=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2105/10000193 |storemode=property |title=Analysis of Completeness, Diversity and Ergonomics of Information Online Resources of Diagnostic and Correction Facilities in Ukraine |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2105/10000193.pdf |volume=Vol-2105 |authors=Volodymyr Pasichnyk,Tetiana Shestakevych,Nataliia Kunanets,Vasyl Andrunyk |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/PasichnykSKA18 }} ==Analysis of Completeness, Diversity and Ergonomics of Information Online Resources of Diagnostic and Correction Facilities in Ukraine== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2105/10000193.pdf
 Analysis of Completeness, Diversity and Ergonomics of
   Information Online Resources of Diagnostic and
             Correction Facilities in Ukraine

     Volodymyr Pasichnyk[0000-0002-5231-6395], Tetiana Shestakevych[0000-0002-4898-6927],
                Nataliia Kunanets[0000-0003-3007-2462], Vasyl Andrunyk

                 Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 79000, Ukraine

       Abstract. In Ukraine, one of the most up-to-date and powerful sources of
       information for people with special needs is online information resources of
       state psychological and diagnostic facilities, called PMPK. The most popular
       online information resources for this category of users are the sites of PMPK
       and profiles-oriented pages on social networks. These resources were analyzed
       whether they provide complete information support of each stage of the
       inclusive education, as well as if their structure and presentation correspond to
       ergonomic needs and demands of the users with special needs. Both the sites`
       content presentation and accordance with the existing international ergonomic
       rules is insufficient. There is no systematic approach to the IT online support
       for inclusive education processes by means offered by and/or available to
       PMPK specialists.
         To became an institution of professional care of integrated IT support, PMPK
       system in Ukraine the should involve the specialists of information and
       communication technologies, methods and means of Big Data analysis. To
       create the platform of IT support of education of people with special needs at
       the national level, one should use of a wide range of mobile IT services of
       prompt and convenient online access to results of psychophysical diagnosis,
       personal learning trajectories, etc. with full-fledged protection and
       confidentiality (as an option, the blockchain technology was proposed). As the
       creation and management of own computing infrastructures in PMPC facilities
       seem to be ineffective and expensive, it is expedient to use technologies and
       services based on cloud computing models.

       Keywords: inclusive education IT support, IT resources ergonomy, blockchain

1.     Introduction

In January 2018, the European Commission adopted new initiatives aimed at
improving the key and digital competences of European citizens, promoting common
values and inclusion. Specialists of the European Commission have been approved a
number of documents that reflect the vision of the European Union's future ways of
society development: “Council recommendation on Digital Education Action Plan”,
“Council Recommendation on promoting common values, inclusive education, and
the European dimension of teaching”, “Council recommendation on Key
Competences for Lifelong Learning” and others. The recommendations to Member
Countries of the European Union (from January 2018) emphasize the need to support
the right to quality and inclusive education and lifelong learning by providing
opportunities through the development of key competences and basic skills for all,
and the special attention must be paid to disadvantaged students [1]. Such students
include people with social and economic disadvantages, migrants, people with special
needs, as well as talented children [2].
    The key competences, promoted by the European Commission, are [1]: literacy –
as the basis for the next learning and communication in different social and cultural
environments; languages – as a means to better handle the challenges of multilingual
modernity; science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) –
improvement of achievements in such competences is important for the further
education of scientific perception and understanding; digital – increasing confidence
and critical use of digital technologies, including programming, as well as security
and citizenship; personal, social and learning –as competences, important for active
social life; civic – as an emphasis on the importance of democratic processes,
European values, sustainable development and media literacy; entrepreneurship – to
enable disclosure of its own potential, creativity and initiative; cultural awareness and
extension – enhancing intellectual skills and abilities to express ideas in a variety of
ways. Key competencies as a combination of knowledge, abilities, and skills, are
necessary for personal development, social inclusion, employment and active
citizenship [1].
    The importance of the inclusive society is also declared in the European Union's
Horizon2020 Program. This science and innovation funding program aims to become
a key tool for resolving high-priority tasks for Europe. Promoting an inclusive
society, Horizon2020 supports measures to overcome social inequality. The program
emphasizes the need for innovative approaches to support individuals facing social
and digital exclusion, such as older people, the unemployed and poorly educated,
migrants, people in need of care, living in remote or poor areas, people with special
needs and homeless [3] .
    The problems of the European Union countries are relevant also for Ukraine. The
need for the socialization of people with special needs, settlers, gifted children are the
challenges of a nowadays. The authors payed attention to the inclusion of persons
with special needs in Ukraine in the part that deals with the support of such education
with information technologies.

2.     Types of Information Technology of Education Support of
       People with Special Needs

The inclusive education is the comprehensive process of ensuring equal access to quality
education for persons with peculiarities of psychophysical development, by organizing
their studies in general educational institutions with the use of personality-oriented
teaching methods, taking into account the individual peculiarities of educational and
cognitive activity of such persons and the proper medical, social, psychological,
pedagogical, organizational and technological support, in the conditions of mass
educational establishments in the place of residence [4]. The process consists of four
successive stages, the implementation of each stage consists in the step-by-step realization
of certain educational tasks related to the organization and support of the education of
persons with special needs. In general, the stages of inclusive education are [4]:
          Stage 1. Setting the features of the psychophysical development.
          Stage 2. Personalization of the educational aims.
          Stage 3. Formation of the personalized education trajectory.
          Stage 4. The analysis of the realized education trajectory.
   The development and implementation of modern comprehensive information
technology support for all stages of inclusive education, taking into account the
national specifics of such a process, will contribute to more complete and better
access to education and social integration of people with special needs, what perfectly
complies with the provisions of the framework program [1].
   During the study of the support of the education of people with special needs in
Ukraine, it was established that the primary institution to which the parents of the
child refer, is the diagnostic and correctional institutions – psychological, medical and
pedagogical consultations (PMPK). One of the functions of the PMPK, as defined in
the Law of Ukraine, is advisory, when the PMPK acts as a source of information. The
specialists of such an institution can and should provide advice to participants in the
inclusive education process – those with special needs, their parents, inclusive school
specialist, administration of the inclusive educational institution, etc. In some cases,
the reference component of the operation of the PMPK is implemented, in particular,
with the use of information technology.
   In general, information technology support for the education of people with special
needs varies by a number of factors, that determine the scope of their application. The
main groups of this kind of information technology are 1) general-purpose
technology, 2) special-purpose technology, 3) technology of communication support
and 4) information and technological means of access. To the latter, include online
learning management systems and multimedia learning environments, information
technologies focused on the needs of the mass school and applicable to the education
of people with special needs, mobile applications, and online reference resources.
And exactly these online reference resources are the means of the PMPK`s advisory

3.     Online Reference Resources of State Psychological and
       Diagnostic Facilities

In Ukraine, the legally fixed structure of PMPK includes central PMPK, republican
(AR Crimea), region, Kyiv and Sevastopol city, district (city) PMPKs. There are 618
psychological and medical-pedagogical consultations in Ukraine, of which 27 are
regional, including 1 republican, 2 city – Kyiv and Sevastopol) and 591 region (city).
The concept of this structure is presented in the form structured tree (Fig. 1).

                        Fig. 1. Concept of Ukraine PMPK structure

4.     Research Description

An important task in developing of a complex system of informational and
technological support for inclusive education is the compliance with the requirements
of availability, completeness, and connection between components of such a system,
as well as the ergonomics of its components (in this study, the ergonomic is
considered from the angle of perception convenience). Reference online resources of
PMPK are an integral part of information and technology support for inclusive
education. To assess the relationship between online resources, it is necessary to
consider the links between such resources in two directions. According to the concept
of the structure of PMPK from Fig. 1, in the horizontal direction there are PMPKs of
the same level – for example, the republican PMPK – 24 regional PMPK – Kyiv city
PMPK – Sevastopol city PMPK (level 1). In the vertical direction there are PMPKs of
different levels, for example, the central PMPK – Vinnytsia Region PMPK –
Bershadsky district PMPK.
   We shall evaluate the availability of online reference resources to users using the
following search criteria:
    1. We use search service Google.
    2. We use word-for-word information requests in Ukrainian language (for
        example, “центральна психолого-медико-педагогічна консультація
        (central psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation)", "Калинівська
        районна психолого-медико-педагогічна консультація (Kalinovsky district
        psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation)", etc.).
    3. We will analyze the links on the first page of the search results offered by the
        search service (no more than 10 links).
   Taking into account the above requirements, we will evaluate the availability and
interconnections between such online resources using algorithm at Fig. 2.
5.     The Availability of PMPKs` Online Reference Resources

According to the proposed algorithm, 17 facilities with their own sites were found
(PMPKs from levels 0 and 1, according to Figure 1), including 16 regional PMPKs
and central PMPK, more than 60% of PMPKs do not have their own online reference
resource. Even if such sites exist, their search for the average user is difficult. That is,
the sites searching, according to the algorithm proposed in Fig. 2, testified the
availability of online reference resources for slightly more than half of PMPKs,
conceptually located at levels 0 and 1 (fig. 1).

6.     Interconnection of Online Reference Resources of PMPK

Table 1 shows the list of found PMPKs, sorted and grouped by the dates of site
creation. The date of creation was determined by the Copyright mark on the site, and
if it did not exist, then by the date of the first content placement. Sites are
conventionally divided into 4 groups by date of creation: 2009-2012 – 5 sites, 2013-
2015 – 4 sites, 2016 – 5 sites, 2017 – 3 sites. The last update was also specified.
   Among the found sites of regional PMPK, only 6 resources (37%) have links to the
central PMPK, and none of them links to PMPK of the region`s districts. That is, the
search for sites according to the algorithm proposed in Fig. 2 witnessed the weak
structuring of the system of PMPK`s online reference resources.

7.     Analysis of Statistical Indicators of PMPK`s Online
       Reference Resources

Analysis of statistical indicators of regional PMPK`s sites
The analysis of the statistical indicators of the attraction of users of PMPK sites was
carried out using the SimilarWeb Platform [5]. This information technology processes
the big data to collect, measure, analyze the behavioral models of sites and users
attract. The following characteristics of the PMPK sites were evaluated (in
parentheses, the designation of a characteristic):
    o Global worldwide rank according to traffic use (а1).
    o Country rank according to traffic use (а2).
    o Site category / rank in category (а3).
    o Total visits (а4).
   For example, for a group of sites created during 2009-2012 (these are the sites of
the Central PMPK, as well as Odesa, Kherson, Rivne and Chernivtsi region PMPK)
the platform SimilarWeb gave the following estimates (Fig. 3-6):
    Fig. 2. Availability and interconnections between PMPK`s websites evaluation algorithm

   For example, for a group of sites created during 2009-2012 (these are the sites of
the Central PMPK, as well as Odesa, Kherson, Rivne and Chernivtsi region PMPK)
the platform SimilarWeb gave the following estimates (Fig. 3-6):
Fig. 3. The assets of the sites` global rank       Fig. 4. The assets of the sites` country rank
according to the traffic use (by SimilarWeb)       according to the traffic use (by SimilarWeb)

               Fig. 5. The assets of the sites` visits peculiarities (by SimilarWeb)

             Fig. 6. The assets of the sites` traffic share by country (by SimilarWeb)

  The assets of online reference resources for PMPK (level 0-1, fig.1) are
summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Summary characteristics of the sites of regional and central PMPKs (according to the
Region PMPK       Site       Last         а1          а2             а3                а4
                  created,   update
Odesa             2009       2016     7 850       242 426     Social sciences /   4 200
                                      216                     18552
Kherson           2010       Jan.     6 314       173 413     Social sciences /   38 702
                             2018     133                     15254
Central           2011       2017     3 274       71 103      Internet     and    26 010
                                      150                     communications
                                                              / 132658
Rivne             2012       Nov.     N/A         N/A         N/A                 190
Chernivtsi        2012       Oct.     32 595      2329597     N/A                 786
                             2017     358
Kirovograd        2013       Dec.     N/A         N/A         N/A                 12 100
Kharkiv           2013       Nov.     9   757     334 995     Business and        1 800
                             2017     084                     industry /
Donetsk           2015       Apr.     8   297     259 415     N/A                 2 600
                             2016     513
Zakarpattia       2015       Jun      N/A         N/A         N/A                 N/A
Vinnytsia         2016       Feb.     N/A         N/A         N/A                 391 100
Volyn             2016       2017     N/A         N/A         N/A                 214
Dnipropetrovsk    2016       Jan.     N/A         N/A         N/A                 10 500
Khmelnytskyy      2016       Feb.     N/A         N/A         N/A                 N/A
Cherkasy          2016       Jan.     1 1247      406471      News and            26 900
                             2018     780                     media / 257359
Lviv              2017       N/A      N/A         N/A         N/A                 38
Luhansk           2017       Oct.     N/A         N/A         N/A                 26
Ternopil          2017       Nov.     N/A         N/A         N/A                 N/A

   From the results, presented in Table 1, it can be drawn the following conclusions.
    Most sites (13 out of 17), at mid-January 2018, content was updated over the
       past year, with three sites having updated content in 2018.
    For the most sites, created in 2016 and later, it was not possible to establish a
       global rank in the world and Ukrainian ratings for traffic usage (for October-
       December 2017).
    Most PMPK sites were not categorized (by SocialWorks), and among classified,
       there are Internet and telecommunications, Business and industry, News and
       media, social science categories.
    Number of sites visitors – an average is 32,000 people, with the largest number
                                                             of visits registered for the Vinnytsia
                                                             PMPK site (created in 2017); the
                                                             site of Luhansk PMPK had 26
                                                             visitors (the site was created in
                                                            Two of the three most visited sites
                                                             (Kherson, Vinnitsa and Cherkasy
                                                             Region PMPKs) were updated in
                                                             January 2018.
                                                            Starting from 2009, the number of
                                                             sites, created by PMPK, gradually
                                                             increased per year, the largest
Fig. 7. Comparison of the number of created                  amount sites of PMPKs were
sites of regional PMPKs                                      created in 2016 (Figure 7).

Analysis of statistical indicators of regional PMPK sites

By the algorithm at Fig. 2, the search for the sites of district (city) PMPKs (level 2 at
fig. 1) was performed. Such sites exist in eight regions of Ukraine. The characteristics
of the sites of district PMPKs (according to the platform of the SimilarWeb) are
presented in Table 2.
   From the results presented in Table 2, we can draw the following conclusions.
     The own online reference resources were found for 0.03% of district PMPKs.
     Four regions of Ukraine have one site of the district PMPK.
     The leader in a number of online reference resources is the Kirovograd region,
        in which 5 of the six regional PMPKs have their own sites (see Fig. 8).
     For most sites, its ranking in the world and Ukrainian traffic usage ratings (for
        October-December 2017) was not set.
     The average number of visits to the site - 15 thousand visitors, and for the four
        district PMPK this indicator is zero.
     The biggest activity in creating sites was in 2013-2014, in 2017 no new sites of
        the district PMPKs were created (fig. 9).

Fig. 8. The ratio of the number of districts of the region   Fig. 9. Comparison of the number of
and the number of sites of district PMPK                     created sites of district PMPK
       Table 2. Characteristics of the sites of regional PMPK (according to the similarWeb)
     Region        District       Site        Last        а1        а2           а3           а4
                (city) PMKP     created,     update
Ternopil        Chortkiv        2013       Aug.         N/A      N/A       N/A          38
Lviv            Sokal           2014       December     N/A      N/A       N/A          173600
Kirovograd      Ustyniv         2015       2016         N/A      N/A       N/A          N/A
                Bobrynets       2013       2013         33 bln   2 bln     N/A          164
                Oleksandriya    2014       Dec. 2017    N/A      N/A       N/A          110

                Holovaniv       2015       Dec. 2017    N/A      N/A       N/A          0
                Novyy           2016       Jan. 2018    N/A      N/A       N/A          N/A
Donetsk         Bakhmut         2014       Jan. 2018    N/A      N/A       N/A          0
Dnipropet-      Dniprodzer-     N/A        N/A          N/A      N/A       N/A          211
rovsk           zhynsk
                Marganets       2012       Dec. 2017    N/A      N/A       People and   859
                Pyatykhatky     2012       Jan. 2018    N/A      N/A       N/A          9600
                Ingulets        2013       Jan. 2018    N/A      N/A       N/A          3300
                Zhovti Vody     2010       Nov.         N/A      N/A       N/A
                Novomos-        2014       Jan. 2018    N/A      N/A       N/A          5500
Vinnytsia       Tyvriv          2011       2017         N/A      N/A       N/A          26
                Bershad         2013       May 2016     N/A      N/A       N/A          0
                Kalyniv         2015       Jan. 2018    N/A      N/A       N/A          0
                Nemuriv         2012       Jan. 2018    2 bln    59830     N/A          22900
Khmelnytsk      Stako-          2014       Jan. 2018    N/A      N/A       N/A          1300
Kharkiv         Krasnyy Kut     2011       May 2017     N/A      N/A       N/A          50000

8.       Assessment of the Ergonomics of PMPK`s Online Reference

The investigated online resources were assessed according to graphic and responsive
design demands [6-8] according to the characteristics U1 – U6:
   U1 – general composite rules for web sites creation, that are basic for UI / UX
(modular content positioning system Modular Grid pattern, Golden Section rule and
Fibonacci proportion), which allows to focus on the main and contributes to the
perception of content;
   U2 – infographic (information graphics) filling of peculiar sections of the site with
graphical visual representation of information, data or knowledge intended for the
quick and accurate display of complex information;
   U3 – the presence of interactive animation and video content;
   U4 – a harmonious combination of color schemes (color schemes & palette) that
must be presented so as not to violate the basic patterns of color influence on the
psychological response of the user;
   U5 – responsive web design, that provides optimal mapping and interaction with
the user regardless of the resolution and format of the device, the page is viewed at
(tablet, smartphone, etc.);
   U6 – availability of convenient and intuitive forms of feedback, support for
thematic forums.
   Estimation of the available online reference resources by ergonomic indicators is
given in Table 3 (the sign "+" means that the ergonomic characteristic was
implemented, "-" its absence, "+/-" denotes the partial implementation of the
characteristic). Graphic presentation of the results is at Fig. 10. The resources were
also checked, using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 [9] (using
http://www.atutor.ca/achecker/ open source as an evaluation tool).

             Table3. The presence of ergonomic characteristics at PMPK sites

                                                                    Known      Potential
    Region PMPK        U1     U2     U3     U4      U5      U6
                                                                   problems    problems
  Odesa                -      -      -       -       -       -         18        191
  Kherson             +/-     -      -      +/-      -      +/-        33        149
  Central              -      -      -       -       -       -         58        308
  Rivne                -      -      -      +/-      -      +/-        13         99
  Chernivtsi           -      -      -       -       -      +/-        0          0
  Kirovograd          +/-     -      -      +/-      +      +/-        18        359
  Kharkiv             +/-     -      -       -       +       -         9         455
  Donetsk             +/-     -      -       -       +       -         0          0
  Zakarpattia          -      -      -      +/-      -       -         0          34
  Vinnytsia           +/-     -      -       -       +       -         14        534
  Volyn                -      -      -       -       -      +/-        0          34
  Dnipropetrovsk      +/-     -      -      +/-      -       -         0          0
  Khmelnytskyy         -      -      -       -      +/-      -        245        141
  Cherkasy            +/-     -      -       -       -       +         17        168
  Lviv                +/-     -      -      +/-      -      +/-        7         137
  Luhansk              -      -      -      +/-      -      +/-        0          34
  Ternopil             -      -      -       -       -       -         48        153
   Concerning the ergonomics of the investigated sites, the authors reached the
following conclusions:
     the vast majority of sites do not meet the modern requirements, relating to the
       design of the site at the stage of their creation;
     the most of the sites are non-adaptive, that is, they do not have mobile versions
       or versions for viewing on tablets;
     compliance with compositional rules and positioning content on a modular
       principle is conditional;
     the color schemes were not given appropriate attention;
     the infographical content and animation/video content is absent;
     the unification of the content of such sites is insufficient.
   The number of known and potential problems, according to WCAG 2.0, evaluated
for each site, shows that site developers in six regions were aware of the web content
accessibility demands.

     Fig. 10. Graphical representation of the results of the study of the ergonomics of PMPK sites

   In view of the results, the authors consider it advisable to propose the development
of a Wireframe for users with special needs (a general representation of the
information structures of the site), followed by its prototyping. This will allow to get a
highly distributed representation of the desired website (while taking into account
general compositional techniques and modular content positioning), it is crucial to test
the interaction of the user with the interface of the final product. The authors plan to
develop and implement an adaptive site template based on HTML/CSS/JS with the
ability to fill the content for the demands of people with special needs. It will be
possible to choose harmonious color schemes, corresponding typographic styles. The
developed technology will be adjusted to WCAG 2.0.

9.       The Completeness of Inclusive Education Support by the
         Online Reference Resources of PMPK

On the sample of the regional PMPK sites, the authors performed the evaluation of
the completeness of the support of inclusive education process – from the definition
of the features of the psychophysical development of the person, the personalization
of the purpose of teaching the person, taking into account the correctional component
of the training, the formation of the personal trajectory of education, to the analysis of
the outcomes of the implemented educational trajectory.
   For each of the stages of the inclusive education, was identified the content of the
PMPK website, which is needed to support the education of people with special needs
[4]. Table 4 also has corresponding formal designations.
                Table 4. Content at PMPK sites to support inclusive education
Stages of inclusive education    Content at PMPK sites to support inclusive     Formal
                                 education                                      designation
Stage 1. Setting the features    -Timetable of the PMPK and its specialists     w11
of    the     psychophysical     -Contacts, options for available transport     w12
development.                     connection
                                 -Information and contacts of the PMPK of       w13
                                 the higher level
                                 -Road map of peculiarities of person's         w14
                                 psychophysical development - by nosology,
                                 for specialists and non-specialists
                                 -Reference information about existing          w15
                                 education formats
                                 -Innovations in the specifics of education     w16
                                 for children with special needs
                                 -Legislative support for the education of      w17
                                 people with special needs
Stage 2. Personalization of      -Typical curricula                             w21
the educational aims.
Stage 3. Formation of the        -Up-to-date events for people with special     w31
personalized         education   needs
Stage 4. The analysis of the     -Road map of peculiarities of person's         w41
realized education trajectory.   psychophysical development - by nosology,
                                 for specialists and non-specialists
Characteristics of an online     -Feedback available                            wа
resource as an information       -Forums                                        wb

   Estimation of the available online reference resources by the presence of the
content of the inclusive education support is given in Table 5 (the "+" sign means the
presence of content on the site, "-" its absence). In the future, such evaluation will be
provided using linguistic variables for natural language assessment for further
application in computing systems.
   From the analysis of the results, presented in Table 5, authors can draw the
following conclusions about the functioning of the online reference resources of the
PMPK in Ukraine:
     Existing websites contain disconnected, not unified information; the content is
       given at the subjective taste of website`s creator.
     There is no regional PMPK website, that would provide comprehensive
       background support for each stage of inclusive education;
     Almost all sites have no characteristics of information platforms – i.e. they do
       not support the ability to contact PMPK specialists and site authors;
     The common features of such sites are the availability of information about the
       timetable for the work of the PMPK, its specialists, as well as the contacts and
       variants of available transport links with the institution;
     There are no links between the sites in the horizontal direction, that is, the sites
       of regional PMPK do not contain links to sites of other regional PMPKs.
                         Table 5. Presence of content at PMPK websites
Region        Site        w11   w12   w13    w14,   w15   w16   w17      w21   w31   wа   wb
PMPK          created,                       w41
Odesa         2009        +     +     -      -      +     +     -        -     -     +    +
Kherson       2010        +     +     +      +      -     +     -        -     +     +    -
Central       2011        +     +     -      -      -     +     -        -     -     -    -
Rivne         2012        +     +     +      +      +     +     +        -     +     -    -
Chernivtsi    2012        +     +     -      +      -     +     +        -     -     +    -
Kirovograd    2013        +     +     +      +      -     +     +        -     -     +    +
Kharkiv       2013        +     +     -      +      +     +     +        -     +     -    -
Donetsk       2015        +     +     +      +      +     +     -        -     +     -    -
Zakarpattia   2015        +     +     -      +      +     +     +        -     -     -    -
Vinnytsia     2016        +     +     -      -      -     +     +        -     +     +    -
Volyn         2016        +     +     -      +      +     +     -        -     -     +    -
Dnipropet-    2016        +     +     +      -      -     -     +        -     -     +    -
Khmelnyts-    2016        +     +     +      +      +     -     +        -     -     -    -
Cherkasy      2016        +     +     -      -      +     -     -        -     -     -    -
Lviv          2017        +     +     -      -      -     -     -        -     -     +    -
Luhansk       2017        +     +     -      -      -     -     -        -     -     +    -
Ternopil      2017        +     +     -      +      -     +     +        -     -     -    -

      There are no links between the sites in the horizontal direction, that is, the sites
        of regional PMPK do not contain links to sites of other regional PMPKs.
    About one-third of available PMPK websites have links to top-level PMP sites
        (vertical direction).
    Although the central PMPK declares contact with regional PMPKs, however,
        it is only a reference to non-existent pages or to websites, where the PMPK
        and its activities are mentioned in passing;
    All of the above findings indicate a lack of a system-wide national approach to
        the information support system of the PMPK - as an integral part of IT support
        for education of people with special needs.
   Creating of unified PMPK web-portals, which would provide full content to
support the education of people with special needs and meet requirements, mentioned
in the article, is an integral part of the development of a comprehensive nationwide
system of information and technology support for inclusive education. It should also
be taken into account that the components of information content can be divided into
two groups. The first group include the stable, rarely changed components for the
inclusive education process in Ukraine – i.e., this information should be identically
presented in all PMPKs` websites: road map of peculiarities of person's
psychophysical development e.g. by nosology, for specialists and non-specialists
(w14), reference information about existing education formats (w15), legislative
support for the education of people with special needs (w17), typical curricula (w21).
The second group includes all other components of the information content of the
PMPK sites, which are individual for each PMPK – its address, contacts, news, etc.
Such features of the content of PMPK sites, due to the peculiarities of information
support for the education of persons in the format of inclusion, should be taken into
account when improving the information resources of PMPK.
    The reform of PMPK in Ukraine and its transformation to a level of institution, that
would professionally care of information technology support of the education of persons
with special needs, provides for the involvement of professionals with a wide range of
knowledge, particularly in the field of information and communication technologies,
methods and tools of Big Data analysis, as mentioned, in particular, in [10]. The
complex data sets are accumulated at all the stages of inclusive education, and analysis
such data using Big Data analysis techniques will allow to define the level of person`s
psychophysical development, to develop personalized educational trajectory, as well as
analyze both educational and correctional outcomes. Creating a nationwide platform of
information technology support of the education of persons with special needs,
according to the authors, should be performed using a wide range of mobile IT services,
enabling quick and easy online access to shared information resources, including the
results of psychophysical diagnosis, personal education trajectories, etc. with full-
featured protection and privacy (authors agree with [10] which mentions the possibility
of blockchain technology implementation). However, it seems ineffective to deploy
computing infrastructures in PMPK facilities, instead of which will be better to use the
technologies and services, based on cloud computing model. This approach would help
to simplify and reduce significantly the cost, the organizational and operation
deployment of a complex system of integrated information technology to support the
processes of inclusion of people with special needs across the country.
    Currently, the authors are actively researching the possibilities of building the
architecture of such a comprehensive information and technology platform of national
scale, and are working out possible ways to create software and algorithmic tools for
its effective implementation.

10.    Conclusions

One of the most up-to-date and powerful sources of information for people with
special needs in Ukraine are online reference resources of state psychological and
diagnostic facilities – psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations (PMPK).
The PMPK`s sites are to be the most available online information resource for this
category of users.
   The results of the conducted research suggest that in the procedures of information
and technology support of the education of people with special needs by means offered
and/or available to PMPK specialists, there is no systematic approach to the
implementation of the functions of informational and technological online support for
inclusive education processes. Being disparate, the available IT support is realized with
paying almost no attention to the existing ergonomic rules for the content presentation
for people with special needs.
   More than 60% of regional PMPK facilities have their own website, and it is less
than half the percent of regional PMPKs, that have their website. Authors came into
conclusion, that the development of such websites requires centralized management of
to unify the information, important for the education of people with special needs. It
also makes it possible, in a certain way, to simplify the process of developing online
resources for PMPKs of all levels, and especially for smaller facilities, less than a
percent of which has such a site by now.
   The proposed study on the availability, completeness, integrity, content availability
and ergonomics of PMPK online information resources should be conducted
periodically to track the dynamics of changes in the characteristics of support of
education of people with special needs by information technologies.
   Prospects for future research are the development of requirements for the creation of
a system of online reference resources of correctional facilities, taking into account the
WCAG 2.0 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. To extend the completeness of the
analysis of online PMPK resources, it is advisable to introduce additional characteristics
of sites to determine the features of developing such resources. It is expedient to process
the obtained empirical data, for example, by methods of data analysis or descriptive
statistics. The use of cloud technologies for centralized accumulation, processing of
information with next processing such Big Data can be a convenient approach for
organizing and maintaining a complex system of holistic information and technology
complex supporting of the processes of inclusive.

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