=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2180/paper-04 |storemode=property |title=A Flexible N-Triples Loader for Hadoop |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-04.pdf |volume=Vol-2180 |authors=Victor Anthony Arrascue Ayala,Georg Lausen |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/AyalaL18 }} ==A Flexible N-Triples Loader for Hadoop== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-04.pdf
        A Flexible N-Triples Loader for Hadoop

                Victor Anthony Arrascue Ayala and Georg Lausen

    University of Freiburg, Georges-Köhler Allee, Geb. 51, 79110 Freiburg, Germany

        Abstract. The wide adoption of the RDF data model demands efficient
        and scalable query processing strategies. For this purpose distributed
        programming paradigms such as Apache Spark on top of Hadoop are
        increasingly being used. Unfortunately, the Hadoop ecosystem lacks sup-
        port for Semantic Web standards, e.g. reading an RDF serialization for-
        mat, and thus, bringing in RDF data still requires a large amount of
        effort. We therefore present PRoST-loader, an application which, given
        a set of N-Triples documents, creates logical partitions according to
        three widely adopted strategies: Triple Table (TT), Wide Property Ta-
        ble (WPT) with a single row for each subject, and Vertical Partition-
        ing (VP). Each strategy has its own advantages and limitations depend-
        ing on the data characteristics and the task to be carried out. The loader
        thus leaves the strategy choice to the data engineer. The tool combines
        the flexibility of Spark, the deserialization capabilities of Hive, as well
        as the compression power of Apache Parquet at the storage layer. We
        managed to process Dbpedia (approx. 257M triples) in 3.5 min for TT,
        in approx 3.1 days for VP, and in 16.8 min for WPT with up to 1,114
        columns in a cluster with moderate resources. In this paper we aim to
        present the strategies followed, but also to expose the community to
        this open-source tool, which facilitates the usage of Semantic Web data
        within the Hadoop ecosystem and which makes it possible to carry out
        tasks such as the evaluation of SPARQL queries in a scalable manner.

1     Introduction
RDF is a widely used data model to build and publish knowledge graphs, many
of which are extremely large [4]. To process and query such massive graphs, cen-
tralized RDF processing models are not sufficient and therefore there is a shift
towards distributed paradigms. Virtuoso, the de-facto industry standard triple-
store, is capable of operating on a cluster of computers but only in its commercial
form. Instead, the more general-purpose and open-source Hadoop ecosystem is
designed to efficiently process massive amounts of data while being capable of
scaling with commodity hardware. Technologies such as Spark and Hive allow
for efficient and distributed querying of data, but the capabilities go well beyond
this feature. Nowadays it is possible to train classification models, cluster data,
conduct statistical analysis, and much more. It is hence no surprise that there is
a growing interest in bringing Semantic Web data into that machinery to exe-
cute important tasks such as evaluating SPARQL queries. However, there is still
a lack of support for Semantic Web standards within that ecosystem. The first
step towards providing any possible analysis with a sound basis is loading the
data. This is the topic of the current poster presentation.

2     Background and Related Work

The most adopted logical partitioning strategies for RDF are Triple Table (TT),
Wide Property Table (WPT), and Vertical Partitioning (VP) [1]. Each strat-
egy has strengths and weaknesses for SPARQL query evaluation. A Triple Table
is a single table for all triples with a schema (subject, predicate, object). This
table is typically complemented with indexes for faster retrieval, but querying
for long chains inevitably results in many self-joins. Systems such as Virtuoso1
and RDF-3X [5] implement this scheme. A Wide Property Table has one row
for each distinct subject and one column for each distinct predicate (properties).
The values of this table are the objects for a given (subject, predicate) combina-
tion. Empty cells contain null values. WPTs can be very sparse, but in general
they are good for star-shaped queries. DB2RDF [2] is based on a sophisticated
variant of WPT. In Vertical Partitioning a table is created for each predicate
which stores a (subject, object) tuple. This strategy is good for queries with
bound predicates, whereas unbounded predicates cause all tables to be accessed.
Systems such as S2RDF [6] implement and extend this scheme. Other systems
leverage multiple partitioning schemes. This is the case for PRoST [3] which
keeps a WPT and VP and can exploit both to evaluate a single query. PRoST-
loader generates partitions following these three strategies, namely TT, WPT,
and VP, thus leaving open the possibility of leveraging any of them. To the best
of our knowledge no tools of this kind exist.

3     Loading Stages

Figure 1 illustrates the main stages of the loader. These will be described in
detail with a focus on the main design decisions. As the use case we processed
Dbpedia2 , one the most prominent published knowledge graphs.
(A) The Dbpedia files are located within a folder in HDFS. The program loads
the data as an external Hive table. In contrast to internal tables, which have a
strong bond with the corresponding HDFS, external tables use only a metadata
description to access the data in its raw form. If an external table is deleted,
only the metadata definition is deleted and the actual data remains intact. We
then use Hive’s SerDe library (acronym of Serializer/Deserializer) to parse the
triple records. More specifically, we used a regular expression (RegexSerDe) to
extract columns from the input files. The data is first deserialized from HDFS.
(B) The external table allows for fast access to the N-triples documents. Based
on this we build the Triple Table, this time an internal Hive table, and populate
                           Fig. 1. PRoST-loader stages.

it by means of a HiveQL query. This is an opportunity to filter out different kinds
of erroneous entries. As one example, a line in the NT document which cannot
be matched by the three groups defined in the regular expression results in null
values in the table. Moreover, when more than three elements are present in one
line, multiple resources or literals might end up being mapped all together within
the object column. We filter out these kinds of entries. Also, the predicate names
are used later as column names in the Property Table. The maximum length of
a column name in Hive is 128 characters. Therefore, predicates whose length
exceeds this limit are discarded by filtering out rows in which they appear.
The non-discarded rows are inserted into the Triple Table using the INSERT
OVERWRITE TABLE clause, which at the end is stored in Parquet format.

(C) To build the Wide Property Table first we get a list of distinct predicates
from the Triple Table. We need to distinguish between predicates with cardinality
<1,1> and those with cardinality <1,N>. For the latter case the objects for a
given subject will be stored in an array (Spark’s ArrayType), which is later
mapped to Parquet’s logical types. Another control consists in making sure that
all predicates are distinct, even in a case-insensitive scenario, because these are
used as column names and Hive’s table and column names are case-insensitive.
Finally, the list of predicates and their cardinalities is used to compose a query
and build the Property Table which is written to Parquet. Spark is used mainly
for this task since we needed a complex user-defined aggregate function.

(D) Finally, using the list of predicates we build the VP tables, one at a time.
Each table is created and populated using HiveQL and stored using Parquet.
4     Evaluation results
We performed our tests on a small cluster of 10 machines, 1 master and 9 work-
ers, connected via Gigabit Ethernet connection. Each machine is equipped with
32GB of memory, 4TB of disk space and with a 6 Core (12 virtual cores) In-
tel Xeon E5-2420 processor. The cluster runs Cloudera CDH 5.10.0 with Spark
2.2 on Ubuntu 14.04. Yarn, the resource manager, in total uses 198 GB and
108 virtual cores. The most relevant settings of the cluster can be found in
our github repository along with the code3 . We used our loader to create the
logical partitions for Dbpedia 3.5.1. This consists of 23 files (36.5 GB) loaded
into an HDFS folder. The overall number of triples is 257,869,688. In the first
stage 126 triples were removed which contained predicates with more than 128
characters. The number of distinct predicates is 39,554, of which 13,336 pred-
icates have cardinality <1,N>. The loader was able to identify 1,328 pairs of
predicates with colliding names in Hive, e.g. dbpedia:nationalchampion, and db-
pedia:nationalChampion, and removed one from each pair. The Triple Table was
written to HDFS in 3.55 minutes. The Vertical Partitioning finished in 3 days,
3 hours and 42 minutes. On average 8.7 tables were written per minute. For the
Wide Property Table we had to remove the infobox-properties which reduced
the number of properties to 1,114, since the cluster resources were not sufficient
to run it on the 39K predicates. The limited WPT finished in 16.8 minutes.

5     Conclusions and Future Work
We believe there exists a deficit of tools for processing Semantic Web data in
distributed frameworks such as Hadoop. Our open-source tool shows that choos-
ing the right loading strategy is crucial to avoid wasting cluster resources and
time. Hive and Parquet compression enable fast building of the logical parti-
tions, while Spark’s flexibility in defining distributed functions is essential to
model data. Our tool currently uses the default physical partitioning from Hive
and Spark. In the future we will explore other physical partitioning strategies.

1. Abadi, D.J., et al.: Scalable semantic web data management using vertical parti-
   tioning. In: Conference on Very Large Data Bases (2007)
2. Bornea, M.A., et al.: Building an efficient RDF store over a relational database. In:
   ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data (2013)
3. Cossu, M., et al.: Prost: Distributed execution of SPARQL queries using mixed
   partitioning strategies. In: Conf. on Extending Database Technology, EDBT (2018)
4. Färber, M., et al.: Linked data quality of dbpedia, freebase, opencyc, wikidata, and
   YAGO. Semantic Web (2018)
5. Neumann, T., et al.: The RDF-3X engine for scalable management of RDF data.
   VLDB J. (2010)
6. Schätzle, A., et al.: S2RDF: RDF querying with SPARQL on spark. PVLDB (2016)
