that confirms
 about labor-intensive reproduction process. This trend is confirmed by the forecast of
 the integrated indicator by 2020 at the level of 1.53 units, which is explained by the
 creation of new jobs and an increase of organic fertilizers. A rational combination of
 economic, social and environmental efficiency will achieve a socially oriented
 economy based on sustainable development of the agrarian sector.
    The efficiency of agricultural businesses depends on the effective use of fixed
 assets: land, labor and capital. A rational combination of these factors in the
 production process contributes to the food security of Ukraine, in particular: ensuring
 the physical and economic availability of food products, as well as the safety of its
 consumption. At the same time, the formation of the optimal size and production
 structure of agricultural enterprises is essential for ensuring food security of the
 country. The optimal size of agricultural enterprises depends on the specialization of
 the enterprise, available production resources, etc. The optimized production structure
 should be formed taking into account market conditions. Optimization of the structure
 and size of agricultural enterprises must be carried out taking into account the criteria
 of optimality.
    The criteria for the optimal production structure and size should include economic,
 technological, social and environmental aspects of production efficiency. Economic
 efficiency is the main because it generates resources for social and environmental
 efficiency. The main indicators of economic efficiency are: the volume of gross out-
 put, cost, the amount of gross and net income and profit, the rate of profit, the level of
 profitability and others. Economic efficiency is closely linked to technological effi-
 ciency, the main indicators of which are: yield of crops, livestock productivity,
 productivity of employees, productivity of agricultural machinery, etc.

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