Wind Speed Forecasting via Structured Output Learning Annalisa Appice1,2 ( ), Antonietta Lanza1 , and Donato Malerba1,2 1 Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro via Orabona, 4 - 70126 Bari - Italy 2 Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica - CINI,, Abstract. In the context of the wind energy management, the study of time series data by means of a predictability analysis can be very helpful. For example, accurate wind speed forecasts are necessary to schedule dispatchable generation and tariffs in the day-ahead electricity market. This paper examines the use of structured output learning, in order to model historical wind speed data and yield accurate forecasts of the wind speed on the day-ahead (24 h) horizon. The proposed method is based on a multi-resolution analysis of the historical data, which are represented at multiple scales in both space and time. Handling multi-resolution wind speed data allows us to leverage the knowledge hidden in both the spatial and temporal variability of the shared information, in order to identify spatio-temporal aided patterns that contribute to yield accurate wind speed forecasts. In an assessment, using benchmark data, we show that the multi-resolution structured output learning is able to determine more accurate forecasts than the state-of-the-art structured output models. 1 Introduction Nowadays power and energy systems with wind energy being as integral system have been successful. The benefit of clean wind energy also brings the challenge of forecasting wind power for optimal management of electricity grids. However, the variable nature of wind speed [17] poses operational challenges for wind power integration into modern power systems. As the wind variability occurs in time, as well as in space scales, the profiles of the available power of wind sources depend on the geographic location, the season (or time of the year), the time of the day and other physical parameters. In this paper, the wind speed forecasting task is addressed by considering wind speed data measured every 10 minutes along day-ahead time horizons. We propose a specific time series approach that applies artificial intelligence, SEBD 2018, June 24-27, 2018, Castellaneta Marina, Italy. Copyright held by the author(s). in order to learn a forecasting model from the historical data only. A peculiar contribution is the consideration of multi-resolution representations of historical data, in order to handle the variability of the wind speed information at the space and time scales. Our purpose is the investigation of the implications of learning multi-resolution data on the accuracy of the forecasting operation. Specifically, we formulate the day-ahead forecasting task as a structured output predictive learning problem [4]. A multi-target model is considered, in order to learn a single model that predicts multiple output variables at the same time – one variable for each time point over the 24-ahead horizon. The decision of learning an output structured model is supported by various studies which have repeatedly proved that multi-target models are typically easier to interpret, perform better, and overfit less than single-target predictions [4, 29, 7]. Neighboring and windowing mechanisms are adopted, in order to represent the historical data at various scales in both space and time, respectively. These mechanisms are combined with the standard deviation operator that is used to quantify the spatial and/or temporal variability of the data. This multi- resolution representation of the wind speed variability contributes to define new input variables, as well as new output variables. In this way, we are able to learn a multi-target model that accounts for the variability of measurements at different sites and times. The viability of the proposed method is assessed in the structured output learning by comparing the accuracy of traditional multi-target models to the accuracy of multi-resolution multi-target models in a benchmark scenario. The sensitivity of the accuracy of the proposed forecasting model learned is eval- uated along the size of the scale. Finally, the accuracy gained in by taking into account appropriate patterns of the data variability is explored. The paper is organized as follows. In the next Section, we briefly report the state-of-the-art of the time series analysis for the problem of wind speed forecast- ing. In Section 3, we describe the basics of this study. In Section 4, we present the multi-resolution structured output learning phase proposed here. In Section 5 we describe the benchmark dataset considered for the empirical evaluation and illustrate the relevant results. Finally, Section 6 draws some conclusions and outlines some future work. 2 Related work In the literature, different forecasting horizons have been investigated: long-term (from one day to one week ahead), medium-term (from 6 h to one day ahead), short-term (from 30 min to 6 h ahead) and very short-term (few seconds to 30 min ahead) [28, 11]. On the other hand, various approaches have been developed for wind speed forecasting in renewable energy systems. In particular, three main predictive categories are described in the literature [6, 30, 3]: the physical [1, 15], the time series [27, 8, 20, 13, 18, 22, 21, 2, 5] and the hybrid [16, 10, 12] approaches. The physical approach describes a physical relationship between wind speed, atmospheric conditions, local topography and the output from the wind power turbine. The time series approach consists of time series forecasts, which are based on the historical data (the wind speed collected at a specific site), while neglect commonly the meteorological data. Finally, the hybrid approach applies a combination of physical and time series models. By focusing the attention on the time series approach (which is the most popular in practice and also the subject of this paper), a wide plethora of time-series methods employ a general class of statistical models, that is, the Auto-Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) or Auto-Regressive Integrated Mov- ing Average (ARIMA), in order to estimate future observations of a wind farm through a linear combination of the past data. The recent literature [26, 13, 19] has shown that these auto-regressive models are very well suited to capture short range correlations. Hence, they have been used extensively in a variety of (very) short-term forecasting applications (less than 6 hours). Recent studies have also proved that auto-regressive models can be profitably extended, in or- der to account for spatial characteristics of time series data and gain in accuracy [23–25]. In alternative, the time series approach also involves the use of artifi- cial intelligence techniques, which are commonly well suited to produce accurate prediction in medium-term and long-term forecasting applications. Examples of artificial intelligence wind speed forecasting methods apply Neural Networks [9], Support Vector Machine [31], Regression Trees [18], K-Nearest Neighborhood [5] and Cluster analysis [22, 21]. By investing in artificial intelligence, this paper explores the use of the struc- tured output learning in a medium-term wind speed forecasting application (24 h ahead). We note that the benefits of structured output learning in time series forecasting have been recently assessed in [7] considering the problem of deriving 24 h ahead solar radiation forecasts. Differently from this seminal study, that has modeled the spatial “correlation” of the solar radiation, in order to define new “input” variables only, we leverage here the power of a model of both the spatial and temporal “variability” of the wind speed, in order to define new “input” and “output” variables, which contribute to yield accurate 24 h ahead forecasts of the wind speed. 3 Basics Premises Without loss of generality, the applicative scenario we consider in this work is described by the following four premises. First, the spatial location of a wind farm is modeled by means of 2-D point coordinates (e.g. latitude and longitude). Second, the spatial locations of the wind farms are known, distinct and invariant. Third, wind farms transmit measurements of the wind speed and they are synchronized in the transmission time. Finally, transmission time points are equally spaced in time. Learning task Based upon these premises, the task we intend to perform is to forecast wind speed at each farm of the grid. The forecasting model is that learned from the input historical data of the wind speed, as they are collected Multi-dimensional representations of geographic space can be equally dealt. from a grid of wind farms, every 10 minutes, over m+1 consecutive days. We also consider additional input information, which models the wind speed variability at the spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal scales. The output of the learning phase is a structured output predictive model that allows us to yield fine-grained forecasts for the next day (24 hours) at 10 minutes intervals, based on the input historical wind speed data as they are measured at 10 minutes over the past m days. Input and output variables Formally, let ki be the i-th farm, (Xi , Yi ) are the geographic coordinates of ki . Let us consider the historical wind speed data, measured from ki , over days 1, . . . , m, m+1. They are transformed into a training example, that is represented by vectors xi , xS T ST i , xi and xi , which cover the role of independent input variables, and vectors yi , yi , yi and yiST , which cover the S T role of dependent output (or target) variables, respectively. We note that the input variables are calculated over days 1, . . . , m, while the output variables are calculated over day m + 1. These input and output variable vectors are formally described in the following. Vector xi is defined as follows: xi = (xi1 , . . . , xi144 , xi145 , . . . , xi288 , . . . , xi144m ), (1) where xit denotes the wind speed measured from ki at time t with t = 1, . . . , 144m (i.e. every day is divided into 144, ten minutes spaced, time points so that t de- notes the time point that occurs every 10 minutes at days 1, . . . , m). Similarly, vector yi is defined as follows: yi = (yi144m+1 , . . . , yi144(m+1) ), (2) where yit represents the wind speed measured from ki at time t with t = 144m + 1, . . . , 144(m + 1) (every 10 minutes at day m + 1). By applying the standard deviation operator in combination with the neigh- boring and/or windowing mechanisms, we are able to define new data vectors that represent the variability of the multi-resolution wind speed data considered at spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal scales. In particular, the spatial scale is defined by the neighboring mechanism, the temporal scale is defined by the windowing mechanism, while the spatio-temporal scale is define by combining the neighboring and windowing mechanisms. Given radius R, applying the neighboring mechanism to ki , a circular neigh- borhood of ki is constructed. This is a set of wind farms kj so that d(ki , kj ) ≤ R where d(·, ·) denotes the geographic distance. Considering the spatial scale de- fined by this neighboring mechanism, we define vectors xS S i and yi , which rep- resent farm ki at the space scale with radius R over days 1 . . . , m and day m + 1, respectively. Procedurally, xS S S S S S i = (xi1 , . . . , xi144 , xi145 , . . . , xi288 , . . . , xi144m ), yiS = (yiS144m+1 , . . . , yiS144(m+1) ) (3) where: xSit = stdev({xjt |d(ki , kj ) ≤ R}) with t = 1 . . . , 144m, yiSt = stdev({yjt |d(ki , kj ) ≤ R}) with t = 144m + 1 . . . , 144(m + 1). (4) Given length L so that L is a factor of 144, the windowing mechanism trans- forms the sequence of consecutive time points t1 , . . . , t144(m+1) into the sequence of 144 L (m + 1) consecutive time windows so that: windowing[1 . . . 144(m + 1)] = 144 = W1 [1 → L], W2 [L + 1 → 2L], . . . , W 144 [( − 1)L + 1 → 144], |{z} ... , . . . , . . . , |{z} L L } day 2 | {z day m day 1 144 W 144 L m+1 [t 144 L m + 1 → t 144 L m+L ], . . . , W 144 L (m+1) [t 144 L m +( − 1)L + 1 → t 144 L (m+1 ], | {z L } day m+1 (5) where each each window covers L consecutive time points. Considering the tem- poral scale defined by this windowing mechanism, we can define vectors xT i and yiT , which represent farm ki at the time scale with length L over days 1 . . . , m and day m + 1, respectively. Procedurally, xT T T T i = (xi1 , . . . , xi 144 , xi 144 , . . . , xTi144 . . . xTi144 , . . . , xTi144 ), +1 2 (m−1)+1 m L L L L L yiT = (yiT144 , . . . , yiT144 ) (6) m+1 (m+1) L L where: 144 xTit = stdev({xir |r ∈ Wt }) with t = 1, . . . , m, L 144 144 yiTt = stdev({yir |r ∈ Wt }) with t = m + 1, . . . , (m + 1). (7) L L Finally, given radius R and length L, we define vectors xST i and yiST , which represent farm ki at the space scale with radius R and the time scale with length L over days 1, . . . , m and day m + 1, respectively. Procedurally, xST i = (xST ST ST i1 , . . . , xi 144 , xi 144 , . . . , xST ST i 144 . . . xi 144 , . . . , xST i 144 ) +1 2 (m−1)+1 m L L L L L yiST = (yiST 144 m+1 , . . . , yiST 144 (m+1) ) (8) L L where: L xST it = stdev({xjr |d(ki , kj ) ≤ R and r ∈ Wt }) with t = 1, . . . , m, 144 144 144 yiST = stdev({yjr |d(ki , kj ) ≤ R and r ∈ Wt }) with t = m + 1, . . . , (m + 1). t L L (9) 4 Multi-Resolution Structured learning - MuReS Let us consider a wind farm grid K, which is composed of N wind farms k1 , k2 , . . . , kN , and a historical dataset D, which comprises wind speed mea- surements collected from K over m + 1 days. Adopting the notation introduced in Section 3, D is spanned over an independent input space X × XS × XT × XTS and a dependent output space Y × YS × YT × YTS . The structured predictive model f +ST can be learned from D so that: f +ST : X × XS × XT × XTS → Y × YS × YT × YTS , (10) This predictive model is a “multi-resolution” upgrade of the traditional struc- tured output predictive model [4, 29]. We note that the output space of f +ST (·) yields 24 h forecasts of the fine-grained wind speed (Y), as well as 24 h ahead forecasts of the winds speed variability at the space and time scales considered (YS , YT and YTS ). However, this study aims at yielding accurate fine-grained forecasts of wind speed; hence the empirical study will explore the accuracy of model f +ST (·) along Y only. In this study, predictive model f +ST (·) is learned as a tree, i.e. a hierarchy of clusters (Predictive Clustering Trees (PCTs)): the top node corresponds to one cluster containing all the data, which is recursively partitioned into smaller clusters while moving down the tree. CLUS, including PCTs for multi-target regression [14], is available at 5 Experimental study The experiments are carried out using real world data publicly provided by the DOE/NREL/ALLIANCE3 ( The data (see Figure 1) consist of wind speed measurements from 1326 different locations at 80m of height in the Eastern region of the US. The data were collected in 10 minutes intervals during the year of 2004. This wind farm grid was able to produce 580 GW, and each farm produces between 100 MW and 600 MW. For the evaluation of the results, we consider the root mean squared error (RMSE), computed over the grid at each time point, as an indicator of the predictive performance. We de- rive twelve (training and testing) datasets, which are constructed as follows: for every month, days 1-11 defines a training dataset that is processed to learn the forecasting model (with m = 10), while days 15-25 defines the testing set used to evaluate the performance of the forecasting model learned on the correspond- ing training dataset. The 24 h ahead forecasting errors, averaged on the twelve datasets, are analyzed. For this empirical evaluation, the multi-resolution infor- mation is modeled at the spatial scale with radius R = 10 km or R = 50 km, as The traditional structured output predictive model f : X → Y can be simply learned in this scenario by neglecting the information on the data variability. The information on the wind speed variability is included in the output learning setting as a constraint to improve the predictive ability of the forecasting model learned. Fig. 1. Wind speed data well as at the temporal scale with length L = 1 hour (6 consecutive time points) or L = 3 hours (18 consecutive time points). The performance of the standard deviation operator is compared to that of the sum and mean operators. Finally, the forecasting performance of the multi-resolution structured output predic- tive model (f +ST (·)) is compared to the performance of the baseline structured output predictive model (f (·)). Evaluating scale size We start by analyzing the performance of the multi- resolution structured output predictive models learned by MuReS along the size of the space (R) and time (L) scales. We run MuReS with the standard deviation operator computed over neighborhoods with radius R = 10km or R = 50km and windows with length L = 1h or L = 3h. Average RMSE results are plot in Figure 2. They show that the accuracy of the forecasting model is more sensitive to the time scale than to the spatial scale. In any case, the decrease in the forecast- ing accurcy performance, due to a large scale in the temporal resolution, starts being observed starting from forecasts produced 12 hours far from the current time point. Therefore, selecting the appropriate scale size is a crucial issue to yield accurate long-term forecasts. Based on these preliminary results, we select R = 10km and T = 1h for the remaining of this study. Evaluating multi-resolution operator We proceed by exploring the performance of the multi-resolution structured output predictive models learned by MuReS along the selection of the multi-resolution operator used to model the wind speed variability. Considering R = 10km and T = 1h, we compare the forecasting accu- racy achieved when the data variability model is computed through the standard deviation operator to the accuracy achieved when the variability model is com- puted through the sum or mean operators. Average RMSE results are plot in Figure 3. Results empirically support the effectiveness of our choice of resort- ing to the standard deviation as the most appropriate second order statistic to model the wind speed variability in both space and time. It actually contributes to gain in forecasting accuracy in this peculiar application. Fig. 2. Multi-resolution structured output predictive models (R = 10, 50km, L = 1, 3h): testing RMSE (averaged on twelve testing datasets - axis Y) plotted with respect to 10 minutes-spaced time points (over 24 h ahead horizon - axis X). Fig. 3. Multi-resolution structured output predictive models (multi-resolution operator analysis - sum, mean and standard deviation): testing RMSE (averaged on twelve testing datasets - axis Y) plotted with respect to 10 minutes-spaced time points (over 24 h ahead horizon - axis X). Evaluating multi-resolution learning schema We complete this study by compar- ing the performance of the multi-resolution structured output predictive models learned by MuReS with R = 10km, L = 1h and the standard deviation as multi-resolution operator to the performance of the baseline structured output predictive models learned neglecting data variability at space and time scales. Average RMSE results are plot in Figure 4. These results show empirically the viability of the main idea inspiring this study: the accuracy of the structured output predictive learning in the wind speed forecasting can be greatly improved by augmenting both the input and output spaces of the learning problem with multi-resolution information modeling the data variability of the wind speed observed at both space and time scales. 6 Conclusion This paper studies the problem of the medium-term (24 h ahead) wind speed forecasting by considering different dimensions of analysis: data variability, spa- Fig. 4. Multi-resolution structured output predictive models (multi-resolution analy- sis - multi-resolution structured output model (MuReS) vs structured output model (Baseline): testing RMSE (averaged on twelve testing datasets - axis Y) plotted with respect to 10 minutes-spaced time points (over 24 h ahead horizon - axis X). tial and temporal resolution, structured output learning, aiming to investigate the relevant implications for the dealing with the multi-resolution representa- tion of the data variability for the problem at hand. Results in a benchmark dataset clearly show that accounting for the data variability at space and time scales allows us to learn output prediction models, which are much more ac- curate than traditional models that neglect the multi-resolution information. Moreover, experimental results confirm that the standard deviation is an appro- priate multi-resolution operator of the data variability to be taken into account in this specific application. Finally, defining the size of the scale (particularly in the time scale) can be crucial issue to guarantee accurate long-term forecasts. As future work, we intend to explore the implications of these models of the data variability in statistical time series models (e.g Arima or Var). We also plan to investigate more sophisticated incremental learning methods that are able to update the forecasting model as new historical data are collected, in order to fit the learned models to drifting data. 7 Acknowledgments Authors thank Enrico Laboragine for his support in developing the algorithm presented and running the experiments. This work was partially supported by the EU-funded project TOREADOR (ICT-16-2015, Grant Agreement A. no. 688797), as well as by the University of Bari Aldo Moro - funded ATENEO Project 2014 on “Mining of network data” and ATENEO Project 2015 on “Mod- els and Methods to Mine Complex and Large Data”. References 1. W. Albert, S. Chi, and C. J.H. 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