Using the SlideWiki Open Education Platform Invited Tutorial Abstract Klaas Andries de Graaf 1 and Benjamin Wulff 2 1 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands 2 Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS, Germany Abstract. SlideWiki’s goal is to revolutionise how educational material is au- thored, shared, and reused. By enabling authors and students to create and share slide decks as HTML in an open platform, communities around the world can benefit from materials created by world-leading educators on a wide range of topics. SlideWiki is an open source project, funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The project involves 17 partners who are developing, testing and trialling SlideWiki. In this tutorial we give a description of the platform and its main functionalities combined with a hands-on session. We will demonstrate how to use SlideWiki as an educational professional, industry professional, or as a user contributing to open educational material. We will detail how existing educational material can be imported in SlideWiki, how it can be edited and re-used in a collaborative setting, and how it can be exported to various formats and learning management systems. Par- ticipants will get familiar with the version management, translation, annotation, searching, editing, and presentation features in SlideWiki by using these in practice in an interactive way. We illustrate above with real-world examples from our experience in using and developing SlideWiki. Presentation of fea- tures will be followed by hands-on activities in which the participants exercise the use of the concepts explained. The tutorial is aims to have participants be able to do the following: (i) use SlideWiki to import educational material, col- laboratively create educational material, and export educational material to various formats; (ii) use the presentation features of SlideWiki, including the more advanced interactive presentation room; (iii) use other advanced SlideWiki features, including group edit rights, forking decks, questions and exams, and applying templates and themes. Keywords: open education platform, SlideWiki, open source, open educational material, learning management system