=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2178/SSN2018_paper_3 |storemode=property |title=Develop of Mobility Services based on Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Architecture for an Intermediate City using Internet of Things (IoT) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2178/SSN2018_paper_3.pdf |volume=Vol-2178 |authors=Ricardo Salazar,Alvaro Pachón |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ssn/SalazarP18 }} ==Develop of Mobility Services based on Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Architecture for an Intermediate City using Internet of Things (IoT)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2178/SSN2018_paper_3.pdf
Develop of Mobility Services based on Intelligent Transport System (ITS)
  Architecture for an Intermediate City using Internet of Things (IoT)

             Ricardo Salazar-Cabrera                                                    Álvaro Pachón de la Cruz
             Telematics Department                                           Dept. of Information and Communications Tech
     University of Cauca, Popayán, Colombia                                          University Icesi, Cali, Colombia
        ricardosalazarc@unicauca.edu.co                                                    alvaro@icesi.edu.co

                            Abstract                                     Analysis of data shows that death rate (for this cause) is
                                                                         the highest in the last decade, reaching 14.28 per
      Intermediate cities in most developing                             100,000 inhabitants in 2015 [Var15].
      countries have problems with traffic and vial                          The average rate of death by traffic accidents in
      security. Mayors' offices of these cities                          Colombian intermediate cities is almost 50% higher
      developed technological services in mobility to                    than in large cities. In four of the main cities: Bogotá,
      try to solve these problems, within the                            Medellín, Cali and Bucaramanga, the average death
      framework of the ITS. However, these services                      rates are 18.65 in men and 4.58 in women. While in
      have not developed using an adequate ITS                           eight intermediate cities: Pasto, Popayán, Ibagué,
      architecture, therefore, there are major                           Cúcuta, Armenia, Pereira, Santa Marta and Neiva, the
      drawbacks in the integration of services, due to                   averages are 26.86 in men and 6.87 in women [Var15].
      the technical complexity and high associated                           In addition to loss of human lives caused by traffic
      costs. To improve proper development of                            accidents, there are other problems related to mobility in
      mobility services, we developed a process                          cities such as traffic congestion. The traffic congestion
      based on ITS architecture. To formulate                            in cities around the world is measured by institutions as
      process, we developed a methodology with                           Tom Tom Traffic Index [Tom17] (which does not
      which the entities in charge in the city will be                   present information of Colombian cities) and Inrix
      able to design an ITS architecture suitable for                    Global Traffic Score Card [Inr18].
      their city. We also identify the appropriate                           Inrix [Inr18] has a ranking that depends on the
      steps for the design and development of ITS                        number of hours that travelers spend on congestion.
      services from architecture designed using                          Bogotá, capital of Colombia, is located in sixth position
      enabling technologies such as the Internet of                      with 75 annual hours. Intermediate Colombian cities
      Things (IoT), for which we use a case study                        included in report have values between 45 and 27 hours.
      with a Colombian city. This article presents a                         Looking for a solution to these problems, the mayor's
      summary of proposed process. The main result                       offices have developed mobility services within the ITS
      obtained was a process that serves as a tool for                   framework. An ITS uses technologies such as
      the development of these services. Next work                       computers, telecommunications, positioning, and
      will be evaluate if the process is adequate,                       automation to improve the safety, management, and
      through implementation of the services                             efficiency of transportation systems [ITU11].
      developed and evaluation of results.                                   These mobility developed services, in very few cases
                                                                         have been developed based on ITS architectures. When
      Keywords: Intelligent Transport System,                            mobility services in a city are developing without an ITS
      Internet of Things, mobility services.                             architecture, it is very possible that its infrastructure
                                                                         and/or functionality is not properly integrated.
 1. Introduction                                                             To improve development of mobility services, we
                                                                         formulated a process to develop mobility services based
 Colombia has great problems in the number of traffic                    on an appropriate ITS architecture. Initially we
 accidents and people deceased in this type of accidents,                developed a design methodology of ITS architecture for
 identifying an incremental trend in last 10 years.                      intermediate cities in developing countries. Then, we
                                                                         applied the methodology to design ITS architecture for
Copyright © by the paper’s authors. Copying permitted only for private   a particular city (Popayán, Colombian intermediate
and academic purposes.                                                   city). Subsequently, we evaluated the appropriate
In: Proceedings of the IV School of Systems and Networks (SSN 2018),     enabling technologies to implement ITS architecture
Valdivia, Chile, October 29-31, 2018. Published at http://ceur-ws.org
services, determining that IoT was the most appropriate           In the initial task, design methodology of ITS
technology. Next, using an IoT platform design                architecture, we did some activities such as: study of the
methodology, we developed a mobility service for              most representative reference ITS architectures
"Public transport vehicle tracking". Finally, collecting      (American [Nat18], European [Eur18] and Colombian
the steps taken and identifying best practices, we            [Con10]), analyze environment of the city through the
determined service development process.                       PESTLE tool [Bus16] and study of methodologies for
   This article presents a summary of process to develop      development of a regional ITS architecture.
these mobility services. The following sections present           Once the aforementioned methodology was
the related works, methods, results obtained and finally,     developed, we applied it (as a second task) to design of
conclusions and future work. This document does not           ITS architecture for the city of Popayán, following the
present details on development of the service performed.      four stages that were determined in methodology.
Nor does it present information on the implementation             For design of mobility services based on ITS
of the service, which is outside of the scope.                architecture developed, we proceeded (in the third task)
                                                              to identify the most appropriate enabling technologies
2. Related Works                                              for the implementation of ITS. We determined that IoT
                                                              was the best option, because, in a large number of ITS
Works over development of mobility services related to        services it is required to collect information from
ITS and implemented with IoT were reviewed, focusing          devices (located on roads or in vehicles that transit them)
in developments with use of a ITS architecture.               and send them to a centralized storage using some type
   FOTsis project objective was test the capacity of road     of communication (normally Internet), in which IoT
infrastructure to incorporate latest technology of            technology is currently ideal. In addition, recent ITS
cooperative system in nine test sites in four countries,      implementation projects use it with very good results.
providing a set of seven services focused on traffic              Once IoT was selected, we proceeded to validate
safety and improvement of the efficiency [Kur13].             whether IoT architecture that we proposed fit well for
   Although in FOTsis project [Kur13] an ITS                  the ITS architecture, obtaining good results.
architecture is presented focused on seven services that          In the four task, we selected two services for develop,
are evaluated in the project, a general ITS architecture is   considering limitations of time and resources of
not presented. In addition, the context of this project is    research. The services were selected from 35 services
                                                              identified for ITS designed architecture for the city,
very different from the context in this paper.
                                                              taking into account the next aspects: relationship with
   Theme of other proposed project is to develop a
                                                              traffic, utility of the service, and complexity.
prototype for ITS, which is useful to track a public
                                                                  The first service selected “public transport vehicle
service vehicle through GPS, receive payment of tickets,      tracking” will allow control of speed of these vehicles,
analyze crowds within said bus and finally, measure the       in an attempt to minimize the number of accidents of
environment inside the bus [Boj14].                           these vehicles. The second service “traffic measuring"
   Another ITS development is presented in an                 will allow provide users and drivers with valuable
intelligent parking system, based on IoT [Raj17].             information so that they can make efficient travels and
   INTEL proposes the construction of an ITS, with the        they avoid increasing traffic at a certain crossroad.
use of IoT [Int14], Proposed architecture has three main           Once two services were selected, we developed the
layers: sensing, communication and service.                   first one. To develop service, we searched a designed
   In last three presented works some ITS proposals           methodology for the development of services in IoT
based on enabling technology are presented, however,          platforms. We determined that proposal presented by
none of them is based on an ITS architecture. In              Bahga and Madisseti [Bah14] was a good option.
addition, proposals (except [Int14]) are focused on               Finally, in the last task (task 5), we did the service
solving a specific mobility problem, these do not present     development process, collecting the steps taken and
a proposal that can be applied to any mobility domain.        identifying best practices.

3. Methods                                                    4. Results
We built a process to develop mobility services in            The results of research were: methodology that we
intermediate cities, making the next five tasks.              formulated for the design of ITS architecture, ITS
architecture that we designed applying methodology for       similar services that are developed, in order to measure
the city, detailed description of ITS mobility services      if these effectively improve the mobility of the city.
selected to develop, and the development of one service
using an enabling technology for ITS as it is IoT.           References
   The first partial result of research was our
methodology for the design of ITS architecture for an        [Var15] Vargas Castillo, Diego Alfonso, Instituto
intermediate city. Methodology that we proposed                     Nacional de Medicina Legal. Comportamiento
considers the following four stages: review of the                  de muertes y lesiones por accidentes de
reference ITS architecture, analysis of the city context,           transporte, Colombia, 2015
determination of architecture components, and
                                                             [Tom17] Tom Tom Traffic Index. Available in:
designing of ITS architecture views.
   The general ITS architecture that we designed for the            https://www.tomtom.com/en_gb/trafficindex/
city was the second result. ITS reference architecture       [Inr17] Inrix Global Traffic Score Card. Available in:
that we selected for ITS architecture of the city was the            http://inrix.com/scorecard/
American      architecture,    called    ARC-IT.      For
                                                             [1TU11] Recommendation ITU-R M.1890. Available
determination of the reference ITS architecture, a
comparison was made between ARC-IT, FRAME, and
others. Sixteen services areas were considered with                 m/R-REC-M.1890-0-201104-I!!PDF-E.pdf
respect to five ITS architectures. The architecture with     [Kur13] Kurano, J. A., Almodóvar, N. S., Garcia, J. M.
largest number of covered areas was the American.                    M. & Cacheiro, E. An ITS architecture
After reviewing documentation of the architectures and               specification - The FOTsis project experience.
the context of the city, it was confirmed that the more              Securitas Vialis 61–77 (2013).
suitable architecture was ARC-IT, adding two services
                                                             [Boj14] Bojan, T., Kumar, U. & Bojan, V. An IoT based
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   The last relevant result was the development of one
of services selected, using the IoT implementation           [Int14] INTEL Corporation, Building and Intelligent
methodology proposed by Bahga and Madisseti                          Transportation System with The Internet Of
[Bah14]. We developed the "Public transport vehicle                  Things, Solution Blueprint, IoT. (2014).
tracking" service, doing each of the steps recommended.      [Bus16] Bush, T. PESTLE analysis: everything you
                                                                     need to know, (2016). Available in:
5. Conclusions and future work in research                           http://pestleanalysis.com/
ARC-IT was the reference architecture selected in the        [Nat18] National ITS Architecture. Available in
design of the ITS architecture for the city of Popayán.             http://local.iteris.com/arc-it/
We considered this reference architecture is quite           [Eur18] European ITS FRAMEwork Architecture.
complete and adapts better (than the rest of the reference           Available in: http://frame-online.eu/
architectures evaluated) to the context of Popayán.          [Con10]        Consensus    Systems     Technologies,
   When a city has an ITS architecture designed                        Arquitectura Nacional ITS de Colombia,
particularly for its case, selection of mobility services              http://www.consystec.com/colombia/web/
for its development is much simpler, identifying
services with great possibilities for improvement.           [Bah14] Bahga A., Madisseti V., Internet Of Things (A
   Future work for next research projects will be                   Hands-On-Approach), Book A Hands-On-
implement in the city the operation of the service                  Approach series, 446 pages. ISBN-10
developed (through small and controlled pilot) and other            0996025510 (2014).