=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2180/ISWC_2018_Outrageous_Ideas_paper_20 |storemode=property |title=L’Inking You To A Knowledge Graph |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/ISWC_2018_Outrageous_Ideas_paper_20.pdf |volume=Vol-2180 |authors=Riccardo Tommasini,Emanuele Della Valle |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/0001V18 }} ==L’Inking You To A Knowledge Graph== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/ISWC_2018_Outrageous_Ideas_paper_20.pdf
         L’Inking You To A Knowledge Graph

                   Riccardo Tommasini, Emanuele Della Valle

                     Politecnico di Milano, DEIB, Milan, Italy

1   Qualifying Self: Capturing Individuals
In the era of the web of things, everything is connected to the web. The invis-
ible wire that links domestic appliances, electronic gadgets and cars often trap
human-beings that use, interact with, and drive them.
    The quantifying self (QS1) movement describes individuals and groups en-
gaged in the self-tracking of any data regarding biological, physical, and envi-
ronmental activities. QS1 relies on all the technologies that capture measurable
aspects of our lives. For instance, wearable devices can track weight, energy level,
and sleep quality. Moreover, we can combine the metrics above to derive insight
into health, cognitive and athletics performance [3].
    Despite all the information we can already collect, a simple the question re-
mains unanswered What characterizes who we are as individuals? To an
answer to such a question, we must debate about the QS1’ slogan, i.e., ”know thy
numbers to know thyself”. The idea of us as measurable entities is at least sim-
plistic since it neglects all the aspects that we cannot reduce to numeric values.
What we need in an alternative movement that promotes ways for connecting
individuals and capturing the intrinsic originalities that characterize each of use.
We call this Qualifying Self (QS2).
    The vision of a world of human-beings interconnected through the web is
neither utopian nor dystopian, but it seems an obvious consequence of the spirit
of the times. Indeed, at the time of social networks, the web is the place where
social interactions happen via improved communication tools. However, if we
consider how can we link people in the real world, we immediately reach an
Orwellian atmosphere where everybody must be uniquely identified.
    A controversial challenge, with many ethical implications, is identity resolu-
tion. Indeed, connecting human-beings to the web demands to resolve identities,
which has many ethical implications, e.g., it contrasts with the self-determination
principles. The QS1 movement itself received several criticisms concerning pri-
vacy, data-ownership, and the economic value of the information we share. Fur-
ther problems and more practical problems that have social implication are data-
fetishism, i.e., to the sense of achievement caused by the collection of numerical
data, and the data-literacy, i.e., the knowledge required to interpret the collected
data adequately.
    A QS2 movement would not be free from debating the same topics, especially
those related to privacy and self-determination. These shortcomings call for dis-
tinguishing between identity and individuality (or distinctiveness). The former
2      Tommasini et al.

concerns identification, i.e., the act of understanding who someone is; the lat-
ter relates to people personality treats, i.e., determining what makes someone
himself as an individual. Several moments in our lives influence and shape our
personalities. Social Media already let us lift these moments to a different level,
shared with all our friends and relative. However, how can we link ourselves more
tightly, capturing those links that are still implicit?
    In society, people look for a balance between being accepted and being rigi-
nal1 ; The QS2 movement needs to capture the elements of this originality, in a
way that is ethically sound. Our intuition is that interesting links became visible
when we allow people to characterize their personalities more precisely.
    Towards a QS2 movement, in this paper, we present a possible yet outrageous
way to better capture people personality, letting them define what best describes
who they are as individuals. Our idea starts with one of the most ancient forms
of art, which is also historical and distinctive sign of belongingness and artistic
radicalness: Tattoos[2,1]
    In this paper, we envision L´ Inked Tattoos, i.e., machine-readable repre-
sentations of Tattoos that use semantic technologies to capture, represent, and
share the tattoo meaning in a fully decentralized way. Tattoos can be processed
by linked data-based systems that turn them into L´ Inked Tattoos without
forsaking the artistic aspect.

2   L’Inked Tattoos

In our modern society, tattoos repu-
                                           Countries Percentage
tation suffered from past times when
                                            Europe         12%
mostly criminals and convicted peo-
                                           Australia      14.5%
ple used to have one. However, tattoos
                                         New Zealand        20
popularity recently increased2 , and it
                                              USA           24
became easier to see them around in
                                            Canada          24
living and working areas, and even on
TV shows. Table 1 shows the percent- Table 1. Tattoo prevalence in the general
ages of tattoos per continent from a population in the world.
recent survey3 . Nowadays we are more
used to accept tattoos nevertheless their presence on a person’ skin remains con-
troversial. In fact, despite we progressed as society welcoming originality and
embracing diversity, tattoos remain elements of distinction from an affinity to
specific social groups, which often causes an intrusive curiosity.
    A common question that who has a visible tattoo often receives is ”What
does it mean?” The question arises because tattoos are cryptic. They convey
the presence of meaning and symbols, but this information remains exclusive
                                       L’Inking You To A Knowledge Graph          3

to a restricted and privileged circle of people. Instinctively, we perceive tattoos’
symbolic value, and the catching game of understanding captures our attention.
Moreover, getting tattoos is usually a painful process, which strengthen the
meaning of whatever message they carry.
    Tattoos carry an enormous amount of information that uniquely character-
izes their owners and the tattoo artist who made it. However, this information is
inaccessible. To this extent, we propose L’Inked Tattoos, i.e., capturing mean-
ing, metadata, and any other information the regards a particular tattoo and its
owner is a machine-readable way, This information links to many other resources
concerning cultural, emotional, and artistic aspects, which define the personality
of who owns the tattoo. Moreover, metadata regarding where, when, who, what,
and how, i.e., with which tools, may link the tattoo to measurable metrics. In
the following, we will briefly present some examples:
Meaning. Tattoos subject can be
referenced as resources employing an
image recognition systems. Moreover,
adopting deep learning techniques one
can survey non-obvious connection
that the tattoo implies. All this in-
formation can be linked to existing
knowledge graphs [4], creating links
between people and concepts.
Self determination & Privacy.
Adopting techniques for invisible-
tattoos, we can imagine associating an
openID4 to resolve the people identity Fig. 1. Tattoo and Knowledge Graph Re-
without aesthetic impacts. Similarly,
L’Inked Tattoos might have privacy
policies attached that enforce public cameras to preserve the person’s identity.
Metadata & Metrics. We imagine to collect all the metadata concerning the
tattoo creation, i.e., when, how many hours it took, where, what is about, who
did it, which machine was used, and which ink was selected. This metadata can
also be enriched with QS1 metrics regarding the psychological and emotional
status of the person who was getting the tattoo. We envision the adoption of
semantic block-chains to persist this information anonymously.
Connections. L’Inked Tattoos connect people via the resource they target. The
first connection is the one with the tattoo artist, who indelibly signs the tattoo.
Moreover, we imagine social networks employing L’Inked Tattoos to makes new
connections between users, according to their privacy settings.
    We imagine L´ Inked Tattoos to be an extension of the tattoo artists’ work-
flow that does not change the artistic process. As Figure 2 shows, we imagine the
workflow to be extended by one phase. As before, the tattoo artist draws a) and
inks d) the tattoo to the subject who requested it. After the drawing an entity
injection process is performed c); it produces a machine-readable document that
    4       Tommasini et al.

                           Fig. 2. The L’Inked Tattoos Workflow

    represents the L´ Inked Tattoo. This process can exploit entity-linking and im-
    age recognition techniques. Then, the machine-readable document is uploaded
    into a smart tattoo machine which on-the-fly, using deep-learning techniques,
    encodes the information in the actual image the tattoo artist is inking.
1   a dbo:tattoo ;
2    linking:resource dbr:Ouroboros ;
 3   linking:meaning dbr:Eternity ;
 4   linking:meaning dbid:Eternal_return ;
 5   linking:origin dbl:Celts ;
 6   linking:description "The ouroboros or uroborus ... " ;
 7   rdfs:seeAlso "Aurynn" ;
 8   linking:owner  ;
 9   linking:when: <2016> ;
10   linking:where:  ;
11   linking:artist:  ;
12   linking:other  ;
                          Listing 1.1. Example of L’ Inked Tattoo.

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