Information Access for Development: Weather Information Access for Rural Ghana* Invited talk abstract Francis Dittoh University of Development Studies Tamale, Ghana ABSTRACT With very low internet penetration, over 64% of Africans have no The study will use an adapted living-labs approach for internet access. In recent years, urban Africa has improved in requirements engineering, which will involve all stakeholders, terms of internet access with 3G and 4G available in some cities. especially the end-users and institutions that deal with rural Rural and suburban Africa however still has virtually no access to communities, in the development of a system that is usable by the internet services. Issues of illiteracy, numerous local languages illiterate, accessible in their own language(s), requiring and the lack of infrastructure are the foremost barriers that keep inexpensive equipment for the system design and already existing these people unconnected although information needs such as and/or inexpensive equipment for the end-users. The research will market prices and weather forecasts might be relevant to these also look at the various ways of creating technical sustainability, communities. These conditions are similar for most countries in possibly with training and the development of communities of sub-Saharan Africa. Information of this nature, available on the local developers. 1 internet or elsewhere, can be accessed by proxy rather than directly. The widespread availability of mobile phones and radio access in rural areas suggests attention should be concentrated on these technologies because it is important to use what is readily available. This research delves practically into how ICTs can provide rural communities with regular access to up-to-date information, from the world wide web, peers or organizations, which is relevant to their needs. © 2018 Copyright held by the author.