=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2161/paper48 |storemode=property |title= On the Incremental Computation of Argumentation Frameworks |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2161/paper48.pdf |volume=Vol-2161 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sebd/X18 }} == On the Incremental Computation of Argumentation Frameworks== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2161/paper48.pdf
                  On the Incremental Computation of
                     Argumentation Frameworks

                                    Gianvincenzo Alfano
                               supervised by Prof. Sergio Greco

      Department of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics and System Engineering (DIMES)
                          University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy

         Abstract. We tackle the problem of efficiently recomputing extensions of dy-
         namic Argumentation Frameworks (AFs) under well-known semantics, namely
         frameworks able to model human ability to argue. We introduce an incremental
         approach that, given an initial argumentation framework, an initial extension for
         it, and an update, computes an extension of the updated framework.
         The proposed approach is then extended to different kinds of argumentation frame-
         works (i.e., abstract, bipolar, extended, structured), and is able to incorporate ex-
         isting AF-solvers in order to compute an extension of the updated framework.

         Keywords: Argumentation · Knowledge Representation · Incremental Algorithm.

1     Introduction
Argumentation has emerged as one of the major fields in Artificial Intelligence [10,17,7].
In particular, abstract argumentation frameworks (AFs) [11] are simple and powerful
formalism for modelling disputes between two or more agents. The formal meaning of
an AF is given in terms of argumentation semantics, which intuitively tell us the sets
of arguments (called extensions) that can be exploited to support a point of view in a
discussion. Although the idea underlying AFs is very simple and intuitive, most of the
argumentation semantics proposed so far suffer from a high computational complex-
ity [12]. Complexity bounds and evaluation algorithms for AFs have been deeply inves-
tigated in the literature, as also witnessed by the International Competition on Computa-
tional Models of Argumentation (ICCMA, http://argumentationcompetition.org) whose
aim is encouraging research and development of efficient algorithms for computational
models of AFs. However, most research focused on ‘static’ frameworks, whereas in
practice AFs are dynamic systems [9,8]. In fact, typically an AF represents a temporary
situation, and new arguments and attacks can be added/retracted to take into account
new available knowledge.

2     Argumentation Frameworks
Literature offers several formalism for modeling disputes between two or more agents.
Each of them belongs to one of the two major argumentation categories, namely ab-
    SEBD 2018, June 24-27, 2018, Castellaneta Marina, Italy. Copyright held by the author(s).
2       G. Alfano

    a   b    c                                                               z
                                             c    d           e
              +(c, f )
    d   e    f                                                          x         y
                          e     f
    g   h                               a        b          f
Fig. 1. AFs A0 and A = Fig. 2. R-AF Fig. 3. BAF for weather exam- Fig. 4. EAF for
+(c, f )(A0 ).                      ple.                          weather example.

stract, where arguments are abstract entities (i.e., words, phrases, etc.) since we abstain
on where it comes from, and structured, where the structure describing how an argu-
ment is built is also provided in the framework. Here we briefly introduce those frame-
works over which we proposed an incremental technique for recomputing extensions
after a change operation performed over the framework.
Abstract Argumentation Frameworks. An argument is an abstract entity whose role is
entirely determined by its relationships with other arguments. We assume the existence
of a set Arg of arguments. An AF is a pair hA, Σi, where A ⊆ Arg and Σ ⊆ A × A
is a binary relation over A whose elements are called attacks. Thus, an AF is a directed
graph where nodes correspond to arguments and edges correspond to attacks. An argu-
mentation semantics specifies the criteria for identifying a set of arguments that can be
considered “reasonable” together, called extension. Some of the well-known semantics
for abstract argumentation are complete, preferred, stable, grounded and ideal.
Bipolar Abstract Argumentation Frameworks. Bipolar argumentation frameworks
(BAFs) extend Dung’s argumentation frameworks to explicitly represent the notion of
support between arguments, in addition to that of attack. An abstract bipolar argumen-
tation framework (BAF for short) [6] is a triple hA, Σ, Πi, where Π ⊆ A × A is a
binary relation over A whose elements are called supports, and Σ ∩ Π = ∅. Thus, a
Dung’s argumentation framework (AF) [11] is a BAF of the form hA, Σ, ∅i. A BAF can
be viewed as a directed graph where each node corresponds to an argument and each
edge in the graph corresponds to either an attacks(→) or a support(⇒). An example is
reported on Figure 3.
Extended Abstract Argumentation Frameworks. Extended argumentation frameworks
(EAFs) extend Dung’s argumentation frameworks (AFs) to represent a kind of defea-
sible attack in addition to the Dung’s classical notion of attack.Consider the following
arguments about weather forecast: argument x is “The week-end will be dry in Rome
since AccuWeather forecasts sunshine”, while argument y is “The week-end will be wet
in Rome since The Weather Channel forecasts rain”. These arguments attack each other,
as they claim contradictory conclusions. One could be persuaded that AccuWeather is
recognized to be more trustworthy than The Weather Channel, meaning that y does not
successfully attack x. This kind of situations can be modelled in EAFs that incorporate
second-order attacks (i.e., attacks to classical Dung’s attacks) whose intuitive meaning
is “deactivating” the attacked attack whenever the argument from which the second-
order attack originates is accepted. The resulting EAF is shown in Figure 4.
Defeasible Logic Programming. DeLP incorporates a defeasible argumentation formal-
ism for the treatment of contradictory knowledge. A dialectical process is used for
                     On the Incremental Computation of Argumentation Frameworks         3

deciding which information prevails as warranted. This dialectical process involves the
construction and evaluation of arguments that either support or interfere with the query
under analysis. A DeLP program P = (Π, ∆) is a set of facts, strict rules and defeasi-
ble rules. Intuitively, facts and strict rules represent non-defeasible information, while
defeasible rules represent tentative information, that is, information that can be used if
nothing could be posed against it. In a program P, we will distinguish the subset Π of
facts and strict rules, and the subset ∆ of defeasible rules.

3   Research Focus

Argumentation is an inherently dynamic process which springs accordingly argumen-
tation frameworks that changes over time. Performing an update on an AF A0 means
modifying it into an AF A by adding or retracting arguments or attacks. We first pro-
posed a technique for incrementally computing extensions of dynamic abstract argu-
mentation frameworks (AFs): given an initial extension and a set of updates, our al-
gorithm computes an extension of the updated AF under most popular argumentation
semantics [13,15,14,2]. The algorithm consists of the following three main steps: (i)
identification of a (smaller) sub-AF, called reduced AF (R-AF for short), on the basis
of the update and additional information provided by the initial extension (ii) using any
non-incremental algorithm to compute an extension of the reduced AF; and (iii) getting
the final extension by merging a portion of the initial extension with that computed for
the reduced AF. To make an example, consider the AF reported on Figure 1, and con-
sider the update operation u = +(c, f ). The reduced framework (the sub-AF affected
by the change) consists of only arguments e and f , having as initial grounded extension
{f, g}. The reduced AF is reported on Figure 2.
    From an experimental analysis, the algorithm performs two orders of magnitude
faster than the best solvers computing the semantics from scratch. This allowed us to ex-
tend the technique to cope with other different kinds of (abstract) argumentation frame-
works. Particularly, in [1] we applied this technique after that a bipolar argumentation
framework is mapped into a Dung’s equivalent one using additional meta-knowledge.
Using the meta-argumentation approach, namely a procedure to convert a framework
into a Dung’s equivalent one, we envisage the possibility to apply the incremental tech-
nique to compute extensions over EAFs [3] , where they are firstly mapped into an
abstract equivalent one by adding pieces of knowledge (i.e., using meta-arguments and
meta-attacks) useful to convert second-order attacks into ’classical’ attacks.
    Our current research is to identify similar approach for structured argumentation
frameworks. A first attempt was proposed in [5] where DeLP formalism is taken into
account to model structured information, and updates consisting on adding a defeasi-
ble/strict rule. Although the workflow is similar to the algorithm for abstract frame-
works, different problems arise when we deal with structured argumentation. One of
the major problem is that arguments are not given as input, but they should be build
according to the knowledge-base given. For this purpose we envisage the use of an
hyper-graph which maps a DeLP-program, and using a particular notion of reachabil-
ity on hyper-graphs we identify only those portion of the program which needs to be
recomputed after that a rule is just added.
4        G. Alfano

4    Conclusion and Future Work
Continuing on studying incremental algorithm for structured argumentation frameworks
is our primary goal. Particularly, we are currently working on extending our technique
for both (strict and defeasible) rule deletion and addition in the DeLP-framework [4].
Additionally, we should also investigate the possibility to find analogous incremental
approach to cope with other structured formalisms like ASP IC + [16]. Another impor-
tant aspect that reserve more investigation is to extend the technique to enumerate the
whole set of extensions when a multiple-status semantics is called over an updated ab-
stract argumentation framework, more precisely, returning the whole set of extensions
after that an update is computed.

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