=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2156/paper2 |storemode=property |title=Time Aware Task Delegation in Agent Interactions for Video-Surveillance |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2156/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2156 |authors=Paolo Sernani,Matteo Biagiola,Nicola Falcionelli,Dagmawi Neway Mekuria,Stefano Cremonini,Aldo Franco Dragoni |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ijcai/SernaniBFMCD18 }} ==Time Aware Task Delegation in Agent Interactions for Video-Surveillance== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2156/paper2.pdf
Time aware task delegation in agent interactions
            for video-surveillance

        Paolo Sernani1 , Matteo Biagiola2,3 , Nicola Falcionelli1 ,
  Dagmawi Neway Mekuria1 , Stefano Cremonini4 , Aldo Franco Dragoni1
                  Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione,
                     Università Politecnica delle Marche,
                                 Ancona, Italy
                   {p.sernani, a.f.dragoni}@univpm.it,
                {n.falcionelli, d.n.mekuria}@pm.univpm.it
                                Fondazione Bruno Kessler,
                                     Trento, Italy
                          Università degli Studi di Genova,
                                   Genova, Italy
                                 Site Spa, Bologna, Italy

    Abstract. Cameras are everywhere and the interest towards distributed
    surveillance systems is growing both in academic research and commer-
    cial applications. Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) are ideal to design and
    develop such applications: distributed by nature, the capability of soft-
    ware agents to communicate using messages and interaction protocols
    can be exploited to coordinate and control distributed surveillance sys-
    tem. However, there is also the need to optimize the use of available re-
    sources as the bandwidth to achieve on-line performances for automatic
    analysis algorithms. In this regard, this paper presents a multi-agent
    distributed video surveillance system to perform face recognition. The
    main goal of the system is to reduce the need to transmit the frames
    to be analyzed over the network. Each node of the system checks the
    available elaboration time to decide whether the face recognition should
    be performed locally (in the node which detected the faces) or remotely
    (in other nodes of the system), delegating the task. To achieve the del-
    egation, the agents interact via a market-based protocol, the Extended
    Contract Net Protocol (ECNP). The test results show a two order of
    magnitude decrease in the size of data transmitted over the network to
    perform the face recognition. In addition, the proposed agent architec-
    ture is a first step towards more general real-time compliant multi-agent
    systems, by using the elaboration time to regulate the agents’ behaviours.
    Future steps include a deeper analysis of the interactions among agents
    to meet strict time constraints.
1      Introduction
Cameras are pervasive in everyday life: most of the things of the Internet of
Things (IoT) are cameras [21]. Such pervasiveness is widening the interest to-
wards intelligent distributed surveillance systems, i.e. systems aiming to per-
form real-time monitoring of persistent and transient objects within a specific
scene [24]. Thus, distributed surveillance systems are challenged to exhibit on-
line performances adequate to real surveillance scenarios in a cost-efficient man-
ner, including the economical use of the available bandwidth [1]. Multi-Agent
Systems (MASs) can address such challenges by exploiting the properties of
software agents: distribution, autonomy, and social ability [27], i.e. the capabil-
ity to asynchronously communicate via interaction protocols, can be applied to
coordinate and control distributed surveillance systems [19].
    In addition to distributed surveillance, MASs have been proven useful in
several domains, including telerehabilitation [9], personalized medicine [12, 18]
and Ambient Assisted Living [6], manufacturing [17], and energy systems [11].
However, MASs still lack the capability to address time constraints [7].
    The presented research makes a first step in the direction of real-time compli-
ant MASs in the field of distributed surveillance systems. Specifically, this paper
presents a multi-agent distributed video surveillance system with the goal to
perform face recognition on people detected in video streams. Each node of the
system is directly connected to a camera and is capable to autonomously detect
and recognize faces in the video stream. Each node is also capable to delegate the
recognition tasks in case the available elaboration time is not enough to recog-
nize all the detected faces and guarantee a predetermined frame rate. Moreover,
such task delegation is fully decentralized: the agents of the system delegate
their recognition tasks using a market-based protocol to interact. Therefore, the
proposed system makes two steps beyond the state of the art of distributed video
surveillance systems:
    – it exploits the autonomy of the network nodes, reducing the need to transmit
      over the network frames for the elaboration; only the faces that a node cannot
      elaborate due to its limited time resources are sent to other nodes over the
    – it introduces the use of time to distribute the workload among the nodes,
      making the agents aware of the time available for the elaboration, in order to
      preserve a predetermined frame rate for the face detection and recognition.
This paper also introduces some preliminary experiments run with the proposed
system. The results show a two order of magnitude reduction of the data sent
through the network in the proposed video surveillance scenario, with respect to
a system where all the frames need to be sent to one or more remote servers.
    The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 compares agent-based
distributed surveillance systems available in scientific literature to the system
proposed in this paper. Section 3 presents our multi-agent architecture for a
distributed video surveillance system and the time-aware task delegation with
a market-based interaction protocol. Section 4 evaluates the proof-of-concept
implementation of the proposed system presenting the experimental settings and
the test results. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper and outlines the future

2   Related works

Using MAS and Agent-Oriented Programming to design and develop distributed
video surveillance systems is not a new concept. For example, they have been
already proposed for the coordination and control of systems composed of mul-
tiple and heterogeneous cameras [19]. However, new challenges are arising in
IoT, especially to build MASs able to meet time constraints and deadlines [7,
8]. The proposed research makes a step towards time-aware agents in MASs,
proposing to take into account the needed elaboration time in order to balance
the workload of the video surveillance system at runtime.
    In the realm of the distributed video surveillance systems, San Miguel et
al. [20] propose a distributed analysis framework based on the client/server
model: the cameras acquire the videos and all the frames are sent to the servers
over an ethernet connection; the authors do not provide any description about
the allocation of the frames to the available servers to perform the video analysis.
Instead, in our system, we do not send all the frames: each node is capable to
extract frames from the streams and locally performs face detection and recog-
nition. In case the node does not have enough time to analyze all the detected
faces to guarantee a predetermined frame rate, it sends only the extra faces to
other nodes of the network. The allocation of extra faces to other nodes is based
on a market-based protocol.
    A multi-agent video surveillance system is presented by Lefter et al. [16]:
a set of observation agents coupled with the cameras of the network recognizes
and tracks detected objects. The extracted features are sent to a reasoning agent
which uses data such as speed and position of objects to detect potential suspi-
cious conditions. The authors test a proof-of-concept implementation based on
Jade, focusing on the performances of the tracking algorithm and on the feasi-
bility of the reasoning, without taking into account distribution and allocation
of tasks to respect time constraints. On the contrary, our approach specifically
focuses on the distribution of the face recognition task, using the time needed
for the execution as a constraint for the frame rate of the elaboration.
    The multi-agent system proposed by Chao and Jun [10] focuses on the capa-
bility of terminal nodes of a video surveillance network to process raw data, in
order to reduce the transmission of data. Frames and video streams are transmit-
ted only upon direct client request or if a suspicious event is detected. Similarly,
the reduction of transmitted data guides our system. However, we also propose
an approach to distribute the workload when the terminal nodes have limited
    Kumar et al. [15] present a distributed surveillance system based on the
execution of mobile agents. In particular, agents are able to migrate from a
node to another, for example for tracking purposes. The authors propose to
encapsulate surveillance tasks into mobile agents which can migrate in the nodes
of the network. The migration is used to make the system scalable and the nodes
independent from the task they have to execute in a given moment. However,
the criterion to move one agent is the specific task that needs to be executed in
a certain node. Instead, in our system, agents delegate the task on the basis of
the elaboration time they have.

3     A multi-agent architecture for video surveillance
The proposed distributed video surveillance system consists of peer nodes able
to locally perform the tasks needed to identify known subjects in a video stream:
the detection and recognition of faces in the frames of the video. The goal is to
allow the devices which acquire the video streams, i.e. the nodes of the system, to
perform locally most of the computation to recognize the detected faces. Hence,
the system should achieve the reduction of the need to transmit the images to
be processed in remote servers. The term of comparison for such reduction is a
centralized system or a set of servers which need to receive all the frames from
all the video streams.
    Each node of the system hosts a MAS including four agents, namely the
Extractor, the Detector, the Recognizer, and the Contractor. The Extractor is
responsible for the extraction of frames from the video stream whenever the
Detector asks for a frame to be analyzed. The Detector is responsible for the de-
tection of faces in a frame of the video, applying an LBP-based cascade classifier
according to the Viola-Jones method [25], as provided by the OpenCV library5 .
The Detector also asks for new frames when the recognition task is completed.
The Recognizer is the agent which actually performs the face recognition task
by applying the Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) classifier [2] available
in the OpenCV library. It is worth to remark that the accuracy of the identi-
fication algorithm is beyond the goals of this paper: the focus is on proposing
solutions to distribute the recognition tasks among the nodes, trying to limit the
number of images that need to be transmitted over the network, with respect to
a centralized recognition system. In the experiments described in Section 4, the
ready-to-go LPBH implementation has been used, but it’s possible to change the
recognition algorithm in other tests. The Recognizer is responsible to recognize
the faces received from the Detector running on the same node, and, in case
it has enough time in its slot, the faces received from other nodes through the
Contractor. In fact, the Contractor manages the interactions with the Contrac-
tor agents of the other nodes of the system. Specifically, the Contractor calls
for proposals to delegate the recognition to other nodes, when the Recognizer in
the same node is not able to perform the identification of all the faces detected
in a frame. Therefore, the Contractor is also responsible for sending proposals
to recognize faces in case the Recognizer in the same node has some free time
in the current time slot. At runtime, the Detector agent asks for a frame to be
analyzed to the Extractor and detects the faces in the frame. The Recognizer
evaluates its own capability to process all the detected faces. In case during the
current time slot some extra faces cannot be recognized, the Contractor launches
the call for proposals to the other nodes of the system.
    To decide whether to delegate the recognition of some of the detected faces
to other nodes, the Recognizer evaluates the time available to perform the recog-
nition task, using the Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) needed to run the
algorithm over one face, and the number of detected faces, as explained in Sub-
section 3.1. In this work, the time needed by the Contractor to communicate the
delegation or to propose to recognize additional faces has not been taken into
account. The task delegation has been designed according to a market-based
approach, as described in Subsection 3.2.

3.1   Task delegation for the recognition of faces
The Recognizer agent is responsible for the recognition task, i.e. it has to rec-
ognize the faces coming from the Detector in the same node. In addition, the
Recognizer might be available to recognize the faces coming from other nodes
which are not able to locally process all the faces detected in one time slot. Thus,
once the Recognizer receives the faces from the Detector, it has to check if it is
able to run the recognition algorithm in the available time slot.
    Let’s suppose that we want the node to be able to analyze one frame every
period Tf = T + Td where Td is the time used for the detection of faces. This
means that the Recognizer has a slot T to recognize the detected faces. Given the
execution time ET = Nd ·Tr needed by the Recognizer to perform the recognition
of Nd faces detected, where Tr is the WCET needed by the recognition algorithm
to run over one image of a face, two are the possible conditions for the Recognizer:
 1. ET > T . The Recognizer has not enough resources to run the recognition
    algorithm on the detected faces. Hence, the Contractor has to send a call
    for proposals to the other nodes of the system, looking for nodes capable to
    process Nsf extra faces, according to the Equation 1.
                                          ET − T
                                 Nsf =                                       (1)

 2. ET ≤ T . The Recognizer has enough resources to run the recognition algo-
    rithm on the detected faces. In case ET < T and a call for proposals is sent
    by other nodes, the Contractor of the node can propose to recognize Nrf
    extra faces, according to the Equation 2.
                                          T − ET
                                 Nrf =                                       (2)

   To make an example, let us suppose the system has the requirement to an-
alyze, at least, one frame every three seconds. Supposing 0.5 s for the detection
phase, the Recognizer would have 2.5 s to recognize all the faces. In case 9 faces
are detected, and the recognition execute for 0.5 s per face, the Recognizer has
the capability to recognize 5 faces locally. According to the Equation 1 the Con-
tractor has to look for other nodes capable to recognize the 4 extra faces. Such
number might be reached also involving more than one node of the system. For
example, in case the recognizer of another node has the capability to recognize
3 extra faces in its time slot, the Contractor on the same node can participate
to the call for proposals by offering to recognize 3 faces.

3.2   Agent interactions between the nodes
To delegate the recognition task, the Contractors running in the different nodes
interact according to a market-based protocol: the Extended Contract Net Pro-
tocol (ECNP) as proposed by Aknine et al [3]. Using a market-based approach
as the ECNP allows to allocate the recognition tasks in a fully distributed man-
ner without the need of a central decisor [4, 14], making the interaction robust
(no single points of failure) and modular (nodes can be added or removed from
the system at runtime, without the need of changing the delegation process).
In such market-based approach, the Contractor agents are selfish: they act to
achieve the goal of recognizing all the faces detected in the nodes hosting them.
    We choose the ECNP instead of the standard FIPA Contract Net [13] to allow
the Contractors participating in several “call for proposals” in parallel. With the
standard FIPA Contract Net protocol, a Contractor that proposes to recognize
some faces and gets rejected could lose its chance to make a proposal to another
Contractor. The “PreBid” and “Definitive Bid” performatives introduced by the
ECNP avoid such danger [3].
    Applying the ECNP to the distributed video surveillance system, a Contrac-
tor can play the role of the initiator of the protocol, in case the Recognizer in
the same node has not enough resources to recognize all the faces (Equation 1).
On the contrary, a Contractor plays the participant role in case the Recognizer
has the capability to recognize faces from other nodes (Equation 2). Both the
initiator and the participant can be represented by finite state machines (FSMs).
    One might argue that the Recognizer could directly interact with other nodes
to delegate the recognition of some faces, instead of the Contractor agent. How-
ever, separating the logic of the interactions among the nodes (thanks to the
Contractor) from the local recognition task performed by the Recognizer has
two advantages:
 – the market-based interaction protocol among the nodes can be easily re-
   placed by re-defining the logic of the Contractor agents, without interfering
   with the recognition (and vice versa), making the system modular;
 – at runtime, different agents can run in different threads, allowing to execute
   the local recognition in parallel with the interactions to delegate the extra

Initiator. Figure 1 depicts the FSM representing the initiator role for a Con-
tractor in the ECNP. Once the Recognizer has faces which cannot be recognized
in the current time slot, the Contractor on the same board plays the role of
                                                      No session created
               Send Initiations                                                                  Dummy final


                                                                            Default                     All sessions definitive
               Receive Reply

              Default                                       DefinitiveBid
Default                           DefinitiveBid

              Check Sessions
                                                                               Default          Send Message

                        Default                            Handle PreBid

                                              Message to send not null
               Handle Out of

           Fig. 1. The FSM for the initiator role played by a Contractor.

the initiator of the ECNP: it starts an instance of the protocol from the state
“Send Initiations”, sending an Announce message to the other Contractors of
the system. The message actually indicates to the potential participants that
the initiator is looking for nodes to recognize its extra faces. After sending the
Announce message, the initiator waits for replies from the participants (state
“Receive Reply”). As soon as a reply arrives, the initiator checks the received
message (state “Check Sessions”): a participant might refuse to accept faces from
the initiator, in case it has not enough resources in its time slot. In such case the
initiator goes to state “Handle Out of Sequence” to terminate the protocol with
such participant and wait for other messages (if there are other participants still
involved in the protocol) or end the protocol without recognizing the extra faces.
In fact, the possibility to send a Refuse message is not defined in the original
formulation of the ECNP. However, taking inspiration from the FIPA Contract
Net, we added the Refuse message for participants with no time to recognize
extra faces, avoiding their involvement in the next phases of the protocol. In
the “Receive Reply” state, a reply from a participant can have a PreBid per-
formative, indicating that the participant is proposing to recognize some faces
to the initiator. The content of a PreBid message is the number of faces that
the participant can recognize. The initiator goes to the “Handle PreBid” state
where two are the possible cases:

  1. The initiator does not have extra faces to be recognized, since the already
     received PreBids were enough to recognize all the faces of the node. Then,
     the initiator send a Definitive Reject message (state “Send Message”) to the
     participant which ends the protocol.
  2. The initiator still has extra faces to be recognized.
    (a) If the PreBid was for 0 faces, meaning a participant with free time al-
        ready committed for the recognition with other nodes, the initiator sends
        a PreReject message to the participant. The participant can send again
        a PreBid, with a content greater than 0, in case the other nodes did not
        delegate it any face to recognize at the end of the protocol.
    (b) If the PreBid was greater than 0, the initiator delegates to the participant
        a number of faces equal to the minimum between the PreBid and the
        faces to be recognized, by sending a PreAccept message.
Finally, a reply from a participant can have a Definitive Bid performative, to
confirm the number of faces to be recognized according to the PreAccept message.
The initiator sends a Definitive Accept message to the participant, with the
face images to be processed. Once the initiator distributed all its extra faces to
be recognized, it sends a Definitive Reject to all the other participants which
previously sent a PreBid. When all the expected results from the participants
arrive, the initiator ends the protocol (state “Dummy final”).

Participant. Figure 2 shows the FSM of the participant role for a Contractor
in the ECNP.

                                                                  Handle Announce


                    Dummy Final                 Default
                                                                     Send Reply

                                                                                                  PreBid / DefiniveBid
                                       Default                     Default             Default

     Handle                                                            Handle                           Handle
                                     Handle                                                                                  Receive Message
 DefinitiveReject                                                  DefinitiveAccept                    PreReject

                                    PreAccept             DefinitiveAccept            PreReject

                                                                      Check In

               Fig. 2. The FSM for the participant role played by a Contractor.

   A Contractor plays the role of a participant when it receives an Announce
message from an initiator looking for nodes capable to recognize some faces.
Therefore, the participant starts from the state “Handle Announce”. In case the
participant has no free time in its slot for the recognition of faces from other
nodes, it sends a Refuse message to the initiator (state “Send Reply”) ending
the protocol (state “Dummy Final”). On the contrary, in case the participant
has free time in its slot, it sends a PreBid message to the initiator, using Equa-
tion 2 to propose the number of faces it can recognize. In making its PreBid, a
participant has to take into account the PreBids already sent to different Con-
tractors. This means that the PreBid could be sent to recognize 0 faces, in case
the participant committed all its available recognition time to other nodes. After
sending a PreBid, the participant goes to the “Receive Message” state, waiting
for a reply from the initiator. As soon as a reply arrive, the participant checks
the performative of the received message (state “Check In Message”). According
to such performative, the participant changes to one of the following states:

    – “Handle PreAccept”. The participant sends a Definitive Bid proposing to
      recognize the number of faces requested by the initiator.
    – “Handle PreReject”. The participant sends another PreBid with the number
      of faces currently able to recognize, according to its available time and other
      PreBids it has already sent to different Contractors.
    – “Handle Definitive Accept”. The participant forwards the faces to be recog-
      nized to the Recognizer on the same node and sends the results back to the
      initiator of the ECNP, ending the protocol.
    – “Handle Definitive Reject”. The participant ends the protocol, since its
      recognition time is not needed by the initiator.

4      Evaluation

The primary goal of the proposed video surveillance system is to reduce the need
to transmit the frames and the faces to be analyzed over the network. Instead of
sending the frames from the video streams to remote servers for the elaboration,
each node of the network should perform locally the majority of the tasks. A
node with too many faces to recognize can send to other nodes the face images
that cannot be processed locally, in order to guarantee a predetermined frame
rate for the analysis of videos. For example, this might happen when a crowd is
recorded by one camera, while no one is in front of a camera of another node,
with the sender node being very busy and the receiver free. Therefore, in order
to assess the system and the load balancing achieved through the use of the
ECNP, we compare the network load of the proposed system to the case where
all the analyzed frames are sent remotely for the face recognition.

4.1     Experimental setup

Figure 3 shows the experimental setup used to run the tests and evaluate the
proposed system. Six Intel Galileo boards (single core i586 CPU @ 400 MHz,
256 MB DRAM, 100 Mb Ethernet) are the nodes of the system. The boards are
                           Fig. 3. The experimental setup.

connected into a LAN with two switches and a router (which is not visible in
the picture).
    Each board simulates a device connected to a camera and locally performs
the frame extraction from the video stream, as well as the face detection and
recognition. Instead of using real cameras, we simulated the video streams with
the video files from the ChokePoint dataset6 [26], a collection of 48 videos with a
resolution of 800 × 600 pixels at 30 fps. The videos are designed for experiments
in person identification/verification under real-world surveillance conditions and
represent 25 and 29 subject walking through 2 portals, recorded by three different
cameras. The use of video files instead of real cameras does not compromise the
tests: with the OpenCV functions the Extractor agent on a node can take a
frame and advance the video of a given milliseconds timeout, simulating the
video stream going on. In our experiment, we considered the videos from portal
2 (P2), involving 29 subjects. We used the faces detected in sequence 4 (S4)
to train the recognition algorithm (LBPH). Then, we stored other sequences of
portal 2 in the SD cards of the boards, in order to run the test. Table 1 provides
the list of the video files used in each board. At runtime, such videos simulate
the video stream of cameras connected to the boards. In fact, the videos in the
boards 1, 2 and 5 are composed of many subjects recorded together through the
portal, simulating busy network nodes with the need to delegate the recognition
of some faces. On the contrary, the videos played in the boards 3, 4, and 6 include
less subjects, simulating nodes capable to receive faces from the busy ones.
Table 1. The videos from the ChokePoint dataset [26] used on the Galileo at runtime,
to simulate the video streams from real cameras.

                             Board       Video File
                             Galileo 1   “P2L-S5-C2-ext”
                             Galileo 2   “P2E-S5-C2-ext”
                             Galileo 3   “P2L-S1-C1”
                             Galileo 4   “P2E-S1-C2”
                             Galileo 5   “P2E-S5-C2-ext”
                             Galileo 6   “P2L-S1-C1”

    We implemented the proposed multi-agent architecture using the Jade Frame-
work7 [5]. The agent platform consists of a Jade container for each board. Each
container host one Extractor, one Detector, one Recognizer, and one Contrac-
tor. One of the boards hosts the main container, with the FIPA standard Agent
Management System (AMS) and Directory Facilitator (DF) which allows the
Contractors discovering each other services. We extended Jade’s FSMBehaviour
class to implement the FSMs for the initiator and the participant roles in the
ECNP, since Jade does not provide an implementation of such protocol. To ex-
tract the frames from the videos, detect and recognize the faces, we used the
algorithms provided by the OpenCV library: thanks to the Java bindings the
Jade agents directly call the needed functions and elaborate the results.

4.2    Tests and results

To measure the network load of the proposed system we summed up the number
of bytes of the messages8 exchanged by agents hosted in different containers,
i.e. the messages exchanged between the boards, including those with the face
images in the content. The messages sent by agents to other agents in the same
container are not sent through the network (i.e. the messages exchanged by the
Extractor, the Detector, the Recognizer, and the Contractor in the same node
do not count for the network load). Furthermore, the messages used in the Jade
platform to create containers and host agents are part of the network traffic and
contribute to the total amount of the network load.
     In the videos used to simulate the cameras connected to the nodes of the
video surveillance system, a subject is in the field of view for a median time of 3
seconds. Hence, to run the tests, we set the period to analyze the video frames
to 3 seconds: at least one frame every 3 s has to be processed by each board.
     Table 2 summarizes the results of the tests. The system analyzes 447 frames
in total that occupy 33.5 MB. This means that in a centralized architecture
    In Jade, each message is serialized in a byte sequence before being sent with the
    Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI). Hence, it is possible to measure the length
    of a message counting the bytes composing the sequence, without using an external
where the nodes only acquire the frames to be sent to some servers for the face
detection and recognition, there would be at least 33.5 MB to be transmitted
over the network. Instead, the nodes of the multi-agent video surveillance system
are able to analyze locally 114 of the 145 faces detected in the videos, without
any need to transmit the frames. This means that the Contractor agents in the
boards have to look for other nodes capable to recognize the extra 31 faces. To
look for Contractors of nodes capable to recognize extra faces, negotiate such
task, and manage the platform, the network load is 179 KB. Hence, there is a

Table 2. The test results: the system analyzed 447 frames, detecting 145 faces. The
network has been occupied for 179 KB.

 Analyzed frames Network load
                                    Analyzed locally Analyzed remotely Lost
      447 (33.5 MB)     179 KB            114               26          5

two orders of magnitude difference between the proposed system and one using a
remote server to recognize the faces. The only drawback is that 5 faces are lost,
i.e. the Contractors were not able to find other nodes with enough resources
(enough time) to recognize those 5 extra faces in their time slots. During the
tests, the accuracy achieved by the Recognizer agents was 57.27%, using LBPH
as the recognition algorithm.
    The test results highlight the advantages of distributing the detection and
recognition tasks in the nodes of a video surveillance application. In addition
to the decreasing of the network load, designing the system as a MAS using a
market-based approach to distribute the load allows a fully decentralized alloca-
tion of the tasks that cannot be executed locally. Moreover, such market-based
approach is robust to the addition or removal of nodes of the network.

4.3     Threats to the validity of the experiments

Being a first step towards real-time compliant multi-agent systems, the proposed
experiments do inevitably suffer from threats to validity. Therefore, future works
will address the identified limitations.
    Concerning the internal validity, being based on Jade, the system runs in the
Java Virtual Machine: hence, the WCET to recognize a face is approximated
by tests on the Galileo Boards using the least squares method. A more precise
analysis on the WCET should be performed. In addition, the time needed to
interact using the ECNP is ignored. This is not an issue on the platform used
for the tests, where the time to recognize a face is much higher than the time
needed for the interaction.
    Concerning the external validity, there is a lack of datasets tailored on video-
based face recognition in video surveillance scenarios, especially to tests the
network load balancing and the task delegation when many subjects are recorded
at the same time. However, more experiments would be needed to generalize the
results to different scenarios and use cases.

5   Conclusions and future works

We presented a multi-agent distributed video surveillance system to perform
face recognition in video streams. Each node of the system is a camera plus an
elaboration unit capable to locally process the video stream in order to extract
frames as well as detect and recognize faces. In case a node cannot recognize
all the detected faces due to a limited amount of elaboration time, it looks for
other nodes in the network in order to delegate the task, starting a call for
proposals with the ECNP, a market-based protocol. The proposed systems goes
in the direction to make the agents in a MAS aware of the time, in order to
meet time constraints. In addition, using the ECNP, the task delegation is fully
decentralized. The tests on a proof-of-concept implementation of the proposed
system highlighted the potential reduction of the network load: only the extra
faces that a node is not able to recognize are sent over the network, instead of
sending all the frames in the case where the elaboration is performed remotely.
    Future works will address the threats to the validity of the presented exper-
iments. Considering hard real-time scenarios also the interactions and the time
needed to exchange messages should be part of the analysis in addition to the
recognition WCET, going in the direction of real-time compliant interactions [7].
In fact, the ECNP does not comply with real-time requirements [8]. Therefore,
an alternative has to be found, in order to make the entire process (including the
interactions) capable to meet strict time constraints. Moreover, we used a ready-
to-go LBPH implementation for the face recognition, since the presented work
is focused on the distribution of the workload rather than on the recognition
accuracy. Nevertheless, to exploit its potential in unconstrained scenarios, the
recognition should be based on deep neural networks to obtain state-of-the-art
accuracy [22, 23].


The authors thank Site SpA for the support provided for the presented research.

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