=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2105/10000465 |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2105/10000465.pdf |volume=Vol-2105 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2105/10000465.pdf
Developing of Key Competencies by Means of Augmented
 Reality in Science and Language Integrated Learning

                       Olexandr Merzlykin1 and Iryna Topolova2

                           Kryvyi Rih Educational Complex No 129
                       “Gymnasium-Lyceum of Academic Approach”
                       1 merzlykin@physics.ccjournals.eu
                        2 topolova@physics.ccjournals.eu

       Abstract. Using of new learning and IC technologies is necessary for effective
       learning of modern students. That is why it can be reasonable to introduce aug-
       mented reality and content-language integrated learning in educational process.
       Augmented reality helps create firm links between real and virtual objects. Con-
       tent and language integrated learning provides immersion in an additional lan-
       guage and creates challenging group and personal tasks in language and non-
       language subjects. Using these technologies in complex provides social and ICT
       mobility and creates positive conditions for developing 9 of 10 key competencies.
       The paper deals with the features, problems and benefits of these technologies’
       implementation in secondary schools.

       Keywords: Augmented Reality, Science Learning, Key Competencies, Genera-
       tion Z, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).

1      Introduction

Current secondary school students are members of “Generation Z” cohort (according
to Strauss and Howe). ICTs and social media are the essential parts of “Zeds” world.
So using ICTs in education is not an option but a necessity. The most helpful educa-
tional technologies for “Zeds” are smartboards, digital textbooks, websites, online vid-
eos and game-based learning systems. [1, pp. 6-8]. That is why we have to create dy-
namic learning environment, which contains modern ICTs as its inseparable part.

2      Using Augmented Reality in Science Learning

Jean-Marc Cieutat, Olivier Hugues and Nehla Ghouaiel define AR as the combination
of physical spaces with digital spaces in semantically linked contexts for which the
objects of associations lie in the real world [2, p. 32]. According to Gartner hype cycle
analysis AR is a mature technology [3] and is going to be widely used in different
spheres of our lives (including education).
   The main benefits of using AR are connected with studying objects and phenomena,
which are inaccessible for direct cognition, but can be observed by means of AR. It can
be very useful in learning abstract Math and Science concepts. AR shows the links
between real and virtual objects. Moreover, AR can be a good example of developing
technology by itself. At schools AR can form some “digital” habits which can be useful
in future life. Using AR in a classroom makes it possible to learn in a personal-oriented
environment. It helps students to provide their own learning styles. According to The
State Standard of the Basic and Complete Secondary Education there are 10 key com-
petencies [4]. The benefits of using AR in secondary schools are given in the Table 1.

     Table 1. Advantages of using AR at science lessons (in regard to key competencies).

                                        Component of Competency
 Competency                              Skills and                           Social and
                      Cognitive                              Values
                                         Experience                          Behavioral
Mathematical supporting of ab- scaffolding of giving an exam- making                  better
Competency stract mathemati- basic math skills ple how maths conditions to pro-
                 cal concepts learn- (i. e. geometry equations come vide own learn-
                 ing                 imagination)      to life            ing style
Competencies supporting of ab- making possible demonstrating making                   better
in Science       stract    concepts to operate with science imple- conditions to pro-
                 learning; improv- objects, which mentations; mo- vide own learn-
                 ing links between are inaccessible tivating for sci- ing style
                 nature objects and for direct cogni- ence learning
                 phenomena           tion
Digital          widening outlook; mastering sub- demonstrating mastering new
Competency getting knowledge jectively            new the importance ways of digital
                 about AR            technologies      of digital liter- learning commu-
                                                       acy                nication
Lifelong         demonstrating in- getting        new demonstrating mastering new
Learning         finite technologi- learning habits entertaining and ways of learning
                 cal progress                          useful learning communication
Sense of Initia- gaining knowled- getting experi- helping to adapt mastering new
tive and Entre- ge about effective ence of applying to         constantly effective ways of
preneurship      ways of organiz- the same tech- changing situa- communication
                 ing information     nology in differ- tions (using an
                                     ent fields        example of AR)
Cultural         mastering new ef- improving pra- making cross- giving opportuni-
Awareness        fective ways of xeological com- cultural           links ties for creating
                 gaining cultural ponent of tech- more obvious            own style of self-
                 knowledge           nical awareness                      development
Ecological       helping to under- acquiring skills helping to un- making             better
Competencies stand the complex- and getting ex- derstand links conditions                for
and      Health ity of ecological perience          of between nature creation of own
Care             and medicine pro- health care by phenomena and health care pro-
                 cesses              themselves        human activities gramme
The most essential drawbacks of using AR are connected with deficient studies of its
influence on user’s health and a lack of privacy and security [5]. We should say that the
last problem is mainly caused by irresponsible using of AR; it is not AR itself. That is
why it is especially important to teach students basics of AR using (including safety
regulations). One of the difficulties, which we face applying AR at Ukrainian secondary
school, is their English interface. We can overcome this drawback by developing for-
eign language competency.

3       CLIL Approach In Education

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a modern approach to the devel-
oping of foreign language competency [6]. CLIL is a dual-focused educational ap-
proach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of content
and language with the objective of promoting both content and language mastery to
pre-defined levels [6, pp. 2, 65]. Advantages of CLIL approach (in regard to key com-
petencies [4]) are reflected in the table 2.

      Table 2. Advantages of CLIL science lessons approach in key competencies forming.

                                       Component of Competency
    Competency                         Skills and                            Social and
                     Cognitive                             Values
                                      Experience                            Behavioral
Foreign Lan- cross-subject vo- real learning situ- wider access to mutual assistance
guage Compe- cabulary              ations; providing science sources; in learning; more
tency                              more language using languages accessible social
                                   practice           for practice       environment
Mathematical learning specific learning culture- realizing the im- empowering so-
Competency terms in a foreign based math rules pact of math on cial interaction in
                 language          (e.g. mnemonics) learning mobility learning math
Competencies a variety of learn- learning culture- understanding         empowering so-
in Science       ing objects and based        science the importance of cial interaction in
                 sources; learning rules (e. g. mne- science for learn- learning science
                 terms in English monics)             ing mobility
Lifelong         cross-subject     acquiring skills increasing           forming collabo-
Learning         links; opportuni- of       “mining” awareness in dif- ration habits in
                 ties to work with knowledge in dif- ferent branches learning English
                 various resources ferent languages of learning          and science
Social      and developing better shaping tolerance showing an im- broadening so-
Civic Compe- cross-cultural un- and respect to pact of all cul- cial experience
tencies          derstanding       other cultures     tures on science
Sense of Initia- providing a wider broadening team- showing the per- mutual assistance
tive and Entre- range of re- work experience sonal input in in learning Eng-
preneurship      sources                              common success lish and science
Cultural         widening outlook widening a range revealing         the enhancing ability
Awareness                          of multilinguistic value of different to reflect cultural
                                   activities         knowledge areas diversity
The backgrounds of CLIL lessons are: proper level of students’ language skills, parents’
and students’ demands for social mobility, the teachers’ readiness to introduce CLIL
lessons and social competency of all educational process participants. Introducing
CLIL lessons faces such difficulties as curriculum coordination, consuming a lot of
time to prepare a CLIL lesson and a lack of appropriate resources. Taking into consid-
eration both recent researches [6] and our practical experience we can conclude that
CLIL lessons are more interesting, motivating, time-saving, help students to feel con-
fident, promote communication, provide educational diversity and increase mobility.

4      Conclusions

Nowadays new learning and IC technologies are required to satisfy “Zeds” demands.
For instance, all reviewed technologies provide individual learning strategies. The us-
ing of both AR and CLIL helps to form and develop 9 of 10 key competencies (except
native language competency). Augmented reality helps to create the firm links between
real and virtual objects. Content and language integrated learning creates conditions for
efficient group and individual work in language and science learning.
   Implementation of these technologies is reasonable only under certain conditions:
gadgets and appropriate level of teachers’ digital literacy (for AR) and the proper level
of foreign language competency (for CLIL). The main difficulties, we face applying
these technologies in science learning, are connected with organization of educational
process not with teaching or learning. AR and CLIL technologies together create rich
learning and teaching environment for effective education of modern students.

 1. Barnes & Noble College : Getting to Know Gen Z – Exploring Middle and High Schoolers’
    Expectations for Higher Education, (2017), https://www.bncollege.com/Gen-Z-Research-
    Report-Final.pdf, last accessed 2018/01/29.
 2. Cieutat, J.-M. Hugues, O., Ghouaiel, N.: Active Learning based on the use of Augmented
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 3. Technology Research | Gartner Inc., http://www.gartner.com, last accessed 2018/01/29.
 4. The State Standard of the Basic and Complete Secondary Education, The Cabinet of Minis-
    ters of Ukraine, http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1392-2011-%D0%BF (in Ukrainian),
    last accessed 2018/01/29.
 5. Roesner, F., Kohno, T., Molnar, D.: Security and Privacy for Augmented Reality Systems.
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 6. Marsh, D.: CLIL/EMILE - the European dimension: actions, trends and foresight potential.
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