=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2180/paper-53 |storemode=property |title=Machine Translation vs. Multilingual Approaches for Entity Linking |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-53.pdf |volume=Vol-2180 |authors=Henry Rosales-Méndez,Aidan Hogan,Barbara Poblete |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/Rosales-MendezH18a }} ==Machine Translation vs. Multilingual Approaches for Entity Linking== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-53.pdf
         Machine Translation vs. Multilingual
           Approaches for Entity Linking

          Henry Rosales-Méndez, Aidan Hogan and Barbara Poblete

        IMFD Chile & Department of Computer Science, University of Chile

      Abstract. Entity Linking (EL) associates the entities mentioned in a
      given input text with their corresponding knowledge-base (KB) entries.
      A recent EL trend is towards multilingual approaches. However, one may
      ask: are multilingual EL approaches necessary with recent advancements
      in machine translation? Could we not simply focus on supporting one
      language in the EL system and translate the input text to that language?
      We present experiments along these lines comparing multilingual EL
      systems with their results over machine translated text.

1   Introduction
Entity Linking (EL) associates the entities mentioned in a given input text with
their corresponding knowledge-base (KB) identifiers; e.g., taking Wikidata as a
target KB, for the input text “Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana”,
we can link Michael Jackson with the Wikidata identifier wd:Q2831. However,
multiple KB entities may have the same label; e.g., wd:Q167877, wd:Q6831554,
and wd:Q3856193 are all identifiers for people called Michael Jackson in Wiki-
data. On the other hand, the same entity can be mentioned multiple ways, e.g.,
“Michael J. Jackson”, “Jackson”, “King of Pop”, etc., can refer to wd:Q2831.
    Another practical challenge is being able to cope with input texts from va-
rious languages. While many EL approaches have been proposed down through
the years, only recently have multilingual EL approaches – configurable for va-
rious input languages – become more popular (e.g., [2,1,4,7]). Despite this trend,
there are few studies evaluating multilingual EL. Hence, in our paper accepted
for the Resource Track at ISWC [5], we propose a multilingual EL benchmark
and use it to perform experiments in order to study the behaviour of state-of-the-
art multilingual approaches for five languages: English, French, German, Italian,
and Spanish. We call our dataset VoxEL; a particular design goal of the dataset
is to have (insofar as possible) the same text in different languages, and in par-
ticular, the same annotations per sentence across languages. Thus performance
across languages – not just systems – can be compared directly. We also com-
pared the results of multilingual EL systems with what would be possible using
a state-of-the-art machine translation approach (Google Translate) to translate
the text to English (the primary language supported by most tools). We refer
the reader to our Resource Track paper [5] for more details.
    In this poster, we present some additional results omitted from the full paper
for reasons of space. More specifically, the poster focuses on the question of
how an a priori machine translation process compares with multilingual EL
approaches, contributing novel results using VoxEL to evaluate EL performance
using machine translation of the input to languages other than English. More
generally, in the poster session, we would like to discuss with interested attendees
the interplay between multilingual EL and machine translation.

2   Evaluating Multilingual Entity Linking Approaches

A multilingual EL system is characterised by being configurable for multiple in-
put languages. In this work, we evaluate four multilingual EL systems with public
APIs, namely Babelfy [4], DBpedia Spotlight [1], FREME [7] and TagME [2]. For
reasons of space, we refer to our previous work [6,5] for further details on these
systems and other multilingual EL systems proposed in the literature.
    Evaluating multilingual EL systems requires benchmark datasets with texts
in various languages. To further compare the quality of EL results across lan-
guages – not just systems – we need (insofar as possible) the same text and anno-
tations in the different languages. Only a few such datasets have been proposed:
TAC KBP1 , SemEval2 , and MEANTIME [3]. However, MEANTIME [3] is the
only publicly available dataset; SemEval is published by a third-party whereas
the TAC KBP dataset we could not acquire. Furthermore, we found that these
datasets exhibit differences in their annotations for different languages. For a
more detailed explanation of multilingual benchmark datasets see [5] and for
results comparing various EL systems over the SemEval dataset, see [6].
    To support multilingual EL evaluation, in [5] we proposed VoxEL: a curated
text extracted from the multilingual VoxEurop news site3 and manually anno-
tated for EL benchmarking. This dataset contains 15 documents for each of the
five supported languages: Germany, English, Spanish, French and Italian. To
support comparison across languages, VoxEL was edited to ensure the same an-
notations per sentence across languages, normalising variances across languages.
Given a lack of consensus on the definition of “entity”, VoxEL features two anno-
tated version of the documents for each language: one strict that includes entities
referring to people, places and organisations, and one relaxed that includes links
to all unambiguous pages of Wikipedia. Per language, VoxEL contains 204 and
674 annotations in the strict and relaxed version respectively.

3   Experiments

We conduct experiments using VoxEL to compare the behaviour of the four
aforementioned multilingual EL systems for the five different languages offered
by the dataset: German (DE), English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR) and
Italian (IT). All systems were configured with their default parameters, except
  https://tac.nist.gov/2017/KBP/; June 1st, 2018.
  http://alt.qcri.org/semeval2018/; June 1st, 2018.
  http://www.voxeurop.eu; June 1st, 2018.
    Table 1. Comparison of EL systems for native and translated texts (F1 measure)

                                           Relaxed                                       Strict
                         DE →     EN →      ES →     FR →     IT →     DE →     EN →     ES →     FR →     IT →
                → DE      0.523   0.498     0.495    0.492    0.490     0.344   0.342    0.365     0.369   0.367
                → EN     0.508     0.545    0.515    0.506    0.502    0.299     0.319   0.299    0.315    0.301
BabelfyR        → ES     0.525    0.558     0.541    0.552    0.548    0.344    0.356     0.362   0.357    0.348
                → FR     0.493    0.485     0.502     0.493   0.493    0.332    0.331    0.342     0.309   0.341
                → IT     0.513    0.527     0.512    0.533     0.504   0.366    0.379    0.377    0.378    0.365
                → DE      0.279   0.271     0.275    0.285    0.273     0.572   0.584    0.589    0.606     0.588
                → EN     0.312     0.308    0.309    0.323    0.304    0.518     0.567   0.523    0.559     0.533
BabelfyS        → ES     0.318    0.327     0.325    0.334    0.336    0.577    0.607     0.611   0.610     0.590
                → FR     0.301    0.299     0.312     0.290   0.310    0.574    0.601    0.608     0.583    0.606
                → IT     0.306    0.319     0.318    0.321     0.311   0.604    0.634    0.640    0.638    0.616
                  → DE    0.400   0.139     0.177    0.155    0.166     0.510   0.220    0.292    0.248    0.280
                  → EN   0.442    0.466     0.454    0.465    0.450    0.697    0.707    0.695    0.722    0.730
DBpedia Spotlight → ES   0.159    0.121     0.373    0.130    0.199    0.292    0.209    0.513    0.234    0.350
                  → FR   0.176    0.177     0.181     0.314   0.180    0.245    0.252    0.252    0.464    0.255
                  → IT   0.184    0.163     0.221    0.158     0.382   0.272    0.219    0.335    0.223    0.601
                → DE      0.282   0.072     0.132    0.114    0.160     0.483   0.154    0.240    0.179     0.261
                → EN     0.401    0.407     0.402    0.397    0.406    0.700    0.708    0.715    0.694     0.713
FREME           → ES     0.174    0.117     0.302    0.147    0.232    0.319    0.231    0.583    0.269     0.417
                → FR     0.167    0.143     0.169     0.268   0.214    0.287    0.278    0.314    0.483     0.322
                → IT     0.164    0.127     0.205    0.136     0.373   0.321    0.253    0.413    0.256    0.726
                → DE 0.414        0.100     0.127    0.119    0.124     0.272   0.122    0.153    0.137    0.152
                → EN 0.432        0.462     0.450    0.442    0.440    0.331    0.327    0.334    0.321    0.336

Babelfy, which allows to select a more strict or more relaxed notion of entity; we
study the performance of both, denoted henceforth as BabelfyS and BabelfyR
respectively. Aside from testing EL over the text in its native language, we also
include results for EL applying machine translation – namely Google Translate4
– from each language of VoxEL to the other four languages; the purpose of this
approach is to simulate an EL approach supporting one language and see if EL
performs competitively when input text is translated from other languages.
    The results are given in Table 1, where we present the F1 -measure for various
configurations. On the left we present the system and language configured. At the
top of the table we present the Relaxed and Strict versions of the dataset, where
for each version, we present the language of the input text, which is machine
translated to the configured language; for example, row → ES, column DE →,
gives the result for a German input text translated to Spanish (DE → ES ) and
processed by the given EL systems configured for Spanish. Where input and
translated languages coincide, we use the input text directly (such results are
indicated with boxes). The best result per column for each dataset version and
system is presented in bold. TagME supports English and German only.

    https://translate.google.com; June 1st, 2018.
4   Discussion
In Table 1, we see that DBpedia Spotlight, FREME and TagMe often perform
markedly better when the input text is either in English, or translated to En-
glish; the one exception to this trend is that FREME performs slightly better
over the untranslated Italian text in the Strict version of the dataset than over
the translated English text. On the other hand, Babelfy generally performs best
for (translated) Spanish texts in the Relaxed version, and (translated) Italian
texts in the Strict version, though performance across languages is more bal-
anced in general than for the former systems. These results suggest that prior
machine translation makes little difference in the case of Babelfy, but markedly
improves the performance of other systems when dealing with non-English texts;
the reasons for this may include the quality of language-specific components, the
richness of KB information available for a particular language, etc.
    It is important to highlight in such cases that the output of the EL process
after translation is still in the translated language; e.g., if we process text in
French by translating it to English and performing EL configured for English,
we may get better results, but the output text is in English, not French. But
we put forward that given (1) a high(er) quality annotation in the translated
English text, (2) a sentence-to-sentence correspondence between the French and
translated English text, and (3) cross-language links provided by KBs; it would
not be difficult to “transfer” the annotations back to the original French text.
    In any case, these results raise the question of what role machine translation
should play for EL, and indeed, in what circumstances it makes sense to develop
multilingual EL systems, and in what circumstances it makes sense to develop
monolingual EL systems with a priori translation.

Acknowledgements Henry Rosales-Méndez was supported by CONICYT-PCHA/Doc-
torado Nacional/2016-21160017. The work was also supported by the Millennium Insti-
tute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD) and by Fondecyt Grant No. 1181896.

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