=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2180/paper-71 |storemode=property |title=Allowing Exploratory Search from Podcasts: the Case of Secklow Sounds Radio |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-71.pdf |volume=Vol-2180 |authors=Ilaria Tiddi,Emanuele Bastianelli,Martino Mensio,Enrico Motta |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/TiddiBMM18 }} ==Allowing Exploratory Search from Podcasts: the Case of Secklow Sounds Radio== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-71.pdf
Allowing Exploratory Search from Podcasts: the
        Case of Secklow Sounds Radio

    Ilaria Tiddi, Emanuele Bastianelli, Martino Mensio, and Enrico Motta

        Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, United Kingdom

      Abstract. We present here the Secklow Sounds Radio App that was
      developed as one of the demonstrators in the context of the MK:Smart
      project. Secklow Sounds is a community radio based in the city of Mil-
      ton Keynes (MK), providing digital recordings of their broadcasts online,
      where local issues are often discussed. We developed a mobile-friendly
      web app that, besides offering live streaming of the radio, allows users
      to perform an entity-based search of past broadcasts enhanced with in-
      formation (e.g. areas, museums, topics, etc) provided by the city’s cen-
      tralised repository. The paper presents first the data processing work-
      flow which integrates a number of existing solutions, such as the Google
      Speech-To-Text API, Neural Networks, DBpedia Spotlight, and the Dis-
      cOU search engine, and finally shows how results were integrated into a
      web and mobile application providing an exploratory search service for
      radio podcasts.

      Keywords: Audio processing · Exploratory search · Data integration

1   Introduction
The paper presents the Secklow Sounds Radio App and how this was developed
as a demonstrator for the MK:Data Hub1 , the data integration and sharing
platform of the MK:Smart project2 . MK:Smart is a large collaborative initiative
started in 2014 with the goal of developing innovative technology solutions to
support the economic growth of the city of Milton Keynes (MK). The project pro-
motes the idea that the creation of a common infrastructure to efficiently man-
age, integrate, and re-deliver information from local data sources (energy/water
consumption, transport, satellites, social/economic sources, social media etc.) fa-
cilitates the deployment of data-intensive applications, enabling intelligent data
processing mechanisms for citizens and service providers [4].
     To demonstrate the exploitability of the MK:Data Hub, the Secklow Sounds
Radio App was built as a use-case in collaboration with the Secklow Sounds Ra-
dio3 . As a MK-based community radio, Secklow Sounds provides digital record-
ings of their broadcasts, where local issues are also discussed. Besides offering an
app with live streaming of their episodes, the radio aims to provide its audience
with advanced browsing facilities for their published data.
    As a result, the Secklow Sounds Radio App was developed to allow users to
perform an entity-based search and discovery of the broadcasts, whose contents
(local areas, museums, topics, etc.) were semantically enhanced with information
centralised in the MK:Data Hub. In order to achieve this, we built a data pro-
cessing workflow to transform audio podcasts into explorable data, through the
integration of a number of off-the-shelf solutions addressing the different tasks
to achieve – namely, speech understanding, named entity recognition, semantic
indexing and data augmentation. The final output was then integrated into a
mobile-friendly application publicly available to end-users and radio listeners.
Here we present first the developed pipeline, with a description of its compo-
nents in details, and then show how the processed data were deployed in the
Radio App.

2     Extracting Data from Podcasts
The Secklow Sounds Radio App was implemented using the process depicted in
Figure 1, taking as input the .mp3 of the radio broadcasts, and returning its text
annotated with entities from DBpedia and the MK:Data Hub. The workflow is
divided in: (i) Audio Processing, concerning the set of tasks to obtain texts from
the audio files; (ii) Text Annotation, i.e. the tasks for augmenting the episode
texts with external data and (iii) Data Aggregation, where results are aggregated
and wrapped into the Radio App.

            Audio              Chunking     Filtering    Speech2Text
                                 Pydub        RCNN          Google API

             Text              Enriching    Indexing          NER
                                 ECAPI        DiscOU     DBpedia Spotlight

             Data              Episode       Episode       Entity
          Aggregation          Browsing    Exploration   Exploration

     Fig. 1: Workflow for data processing, from .mp3 files to the Radio App.

Audio Processing. Audio chunking, filtering and speech-to-text are performed
to obtain text from an initial .mp3 file. As radio episodes consist in 60-180 mins
ca. of both music and talks, we chunk audios based on silences using the Python
Pydub4 library, in order to reduce them in length, and to be able to recognise the
spoken chunks (to transcribe into texts) from the music ones. Filtering is then
performed using a Recurrent-Convolutional Neural Network (RCNN) inspired by
[1]. The original RCNN was designed for Music Genre Classification (50 classes),
but was adapted here to produce a binary classification of the audio chunks
(speech or music), through tuning and training the model over a dataset of 1910
audio files tagged by three annotators. Finally, we use the Google Speech-to-Text
Cloud API5 to obtain the transcriptions. The API provides a number of facilities,
including pre-trained models for several languages, and the possibility of feeding
the model with a context-specific vocabulary to improve the recognition. As
Secklow Sounds is a UK-based radio, we used the en-GB language model, and fed
the model with MK-specific entities, e.g. its wards (Wolverton, Bletchley), local
libraries and museums (Bletchley Park, Woburn Sands library) and presenters’

Text Annotation. Text annotation is performed over the transcriptions of the
podcasts, and includes the tasks of named entity recognition, semantic indexing,
and data enrichment. DBpedia Spotlight6 is used first to obtain the list of named
entities from the episodes’ transcriptions. The resulting semantic descriptions
are then indexed using the DiscOU Semantic Indexer7 following the idea of [3].
Based on the Lucene search engine, the Indexer uses the semantic annotations in
order to allow resource search by semantic, rather than textual, similarity. Once
the index is built, resources are annotated with the relevant DBpedia entities
and their occurrence score. If a mapping between DBpedia and the MK:Data
Hub exists (see, for instance, the ward of Wolverton8 ), an additional annotation
is also provided. This allows entities to be explored through the MK:Data Hub
Entity Centric API (ECAPI [2]), which aggregates relevant data (wards, estates,
buildings, bus stops etc.) from multiple data sources.

Data Aggregation. The last step is the aggregation of the annotated audio con-
tents and the implementation of the Radio App. The application, available on-
line9 , is developed using the Angular Mobile UI framework10 , to allow usage
from laptops and mobiles independently from the operating system. Three ac-
tivities can be performed with the app: (i) browsing episodes related to a specific
entity; (ii) exploring the content of a selected episode; and (iii) exploring a spe-
cific entity discussed during an episode. In Figure 2 for example, the user is
searching through the search box for episodes about Wolverton, promptly re-
turned by the indexer (Figure 2a)11 . The selected episode, whose podcast can
be listened, can be explored through its enriched content (Figure 2b), where the
annotated entities obtained during the enriching task are visualised as a word
cloud with different sizes and shades depending on their frequency – for example,
the episode Lifestyle MK of April 2016 discussed food-related topics. Entities
   DBpedia entity: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Wolverton, MK:Data Hub entity
   Note that the set of entities proposed in the facet are only suggestions, while users
   can freely search for any entity (also not related to MK).
in pink are the ones that can be explored through ECAPI, e.g. in Figure 2c
the user is visualising crowdsourced pictures and socio-demographic information
(population age and projection, economical activities) about Wolverton. Simi-
larly, Figure 2d shows that users can also obtain practical information about
local activities (the Milton Keynes Museum), such as location, phone number,
opening times, etc.

(a)        Browsing (b) Exploring a sin-   (c) Exploring enti-    (d) Exploring enti-
episodes facet.     gle episode.           ties (1).              ties (2).

              Fig. 2: Screenshots of the Secklow Sounds Radio App.

3    Demonstration
During the demonstration we will present the Secklow Sounds Radio App with
two main goals, namely to show the benefits of a data integration facility (such
as the MK:Data Hub) to deploy lightweight applications, and how off-the-shelf
solutions can be integrated together into a simple but effective workflow to offer
exploratory search over radio broadcasts.
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