=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2180/paper-73 |storemode=property |title=RDFDigest+: A Summary-driven System for KBs Exploration |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-73.pdf |volume=Vol-2180 |authors=Georgia Troullinou,Haridimos Kondylakis,Kostas Stefanidis,Dimitris Plexousakis |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/TroullinouKSP18a }} ==RDFDigest+: A Summary-driven System for KBs Exploration== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-73.pdf
    RDFDigest+: A Summary-driven System for
                KBs Exploration

Georgia Troullinou1 , Haridimos Kondylakis1 , Kostas Stefanidis2 , and Dimitris
          FORTH-ICS, Heraklion, GR, {troulin,kondylak,dp}@ics.forth.gr
           University of Tampere, Tampere, FI, kostas.stefanidis@uta.fi

      Abstract. In this paper, we present RDFDigest+, a novel tool that en-
      ables effective and efficient RDF/S Knowledge Base (KB) exploration
      using summaries. The tool employs a diverse set of algorithms for iden-
      tifying the most important nodes, offering a wide range of possibilities
      to capture importance. The selected nodes can be combined using multi-
      ple state of the art algorithms to generate a complete schema summary
      graph. In addition, we present a new approach enabling the dynamic ex-
      ploration of summaries through two novel operations zoom and extend.
      Extend focuses on a specific subgraph of the initial summary, whereas
      zoom on the whole graph, both providing granular information access to
      the end-user.

1   Introduction
The recent explosion of the Web data and the associated Linked Open Data
initiative have led to an enormous amount of widely available RDF datasets
[1]. These datasets often have extremely complex schemas, which are difficult
to comprehend, limiting the exploitation potential of the information they con-
tain. As a result, there is an increasing need to develop methods and tools that
facilitate the quick understanding and exploration of these data sources [3].
    In our work, we design and develop RDFDigest+(http://rdfdigest.ics.
forth.gr) that focuses on three aspects: a) how to identify the most important
nodes of an RDF/S KB, b) how to link those nodes in order to produce a valid
sub-schema graph and c) how to enable the active exploration of the KB, pre-
senting various statistical information and enabling zooming operators. Multiple
importance measures [2] have been adapted from graph theory, offering a wide
range of alternatives for identifying the importance of a node. To locate the
proper paths connecting those nodes, we model the problem either as a graph
Steiner-tree problem or as a maximum cost-spanning tree one [4]. Finally, over
these generated summaries, we enable zoom-in and zoom-out operations, in or-
der to get granular information, by adding more important nodes or removing
existing ones from the generated summary. In addition, through the extend op-
erator, we allow selecting a subset of the presented nodes in order to visualize
other dependent nodes. Both operators can be progressively applied to make the
whole process more efficient (more details in [5]).
2   Approach

In this work, we separate between the schema and instances of an RDF/S KB,
represented in separate graphs, GS and GI . The schema graph contains all classes
and the properties they are associated with. The instance graph contains all
individuals, and the instantiations of schema properties.
    Identification of the most important nodes. For ranking the available
schema nodes based on their importance, we use the following measures: Degree,
Betweeness, Bridging Centrality, Harmonic Centrality, Radiality, Betweenness,
PageRank and HITS [2] [5]. As the aforementioned measures have been de-
veloped for generic graphs, we adapt them to be used for RDF/S graphs. To
achieve that first we normalize each importance measure and then the number
of instances that belong to a schema node. As such, the adapted importance mea-
sure (AIM) of each node is the sum of the normalized values of the importance
measures and the instances. Overall, our platform is flexible enough to enable
the addition of new measures by just adding new function calls.
    Linking most important nodes Having a way to rank the schema nodes
of an RDF/S KB according to the perceived importance, we then select the
top-k ones and focus on the paths that link those nodes, aiming to produce
a valid sub-schema graph. RDFDigest+ offers two methods for achieving this.
The first one focuses on identifying a maximum cost spanning tree (MST) in the
graph, and on linking the selected nodes using paths from the selected tree. The
corresponding algorithm is computationally efficient. However, although MST
identifies the paths with the maximum weight in the whole graph, the paths
selected out of the MST might not maximize overall the weight of the selected
summary. Moreover, many additional nodes might be introduced in the result,
since there is only one path to be selected between two nodes and in this path
many other not important nodes might appear as well. Alternatively, we model
the problem of linking the most important nodes as a variation of the well-known
Graph Steiner-Tree problem where the goal is to minimize the additional nodes
introduced for connecting the top-k nodes. However, the problem is NP-hard,
and as such approximation algorithms should be explored.
    Exploration through summaries. With summaries, users can better un-
derstand the KB contents. However, they might find the presented information
overwhelming and may want to see complementary information.
    Extend: The extend operator gets as input a subgraph of the summary
schema graph and identifies other nodes that depend on the selected nodes.
Dependence has not only to do with distance. Like TF-IDF, the basic hypothe-
sis is that the greater the influence of a property on identifying a corresponding
instance is, the less times it is repeated. Specifically, we define the dependence
between two classes as a combination of their cardinality closeness CC, the AIM
of the classes, and the number of nodes appearing inPthe path Y connecting these
                                                           AIM (i)
                                           AIM (v)āˆ’
                                                     iāˆˆY CC((iāˆ’1),i)
two classes. That is: Dependence(u, v) =           |Yu,v |           , where CC is
defined for a pair of classes as the number of distinct edges over the number
of all edges between them. As we move away from a node, the dependence be-
comes smaller by calculating the differences of AIM across a selected path in
the graph. In addition, we penalize dependence dividing by the distance of the
two examined nodes. The corresponding algorithm calculates the dependence of
the adjacent nodes expanding progressively the range until it reaches a specified
number of nodes. Then it links the nodes to be added using three approxima-
tions: a) CHINS, which in essence starts with a partial solution consisting of
a single schema graph node and then finds one additional node each time; b)
Shortest Paths, which proceeds similar to CHINS but starts with all nodes avail-
able in the summary in the first partial solution and c) Dependent Paths, which
uses the nodes already visited when computing Dependence.
    Zoom: Differently, we focus on zooming, by exploiting the schema graph as
a whole. That is, we introduce the zoom-out and zoom-in operators to produce
more detailed or coarse summary schema graphs. To this end, we consider the n0
schema nodes with the highest importance in GS , where n0 can be either greater
than n, for achieving a zoom-out, or smaller than n, for achieving a zoom-in,
where n represents the size of the given summary.
    The simplest approach for zooming-in/out, is to calculate from scratch the
T OPn0 schema nodes and then to use the Steiner-Tree algorithm from scratch to
link the selected nodes. However, since we already have an existing summary as a
basis for our zoom operations we explore the following approximations: a) Zoom-
in: Remove the nodes in T OPn \T OPn0 and their connections without recalculat-
ing the Steiner-Tree algorithm for T OPn0 - this might leave additional nodes in
the result summary. b) Zoom-out - CHINS : Add the nodes in T OPn0 \T OPn and
link them with existing summary using the CHINS approximation algorithm. c)
Zoom-out - Shortest Paths: Add the nodes in T OPn0 \T OPn and link them with
existing summary using the Shortest Paths approximation algorithm.

3   Architecture & Demonstration

The high-level architecture of the system is shown in Figure 1 (left). The sum-
marization process starts by uploading an RDF/S file, or by providing the URL
of an online file. The file is then stored to a Virtuoso triple store. Our engine
preprocesses the available information and stores statistical and metadata infor-
mation in a different Virtuoso graph. As long as existing information is available
for a specific file, it can be reused and not recomputed.
    To demonstrate the functionalities of the RDFDigest+, shown in Figure 1
(right)), we will use 5 KBs: the BIOSPHERE ontology, the Financial ontology,
the Aktors Portal ontology, the CIDOC-CRM ontology and DBPedia. The vari-
ety on the size, the domain and the structure of these ontologies offers an inter-
esting test case for our demonstration. The demonstration will start by selecting
one of the aforementioned ontologies and producing a visual summary identify-
ing and linking the most important nodes in the KB. In the presented summary
graph, the size of a node depends on the its importance. By clicking on a node,
additional metadata (e.g. the number of instances, and the connected properties
and instances) are provided to enhance ontology understanding. Further explo-
       Fig. 1. System architecture (left), Extend and zoom operators (right).
ration of the data source is allowed by clicking on the details (on the left) of
the selected class and properties. When clicked, its instances and connections
appear in a pop-up window. Double-clicking on a node extends the summary of
that specific node providing more detailed information regarding the dependent
nodes. In addition, the summary can be zoomed-in and zoomed-out to present
more detailed or more generic information regarding the whole summary. Finally,
the user can download the summary as a valid RDF/S document.
    The demonstration will proceed in four phases: a) Selecting important nodes.
The whole idea of exploring RDF/S KBs through summaries will be described
and the basics behind each importance measure will be highlighted. According to
the user decisions, the results will be discussed. b) Selecting linking algorithms.
We will demonstrate the differences between the two linking algorithms, focusing
on different perspectives for linking the most important nodes. c) Exploration
operators. We will demonstrate how the two operators help to focus in more
detailed or coarser information. d)Hands-on phase. Conference participants can
directly interact with the system, exploring through summaries the aforemen-
tioned ontologies. To our knowledge, no other system today is available on the
Web, enabling the summarization of RDF/S KB, providing functionalities for
active data exploration through summaries.

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