An Ontology Blueprint for Constructing Qualitative and Quantitative Scientific Variables Maria Stoica1[0000−0002−6612−3439] and Scott D. Peckham1[0000−0002−1373−2396] Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research University of Colorado, Boulder 80309, USA Abstract. This work presents an ongoing effort to develop simple on- tological design patterns for describing scientific variables with a high level of specificity in resource description format (RDF). The applica- tion of the ontology design patterns discussed here were used to create a variables ontology for the geosciences. The long-term aim of this work is to develop an ontological blueprint for automated ontology genera- tion from a corpus. Such ontologies can be used for semantic mediation in automated scientific workflows and semantic alignment of content in heterogeneous resources. Keywords: ontology design pattern · scientific variables · semantic mediation. 1 Introduction The Ontology for Constructing Scientific Variables (OSV) is a mechanism for storing conceptual information necessary for identifying, disambiguating, and assembling scientific variables. OSV is a successor to the Geoscience Ontology (GSN)[4] and extends the principles introduced in the CF standard names [2] and the CSDMS standard names (CSN) [3]; whereas the aforementioned naming efforts relied on encoding scientific variables using controlled vocabularies and one-dimensional strings, the OSV is terminology-agnostic and encodes relational and contextual information via the Resource Description Format (RDF), result- ing in a richer representation with more degrees of freedom. OSV is a critical tool for semantic mediation, providing the language to link unstructured information contained in large corpora to structured information captured in data sets and used by computational models. Along with other interpretative tools, OSV is designed to enable automated alignment and integration of distributed scientific information. There are a wide range of scientific ontologies available, see e.g., [5,6,7]. How- ever, although these ontologies are useful for specific applications, there is, to the authors’ knowledge, no available ontology that (a) provides the desired speci- ficity for distinguishing variables at a highly granular level within a domain, (b) comprises patterns that are readily extensible to other domains, and (c) de- fines mandatory components of a variable. The ontology we present in this work aims to decompose and modularize the construction of scientific variables, ex- plicitly labeling required elements that must be provided in order to completely and unambiguously identify the concepts represented by a scientific variable— namely an object of observation, a corresponding property, and a quantity with units. We start by identifying the core ontology building blocks in Section 2 and then describing how the building blocks are combined to build complex concept representations. 2 Concept Class Definitions 2.1 Physical Concepts A Phenomenon is a fact or situation that is observed or could be observed to exist or happen in the physical world. A phenomenon that is observed to exist is at equilibrium, whether dynamic, chemical or static, and one that is observed to happen is removed from equilibrium, experiencing a change of state as a result of certain processes. A phenomenon consists of the substance of which it is made (Matter), a Form that defines its occupation of space, and possibly, one or more Processes. Phenomena are defined recursively[1], where any given phenomenon can be decomposed into smaller phenomena and can be combined with other phenomena to build larger, more complex phenomena. A Body is a phenomenon at equilibrium that is identified by its Matter and Form. A Process is a set of actions that may occur in parallel or sequentially. 2.2 Abstract Concepts A System is the abstracted, diagrammatic representation of a phenomenon, and includes any applied, human-contrived physical or mathematical abstractions or models. In OSV, a system that has a relatively unchanging state is static, while a changing system is dynamic. A static system may comprise multiple dynamic systems which together are at equilibrium. Like Phenomena, Systems are defined recursively. A Property is a characteristic or feature of a system. A Value may be nu- merical or categorical and represents a system state, evaluated either objectively or subjectively; it is associated with a property. A Quantity is a numerical value with associated units. An Attribute is a property-value pair. It is important to note that some properties may be observable but may not be able to be mea- sured directly and may be assessed through manipulation of other attributes; examples include severity and resilience. A Variable is a phenomenon-property pair. It must comprise an object of measurement—one or more Phenomena—as well as a Property. As an example, ‘precipitation’ is not a complete variable, as it only identifies a process, and neither is ‘rainfall’, as it only identifies a phenomenon—the precipitation of water from clouds. In order to properly identify a variable, a property (such as ‘volume flux’ or ‘duration’ in the case of rainfall) must also be identified. 3 Building a Variable The steps for identifying the components of a scientific variable are: 1. Select a phenomenon of interest for study–this is called the object of obser- vation and will be the object of the variable. 2. Select one or more properties of that phenomenon to evaluate. 3. Diagram that phenomenon for the desired analysis, and if necessary, iden- tify any applied abstractions, such as approximate mathematical or physical models (e.g., surface, ellipsoid, etc.). A system is defined recursively in the ontology and comprises one or more participants, the role of each participant, and accompanying processes. Partici- pants are recursively defined as distinct subsystems of the larger whole to provide the desired level of granularity. The granularity of any system may be further refined by identifying system attributes (system state) that are constant for the scope of measurement. Figure 1 provides an overview of the different systems that can be modeled. Static systems involve processes that are at equilibrium while dynamic systems are removed from equilibrium. The single-body, static system is equivalent to the Body class. Matter is a type of multiple-body, static system. When enclosed with a boundary, a multiple-body, static system may be turned into a static, single-body system. When a Form is applied to Matter, a Body system results. Single Body Multiple Body Static Dynamic Fig. 1. The four types of systems. Circles represent Body systems and may be de- scribed by their Matter and Form, equal length arrow pairs represent processes at equilibrium, and unequal arrow pairs represent processes removed from equilibrium. A variable is assembled by linking the system of interest to the desired prop- erty. If applicable, a variable may also include a reference frame for the evaluation of the property, as well as context phenomena. Figure 2 shows an example of how the building blocks are used to build a variable. consumption emission fuel carbon- attribute: dioxide gaseous participant role: _:? consumed participant role: main participant role: consumer mass participant role: source World Development Indicator: CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) GSN construction: carbon-dioxide~emitted-from-fuel~gaseous-consumption_mass Fig. 2. Depiction of how a variable from the World Development Indicators list is represented as a dynamic, two-body system in OSV. The patterned circles indicate instances of Matter. A blank node is a stand-in for a participant that is not explicitly identified. 4 Implementation The Geoscience Ontology[4] is an example of a domain-specific OSV application which expresses a wide range of scientific variables. The linked website provides a web interface to a SPARQL endpoint to query a beta version of the ontology. References 1. Hooft, G.: In Search of the Ultimate Building Blocks. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (1997) 2. Guidelines for Construction of CF Standard Names, Data/cf-standard-names/docs/guidelines.html. Last accessed 1 June 2018 3. CSDMS Standard Names, Names. Last accessed 1 June 2018 4. Geoscience Ontology, Last accessed 1 June 2018 5. SWEET Ontology, Last accessed 24 July 2018 6. QUDT Ontology, Last accessed 24 July 2018 7. GCOS Ontology, gcos-content/. Last accessed 24 July 2018