=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2154/paper5 |storemode=property |title=Lies, Bullshit, and Deception in Agent-Oriented Programming Languages |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2154/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-2154 |authors=Alison R. Panisson,Stefan Sarkadi,Peter McBurney,Simon Parsons,Rafael H. Bordini |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/atal/PanissonSMPB18 }} ==Lies, Bullshit, and Deception in Agent-Oriented Programming Languages== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2154/paper5.pdf
          Lies, Bullshit, and Deception in
      Agent-Oriented Programming Languages

                      Alison R. Panisson2 , S, tefan Sarkadi1
             Peter McBurney1 , Simon Parsons1 , and Rafael H. Bordini2
                    PUCRS, School of Technology, Porto Alegre, Brazil
              King’s College London, Department of Informatics, London, UK
             alison.panisson@acad.pucrs.br, rafael.bordini@pucrs.br

      Abstract. It is reasonable to assume that in the next few decades, intel-
      ligent machines might become much more proficient at socialising. This
      implies that the AI community will face the challenges of identifying,
      understanding, and dealing with the different types of social behaviours
      these intelligent machines could exhibit. Given these potential challenges,
      we aim to model in this paper three of the most studied strategic social
      behaviours that could be adopted by autonomous and malicious software
      agents. These are dishonest behaviours such as lying, bullshitting, and
      deceiving that autonomous agents might exhibit by taking advantage of
      their own reasoning and communicative capabilities. In contrast to other
      studies on dishonest behaviours of autonomous agents, we use an agent-
      oriented programming language to model dishonest agents’ attitudes and
      to simulate social interactions between agents. Through simulation, we
      are able to study and propose mechanisms to identify and later to deal
      with such dishonest behaviours in software agents.

1   Introduction
Agent-Oriented Programming Languages (AOPL) and platforms to develop
Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) provide suitable frameworks for modelling agent
communication in AI. We can reasonably say that one of the main purposes of
AI research is to represent as accurately as possible the way humans use in-
formation to perform actions. Actions of humans are sometimes performed by
applying dishonest forms of reasoning and behaviour such as lying, bullshitting,
and deceiving.
    In this paper, we model lies, bullshit and deception in an AOPL named Ja-
son [3], which is based on the BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) architecture. Mod-
elling these dishonest attitudes in MAS allows us to simulate agent interactions
in order to understand how agents might behave if they have reasons to adopt
these dishonest behaviours. Understanding such behaviours also allows us to
identify and deal with such phenomena, as proposed by [7].
    Even though the AI community has investigated computational models of
lies [31], “bullshit”, and deception [6], to the best of our knowledge, our work is
one of the first attempts to model these types of agent attitudes in the practical
context of an AOPL. AOPLs offer an attractive way of improving the research of
dishonest agent behaviour through simulations of agent interactions with explicit
representation of relevant mental states.
    Our study has two main contributions: (i) A comparative model of lies, bull-
shit, and deception in an AOPL based on the BDI architecture, which allows
us to define and simulate these dishonest behaviours. (ii) Making the respective
model practical, by implementing an illustrative scenario to show how an agent
called car dealer is able to deceive other agents called buyers in buying a car3 .
In this scenario, the car dealer also tells lies and bullshit in order to make the
buyers believe a car is suitable for them, when in fact it is not.

2     Background
2.1 Lie, Bullshit, Deception
We will start by describing what lying is from an agent-based perspective. We
define lying similar to [6]. A lie is a false statement about something that is
intended to make someone believe the opposite of what is actually true. Lying
cannot be reduced to linguistic communication only. Liars give out information to
others in various forms, such as social behaviour, facial expressions, physiological
responses to questions, and manipulation of the environment [11, 5].

Definition 1 (Lying). The dishonest behaviour of an agent Agi to tell another
agent Agj that ¬ψ is the case, when in fact Agi knows that ψ is the case.

    Bullshit is different from lying in the sense that it is not intended to make
someone believe the opposite from the truth. A bullshiter agent will give an
answer to a question in such a way that the one who asked the question is left
with the impression that the bullshiter agent knows the true answer [12], when
in fact it does not.

Definition 2 (Bullshit). The dishonest behaviour of an agent Agi to tell an-
other agent Agj that ψ is the case, when in fact Agi does not know if ψ is the

    Deception is more complex than bullshit or lying. We define deception as the
intention of an agent (Deceiver) to make another agent (Interrogator) believe
something is true that it (the Deceiver) thinks is false, with the scope of reaching
an ulterior goal or desire. The complexity arises due to the fact that an agent
requires Theory-of-Mind (henceforth ToM) to deceive [17]. ToM is not needed to
tell a lie or to bullshit (although there are cases in which liars or bullshitters can
make use of ToM). The Deceiver has to let the Interrogator reach the conclusion
by itself. For example, if the Deceiver wants the Interrogator to believe that q
is the case, instead of directly telling the Interrogator that q is the case, the
Deceiver uses some knowledge that the Interrogator possesses, let’s say p → q,
    The implementation of this work is available at https://tinyurl.com/ybrmkqg9.
and tells the Interrogator that p is the case. Having told the Interrogator that p is
the case, the Deceiver then knows that if the Interrogator is a rational agent that
has the ability to apply Modus Ponens, then it will conclude that q is the case.
Levine and McCornack call this interplay Pars Pro Toto (the information the
Deceiver decides to feed the Interrogator) and Totum Ex Parte (the knowledge
the Interrogator derives from the information sent by the Deceiver) [21].
    One can argue that liars and bullshitters might have some types of moti-
vations or goals. However, compared to deceivers, these goals do not contain
ulterior motives. A liar, for example, can have the goal to speak falsely about
a state of the world without taking into consideration the state of mind of the
agent it speaks to. It can also be argued that a good liar would take into account
its target’s mind, although by definition a liar is constrained by one single strat-
egy which is to speak falsely about a state of the world. A bullshitter can have
the goal to make the agent it speaks to believe it (the bullshitter) is speaking the
truth independently of the state of the world it is speaking about. Most of the
times, however, bullshitters do not take into consideration the target’s mental
activity in order to deliver a bullshit.

Definition 3 (Deception). The intended dishonest behaviour of an agent Agi
to tell another agent Agj that ψ is the case, when in fact Agi knows that ¬ψ is
the case, in order to make Agj conclude that ϕ given that Agi knows that Agj
knows that ψ → ϕ and Agi also knows that Agj is rational.

2.2 Agent Oriented Programming Language
Among the many AOPL and platforms, such as Jason, Jadex, Jack, AgentFac-
tory, 2APL, GOAL, Golog, and MetateM, as discussed in [2], we chose the Jason
platform [3] for our work. Jason extends the AgentSpeak language, an abstract
logic-based AOPL introduced by Rao [27], which is one of the best-known lan-
guages inspired by the BDI architecture. In Jason, the agents are equipped with
a library of pre-compiled plans that have the following syntax:
   triggering_event : context <- body.
where the triggering event represents the way agents react to events, for ex-
ample, a new goal for the agent to pursue, or a new belief in case the plan is to
be triggered by reaction to perceived changes in the world; the context has the
preconditions for the plan to be deemed applicable for achieving that goal given
the current circumstances, and the body is a sequence of actions and sub-goals
to achieve the goal.
     Besides specifying agents with well-defined mental attitudes based on the
BDI architecture, the Jason platform [3] has some other features that are partic-
ularly interesting for our work, for example: strong negation, belief annotations,
and (customisable) speech-act based communication. Strong negation helps the
modelling of uncertainty, allowing the representation of things that the agent: (i)
believes to be true, e.g., safe(car1); (ii) believes to be false, e.g., ¬safe(car1);
(iii) is ignorant about, i.e., the agent has no information about whether the car
is safe or not. Also, Jason automatically generates annotations for all the beliefs
in the agents’ belief base about the source from where the belief was obtained
(which can be from sensing the environment, communication with other agents,
or a mental note created by the agent itself). The annotation has the following
format: safe(car1)[source(seller)], stating that the source of the belief that
car1 is safe is the agent seller. The annotations in Jason can be easily ex-
tended to include other meta-information, for example trust and time as used
in [22, 25]. Another interesting feature of Jason is the communication between
agents, which is done through a predefined (internal) action. There are a num-
ber of performatives allowing rich communication between agents in Jason, as
explained in detail in [3]. Further, new performatives can be easily defined (or
redefined) in order to give special meaning to them4 .

3    Running Example
To show the difference between the agents’ attitudes of telling a lie, telling bull-
shit and deceiving, we will present an approach to model these three agent
attitudes in an agent-oriented programming language using a running example
of a car dealer scenario5 , inspired by [20, 23, 31]. In our scenario, an agent called
car dealer, cd for short, has the desire to sell as many cars as it can. Thus, the
car dealer will use all its available strategies, including lying, bullshitting, and
attempting to deceive the customers to buy the cars it has for sale.

                    Car Dealer                             Buyer

                                  Fig. 1. Protocol.

    An illustration of the communication protocol for our scenario is shown in
Figure 1. The protocol states that: a buyer agent will tell to another agent, the
car dealer, the set φ of characteristics they desire in buying a car. For example,
φ = inference(buy(car),[safe(car),comfortable(car)]), means that the buyer
considers safety and comfort to be the most desirable characteristics for buying
a car. After that, buyers ask the car dealer about the cars they have an interest
to buy. The car dealer answers the questions based on its own interest (i.e., it
is a self-interested agent).
    In our scenario, we will focus on characteristics of cars such as: safety, speed,
comfort, and storage size which are defined in ∆car dealer :
  For example, [26] proposes new performatives for argumentation-based communica-
  tion between Jason agents.
  We do not assume that in real life car dealers are deceptive agents, we just use this
  particular scenario as an illustrative example.
                                                              
                        safe(ford)    ¬comfortable(ford)      
                        safe(bmw)     ¬comfortable(bmw)
                                                              
          ∆car dealer = ¬safe(renault) ¬comfortable(renault)
                        ¬fast(ford)   large storage(bmw)
                                                              
                                                              
                         fast(bmw)     ¬large storage(renault)
                                                              

    Here, there are two important considerations for our model. The first con-
sideration is about the diversity of information the car dealer knows, which is
fundamental when simulating the agents’ behaviours. We set up our scenario
with different cars, in which each car has different characteristics. The second
consideration is that the car dealer may be able to model the buyers’ mental
state, which means the car dealer is able to model the characteristics buyers con-
sider important to buy a car, i.e., φ. Given the knowledge of the characteristics
the buyers consider important, the car dealer is able to simulate the influence
of the information it provides, choosing the best answer according to its own
interest or desire, i.e., to sell the cars. Thus, an agent may be able not only
to model the initial states of other agents minds, but also to simulate how the
minds of these other agents change over time6 .

4     Modelling Buyers’ Minds
In this work, we set up the notation based on the Jason agent-oriented pro-
gramming language [3] and a standard representation for messaging. Our model
will consist of predicates which represent the mental state of agents, the event
model which is the set of perceptions and possible messages that the agents can
communicate such as asking and answering questions, the belief update rules for
each kind of message and perception, and inference rules that allow agents to
execute belief update and reasoning simulation.

4.1    Modelling the Minds of Other Agents
Agents will model others agents’ minds according to inferences they are able
to make, that are based on the perceptions they have of the target agents and
the communication they have with the target. These ideas come from studies in
Theory of Mind (ToM) [14]. Thus, based on the BDI architecture, we use the
following predicates to allow an agent to model the other agents’ minds:
 – believes(ag,prop) means that an agent ag believes on proposition prop.
   For example, believes(john,safe(ford)) means that john believes that
   ford are safe. A car dealer agent cd is able to model the beliefs of a buyer
   agent ag after receiving a tell message from ag, i.e., hag, cd, tell, propi.
   We use ∆cd |= believes(ag, prop) to describe that the car dealer cd knows
   that the buyer ag believes on prop. A particular case for this predicate
    These abilities of our agents reflect their capacity of using both Theory-Theory of
    Mind and Simulation-Theory of Mind for modelling the minds of their targets [13].
   is believes(ag,inference(prop,S)) representing that an agent ag be-
   lieves on the inference from S (a set of predicates) to prop. For example,
   believes(john,inference(buy(bmw),[safe(bmw)]) means that john be-
   lieves that if a bmw is safe it could buy a bmw.
 – desires(ag,prop) means that an agent ag desires prop. For example,
   desires(john,buy(bmw)) means that john desires to buy a bmw. We use
   ∆cd |= desires(ag, prop) to describe that the car dealer cd knows that the
   buyer ag desires prop.

   We are also able to use nested representations for beliefs and desires. For
example, we are able to express that the car dealer cd believes that the buyer ag
desires to buy a car, i.e., believes(cd,desires(ag,buy( ))), which it is the
same ∆cd |= desires(ag,buy( )).7

4.2     Modelling Agents’ Actions and Communication Updates

Agents will update their ToM about others when communicating with them, as
well as when perceiving them in the environment. For simplicity, in this work we
will consider only a few communication actions, based on the protocol described
in Section 3. Thus, the possible actions and belief updates of the agents are the
  – hag, cd, tell, propi means a message sent by the agent ag to the agent cd,
     with the performative tell, and the content prop. When cd receives this
     message, it executes the following update in its ToM:
                             ∆cd = ∆cd ∪ believes(ag, prop)
 – hag, cd, ask, propi means a message sent by the agent ag to the agent cd, with
   the performative ask and the content prop. When cd receives this message,
   it executes the following update in its ToM:
                              ∆cd = ∆cd ∪ desires(ag, prop)
 – hcd, ag, response, propi means a message sent by the agent cd to the agent
   ag, with the performative response and the content prop. To execute this
   action, it requires that a previous message hag, cd, ask, propi has been com-
   municated. Thus, the agents cd and ag execute the following updates in their
   ToM and knowledge base, respectively:
                             ∆cd = ∆cd ∪ believes(ag, prop)
                              ∆ag = ∆ag ∪ prop[source(cd)]
   Note that the semantics for a response message is different from the tell
message, given that a tell message expresses the opinion of the sender, and the
response message represents an information previously requested, which means
    To investigate different levels of ToM in multi-agent systems is out of the scope of
    this paper, thus we use only first-order ToM, i.e., we do not model ToM about others’
    ToM, and ToM about others’ ToM about others’ ToM, and so forth.
it represents a desired update the receiver wants to execute in its knowledge
    Finally, an agent also is able to update its ToM perceiving other individuals
that are situated in the same environment. In this work, the car dealer is able to
perceive the buyers when they enter in the sale room, i.e., an event (perception)
of the type +client(ag ) is generated by the environment, enabling the car
dealer to infer that the buyer ag desires to buy a car. The car dealer cd ’s ToM
is updated as follows:
                         ∆cd = ∆cd ∪ desires(ag, buy( ))
Note that, while the perceptions from the environment are domain dependent,
the communication semantics are independent of the domain. This is because
the meaning of the performatives guides the way in which an agent executes its
belief updates. That is, for different environments, the agents’ perceptions from
the environment may have different meanings, and by extension beliefs will be
updated in different ways.

4.3   Making Inferences from the Models of Other Agents’ Minds
It is important to model when an agent is ignorant about the truth of a propo-
sition. That is, considering multi-agent systems that model a open world, when
an agent does not know if φ is true, that does not mean that φ is false, i.e., when
an agent cannot infer either φ or ¬φ, the only conclusion it may reach is that
it is ignorant about the truth of φ. An agent is able to infer that it is ignorant
about a proposition using the following inference rule:
ignorant about(Prop) :- not(Prop) & not(¬Prop).
  Similarly, an agent is able to infer that it is ignorant about other agents’
mental states, using the following inference rules:
ignorant_about(believes(Ag,Prop)) :-      not(believes(Ag,Prop)) &
ignorant_about(desires(Ag,Prop)) :-      not(desires(Ag,Prop)) &

     Furthermore, an agent is able to infer new information about other agents’
mental state from the information it already has on its ToM. For example, if the
car dealer agent cd knows that the buyer agent ag believes that ford are safe,
i.e., believes(ag,safe(ford)), and that ag also believes in the inference that safe
cars are good options to buy, i.e., believes(ag,inference(buy(X),[safe(X)])),
cd is able to infer that ag also believes that the ford is a good option to buy,
i.e., believes(ag,buy(ford)):
believes(Ag,C) :- believes(Ag,inference(C,P)) & believes(Ag,P).

   The car dealer will not know the beliefs of the buyers about each car in
advance. An interesting way for the car dealer to gain this knowledge is for the
car dealer to be able to simulate the conclusions a buyer might reach based on
the information the car dealer provides and the inferences the buyer is able to
implies(believes(Ag,N),believes(Ag,C)) :- believes(Ag,inference(C,N)).

     Thus, if the car dealer cd knows that the buyer ag believes that safe cars are
a good option to buy, i.e., believes(ag,inference(buy(X),[safe(X)])), then cd
also knows in advance that ag will believe that ford are good options to buy,
i.e., believes(ag,buy(ford)), if and only if cd provides ag the information that
ford are safe, i.e., believes(ag,safe(ford)).

5   Modelling Lies in AOPL
Using our model, we are able to model a lie following the scenario of when
the car dealer cd knows that ¬ψ (ψ is not true), but it responds either ψ or
ignorant about(cd,ψ) to buyer ag.

                           Table 1. Conditions for a Lie.

               Car Dealer (cd )                       Buyer (ag )
      Beliefs: ¬ψ                         Beliefs: ignorant about(ψ)
      Actions: hcd, ag, response, ψi      Desires: ψ
      ToM: desires(ag,ψ)                  Actions: hag, cd, ask, ψi

    As described, a liar could tell lies without any particular goal, but the most
common situation requires some motivation that makes an agent tell a lie, in or-
der to achieve a particularly desired state of the world and/or a state of mind. We
will discuss this motivation further in this paper. For now let’s assume that the a
buyer ag asks the car dealer if renault are safe, i.e., hag, cd, ask, safe(renault)i.
In this case, based on cd ’s knowledge base represented in ∆car dealer , cd has
two options: either telling the truth, i.e., hcd, ag, response, ¬safe(renault)i, or
telling a lie, i.e., either hcd, ag, response, ignorant about(cd,safe(renault))i or
hcd, ag, response, safe(renault)i.

6   Modelling Bullshit in AOPL
Using our model, we are able to model a bullshit based on the scenario of when
the car dealer cd is ignorant about ψ, i.e., ignorant about(ψ), but it responds
either ψ or ¬ψ to the buyer ag.

                          Table 2. Conditions for Bullshit.

               Car Dealer (cd )                       Buyer (ag )
      Beliefs: ignorant about(ψ)          Beliefs: ignorant about(ψ)
      Actions: hcd, ag, response, ψi      Desires: ψ
      ToM: desires(ag,ψ)                  Actions: hag, cd, ask, ψi

   Similarly to a liar, a bullshiter could tell bullshit without a particular goal,
but the most common situation requires some motivation, as we will discuss fur-
ther in this paper. For now, let’s assume that the buyer ag asks to the car dealer
if renault are fast, i.e., hag, cd, ask, fast(renault)i. In this case, based on cd ’s
knowledge base represented in ∆car dealer , cd has two options: either telling the
truth, i.e., hcd, ag, response, ignorant about(fast(renault))i, or telling a bullshit,
i.e., either hcd, ag, response, fast(renault)i or hcd, ag, response, ¬fast(renault)i.

7    Modelling Deception in AOPL
One question that arises from Sections 5 and 6 is: how does the car dealer
cd decide what to answer? For example, How does it choose between lying by
telling ψ or lying by telling ignorant about(cd,ψ), when it knows ¬ψ is true?
We argue that the answer for that question is the motivation or ulterior goal of
the car dealer cd. In this particular piece of work, we model deception using the
motivation of the car dealer cd of making the buyers to buy a car which is not
suitable for the buyers according to the buyers’ requirements communicated in
the first interaction of our protocol.
    There are two major reasons we consider the scenario in which car dealers are
deceivers. The first reason is because car dealers usually have an ulterior goal,
that is to sell cars. This goal is related to both the state of the world (usually the
properties of the car the dealer is trying to sell) and to the mind of the target.
The dealer needs to take into account the preferences and attitudes (considered
by us as beliefs of the target) in order to provide the information that will make
the target believe it should buy the car. The second reason is because car dealers
do not care if the target agent believes they (the car dealing agents) know the
truth about the state of the world (or state of the car in this particular case).
Their ulterior goal is not to make the buyer believe they have true knowledge
about the car (as a bullshitter would want the buyer to believe). The car dealer’s
goal is to make the buyer reach the conclusion that it (the buyer) should buy
the car by itself. In order to make the buyer reach that particular conclusion,
the dealer needs to feed the buyer a set of particular pieces of information (true
or false).

                         Table 3. Conditions for Deception.

            Car Dealer (cd )                               Buyer (ag )
Beliefs: ¬ψ                                Beliefs: believes(inference(ϕ, ψ)),
Desires: believes(ag,ϕ)                    ignorant about(ψ)
Actions: hcd, ag, response, ψi             Desires: ψ
ToM: believes(ag,inference(ϕ,ψ)),          Actions: hag, cd, tell, inference(ϕ,ψ)i,
desires(ag,ψ)                              hag, cd, ask, ψi

    Imagine that a buyer ag starts a dialogue with the car dealer cd by telling
cd that it considers safety and speed to be the most important characteris-
tics when buying a car, i.e., hag, cd, tell, inference(buy(X),[fast(X),safe(X)])i.
When ag asks cd if renault are safe, i.e., hag, cd, ask, safe(renault)i, it makes
cd model that desires(ag,safe(renault)). Thus, cd satisfies the precondition
necessary for deceiving ag (see cd ’s ToM in Table 3). Imagine also that cd ’s
desire is for buyers to believe that they should buy the car cd is selling.
Then, the agent cd models that a buyer ag considers safety and speed the es-
sential characteristics to buy a car, and that ag desires to know if renault
are safe, i.e., cd models believes(ag,inference(buy(X,[safe(X),fast(X)])) and
desires(ag,safe(renault)) in its ToM. What follows from this is that now, cd
is able to infer that if it gives a positive answer safe(renault), then this will
determine ag to believe buy(renault). Therefore, cd decides to send the mes-
sage hcd, ag, response, safe(renault)i, lying about safe(renault). What happens
next is that ag asks if renault are fast, i.e., hag, cd, ask, fast(renault)i. Again,
cd executes the same reasoning process as before. Therefore, cd will answer
hcd, ag, response, fast(renault)i, telling bullshit about fast(renault). In the final
step, cd is able to conclude that it has managed to deceive ag because cd is able to
model in its ToM that believes(ag,safe(renault)), believes(ag,fast(renault))
and believes(ag,inference(buy(X),[safe(X),fast(X)])). This allows cd to con-
clude 8 believes(ag,buy(renault)) that corresponds to cd ’s ulterior goal.

8     Related Work
Various studies have investigated the use of ToM in multi-agent systems. Among
them, [10, 9] investigate the advantages of using different levels of ToM in games
played by agents. Others have applied the idea of modelling the opponent in
order to evaluate strategies for argumentation-based dialogues [1, 15, 16, 24, 28],
for example, in [1] agents consider the recipient’s model in order to choose the
most persuasive arguments, based on the recipient’s values. Regarding dishonest
attitudes, many works are found in the AI literature. [18] models self-deception
using epistemic logic. [30] defines multiple types of deception using a modal logic
of belief and action. [19] builds a cognitive model of deception based on human-
computer interaction. [4] introduces a framework for agents to enable them to
make socially aware inferences in order to detect deception. [17] demonstrates
that a crucial condition for agents to deceive and detect deception is a ToM. [31]
examines the notion of lying in agent-based systems dialogues, including situa-
tions and dialogues when it is acceptable for agents to communicate locutions
that contradict their beliefs, i.e., situations in which it is acceptable for agents
to lie. [6] describes the difference among three classes of dishonesty: lies, bullshit
and deception. [29] studies a computational logic for dishonest reasoning.
    The work that is closest to our approach is [8], where the author defines
a formal framework that represents a theoretical machine which uses ToM to
formulate deceptive sophistic arguments. The framework has been proved to
work through psychological experiments on human subjects.

9     Conclusion
In this work, we proposed a representation for modelling and simulating other
agents’ minds using an AOPL. Our representation is based on literature on
    This scenario corresponds to the buyer1 in our implementation.
Theory of Mind and the BDI architecture. Furthermore, using the proposed
representation, we described a model for three of the most studied dishonest
attitudes in AI literature, i.e., lying, bullshitting and deceiving. In particular, we
modelled and implemented these attitudes in Jason [3], which is a well-known
agent-oriented programming language inspired by the BDI architecture.
    Modelling and implementing such attitudes in an AOPL allows us to investi-
gate agents’ dishonest behaviours through simulations in a high-level, declarative
approach. On one hand, in this particular piece of work, we have used a car dealer
scenario, which, given its simplicity, allowed us to focus on the main contribution
of this paper, i.e., the representation of other agents’ minds and the modelling
and simulation of lies, bullshit and deception in MAS. On the other hand, our
approach is generic and can be easily used to model and simulate other scenarios
of dishonest agent behaviour, which we highlight as one strand of future work.

This research was partially funded by CNPq and CAPES.

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