=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2180/paper-68 |storemode=property |title= Science Stories: Using IIIF and Wikidata to Create a Linked-Data Application |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-68.pdf |volume=Vol-2180 |authors=Katherine Thornton,Kenneth Seals-Nutt |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/ThorntonS18 }} == Science Stories: Using IIIF and Wikidata to Create a Linked-Data Application== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-68.pdf
Science Stories: Using IIIF and Wikidata to
     Create a Linked-Data Application

            Katherine Thornton and Kenneth Seals-Nutt

                            Yale University

 Abstract. Images capture human attention. When digital images circu-
 late on the web, people often gather information from the visual content
 alone. There may be embedded metadata in an image, perhaps automat-
 ically generated by the digital camera the photographer used. People do
 not often embed descriptive metadata into digital images they share on-
 line. The standards for image application programming interfaces (APIs)
 that the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIF) created
 provide guidance for how to communicate descriptive, technical, and ad-
 ministrative metadata along with images on the web. We will demo an
 application in which we combine images and structured data to tell sto-
 ries. We tell science stories in this application related to the lives of
 women involved in scientific research, many of these stories have not yet
 been told on the web, we aim to raise their profile.
 Science Stories is a linked data application powered by structured data.
 The facts about the lives of the women whose science stories we are
 telling are syndicated from the Wikidata knowledge base. Content stored
 in Wikidata is machine-readable linked open data, and is published under
 a Creative Commons Zero license. We added references to the statements
 we contributed to Wikidata to published source materials so that others
 can quickly locate additional information.
 We demonstrate how free software and open standards can be leveraged
 to create visually appealing, interactive, information experiences which
 allow people to extend science communication to additional social spaces
 on the web. Images are an important component of scientific communi-
 cation. Images draw human viewers in, and captivate interest. Science
 communication of the twenty-first century allows us to reconnect images
 with descriptive, technical, and administrative metadata in a web pre-
 sentation, and to combine these images with structured statements in
 the web of linked data, backed by references to published sources. This
 application combines structured data from Wikidata, and images pub-
 lished in conformance to the IIIF specifications. This novel combination
 of conceptual and technical infrastructure allows us to explicitly connect
 these science stories to reference materials.

 Keywords: Wikidata, scholarly communication, linked open data, In-
 ternational Image Interoperability Framework
1   Introduction

Science Stories brings scientific work into social spaces. Communicating scien-
tific information in spaces where people can discover it in-context creates a
jumping-off point for further exploration. For an institution with cultural her-
itage collections, there are many scientific resources held in libraries, archives,
museums and galleries that are not yet available on the web. We provide a web
application that leverages linked open data, the International Image Interoper-
ability Framework, the Wikidata knowledge base, and semantic web technologies
to demonstrate a vision of what getting scientific work products and scientific
information into social spaces can do.

2   Description of the App

We developed a web application named Science Stories for this project1 . The ap-
plication is based on the Model-View-Controller paradigm [1]. We used Express2 ,
a Node.js framework and the Handlebars3 templating engine to render HTML in
combination with Bootstrap4 , PagePiling.js5 and the jQuery library6 . We gen-
erate manifests for the images in our application via our custom Science Stories
API. We use Mirador7 to display IIIF manifests in the application. For app-
specific content, we use a Postgresql8 database in combination with Sequelize9 ,
the Object-Relational-Mapping for Postgresql with Node.js. The code for the ap-
plication is available via GitHub10 . Supporting the content of our application, we
built a High-Performance Cantaloupe image server to serve static media from our
Amazon Web Services Bucket instance containing our raw content and locally
developed IIIF manifests. For those wanting to produce content inside our ap-
plication, we have created an annotation server that performs as a filter between
existing manifests and our application view. Authors enter into the annotation
tool, where they can markup media to provide context describing their contents.
To enhance this functionality, we developed a client-side JavaScript function
that allows users to simply label annotations by their Wikidata Identifiers in
the format, wdAnnotation(Q123), and when the manifest is then presented in a
Science Story, the client will convert the label into a rich knowledge graph card
that quickly aggregates data about the specified object in real time using the
Wikidata API for structured quick facts information, Wikimedia Commons for
a descriptive image, and the Wikipedia API for the summary to provide some
free-text descriptors of the object. The Science Stories application also offers a
full graphical user interface tool for authors to create, draft edit, and populate
Stories all from an easy-to-use web-based Story Builder where the API converts
the elements of the form into a well-structured JSON object inside our database.
    Stories are presented as a series of moments, and each moment is illustrated
by an image, or set of images, or related media files. Users can progress through
the moments of a story, or may choose to branch off and follow pathways linked
from media objects themselves. This interaction is enabled by the reuse of URIs
from the Wikidata knowledge base.

3      Semantic Web Powered Science Stories

The data that we curated is now in Wikidata for reuse by anyone. All of the
SPARQL queries we wrote are available for reuse11 . These queries will become
valuable as people continue to add data to Wikidata which will cause these
queries return additional results.
    These items are available for future enrichment- as institutions that have not
yet published info about their collections on the web decide to do so, these items
are ready and waiting for them, allowing for structured statements to accumulate
    Of the women affiliated with Yale University in some scientific capacity prior
to 1969, many of them did not have Wikipedia articles or Wikidata items about
them before the start of our project. Information that exists in print and has
not yet been published on the web requires more time-intensive curation than
information that is already on the web in some form. More people will now have
access to information about these women than ever before.
    The pathways created within Science Stories can be used to guide researchers.
Links to persona papers from archival collections, primary and secondary sources,
and media files related to these individuals will reduce some of the labor in the
initial stages of research, potentially allowing people to explore more deeply.
    Structured data connected to references indicating provenance, such as the
data we curated for the the Science Stories project, could support the work
of exhibit staff in libraries, archives, galleries and museums. Digital exhibitions
can present images that will draw viewers in, and the metadata presented along
with the images provide pathways for further exploration of collection material
and historical, social, or scientific context that support sensemaking. Exhibit
staff need tools to support the work of creating digital exhibits, we demonstrate
how combinations of free software tools and semantic web technologies can be
combined to create exhibits with high-resolution images and deep zoom and the
work of cataloging, metadata, and curatorial staff can be easily leveraged to
present descriptive metadata that bridge the “semantic gap” of images that are
not self-describing [2].
4    Conclusion

We promote the presence of science stories and scientific data in social spaces.
Young people gain exposure to new ideas from participating in social spaces on
the web. Scientific outreach that extends to social media may attract the next
generation of scientists.
    Our system demonstrates the value to users of aggregating metadata from
different institutional collections. Yale University’s rich collection of cultural
heritage materials are located and managed by the many libraries, archives,
museums and galleries across campus. As more institutions begin to digitize
collection materials and to publish metadata for collection material on the web,
we can create systems that allow for interoperability between different metadata
schemes and styles. For users this means that they will no longer need to repeat
the same search across multiple databases or websites to find material related to
their research questions. This also helps to raise the profile of the institution’s
collections as a whole because it will minimize the risk that a user might overlook
collection material that is administratively separated by contextually connected.
    Connecting documents, media files, and unambiguous identifiers for people,
places, things and ideas is possible through web-base publishing integrating tech-
nologies of the semantic web. The infrastructure of our project serves as a ref-
erence model. We use free software, open standards, and freely-licensed content
in order to model open science as a practice that maximizes the potential for
worldwide audiences to engage with resulting content.

5    Acknowledgements
We would like to thank our colleagues at Yale University Library. We appreciate
the support of Holly Rushmeier, David Skelly, Larry Gall, Eric Lazo-Wasem,
Patrick Sweeney, Nicole Palffy-Muhoray, Tim White, Emmanuelle Delmas-Glass,
Michael Appleby, Alison Clemens, the IIIF community, the Wikidata community,
and the Wikicite community.

1. Krasner, G.E., Pope, S.T., et al.: A description of the model-view-controller user
   interface paradigm in the smalltalk-80 system. Journal of object oriented program-
   ming 1(3) (1988) 26–49
2. Shotton, D.: Data webs for image repositories. In Wouters, P., Beaulieu, A., Scharn-
   horst, A., Wyatt, S., eds.: Virtual Knowledge: experimenting in the humanities and
   the social sciences. MIT Press (2012) 98–101