=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2105/10000469 |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2105/10000469.pdf |volume=Vol-2105 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2105/10000469.pdf
    Computer Models as a Means of Teaching Physics in
            Higher Educational Institutions


Glukhiv National Pedagogical University named by Olexander Dovzhenko, Kyivo-Moskovska
                                str.24, Glukhiv, Ukraine

       Abstract. The article is devoted to the development and application of comput-
       er models in a course of laboratory works in physics. The paper contains the re-
       sults of pedagogical experiment which aim was to develop student’s skills to
       process the result of experiment.

       Keywords: general physics, computer model, physics practical works, higher
       educational institution

1      Introduction

The problem of using computer models of physical phenomena is relevant in our
time. Computer models allow students to observe the course of the physical process
and its results while being outside the physical laboratory.
   The researchers have substantiated the basic principles and methods of teaching
students the modeling of physical phenomena (M.V. Dudyk, S.A. Khazina [1]), the
choice of software tools for the creation of computer models of physical phenomena
(S.O. Semerikov, I.O. Teplitsky [2]), was developed Computer models of physical
phenomena (employees of the University of Colorado Boulder [3]), the requirements
for training programs - computer models of physical processes (V.M.Bazurin [4])
have been substantiated, the peculiarities of the development of computer models and
their application in teaching (Y. Xu, J. Choi [5], R. Alcarria, B. B. Sanchez, A.
Sanchez-Picot, D. Sanchez-de-Rivera [6]).
   Our study aims to determine the impact of a virtual laboratory experiment on the
formation of research skills of students of non-physical specialties, namely the ability
to process the results of an experiment. For this purpose, computer models of such
experiments were developed: determination of resistivity of the conductor (OhmLaw),
determination of the internal resistance of the current source (IntResistance), capacitor
capacitance measurement by means of a ballistic galvanometer (Condensator), deter-
mination of conductor resistance using the Wheatstone bridge (WheatstoneBridge),
research the laws of electrolysis (Electrolysis), the determination of the heat capacity
of the solid (Teplo), the determination of the temperature linear expansion coefficient
of the metals (Linear), and others.
   In the experimental group there were 22 students, in the control group - 14 stu-
   The criterion for the development of research skills is the number of correctly per-
formed calculations of the results of a laboratory experiment. Criterion Indicators: 0-
4 - low level; 5-8 - middle level; 9-12 - high level.
   Hypothesis: conducting a laboratory practice in physics on virtual computer mod-
els for students helps to develop the students' ability to perform processing of the
results of a physical experiment.

2      Main Ideas

A laboratory workshop on physics can be implemented in two main forms: traditional
(research on laboratory equipment); virtual (research on computer models).
   Research in laboratory conditions has the following disadvantages: the need to
have sufficient modern equipment; moral and physical obsolete equipment; high price
of equipment; the inability to reproduce certain experiments in real conditions due to
their harmfulness [7].
   To implement a virtual laboratory experiment requires the availability of computer
models of physical phenomena. Computer models need to be developed specially.
   A laboratory workshop on physics can be implemented in two main forms: tradi-
tional (research on laboratory equipment); virtual (research on computer models).
   Research in laboratory conditions has the following disadvantages: the need to
have sufficient modern equipment; moral and physical obsolete equipment; high price
of equipment; the inability to reproduce certain experiments in real conditions due to
their harmfulness [7].
   To implement a virtual laboratory experiment requires the availability of computer
models of physical phenomena. Computer models need to be developed specially.

3      Description of Materials and Methods

Laboratory Physics Workshop consisted of 12 works. In experimental groups, classes
were conducted using developed computer models.
   For example, using the OhmLaw program (fig.1), students first determined the re-
sistance of the conductor (by the Ohm’s law). The length and diameter of the conduc-
tor were specified by the program. After determining the resistance students at the
known values of the length and diameter of the conductor calculated the area of the
cross-section, and then - the specific resistance of the conductor. Students entered the
results of the experiment in the corresponding text fields of the program, after which
the program performed a check of the correctness of the calculations.
   In the control group, a laboratory workshop was conducted on laboratory equip-
   For each student, the number of correctly performed calculations was calculated
based on the results of the laboratory experiment.
                                           Fig. 1.

  The results of the experimental study for the experimental and control group were
compared using the Whitley Mann criterion.

4      Results

The level of formation of the ability to process the results of the experiment for stu-
dents of control and experimental groups is shown in Fig.2.


         40,00%              35,71%           36,36% 35,71%




                         Low                      Middle                        High

                                      Experimental Group   Control Group

                                           Fig. 2.

5      Discussion

The obtained data are important for the formation of the students' skills to process the
results of the experiment. Subsequently, these skills will be used by students when
studying disciplines such as material resistance, technical mechanics, theory of ma-
chines and mechanisms, as well as when writing bachelor's and master's theses.
   Perspective directions of research are:
   - development of web-oriented computer models that store the results of work in
the database;
   - definition of the optimal type of interface of computer models;
   - determination of optimal program structure - computer model;
   - construction of a laboratory workshop on computer models as a holistic system,
development of software for distance learning and home laboratory experiment.

6      Conclusions

1. Laboratory workshop with using computer models of physical processes facilitates
the formation of such an important component of research skills among students as
the ability to process research results;
   2. Development of computer models of physical phenomena has wide prospects for
their application in the process of studying physics in higher education institutions.

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