=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2105/10000394 |storemode=property |title=How Participation in an Intensive Project Can Increase 3rd Level Students’ Awareness of Entrepreneurship |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2105/10000394.pdf |volume=Vol-2105 |authors=Piotr Milczarski,Derek O’Reilly,Krzysztof Podlaski,Fernando Almeida,Shane Dowdall,Artur Hlobaz,Hiram Bollaert,Justino Lourenco |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/MilczarskiOPADH18 }} ==How Participation in an Intensive Project Can Increase 3rd Level Students’ Awareness of Entrepreneurship== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2105/10000394.pdf
 How Participation In An Intensive Project Can
   Increase 3rd Level Students’ Awareness Of

 Piotr Milczarski1 , Derek O’Reilly2 , Krzysztof Podlaski1 , Fernando Almeida3 ,
   Shane Dowdall2 , Artur Hlobaz1 , Hiram Bollaert4 , and Justino Lourenco3
       Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics, University of Lodz, Poland
                       Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland
                     Instituto Superior Politecnico Gaya, Portugal
                      Artesis Plantijn University College, Belgium

         Abstract. Teaching entrepreneurial skills to third level students is be-
         coming increasingly recognised as a necessary skill for them to thrive
         in the 21st century. Across the E.U. and globally, the teaching of en-
         trepreneurial skills is progressively being incorporated into the core syl-
         labus that students take during their time in third level education. How-
         ever, despite the efforts of policy makers and educators, entrepreneurship
         is still not widespread among graduates.
         This paper discusses the impact on student attitudes toward entrepreneur-
         ship of an E.U. intensive programme (called WalkAbout) that has run
         for the past two years. In the first year, 28% of the projects were devel-
         oped further at the request of external stake holders. In the second year,
         40% of the projects were developed further. In this paper we discuss the
         reasons as to why this programme is so successful in motivating students
         to further develop their projects in an entrepreneurial fashion.

         Keywords: entrepreneurial learning, entrepreneurship education, project-
         based learning, team-based learning, game design, GGULIVRR, Walk-

1   WalkAbout Programme Structure
The aim of a WalkAbout project is to get students from different EU countries
and different degree programmes to work in teams to create mobile games in a
given context within a short period of time. The time span of the project is about
ten days. During this time, the student teams are challenged with the task of
building functioning GGULIVRR (Generic Game for Ubiquitous Learning in an
Interactive Virtual and Real Reality) games in a given context. GGULIVRR is
a concept for contextual and mobile learning games that can be built by diverse
    The idea of using computer games to engage and motivate students has
been investigated by various other researchers. Getting students to build com-
puter games has been shown to increase their retention of learned material.
Papastergiou states that “games constitute potentially powerful learning envi-
ronments for a number of reasons (Oblinger, 2004): (a) they can support multi-
sensory, active, experiential, problem-based learning, (b) they favour activation
of prior knowledge given that players must use previously learned information
in order to advance, (c) they provide immediate feedback enabling players to
test hypotheses and learn from their actions, (d) they encompass opportunities
for self-assessment through the mechanisms of scoring and reaching different
levels, and (e) they increasingly become social environments involving commu-
nities of players” [20]. Papastergiou also states that “Games that encompass
educational objectives and subject matter are believed to hold the potential to
render learning of academic subjects more learner-centered, easier, more enjoy-
able, more interesting, and, thus, more effective” [20]. Akcaoglu describes a game
design and learning initiative that leverages students’ interest in games and de-
sign to foster the students’ problem-solving and critical reasoning skills [1]. Tri-
antafyllakos describes how gameplay and collaborative working can help create a
framework “that meets their learning desires and expectations, incorporates and
sustains technological trends such as social networking and blogging, and is har-
moniously situated in the daily routine of a modern, active student with multiple
interests” [23]. Hwang describes a peer assessment-based game development ap-
proach to learning for improving students’ learning achievements, motivations
and problem-solving skills [12]. Hwang found that “most of the students perceived
peer assessment-based game development as an effective learning strategy that
helped them improve their deep learning status in terms of ‘in-depth thinking,’
‘creativity,’ and ‘motivation.”’ [12]. Ke investigated the potential of computer
game making activities in facilitating design-based math learning for school chil-
dren. Ke’s study findings indicate that participants develop significantly more
positive dispositions toward mathematics after computer game making. Ke states
that “learning occurs when the learners’ active exploration (i.e., artifact design
and creation) makes them develop a knowledge representation of their experience
or discover an inconsistency between their current knowledge representation and
their experience.” [15]. In addition, “learning usually occurs within a social con-
text in which interactions between learners and peers will activate collaborative
exploration, articulation, reflection, and hence assimilation or accommodation
for improved knowledge representation” [15].

    Entrepreneurs need to be skilled in diverse areas, such as interpersonal skills,
communication, planning, leadership, management and marketing. With this
in mind, WalkAbout teams are purposely comprised of students from differ-
ent degree programmes and different countries. To date, students from Poland,
Finland, Belgium, Ireland and Portugal have taken part in the two Walkabout
projects. These students came from computing, international marketing, teacher
training, visual arts, games development and business degree programmes. The
students’ year of study ranged from year 1 to year 3. Combining such a diverse set
of students ensures that each team has the combined skillset of an entrepreneur.
    The key to the success of the programme is in ensuring that the task that
is assigned to the student teams requires the full engagement and buy-in of
all of the team members. The teams are tasked with designing, developing and
marketing a GGULIVRR game. The teams are expected to present their game
prototype and business plan to a panel of invited industrial leaders at the end
of the ten day programme. In order to be successful, the teams need to in-
vestigate the game context, find attractive and inviting ways in which to play
the game, find and implement various software solutions, overcome hardware
technical difficulties and learn to communicate effectively with their teammates
so that they can optimize their collaboration. Triantafyllakos states that “as
Papastergiou (2009) claims, games constitute potentially powerful learning en-
vironments given that they: (a) support multi-sensory and active problem-based
learning and critical thinking, (b) activate prior, diverse knowledge that allows
the participants to successfully encounter novel situations, (c) establish meaning-
ful collaborative learning environments which can improve students’ social skills,
(d) support immediate feedback which informs subsequent decision making and
(e) offer opportunities for self-assessment (Kim, Park, & Baek, 2009; Oblinger,
2004; Papastergiou, 2009; Pivec & Dziabenko, 2004)” [23].

2   Entrepreneurship

According to an EC report on the “Effects and Impact of Entrepreneurship Pro-
grammes in Higher Education”, an entrepreneurial person demonstrates three
key entrepreneurial competencies. These are entrepreneurial knowledge, skills
and attitudes [6]. These competencies manifest themselves in the individual in
the form of innovation, change and action that is essential for personal, social
and work life [19]. Every entrepreneur masters a broad knowledge of business
management. Entrepreneurs are very familiar with the economical, commercial,
legal, social and organizational facets of business.
    Entrepreneurship is now considered to be a major contributor to global eco-
nomic growth [17,18]. In recent years, entrepreneurship has gained much promi-
nence in both developed and developing nations and has thus created a higher
demand for entrepreneurship education [13]. This sentiment is backed by Eick-
hoff who states that young people should be taught entrepreneurship educa-
tion [8]. Thus, there is an increasing emphasis on education as a way to encour-
age entrepreneurship as a catalyst for economic development. Studdard et al.
considers that entrepreneurship education will not only increase the skill levels
of future entrepreneurs, but will also increase the skill levels of those pursuing
non-entrepreneurial careers in the new economy [22]. Cooney states that interest
and demand for entrepreneurship modules is growing among science, engineer-
ing, and arts faculties [2]. It is widely accepted that it is no longer enough to
come out of third level education with a purely technical education.
    At third level, entrepreneurship is widely recognized as a fundamental behav-
ior that should be taught to students. Universities are increasingly being chal-
lenged by governments and funding agencies to expand entrepreneurship and en-
terprise education. This demands innovative pedagogical approaches that should
be designed to stimulate and simulate the practice of entrepreneurship behaviors
and the life-world of entrepreneurial firms, whilst retaining rigorous academic
standards of measurement and assessment and, therefore require staff develop-
ment [14]; [5]. As an example, the UK “National Council for Entrepreneurship
in Education” (NCEE) has set out a number of associated competencies for stu-
dents and has developed educator programmes designed to stimulate staff from
any department in a third level college to develop entrepreneurial approaches to
their curriculum and programme development [11]. Gibb considers that of partic-
ular importance is the simulation of the entrepreneurial life-world of ownership,
intuitive decision making and risk taking, initiative taking, holistic project man-
agement, ‘know-who’ network development and relationship management and
commitment over time to see things through [10].
    There are various views as to how entrepreneurship can be embedded into
third level teaching. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), entrepreneur-
ship education should comprise the following three elements [25]: personal; busi-
ness development; entrepreneurial skill. According to the United Nations Con-
ference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), there are four key policy areas
and programmes that should be considered in the development of entrepreneur-
ship education [24]: embedding entrepreneurship into education and training;
curriculum development; teacher development; and partnership with the private
sector. The South East European Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (SEE-
CEL) states that entrepreneurial learning has two distinct strands (narrow and
broad). The former is being an entrepreneur engaged in a commercial activity;
the latter is being entrepreneurial [21]. The European Commission Council clari-
fies that entrepreneurship education should not be confused with general business
and economic studies [4]. Its goal should be the promotion of creativity, innova-
tion, and self-employment, and may include such as the development of personal
attributes and skills, raising the awareness of students about self-employment
and entrepreneurship as possible career options, working on concrete enterprise
project and activities, and providing specific business skills and knowledge of
how to start a company and run it successfully. The EACEA states that en-
trepreneurship education can be integrated into general education in three dif-
ferent ways: it can be integrated into existing subjects, it can be introduced as
a separate curriculum subject or it can be implemented using a cross-curricular
approach [3].
     The traditional teaching approach, prevalent in many universities, is passive
learning. Learners receive lectures for the majority of class time, leaving them
little opportunity to give input through discussions or experiential exercises. Al-
though very effective to cater large groups of students a large amount of learning
content within a relatively small amount of time, this approach is clearly un-
able to engage learners into actively practice the entrepreneurial attitude and
increasingly feel the rush to act and take a risk. What really distinguishes an
entrepreneur is the person’s attitudes and skills on how to run a business [16].
With a hands-on approach, they draw up business plans, market a product or ser-
vice, propose and arrange contracts, conquer and expand market positions, lead
employees and regulate daily affairs. Consequently entrepreneurship is not some-
thing one learns to understand, but something one becomes fluent in through
practice. Being coached instead of lectured by their teachers, learners appreciate
an environment in which creativity and risk-taking are encouraged and mistakes
are valued as learning opportunities. Entrepreneurship education should focus
on project based learning facilitating real life learning experiences [7]. The learn-
ers practice to be entrepreneurial by collaborating in multi-disciplinary teams,
tackling concrete and tangible real-world problems. Along the way they acquire
knowledge, identify and solve subset problems and learn to cooperate [9].

3     Entrepreneurship in the Partner Colleges
As is the case with many colleges within Europe and globally, efforts have been
made in recent years to incorporate the teaching of entrepreneurship into the core
syllabus that students take and to encourage and incubate entrepreneurship into
the campus environment. Each of the partner colleges took different approaches
to achieve their entrepreneurship goals, as described below.

3.1   Artesis Plantijn, Belgium
Within Artesis Plantijn, there is a specific modular programme that aims to
teach students how to become successful entrepreneurs. Students learn through
a series of projects how to start up a business. Entrepreneurship, enterprise
policy, growth management and strategic management are intensely studied on
this module.
    Entrepreneurship is also embedded in the European Project Semesters (EPS).
The major weight of EPS projects lies in project management and methodology.
While loosely supervised, small international and interdisciplinary student teams
are urged to self-organize and manage their project. Each team needs to produce
an elaborate project plan, which includes role definitions, assigned tasks, a study
on the project scope and preconditions, outcomes, quality control, risk analysis,
a cost and benefit study and a business plan. During the semester, this plan is
adjusted according to the evolution of the team and the project.

3.2   Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland
Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) sees entrepreneurship as a key skill for
students to learn. It is considered vital to link with external stakeholders and
to respond to and innovate in the social and cultural environment as well as
to the economy. DkIT has set one of its objectives to embed entrepreneurship
into the curricula on all undergraduate programmes. DkIT has also set out to
alter curricula by improving disciplinary and inter-disciplinary expertise as well
as employability and personal skills. Entrepreneurship is now embedded into
almost all programmes that it offers to undergraduate students.
    To encourage entrepreneurial skills within students, the college has embarked
on a number of initiatives, including the introduction of Student Enterprise
Interns (SEIs) and the President’s Awards for Enterprising Students.
    On campus, the college hosts a Regional Development Centre (RDC). The
RDC aims to support start-up companies in the region by providing resources
such as office space, business education and expertise to help in sourcing financial
aid via organisations such as Enterprise Ireland.
    DkIT is the lead partner (along with five other third level colleges) on
an entrepreneurship programme, which is called the “Accelerated Campus En-
trepreneurship” (ACE) initiative. ACE has facilitated various Enterprise and
Entrepreneurship Workshops and a Master degree level Enterprise and En-
trepreneurial Learning.

3.3   Lodz, Poland
All undergraduate programs in the University of Lodz are prepared accord-
ing to the Polish “National Qualification Framework”. This document states
that all the students have to obtain a basic knowledge and skills in the field
of entrepreneurship. Students have to learn the basics of how small companies
function in the economy, rules of starting enterprises in Poland and intellectual
property law. Many modules are project driven. Students are encouraged to work
on the commercial potential of their projects. As part of these projects, students
are encouraged to work on their own ideas for new products. This approach
allows student to constantly focus on creating real products. In addition, many
degree theses are based on market ready products.
    Innovation Center Technological Accelerator, CIAT, is an EU funded venture
fund established by the University of Lodz. In the years 2013-14, CIAT organized
several workshops for students in conjunction with the University of Lodz. The
main idea of these workshops is to show the participants how they can transfer
their ideas from different fields into projects that can apply for external financing.
    The University of Lodz puts a strong emphasis on cooperation with indus-
try. For this purpose, a Business Council was established by all faculties of the
university to encourage cooperation with companies from the region. The Coun-
cil consists of Polish and foreign companies that are appropriate for teaching
programming (i.e. from the IT industry for computer science programme).

3.4   ISPGaya, Portugal
In ISPGaya, there are two curricular units that focus mainly on syllabus de-
velopment in the area of entrepreneurship. These are the curricular units of
”Technology and Business” and ”Seminars of Economy and Management”.
    The curricular unit of ”Technology and Business” offers a multidisciplinary
perspective, seeking to provide students with soft skills in management and
information technology. The teaching methodology adopted by this unit is based
on the structuring and development of process analysis and implementation of a
business opportunity from a technology based idea. Groups of students evaluate
the technological, economic and financial market feasibility. They then develop
a business plan that serves both as a guide for the implementation of the idea
and as a document that is likely to attract investors and other participants in
its future development.
    The curricular unit of ”Seminars of Economy and Management” offers an
internal module dedicated to the teaching of entrepreneurship. This is a seminar
based module. The seminars aim to provide contributions from various areas
of economics and management. People of recognized merit in three major areas
(business, academic and institutional environment) are invited to present at
these seminars.
    ISPGaya promotes an environment where private companies work in close
partnership with students. The students are presented with many challenges
proposed by companies during their studies. In particular, there are several cur-
ricular units that have assessment juries that are composed by people from indus-
try. Some of those projects subsequently result in intellectual property transfer
    ISPGaya has a close cooperation with two technological parks located in their
geographic area: InovaGaia and UPTEC. The incubation center of InovaGaia
facilitates the creation and development of entrepreneurship by offering infras-
tructure and specialized support services. The promoters have also facilitated
access to scientific and technological systems, which promotes the development
of knowledge and a network of contacts with national and international markets.
UPTEC is similar to InovaGaia, but offers a dedicated “Center for Business In-
novation” alongside its incubator space. At the Center for Business Innovation,
businesses can find the physical space, facilities and mechanisms to host and op-
erate their project and activities. The UPTEC is dived in four distinct centers:
Technology Center; Creative Industries; Sea Technology Center and Biotechnol-
ogy Center.

4   WalkAbout Intensive Programmes

To date, five WalkAbout intensive programmes have taken place.
    The first Walkabout intensive programme took place in Parque Biol ogico
de Gaia, Portugal in April 2013. Parque Biol ogico de Gaia is a 35 hectare park
that comprises woodlands and a zoological garden. A total of 40 students and 12
lecturers from Poland, Finland, Belgium, Ireland and Portugal took part in this
project. During the programme, students grouped themselves into teams of five,
one from each of the countries involved. Originally, eight teams of five students
were formed. However, due to some local students becoming unavailable and a
travelling student becoming sick, it became necessary to rearrange the remaining
students into seven teams. At the end of this intensive programme, two of the
seven teams (28%) were asked by the Parque Biol ogico de Gaia to develop their
games further.
    The second Walkabout intensive programme took place in the city of Lodz,
Poland, in September 2014. A total of 28 students and nine mentors from Poland,
Finland, Belgium and Ireland took part in this project. Five teams were formed.
At the end of this intensive programme, two of the five teams (40%) were asked
to further develop their games.
    From 2014 the intensive programmes have been takin place in September in
    Both of the intensive programmes were about ten days in duration. At the
very beginning of the programme, students were informed that each team would
need to develop a QR code driven mobile game, which would need to be based
around the context of either the Parque Biol ogico de Gaia or the city of Lodz.
The students were not directed as to the focus of their game or the mechanics
of their game. Students were informed at the beginning of the programme that
they would need to form their own teams, subject to certain pre-defined criteria.
These criteria were imposed so as to would guarantee a good spread of each
nationality across the various teams. Furthermore, students were told that each
team member would need to identify their role within their team and justify
that role as being necessary.
    Interpersonal skills are the life skills we use every day to communicate and
interact with other people, both individually and in groups. From the beginning,
students needed to show strong interpersonal skills in order to get placed on a
team that was to their liking. Once a team was formed, interpersonal skills were
needed to help individuals shape the direction that their team was travelling.
This skill became particularly crucial later in the project life-cycle as the stu-
dents became tired and pressurised. Teams that had one or two people who had
excellent interpersonal skills were able to proceed with their projects much more
smoothly than other teams.
    The smooth development of a team’s game relied on the ability of the team
members being able to communicate effectively with each other. Team managers
were tasked with ensuring that all voices on their team were heard and that all
opinions counted as being equally important. Teams who communicated with
each other well in the early stages of the project ended up being very solid and
unified toward the more intense final stages of the project. It was very evident
during the final presentations that the teams who communicated well got a huge
amount of collective enjoyment from their time together working on the project.
It was also clear that this enthusiasm came across to the external experts in
their judging of the quality of the final presentations.
    Once the teams were formed, each team had one of its members delegated as
the team manager by the mentors. Technically trained students were purposely
excluded from being team managers. The aim of this was to ensure that projects
focused on both the creative and technical aspects of game design, rather than
just the technical aspects. In some cases, the team manager stepped aside (some-
times involuntarily) and let other team members lead their team. However, the
teams that had a strong team leader who took on their responsibilities in an hon-
est and earnest way progressed more efficiently and effectively than the other
teams did. Good managers showed an attention to detail and were able to or-
ganise their teams limited time effectively. Good managers were able to motivate
their team to buy in to the project and to produce a very high quality of work.
All four of the teams that were developed further had very strong managers.
    Business planning encompasses all of the goals, strategies and actions that are
required for a business to prosper. The students were required to come up with
an idea, storyboard it, programme it and present it. To this end, the students
were asked to make three presentations over the ten days. The first presentation,
which occurred after two days, focused on the game concept and storyboard. The
second presentation, which occurred after 6 days, focused on a proof-of-concept
of some technical aspect of the game and on a business plan for potentially de-
veloping the game into the future. The final presentation, which took place on
the last day, required the students to present their games to an invited audi-
ence of industrial and academic partners. Excellent planning was an absolute
requirement in order for teams to cope with the multitude of varying tasks that
needed to be performed over the ten day period. In order to do these things ef-
fectively, the team managers needed to delegate effectively. While some students
were programming, others needed to be out gathering content for their games.
While some students were producing presentations, others were conducting sur-
veys with potential users. The teams that planned effectively produced more
polished games and presentations.
    Marketing involves promoting and selling a team’s game. Marketing includes
market research and advertising. Various marketing ploys were engaged by the
different teams. However, the teams who really believed in their game and in
their team’s ability to build the game tended to produce more polished presenta-
tions. As the days went by, all of the teams became more effective at marketing
their games. All of the teams became increasingly aware over the life-cycle of
the project of the importance of marketing in getting an external entity to want
them to fully develop their game. Over the course of the three presentations, it
was clear that students were evolving to follow best-practice and that the quality
of the presentations increased dramatically as students came to realise its impor-
tance. Professional market research and very polished advertising videos featured
prominently in many of the final presentations. All four of the games that were
developed further paid enormous detail to the execution of their presentations.
    We believe that the success of the four games that the external stake holders
requested be developed further was directly related to how much those teams
adapted of the core entrepreneurial skills.

5   Conclusions

Teaching entrepreneurial skills to students is very difficult in a classroom. With
this in mind, colleges across the EU and globally have tried to adapt various
measures to make entrepreneurship teaching more focused and ‘real-life’. As
with all learning, deep learning is only achieved when students fully engage with
the subject that is being taught. Students need to ‘do’ to really understand.
We believe that the approach taken in the WalkAbout projects is an excellent
method for teaching entrepreneurial skills in a very real, hands-on, environment.
    The WalkAbout projects forces students to realise that a successful business
is more than just a piece of code or a storyboard or a business plan. WalkA-
bout projects take students outside of their comfort zone by presenting them
with a cross-disciplinary project. This coupled with the international aspect of
the project forces students to engage with the skills that are required to be a
successful entrepreneur.
    Students who took part in the WalkAbout projects were not given any formal
lessons in the subject of entrepreneurship while on the project. Instead, they
utilized and evolved their own skills during the life-cycle of the project. Future
incarnations of the project may include some formal classes on the subject of
entrepreneurship, as we is now believed that this could result in even more
polished results

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