=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2105/10000302 |storemode=property |title=Informatization of School Education in Ukraine under Globalization and Europeanization |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2105/10000302.pdf |volume=Vol-2105 |authors=Olena Lokshyna,Oksana Glushko,Mary Tymenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/LokshynaGT18 }} ==Informatization of School Education in Ukraine under Globalization and Europeanization== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2105/10000302.pdf
    Informatisation of School Education in Ukraine under
             Globalization and Europeanization

         Olena Lokshyna 1[0000-0001-5097-9171]], Oksana Glushko 1[0000-0003-0101-9910]
                      and Mary Tymenko 1[0000-0002-7639-5630]
      1 Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Education Sciences of Ukraine,

                   52D Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
    luve2001@hotmail.com, glushko.oks74@gmail.com, marytym@ua.fm

       Abstract. The article describes the tendency of informatisation of school educa-
       tion in Ukraine during the time of independence. Based on the analysis of legis-
       lative and strategic documents defining the development of Ukrainian educa-
       tion, the movement is open starting from the idea of introducing information re-
       sources into education in the early 90’s of the 20-th century to complex in-
       formatisation with the purpose of formation of information space, ICT-
       competent young generation at the present. Under conditions of the European
       choice of Ukraine and the Europeanization of Ukrainian education, the im-
       portance of the study of the experience of the European countries and the EU on
       the development of ICT-oriented education have been proved. The strategic
       documents of the EU in the field of education that emphasize the importance of
       digital education in the information society are analyzed, and its priority in edu-
       cational strategies has been proved. The conclusion is made about the prospects
       of European experience for Ukraine and, at the same time, attention is drawn to
       the aspects that require further development at the strategic level.

       Keywords: Informatisation, School education, Ukraine.

1      Introduction

After proclamation of Ukraine’s independence in 1991 its further development as a
state foresaw the reform of education aimed at creating a system to respond new
democratic realities. The first educational legislative document – the Law of Ukraine
“On Education” (1991) – was aimed at the decomunization of education, upbringing
of the younger generation in the spirit of national and universal values, giving priority
to the Ukrainian language [25]. At the same time, the wave of the information revolu-
tion at the end of the 20-th century activated new challenges at the global level, which
caused the need to respond by the Ukrainian education by introducing appropriate
changes primarily to the legislative and regulatory base by synchronizing with the
educational strategies of the countries of the world. The strategic documents in the
area of education in Ukraine – the State National Program “Education” (Ukraine 21-st
Century) (1993) [28], National Doctrine of Education Development (2002) [14], Na-
tional Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine until 2021 (2013) [16],
Concept “New Ukrainian School” (2016) [23] – adopted during the twenty five years
of independence of Ukraine, reflect the gradual movement of the Ukrainian school
education in the direction of informatisation. The new Law of Ukraine “On Educa-
tion” (2017) [26] positions the national education as information-based one, harmo-
nizes its development with the development of EU countries that consider informati-
sation of education as one of the priorities in the strategic documents. These are stra-
tegic education program “Education and Training 2020” (2009), the European Com-
mission’s “Rethinking Education: Investing in skills for better socio-economic out-
comes” (2012) program and others.
   The research results outlined in this article are obtained in the framework of the re-
search work of the Department of Comparative Education of the Institute of Pedagogy
of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine on the problem of edu-
cational transformations in the EU countries and the USA.
   The purpose of this article is to analyze the dynamics of informatisation of school
education in Ukraine under globalization and Europeanization at the level of legisla-
tive and strategic documents. In this article we understand the informatisation as a
process of transforming national school education in a broad sense into the infor-
mation paradigm.

2      Literature Review

The problem of informatisation of education, application of information and commu-
nication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is the subject of research of
many Ukrainian scholars. For instance, V. Bykov, R. Gurevich, M. Kademii, L. Na-
konechna, L. Petrova, S. Sysoeva study the development of the conceptual apparatus
on informatisation of education; V. Bespalko, L. Belousova, V. Zabolotnyi,
T. Nosenko – didactic and methodical aspects of the application of ICT in the e-
learning process; V. Andrushchenko, A. Kudina – formation of modern information
and educational environment based on introduction of innovative technologies for
teaching; S. Rakova, Y. Ramsky, A. Yurchenko – competence approach and ICT;
Dzyuba, M. Zhaldak, S. Kizim, S. Loboda; I. Vorotnikov, A. Kocharyan, N. Morse,
S. Petrenko – peculiarities of formation of information competence of future teachers
by means of ICT; T. Tarnavska, O. Torubara, V. Umanets -– application of ICT in the
educational process of higher educational institutions [2].
   The works of the Ukrainian scholars working in the area of comparative education
with attention to the ICT aspects in education are of special interest for this research.
In particular, A. Gurzhiy and O. Ovcharuk in the paper “Discussion aspects of infor-
mation and communication competence: international approaches and Ukrainian per-
spectives” (2013) raise an issue of understanding the informational-communication
competence in international and national educational dimensions. O. Bilous,
O. Grytsenchuk, I. Ivanyuk, O. Kravchyna, M. Leschenko, I. Malitska, N. Morse,
O. Ovcharuk, D. Rozhdestvenskaa, N. Soroko, L. Tymchuk, V. Tkachenko,
M. Shinenko, A. Yatsyshyn in the guidebook “Formation of Informational-
Communication Competences in the Context of European Integration Processes of
Creation of Information Educational Space” (2014) reveal general approaches to the
formation of informational-communication competence of pupils in the European
countries under the conditions of informational educational environment. The guide-
book “Assessment of informational-communication competence of pupils and teach-
ers under European integration processes in education” (O. Ovcharuk, O. Hrytsen-
chuk, I. Ivanyuk, O. Kravchyna, M. Leshchenko, I. Malytzkaya, N. Soroko, L Tym-
chuk, 2017) offers an overview of the practice of assessing the informational-
communication competence of pupils, teachers and managers of general education
institutions in the European countries [9; 1].

3      Results of the Research

In the Encyclopedia of Education (2008) informatisation of education is understood as
an set of interrelated organizational, legal, socio-economic, educational, methodologi-
cal, scientific and technical, production and management processes aimed at satisfy-
ing the information, computing and telecommunication needs associated with the
possibilities of methods and means of ICT of the participants of educational process,
as well as those who manage and provide this process [8]. V. Bykov, the author of the
article on the informatisation of education in the Encyclopedia states that the in-
formatisation of education involves wide and effective implementation and use of ICT
in the implementation of educational, scientific and management functions inherent to
the educational field, as well as informatisation of education that significantly affects
the content, organizational forms and teaching methods [8].
   The conducted analysis of the documents showed that the issue of informatisation
of education and the introduction of information technologies were already raised in
the first strategy of national education development – the State National Program
“Education” (“Ukraine XXI Century”) (1993). Informatisation of secondary, voca-
tional and higher education is considered as a prerequisite for its reformation [28].
   The Concept of the National Program of Informatisation (1998) became an im-
portant reference point for informatisation of the education of Ukraine. Here the in-
formatisation is positioned as a set of interrelated organizational, legal, political, so-
cio-economic, scientific and technical, productive processes aimed at creating condi-
tions to satisfy the information needs, realizing the rights of citizens and society on
the basis of creation, development and use of information systems, networks, re-
sources and information technologies created on the basis of application of modern
computing and communication equipment. Informatisation of education is considered
here as an instrument for the formation and development of the intellectual potential
of the nation, the improvement of the forms and content of the educational process,
the introduction of computer teaching and testing methods. The results of informatisa-
tion of education in the document are: development of information culture of a person
(computer education); development of content, methods and means of learning to the
level of world standards; shortening the term and improving the quality of education
and training at all levels; integration of educational, research and production activi-
ties; improvement of education management; staffing of all areas of informatisation of
Ukraine through specialization and intensification of training of relevant specialists
   The need of informatisation of education as a complex of measures aimed at mod-
ernizing Ukrainian education, its compliance with the best European and world stand-
ards was proclaimed in the innovative at that time strategic document in education -
the National Doctrine of Education Development (2002). The document responded to
the challenges of globalization, transition to the information society. The introduction
of information technologies has been declared as one of the priorities of the develop-
ment of national education. The introduction of modern ICT is associated with further
improvement of the educational process, accessibility and efficiency of education,
training of the younger generation for life in the information society. This is planned
to be achieved through gradual informatisation of the education system aimed at satis-
fying the educational information and communication needs of the participants in the
educational process; the introduction of distance learning with the use of ICT in the
educational process along with traditional means; the development of individual
modular curricula of different levels of complexity depending on specific needs, as
well as the provision of electronic textbooks; the creation of an industry of modern
teaching methods that correspond to the world scientific and technical level being an
important prerequisite for the implementation of effective strategies for the achieve-
ment of educational goals.
   The National Doctrine of Education Development states that the state supports the
process of informatisation of education, the use of ICT in the education system; pro-
motes the provision of educational institutions with computers, modern learning tools,
and the creation of global information and education networks [14].
   Under conditions of the rapid dissemination of ICTs in all spheres of human life,
the Ukrainian state has approved a number of important documents proclaiming the
task to build an information society. Thus, the Law of Ukraine “On the Basic Princi-
ples of the Development of the Information Society in Ukraine for 2007-2015” (2007)
defines the tasks, objectives and directions of the development of the information
   In the document the main strategic goal of the development of the information so-
ciety in Ukraine is the provision of computer and informational literacy of the popula-
tion, first of all through the creation of a system of education oriented towards the use
of the newest ICTs in the formation of an all-round personality; as well as the devel-
opment of the national information infrastructure and its integration with the global
   Information society in Ukraine is considered as one in which every person widely
uses modern ICT opportunities for the creation of information and knowledge, uses
and exchanges them, produces goods and provides services, fully realizing their po-
tential, increasing the quality of their lives and contributing to the country’s sustaina-
ble development based on the purposes and principles proclaimed by the UNESCO
Declaration of Principles worked out at the highest level World Summits on the in-
formation society, i.e. the Geneva Declaration of Principles “Building the Information
Society: A Global Task in the New Millennium” (2003) and Tunisia Program for the
Information Society (2005).
    Under this context it is important that in conjunction with the development of in-
formation infrastructure, the state proclaims the goal of ensuring computer and infor-
mation literacy of the population, first of all through the creation of a system of edu-
cation focused on the use of the newest ICTs in the formation of an all-round person-
ality. In order to accelerate the ICT introduction into the secondary education institu-
tions the state target program “One Hundred Percent” was launched in 2011 aimed at
ICT implementation into the educational process for the period until the year 2015.
The program provided the provision of comprehensive educational institutions with
ICT, the creation of an open network of educational resources, updating the content,
forms and methods of teaching computer science, training and improvement of teach-
ers’ qualifications [29].
    At the beginning of the 21-st century under intensification of globalization, deep
and dynamic penetration of ICT into all areas of life the countries of the world inten-
sified the transition from the economy based on a fuel and raw materials to the
knowledge-based economy in order to reduce threats to national security, increase
social well-being of societies, attract citizens to all the benefits of the information
    Ukraine adopts the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in
Ukraine (2013) in order to accelerate the development of the information society. The
main directions of the Strategy implementation are the following: development of
such spheres of public life as information infrastructure, information security, e-
economy, e-governance, e-democracy, e-culture, e-medicine, e-education. The last
one is seen as a tool for learning, upbringing, training for work in the information
society. Within this goal, it was planned the following:

 ensuring the gradual informatisation of the education system aimed at satisfying
  the educational information and communication needs of the participants of the
  educational process;
 formation and implementation of informational educational environment of the
  education system;
 development of individual modular curricula of different levels depending on con-
  crete needs, as well as the production of electronic textbooks and encyclopedias;
 creation of information system supporting the educational process, information and
  analytical support
 system in the field of management of educational institutions, information and
  technological support of education monitoring;
 provision of full-scale educational institutions with computer complexes and mul-
  timedia equipment;
 development of a network of electronic libraries at all educational levels;
 creation of a system of distance learning, including people with disabilities and
  children in long-term treatment, and ensuring the effective implementation and use
  of ICT at all educational levels of all forms of education;
 ensuring the educational process by means of ICT, as well as access of educational
  institutions to the world
 information resources;
 creation of an open network of educational resources;
 creation of the national scientific and educational space, which will be based on the
  unification of various national multi-purpose informational-communication sys-
 development of methodological support in the use of computer multimedia tech-
  nologies in the process of teaching subjects and disciplines;
 improvement of a curriculum, opening of new specialties from the latest ICTs, the
  implementation of the principle of “life-long education”;
 providing free access to ICT and information resources, especially in rural areas
  and remote settlements;
 raising the level of computer literacy of the population;
 creation the conditions for mastering the computer literacy of all graduates of
  schools within the next five years;
 provision of all educational institutions with the broadband access to international
  scientific and educational networks and the Internet [16].

The National Strategy of the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period up
to 2021, approved in the same 2013 year, noted the slow informatisation of the educa-
tion system and the introduction of ICT into the educational process. Considering this,
informatisation is proclaimed as one of the strategic directions of the state policy in
the field of education. In the document, informatisation of education is positioned as
implementation of modern ICTs, which provide improvement of the educational pro-
cess, accessibility and efficiency of education, training the younger generation for life
in the information society. The Strategy actually repeats the measures planned in the
Strategy of the Information Society Development in Ukraine (2013). It is aimed at
equipping educational institutions with computer technology and access to the Inter-
net, as well as global information resources, implementing information education
environment into the education system, creating an information system supporting the
educational process and providing electronic textbooks [16]. Consequently, the Na-
tional Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021
forms the system of education focused on the use of ICT at the state level.
   The concept of the implementation of state policy in the area of reforming general
secondary education “New Ukrainian School” for the period up to 2029 (2016) con-
tinues to consider the education system as an ICT-based one, linking the success of
the reform of the Ukrainian school with the speed of ICT implementation into educa-
tion. The document states that the introduction of ICT in education should be shifted
from one-time projects to a system process covering all types of activities. The result
should be the formation of key competencies of pupils, which means that ICT signifi-
cantly expands the capabilities of a teacher, optimize management processes, thus
forming important for our century technological competences of pupils, information
and digital competence, which means the confident and critical use of ICTs for the
creation, retrieval, processing, exchange of information at work, in the public space
and in private communication; possession of information and media literacy, the ba-
sics of programming, algorithmic thinking, database skills, internet security and cyber
security; understanding the ethics of working with information [23].
   Information and digital competence as one of ten peoples key competencies to be
formed at the end of secondary schooling is officially approved by the new Law of
Ukraine “On Education” in 2017 [26].
   Thus, as evidenced by the analysis of legislative and strategic documents, the na-
tional education during the years of independence has gone from introducing infor-
mation resources to comprehensive informatisation aimed at forming the information
society in which the population and, above all, young people have ICT competence,
confidently using ICT for work and life.
   As stated in the National Report on the State and Prospects of Education Develop-
ment in Ukraine (2016) the main results in the area are the following:

 gradual informatisation of the education system aimed at satisfying the educational
  information and communication needs of the participants of the educational pro-
 formation and implementation of informational educational environment of the
  education system;
 formation of a computer-technological platform for open education at all levels –
  from preschool to postgraduate and life-long education based on usage of cloud
  computing technologies;
 improvement of compute technical equipment of educational institutions; cabinets,
  laboratories, workshops, libraries;
 upgrading teaching technologies, methodical support and content of distance and e-
  learning on the basis of ICT;
 introduction of new forms of organization of educational process, forms and meth-
  ods of teaching (e-learning, mobile learning, smart learning, STEM education,
  open online courses, etc.) based on cloud oriented technologies, Web 2.0 technolo-
  gies, electronic social media services);
 introduction of open educational systems based on electronic scientific and educa-
  tional resources, science-based open source databases, systems and electronic li-
 development of complex of scientific researches on informatisation of education;
 formation and development of information culture and ICT-competencies [15].

EU MASTIS project can be good example of Ukraine’s improvements on ICT in high
schools, i.e. Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine,
National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”, Ukraine; Lviv Polytechnic National
University, Ukraine, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine, Kherson State
University, Ukraine, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”,
Ukraine under auspice of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine [12]. The
Project goals are to improve Master Program in Information Systems according to the
requirements of business; to modernize the current Degree Profile and curricula in
Information Systems; to develop innovative academic environment for Master pro-
gram of Informational Systems as a platform for training/retraining, PhD, LLL; to
modernize labs infrastructure for Information Systems.
   However, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine and the State Statistic Service of Ukraine, in Ukraine the number of students
per school computer in 2011 was 27.0, in 2012 – 25.0, in 2013 – 21.0, in 2014 – 17.0,
and in 2015 – 16.0 [13]. At the same time, according to the OECD Report “Students,
Computers and Learning. Making the Connection“(2015) in 2012 in Australia the
number of students per school computer was 0.9, in the UK – 1.4, in the Czech Re-
public – 1.6, in the USA – 1.8, in Lithuania – 1.9, in Estonia – 2.1, in France – 2.9, in
Finland – 3.1, in Poland – 4.0 [17, с. 20].
    Data from the International Study of Measuring the Information Society Report
(2015) testify that Ukraine has been lagging behind the developed countries regarding
the development of the information society, despite the existing potential and oppor-
tunities [30]. This conclusion corresponds to the findings of the Global Information
Technology Report 2016 according to which Ukraine ranks 64-th among 139 coun-
tries according to the Networked Readiness Index 2016 [31]. And this is a call for
action, especially within the framework of the Association Agreement between
Ukraine and the EU (2014).
    The Association Agreement has taken the development of the information society
in Ukraine to the new level intensifying the process of its synchronization with the
EU standards, integration into the European digital space. Chapter 14 “Information
Society” of the Agreement foresees the strengthening cooperation between the parties
on the development of the information society through the provision of universal
access to ICT [24]. The cooperation aims at implementing national information socie-
ty strategies, developing a comprehensive regulatory framework for electronic com-
munications and expanding Ukraine’s participation in EU ICT research activities.
    The strategic education and training program – Education and Training 2020
(2009) underlines the importance of innovations for building the most competitive
and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world [5].
    The EU Strategy Paper “Rethinking Education: Investing in skills for better socio-
economic outcomes” (2012) was the response of the European Community to new
globalization and internal challenges within the EU’s borders in the second decade of
the 21-st century. In particular it emphasizes that modern, knowledge-based econo-
mies require people with higher and more relevant skills especially under on-going
digital revolution. At the same time digital revolution brings important opportunities
for education, i.e. it offers unprecedented opportunities to improve quality, access and
equity in education and training; it is a key lever for more effective learning and to
reducing barriers to education, in particular social barriers. Individuals can learn any-
where, at any time, following flexible and individualized pathways.
    At the same time, even under the most favorable conditions for acquiring digital
competences within the EU borders, according to EU statistics around 40% of the EU
population has an insufficient level of digital skills; 32% of the EU workforce have
insufficient digital skills, with 13% assessed as having none at all; 42% of the citizens
with no computer skills are inactive in the labour market in 2015. As a result, many
citizens lack the ability to explore the full potential of digital technologies in their
everyday lives.
    The adoption of documents that transform the education system into the digital ba-
sis was the answer to the above mentioned challenges. The architecture of digital-
oriented education comprises digital competence frameworks for citizens (DigComp),
educators (DigCompEdu), educational organisations (DigCompOrg) and consumers
(DigCompConsumers). A framework for opening up higher education institutions
(OpenEdu) was adopted in 2016, along with a competence framework for entrepre-
neurship (EntreComp). Some of these frameworks are accompanied by (self-) assess-
ment instruments.
    The competence strategy in education within EU in education is based on the Eu-
ropean Reference Framework for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, approved
by the European Parliament and the European Council in 2006 [4]. The document
identifies eight key competencies, including digital competence, which is defined as
the one which involves the confident and critical use of Information Society Technol-
ogy (IST) for work, leisure and communication. It is underpinned by basic skills in
ICT: the use of computers to retrieve, assess, store, produce, present and exchange
information, and to communicate and participate in collaborative networks via the
    It should be noted that the EU’s approach to the definition of competences and dig-
ital competence in particular was the basis for developing the concept of competency
education in Ukraine and the interpretation of digital competence (see Table 1).

Table 1. Digital Competence in the European Reference Framework of Key Competences for
Lifelong Learning (2006) and in the “New Ukrainian School” Concept (2016).

European Reference Framework of                  “New Ukrainian         School”     Concept
Key Competences for Lifelong Learn-              (2016).
ing (2006)

Digital competence involves the confident        Information and digital competence means the
and critical use of Information Society Tech-    confident and critical use of ICTs for the
nology (IST) for work, leisure and communi-      creation, retrieval, processing, exchange of
cation. It is underpinned by basic skills in     information at work, in public space and in
ICT: the use of computers to retrieve, assess,   private communication; possession the infor-
store, produce, present and exchange infor-      mation and media literacy, the basics of pro-
mation, and to communicate and participate in    gramming, algorithmic thinking, database
collaborative networks via the Internet          skills, Internet security and cyber security;
                                                 understanding the ethics of working with

The European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens and a related self-
assessment tool in 2015 – known as DigComp – was adopted by the European Com-
mission in 2015. DigComp is a common reference framework that sets out 21 compe-
tences, grouped in 5 key areas, to describe what it means to be a digitally competent

1. Information and data literacy: to articulate information needs, to locate and retrieve
   digital data, information and content; to judge the relevance of the source and its
   content; to store, manage, and organize digital data, information and content.
2. Communication and collaboration: to interact, communicate and collaborate
   through digital technologies while being aware of cultural and generational diversi-
   ty; to participate in society through public and private digital services and partici-
   patory citizenship; to manage one’s digital identity and reputation.
3. Digital content creation: to create and edit digital content; to improve and integrate
   information and content into an existing body of knowledge while understanding
   how copyright and licenses are to be applied; to know how to give understandable
   instructions for a computer system.
4. Safety: to protect devices, content, personal data and privacy in digital environ-
   ments; to protect physical and psychological health, and to be aware of digital
   technologies for social well-being and social inclusion; to be aware of the envi-
   ronmental impact of digital technologies and their use.
5. Problem solving: to identify needs and problems, and to resolve conceptual prob-
   lems and problem situations in digital environments; to use digital tools to innovate
   processes and products; to keep up-to-date with the digital evolution [6].

Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) published in 2017 is no less im-
portant [7]. Six DigCompEdu areas focus on different aspects of educators’ profes-
sional activities:

 Area 1: Professional Engagement Using digital technologies for communication,
  collaboration and professional development.
 Area 2: Digital Resources Sourcing, creating and sharing digital resources.
 Area 3: Teaching and Learning Managing and orchestrating the use of digital tech-
  nologies in teaching and learning.
 Area 4: Assessment Using digital technologies and strategies to enhance assess-
 Area 5: Empowering Learners Using digital technologies to enhance inclusion,
  personalization and learners’ active engagement.
 Area 6: Facilitating Learners’ Digital Competence Enabling learners to creatively
  and responsibly use digital technologies for information, communication, content
  creation, wellbeing and problem-solving.

A new strategic initiative aimed at further building the information society in the EU
is a document adopted in January 2018 – Digital Education Action Plan. The Action
plan is the new EU’s response to the urgent need to boost digital skills and compe-
tences in Europe and to improve the uptake of technologies in education, because (as
it is stated in the document) 37% of the EU workforce has low digital skills, or none
at all; less than half of children are in schools which are highly equipped digitally;
only 20-25% of them are taught by teachers who are confident using technology in
the classroom; 18% of primary and secondary schools in the EU were not connected
to broadband.
    The Digital Education Action Plan includes 11 initiatives to support technology-
use and digital competence development in education and has three priorities, setting
out measures to help member states meet the challenges and opportunities of the digi-
tal age:
 Priority 1: Making better use of digital technology for teaching and learning.
 Priority 2: Developing digital competences and skills.
 Priority 3: Improving education through better data analysis and foresight [3].

Also in January 2018 the EU proposed the renewed vision of the European Reference
Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2006) in a Proposal for a
Council Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (Brussels,
17.1.2018 SWD(2018) 14 final) [4].
   The document offers an updated list of eight key competencies – Literacy compe-
tence; Languages competence; Mathematical competence and competence in science,
technology and engineering and; Digital competence; Personal, social and learning
competence; Civic competence; Entrepreneurship competence; Cultural awareness
and expression competence.
   The concept of digital competence went through serious transformations. As it is
underlined in the Proposal understanding and relevance of digital competence has
experienced a dramatic boost since 2006 – in the revised version the definition of the
digital competence is aligned with the Digital Competence Framework and its associ-
ated tools, such as frameworks specifically developed for consumers, educators as
well as in line with other existing national frameworks.
   Besides, the terminology used for the digital competence definition also was up-
dated (see table 2).

Table 2. Digital competence definition in European Reference Framework of Key Competenc-
es for Lifelong Learning (2006) and in Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Key Com-
petences for Lifelong Learning (2017).

European Reference Framework of                  Proposal for a Council Recommenda-
Key Competences for Lifelong Learn-              tion on Key Competences for Lifelong
ing (2006)                                       Learning (2017)

Digital competence involves the confident        Digital competence involves the confident,
and critical use of Information Society Tech-    critical and responsible use of, and engage-
nology (IST) for work, leisure and communi-      ment with, digital technologies for learning, at
cation. It is underpinned by basic skills in     work, and for participation in society. It in-
ICT: the use of computers to retrieve, assess,   cludes information and data literacy, commu-
store, produce, present and exchange infor-      nication and collaboration, digital content
mation, and to communicate and participate in    creation (including programming), safety
collaborative networks via the Internet          (including digital well-being and competences
                                                 related to cyber security), and problem solv-

Thus, under digital revolution the world and Europe make every effort to confront the
existing challenges and maximize the benefits of ICT. This is evidenced by the scaled
strategies for the development of societies and educational systems which actually
transform societies and education on a digital basis. It is necessary to note the coher-
ent nature of EU policy in the field of education to the direction of digital transfor-
mation – this is about both infrastructure development and the development of digital
competence in different groups of the population that is emphasized more and more
during the last decades. Another important characteristics of the strategy is that it
foresees interaction at all levels and all stakeholders vertically and horizontally: be-
tween Brussels and the Member-states, central government, regional and local educa-
tional authorities, educational institutions; the education sector and employers; educa-
tors, students, parents; formal and informal education.

4      Conclusion

The conducted research has shown a significant progress of Ukraine and the Ukraini-
an education in the direction of building an information society. Ukraine has worked
its way from computerization of the teaching and learning towards informatisation of
education. At the same time, the world and the European community move rapidly
towards digital transformation of education and learning, making ICT an integral part
of modern life, directly linking digital technologies with the knowledge economy.
    European belonging of Ukraine, its geographical and mental closeness to the EU,
devotion to the European values, contributes to the Europeanization of Ukraine and
the Europeanization of the Ukrainian education in particular. The problem of Europe-
anization is analyzed in the works of many foreign and Ukrainian scholars. In particu-
lar, the Ukrainian scholars V. Bashtannik, L. Prokopenko, N. Rudik, O. Rudik,
I. Shumlyaev, and others analyse it in terms of terminology, the dynamics of its de-
velopment within the borders of the EU and beyond, with reference to the research of
such foreign scholars as Robert Ladrech, Tanja A. Börzel and Thomas Risse, Johan
P. Olsen, Christoph Knill and Dirk Lehmkuhl and others. The issue of Europeaniza-
tion of education is the subject of study of such foreign scholars as Nafsika Alexi-
adou, Sotiria Grek and Martin Lawn, Benedicte Robert, Marco La Rosa and others
[20, 21, 27].
    Researchers define Europeanization as a process of formulating, disseminating and
institutionalizing formal and informal rules, procedures, paradigms of politics, styles,
modes of action, common beliefs and norms that were first identified and endorsed
during decision-making in the EU, and subsequently incorporated into the logic of
internal discourses, special features, political structures and policies of the Member
States [11].
    The issue of Europeanization of education is deeply studied in the works of
S. Greck and M. Lown (2012). They characterize this process as a complex one with
the following dimensions:

 creation of a new space of activity, thinking, politics through means of networks,
  associations, structures within the EU borders, strengthening the role of national
  actors in the design of this space through the interpenetration of political ideas,
  knowledge, data and practices;
 creation of a common policy or educational space as a result of general regulation
  by the EU through open method of coordination [10].
Scholars emphasize that Europeanization being a process of EU formation that direct-
ly or indirectly relates to this political entity. At the same time, it is a process that
transcends the borders of the EU within the framework of globalization and has an
impact beyond its borders.
   Under the conditions of European integration of Ukraine, the mentioned concept of
Europeanization serves as an imperative for the further development of the state poli-
cy in the direction of informatisation, transformation of education into a digital-based
one along the EU lines. It seems necessary to accelerate the development of the com-
prehensive strategic framework similar to the EU ones in ICT education area. Not
least important is its regular updating (example of the European Reference Frame-
work of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2006) and Proposal for a Council
Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2017)) under condi-
tions of rapidly changing reality.

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