=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2104/paper_233 |storemode=property |title=Development of Rating Systems for Scientometric Indices of Universities |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2104/paper_233.pdf |volume=Vol-2104 |authors=Alexander Spivakovsky,Maxim Vinnik,Maksym Poltorackiy,Yuliia Tarasich,Kateryna Panova,Anton Melnichenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/SpivakovskyVPTP18 }} ==Development of Rating Systems for Scientometric Indices of Universities== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2104/paper_233.pdf

 Aleksandr Spivakovsky [0000-0001-7574-4133], Maksym Vinnyk [0000-0002-2475-7169], Maksym
 Poltoratskiy [0000-0001-9861-4438], Yulia Tarasich [0000-0002-6201-4569], Kateryna Panova and
                                      Anton Melnychenko

          Kherson State University, 27, Universytets’ka St., 73000 Kherson, Ukraine
               {Spivakovsky, Vinnik, YuTarasich, KPanova,
            AMelnychenko}@kspu.edu, mpoltorackiy@gmail.com

       Abstract. The article provides a brief overview of the most popular scientomet-
       ric systems. In our opinion scientific papers are one of the main objects of eval-
       uation of researcher’s scientific activity, scientific journals and research organi-
       zations. The key idea of the article is description of authors’ viewing to develop
       the automatic analysis system of scientometric indicators, which are various in
       structure, systems’ features and construction on their basis of consolidated rat-
       ings. The philosophy of the system is providing open data of different scien-
       tometric systems.

       Keywords: scientific activity, information systems, scientometric systems, bib-
       liometric systems, scientometric indicators.

1      Introduction

Our time is characterized by the phenomenal acceleration of knowledge accumulation
and the complication of its structure. According to Dell-EMC [9], the amount of pro-
duced data is growing more than twice every two years. Based on IDC (International
Data Corporation) report prediction, the global data volume will grow exponentially
to 44 trillion gigabytes by 2020. This tendency is inherent to all areas of human life.
The same problem of storage of information exists in scientometric systems.
     Human consciousness is objectively incompetent in processing and storing of
large volume of complex accurate data. Today information technologies are one of
main ways to arrange and create effective tools for organizing the interaction and
processing large amount of information. In our opinion, nowadays in Ukraine the
archaic methods of collection, processing and presentation of information and scien-
tific activity are adopted.
     Today many information systems attempt to create methods and technologies of
processing and saving information on the activities of scientists. In our opinion,
presentation of information on the university’s scientific activity should be in the
rating form. The rating accumulates several aspects and provides an opportunity to
analyze development in different directions and its changes.
    It is important to note that rating is subjective concept, and based on the principles
of rating, it is possible to model the development of scientific activity at the university
according to its goals, and for the same purpose the influence of a certain element of
the rating can be changed at any time.
    Our system allows automating the processing of information and its presentation,
so we get more accurate result much faster. It is important that result can be obtained
at any moment, and this allows us to get a dynamic picture, that helps to make deci-
sions related to the scientific activity.
    The availability of information system that would collects, processes and presents
the scientific indicators of organizations is the actual. Therefore, the aim of our work
is to present our experience in developing system of automatic construction of ratings
of scientific organizations based on their scientometric indicators.
    In the article we consider the existing information systems for the processing of
scientific activities (2), describe the key components of our system and basic princi-
ples of its work (3), as well as the basic methods and technologies (4) used for its

2      Related works

After analyzing the information systems that run on the activities of scientists, scien-
tific groups, publishers, etc .., we offer to look for the most interesting projects (in our

1. Scopus

    Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peerreviewed literature,
which indexes more than 7 000 items of scientific, technical and medical journals and
about 4,000 international publishers [2].
    Scopus is designed to serve the research information needs of researchers, educa-
tors, administrators, students and librarians across the academic community.
    Scopus enables researchers to combine their articles under a single profile [3].
    Our system gets the following attributes from Scopus:

─ author's name;
─ number of publications;
─ scientometric indicators (Hirsch index, citation index, etc.);
─ links to the publications;
─ publication description.

2. Google Scholar

    Google Scholar is freely accessible search system, which indexed the full text of
the scientific publications of all formats and disciplines.
    Google Scholar executes not only informational, but scientometric function. From
the list of results on a hyperlink Search Cited by we can obtain the information how
many and what documents are linked on the publication in data base Google Scholar.
    The number in Cited by reflects the degree of authoritativeness and publicity of
publication [3, 4].
    Google Scholar classifies articles in the same way as scientists, by evaluating the
entire text of each article, its author, the publication in which the article appeared, and
the frequency of citing this work in the scientific literature. The most relevant results
are always displayed on the first page.
    Our system gets the following attributes from Google Scholar:

─ scientometric indicators (Hirsch index, citation index, etc.);
─ articles in Google Scholar.

3. Web of Science
    Web of Science is an International established data base of Scientific Citation, and
a search platform that combines abstract databases of publications in scientific jour-
nals and patents, including databases of the mutual citation of publications. Web of
Science gives possibility to search among 12 000 magazines and 148 000 materials of
conferences in the field of natural, social, human sciences and arts, which allows to
obtain the most relevant information for your questions. In addition to search, Web of
Science establishes a reference link between the specific research using the cited ma-
terials and thematic links between articles established reputable researchers working
in this field. It is the most extensive database of abstracts. It is available by subscrip-
tion [3, 4].


    ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonproprietary alphanumeric
code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors and contributors [14].
This addresses the problem that a particular author's contributions to the scientific
literature or publications in the humanities can be hard to recognize as most personal
names are not unique, they can change (such as with marriage), have cultural differ-
ences in name order, contain inconsistent use of first-name abbreviations and employ
different writing systems.
    The ORCID offers an open and independent registry intended to be the de facto
standard for contributor identification in research and academic publishing.
    In our system ORCID id is used for unique scientist identification in different sci-
entific databases and systems.

5. Tutor Network
   Tutor Network is a web service, developed in Kherson State University. It was
developed using such technologies, as ASP.NET MVC, C#, ADO.NET Entity
Framework, JavaScript Framework − JQuery, AJAX and Microsoft SQL Server.
   This service provides an opportunity to take into account all types of scientific
works and publications, which can not be considered by other systems.
   A distinctive feature of this system is displaying information about such scientific
works as manuals, monographs etc.
    Technical details will be considered in a subsequent article.
    As mentioned in the previous article [6], the research team of Kherson State Uni-
versity (KSU), which included the authors of the article, took part in a number of
international and national projects whose aim was the development and implementa-
tion of scientific and management processes of analytical information systems and
services. These projects were - Tempus TACIS CP No 20069-1998 "Information
Infra-structure of Higher Education Institutions"; Tempus TACIS MP JEP 23010-
2002 "UnіT-Net: Information Technologies in the University Management Network";
US Department of State Freedom Grant SECAAS-03-GR-214 (DD) "Nothern New
York and Southern Ukraine: New Partnership of University for Business and Eco-
nomics Development", etc.
    During the scientific activity we faced with such problem, as the absence of a
clear mechanism of evaluation of personal contribution in the work of the University,
and incomprehension of the construction of university decisions related to scientomet-
ric. In addition, for the analysis of the scientific indicators of scientists’ group, or a
specific organization, it should be carried out manually. The only option of its partial
automation is rating the organization's profile in Google Scholar. These reasons moti-
vated us to implement the system of automatic rating construction, its basic principles
were described in the previous article [6].
    Based on scientometric analysis of the systems described in section 2, we decided
to implement the interaction of our system with such scientometric systems as:

─ Google Scholar, as the most commonly used bibliographic database and it is easy
  in using;
─ Scopus, as the largest and the most authoritative abstract database.

    On the next step we consider the system architecture.

3      Structure of the system

The high-level system architecture is shown in Fig.1.
    Parser is search, receiving and transfer the open information of scientometric indi-
cators of authors and journals provided by Scopus and Google Scholar.
    Parser is made by using xpath queries and regular expressions. Each xpath query
turns to the page of resource. We developed multiplestream parser; each its stream
initializes the parsing of particular resource.
    For interaction with Scopus and Google Scholar parser uses xpath queries, and
API is used for getting information from Web of Science and Tutor Network.
    All data received by parser is stored in the system database. DB of system is dis-
tributed by the data storage. Individual entities of DB are database of scientometric
indicators of researcher and scientific publications.
    Information processing is realized by performing a set of predefined SQL queries.
                      Fig. 1. The interaction of key system components

4      System description

The main task of the system is automatic construction of consolidated rating of scien-
tists, research groups, organizations according to indicators of processed scientomet-
ric systems. These indicators are:

1. h-index (Scopus & Google Scholar). The h-index is based on the highest number of
   papers included that have had at least the same number of citations;
2. citations (Scopus& Goggle Scholar). Numbers of total citations of documents that
   are indexed by the system;
3. publications (Scopus). Total number of documents that are indexed by the system.

    Thus, the main task of the new version was the realization of an automatic con-
struction of consolidated rating, which allows building a rating for any scientists,
research groups, organizations.
    We determined types of presentation of the results for scientists:

─ profiles of the scientists of the university with generalized information of scien-
  tometric indicators for each database;
─ the rating list of all the scientists of organization;
─ the rating list of all the scientists of organization’s structural subdivision (faculty or
─ the general scientometric information about the university.

    The example of system work is shown in the Fig.2.
    The system allows to search a scientist by:
─ ORCID id;
─ Scopus ID;
─ Google Scholar ID;
─ full name of a scientist.

                              Fig. 2. Example of system work

    In response to a search query, the system will return the list of references to schol-
ars, information about which is in the database, or the message that nothing is found.
After clicking on the link, the personal profile of scientist with generalized infor-
mation of scientometric indicators for each database will open.
    On the tab “Rating of Faculties” we get the list of faculties and the highest H-
index on the faculty. There is an option to select the number of list items that will be
displayed on the page. You can also sort the list of faculties by increasing or decreas-
ing in alphabetical order or by the value of the H-index. Depending on the selected
tab you can view information from Scopus or Google Scholar. Information on the tab
"Rating of Departments" is displayed similarly.
    On the tab "Rating of Scientists" we see the list of all scientists of the university,
sorted in descending order of such scientific metric indicators as the h-index, the
number of documents in the chosen scientometric database, and the number of cita-
    Based on the number of scientist’s papers (publications) in scientometric system,
we offer to divide scientists into 4 categories and we defined an equivalent color for
each of them (Fig. 2.):
─ blue ― the number of documents is over 10;
─ green ― the number of documents is in the range of 5 to 10 (inclusive);
─ yellow ― the number of documents is in the range from 1 to 4 (inclusive);
─ red ― no documents.

   On the tab "Scientific metrics", you can find general university statistics, grouped
by scientometric systems, such as:

─ the total number of university staff, registered in selected systems, as well as their
  distribution by departments;
─ maximum H-index ;
─ maximum number of documents in selected system;
─ maximum citation index.
    The analysis of the scientific activity of KSU scientists’ shows the highest number
of publications in Scopus has such scholar as Volodymyr Peschanenko (23), and the
maximum number of citations has Alexander Khodosovtsev (98). And the most h-
index has the teachers of the Chair of Botany (7).

5      Module of analytics

As a separate part of the system, module of analytics (written in R language) was
added in the current version. In our system, we use it for processing a scientometric
data array, and graphical representations of statistical data.
    In particular, we used this language opportunity as a time series analysis that al-
lows the theoretical opportunity to apply models to predict the growth of dynamics of
university rating.
    The diagrams present data showing relation between such scientometric indica-
tors, as the value of h-index in Scopus and the number of papers in Scopus or Google
Scholar. The diagram can be displayed within the university or faculty, grouped by
departments. The example of diagram is shown in Fig.3.
    As it is evident from the diagrams, the best result is one, located most right and
    Another option for using module in R is possibility to get a variety of statistical
tables, such as the table of universities and the number of the scientists, whose articles
were written in co-authorship with the KSU’s scientists; the table that shows the gen-
eral information about set of scientometric indicators of scientists, and total number of
registered users on each department and faculty, etc.
    Thus, the graphical and table representation of statistical data makes the process of
perception of information easier. Moreover, the R language provides an opportunity
to analyze the relations between indicators.
    The main task of developing system was the realization of the possibility of auto-
mated construction of the rating of scientometric indicators for the evaluation of sci-
entific activity not only in Kherson State University, but in any university. Thus, our
system allows constructing a rating of scientists, research groups and organizations
(as well as their structural subdivisions) by using the API (Application Programming
    The system provides access by request in such form:
    http:       //publication.kspu.edu/api/v1        /teacher?      option=      [or-
cid_id|scopus_id|google_scholar_id|name| | & value= [search_value].

Fig. 3. Diagram of relation between department Google Scholar max h-index and Scopus with-
                                        in university

   By specifying the search parameters in the request (some scientometric system
and scientist’s id in it), we will get a list in the json format that looks like this:
                           Fig. 4. The example of the list in json

    Consequently, API using makes possible to build a rating either for individual sci-
entists, research groups, and for any university (as well as its structural subdivisions)
by writing its own json parser for processing the received data.

6      Tools and technologies

The solutions for automatic construction of ratings require the use of certain products
and technologies:

─ Json

    It is used in the system for the exchange of data for thirdparty systems. Thus, our
system can be a source of data for other resources. It implements the data exchange
via json requests.
    These are universal data structures. Nearly all modern programming languages
support them in any form. It is logical to assume that a data format, independent from
the programming language, should be based on these structures [13].

─ R language

     R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical compu-
ting, data analysis and their graphical representation. R provides a wide variety of
statistical and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible.
     Similarly to the previous version, one of the most important algorithms used in the
system is Levenstein algorithm [7].
     This algorithm is used for solving the problem of determining belonging the scien-
tist to a particular organization, which arises at changing of the organization's name,
its spelling errors in the article, the change of scientists their place of work, etc. [6].

The article presents our experience in developing system of automatic construction of
ratings of scientific organizations based on their scientometric indicators in Scopus
and Google Scholar, based on the algorithm of constructing ratings of scientific publi-
cations by the presence/absence in various ratings based on their scientometric indica-
tors, proposed in our previous article.
    In the current version of the system the collection, statistical processing and
presentation of rating of scientometric indicators of scientists, research groups and
organizations are realized. Data source of the system is open information provided by
such scientometric systems as Scopus and Google Scholar.
    Today the system is used to build a consolidated rating of scientists of Kherson
State University and its structural units. It was designed in such a way that it is possi-
ble to deploy it in other universities, and to customize it for their specific individual
goals and tasks. Our system enables to build an automatic rating based on scientomet-
ric indicators by using Application Programming Interface (API).
    The next stage in the development of the system, we see in the realization of its in-
teraction with Web of Science, as the second in authority international database. The
system and technical details will be considered in more detail in the next article.

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