=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2161/paper42 |storemode=property |title=Temporal Recurrent Activation Networks |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2161/paper42.pdf |volume=Vol-2161 |authors=Giuseppe Manco,Giuseppe Pirrò,Ritacco Ettore |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sebd/MancoPR18 }} ==Temporal Recurrent Activation Networks== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2161/paper42.pdf
       Temporal Recurrent Activation Networks

               Giuseppe Manco, Giuseppe Pirrò, and Ettore Ritacco

    ICAR - CNR, via Pietro Bucci 7/11C, 87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS), ITALY,

        Abstract. We tackle the problem of predicting whether a target user
        (or group of users) will be active within an event stream before a time
        horizon. Our solution, called PATH, leverages recurrent neural networks to
        learn an embedding of the past events. The embedding allows to capture
        influence and susceptibility between users and places closer (the repre-
        sentation of) users that frequently get active in different event streams
        within a small time interval. We conduct an experimental evaluation on
        real world data and compare our approach with related work.

1     Introduction

There is an increasing amount of streaming data in the form of sequences of
events characterized by the time in which they occur and their mark. This gen-
eral model has instantiations in many contexts, from sequences of tweets char-
acterized by a (re)tweet time and identity of the (re)tweeter and/or the topic
of the tweet, to sequences of locations characterized by the time and location
of each check-in. We focus on influence-based activation networks, that is, event
sequences where the occurrence of an event can boost or prevent the occurrence
of another event. Understanding the structural properties of these networks can
provide insights on the complex patterns that govern the underlying evolution
process and help to forecast future events. The problem of inferring the topi-
cal, temporal and network properties characterizing an observed set of events
is complicated by the fact that, typically, the factors governing the influence of
activations and their dependency from times are hidden. Indeed, we only observe
activation times and related marks, (e.g. retweet time) while, activations can de-
pend on several factors including the stimulus provided by the ego-network of a
user or his attention/propensity towards specific themes. The goal of this paper
is to introduce PATH (Predict User Activation from a Horizon), which focuses on
scenarios where there is the need to predict whether a target user (or group of
users) will be active before a time horizon Th . PATH can be used, for instance, in
market campaigns where target users are the potential influencers that if active,
before Th , can contribute to further spread an advertisement and trigger the
activation of influencees that can consider a given product/service. PATH learns
    SEBD 2018, June 24-27, 2018, Castellaneta Marina, Italy. Copyright held by the
an embedding of the past event history via Recurrent Neural Networks that also
cater for the diffusion memory. The embedding allows to capture influence and
susceptibility between users and places closer (the representation of) users that
frequently get active in different streams within a small time interval.
Related Work. We conceptually separate related research into: (i) approaches
like DeepCas [9] and DeepHawkes [2] that tackle the problem of predicting the
length that a cascade will reach within a timeframe or its incremental popularity;
(ii) approaches like Du et al. [4] and Neural Hawkes Process (NHP) [10] model
and predict time event markers and time; (iii) approaches based on Survival Fac-
torization (SF) [1] that leverage influence and susceptibility for time and event
predictions; (iv) other approaches that do not use neural networks (e.g., [5, 3,
12]). PATH adopts a different departure point from these approaches: it focuses on
predicting the activation of (groups of) users before a time horizon. Differently
from (i) PATH considers time and uses an embedding to capture both influence
and susceptibility between users and predict future activations. Moreover, (i) fo-
cuses on the prediction of cumulative values only (e.g., cascade size). Differently
from (ii), we do not assume that time and event are independent. Besides, (ii)
focuses on predicting event types (e.g., popular users), which is not enough in the
scenarios targeted by PATH (e.g., targeted market campaigns) where one is inter-
ested in predicting the behavior of specific users and not their types. A for (iii),
it fails in capturing the cumulative effect of history while PATH captures by using
an embedding. As for (iv), the main difference is that PATH can automatically
learn (via neural networks) an embedding representing influence/susceptibility.
The contributions of the paper are as follows: (i) PATH, a classification-based
approach based on recurrent neural networks allowing to model the likelihood
of observing an event as a combined result of the influence of other events; (ii)
an experimental evaluation and a comparison with related work.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. We introduce the problem in
Section 2. We present PATH in Section 3. We compare our approach with related
research in Section 4. We conclude and sketch future work in Section 5.

2    Problem Definition

We focus on network of individuals who react to solicitations along a timeline.
An activation network can be viewed as an instance of a marked point processes
on the timeline, defined as a set X = {(th , sh )}1≤h≤m . Here, th ∈ R+ denotes the
events of the point process, and sh ∈ M denote the marks in the measurable space
M. Relative to activation networks, the specification of sh occurs by means of the
realizations uh , ch and xh , where uh ∈ V (with |V| = N ) represent individuals,
ch ∈ I (with |I| = M ) represent solicitations and xh is side information which
characterizes of the reaction of the entity, described as an instance relative to a
feature space of interest. For example, V can represent users who are engaged in
online discussions I, and the tuple (th , (uh , ch , xh )) represents the contribution
of uh to discussion ch with the post xh . It is convenient to view the process
as a set of cascades: that is, for each c ∈ I we can consider the subset Hc =
{(t, u, x)|(t, (u, c, x)) ∈ X} of elements marked by c, with mc = |Hc |. Also, tc and
U c represent the projections on the first and second column of Hc . We also denote
       c            c
by H