Exploration of Grateful Dead Concerts and Memorabilia on the Semantic Web Thomas Wilmering, Florian Thalmann, and Mark B. Sandler Centre for Digital Music (C4DM), School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK {t.wilmering, f.thalmann, mark.sandler}@qmul.ac.uk Abstract. With the increasing importance attributed to intangible cul- tural heritage, of which music performance is an important part, public archive collections contain a growing proportion of audio and video ma- terial. Currently used models have only limited capabilities for their rep- resentation. This demo illustrates our proposal for a unified ontological model of live music recordings and associated tangible artefacts with a Web application for the exploration of live music events of the Grateful Dead. Keywords: live music · cultural heritage · multimedia · Grateful Dead. 1 Overview With the ubiquitous and immediate availability of recorded music on stream- ing services and internet platforms, live music events are becoming increasingly central to the music world, due to the unique and physical musical experience delivered to the audience [7]. For many decades, music fans have been doc- umenting such events and accumulating artefacts and memorabilia, many of which are now being transferred to public archives and often digitised [3]. The use of Semantic Web technologies presents an opportunity for linking the nu- merous archives online. However, commonly used conceptual models for this purpose lack a consistent representation of sound and multimedia objects [4, 5]. In [8] we propose a data model for a unified representation of cultural artefacts of time-based and non-time-based nature, which allows their alignment along a hierarchy of timelines. This demo introduces a web application1 based on this model for the exploration of Grateful Dead concerts through digitised artefacts and audio recordings. A particular focus is placed on semantic audio analysis and thus enabled functionality. 2 Data Model The Web application is based on an application-based ontological model that conceptualises different types of live music events and their relationships based 1 https://grateful-dead-live.github.io (in development) time Event sub_event Interval time CapturingEvent ArtifactItem associated_with timeline time item DigitalArtifactItem PhysicalArtifactItem Instant url digital_image timeline documents ArtifactManifestation URL url DigitalImage Timeline produced manifestation timeline ArtifactExpression Live Music Event Vocabulary Interval Event Ontology CapturingArtifactExpression Music Ontology time Timeline Ontology property relation AudioSignal VideoSignal EventPhoto PromotionArtifact FanmadeArtifact subclass relation subproperty relation Fig. 1: Data model for associating artefacts with the live music event and its timeline with examples of artefact expressions. on the Event Ontology2 and live-music related artefacts including musical and non-musical ones. We relate artefacts with events at any scale, e.g. tours, fes- tivals, or concerts, and place them in a hierarchy of timelines associated with the events, using the timeline ontology3 . The ontology allows connecting any event to Music Ontology4 concepts such as artists, groups, compositions, etc. An overview of the data model for artefacts is given in Figure 1. In [8] we pro- pose mappings to concepts of the Music Ontology and FRBRoo5 , facilitating the mediation and interchange of music-related, bibliographic and museum in- formation, based on the Group 1 entities of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) entity-relationship model [6]. 3 Web Application The Web application focuses on live concerts of the band Grateful Dead. The band’s history continues to garner interest by both fans and scholars, both with respect to their music and their cultural impact [2]. The application combines information collected from existing Web resources combined with automatic se- mantic analysis of audio content to infer higher-level musical information, allow- ing users to explore the band’s concert history with an audiovisual experience. Knowledge Acquisition and Architecture The Grateful Dead collection of the Live Music Archive (LMA)6 consists, at the time of writing, of more than 12,000 concert recordings recorded on over 2,000 dates spanning the years 1965 to 1995. The audio material is accompanied by basic unstructured metadata covering information such as dates, venues, set lists and recording lineage. The recordings are digital transfers of fan-made audience recordings encouraged by 2 http://motools.sourceforge.net/event/event.html 3 http://motools.sourceforge.net/timeline/timeline.html 4 http://musicontology.com/ 5 https://www.ifla.org/publications/node/11240 6 https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead etree Web CALMA triple resources data store audio feature Web parser extractors triple Web audio RDF generation store player API Web data flow application query audio data Fig. 2: GUI of the Web application. Fig. 3: System architecture of the Web application. the band for non-commercial use, and recordings taken from the audio engineers’ mixing desks. The application combines audio recordings with data from several Semantic Web resources, including Live Music Archive Linked Data7 and DB- pedia8 , for information about venues, cities, artists, etc. Data taken from other Web resources related to Grateful Dead concerts includes scans of artefacts such as tickets and posters, and setlist and lineup details. Data from these sites has been aggregated using dedicated scripts which parse information and automati- cally generate RDF data. Audio feature extraction results are accessible via links to the Computational Analysis of the Live Music Archive (CALMA) dataset [1]. These features are for instance used for constructing a reference timeline for the alignment of different recordings of a given concert, which the archive provides as separate files with inconsistent segment boundaries and completeness, sourced from tape recordings of varying speeds. Figure 3 illustrates the system architec- ture and a high-level representation of the linking process. The Web application uses its own API acccepting SPARQL queries, as well as a Web Audio player which recombines and streams audio from the LMA. Functionality and Frontend Figure 2 shows a screenshot of the prototype with a view of a particular concert, which juxtaposes the information, artefacts, and recordings available for that particular date. Users can listen to the record- ings, read about the venue, location, setlist, the musicians, etc, and find images and historical weather data. Via links at each of the concepts and the timeline of the band’s career, related concerts can be reached and explored. For example, users can find any concert where a particular song was played directly through such links. Additionally, a search function allows users to find more specific in- formation which is then compiled and visually presented. Enabled by the audio 7 http://etree.linkedmusic.org/about/ 8 https://wiki.dbpedia.org/ features stored in the graph, users will also be able to look for similar versions of songs, compare aligned different recordings of the same concert, as well as create playlists and audible collages based on particular search results. Further Development Future work includes the evaluation of the application with a user-study conducted in collaboration with the Internet Archive9 . The study will consist of automated analysis of user-behaviour, as well as surveys for the assessment of aspects of the user experience. We are currently working on improving the functionality based on audio features extracted from live music recordings, as well as exploring new possibilities of interacting with the audio archive, continuing the work discussed in [9], implementing immersive audio applications using different recordings of a given concert. Further work on the data model will lead to an extension to the Music Ontology covering live music events and associated artefacts. Acknowledegments This paper is supported by EPSRC Grant EP/L019981/1, Fusing Audio and Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Music Production and Consumption. Mark B. Sandler acknowledges the support of the Royal Society as a recipient of a Wolfson Research Merit Award. References 1. Bechhofer, S., Page, K., Weigl, D., Fazekas, G., Wilmering, T.: Linked data publi- cation of live music archives and analyses. 16th International Semantic Web Con- ference (ISWC) 2017 (2017) 2. Benson, M.: Why the Grateful Dead Matter. ForeEdge Press (2016) 3. Collins, J.: Doing-it-together: Public history-making and activist archiving in online popular music community archives. In: Preserving Popular Music Heritage, pp. 91– 104. Routledge (2015) 4. ICOM/CIDOC: Definition of the CIDOC conceptual reference model ver- sion 6.2.2. Online: http://www.cidoc-crm.org/sites/default/files/2017-09- 30%23CIDOC%20CRM v6.2.2 esIP.pdf (2017) 5. International Federation of Library Associates and Institutions: Definition of FR- BRoo: A conceptual model for bibliographic information in object-oriented formal- ism. Online: https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/cataloguing/FRBRoo/frbroo v 2.4. pdf (2015) 6. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions : Functional re- quirements for bibliographic records – final report. Online: https://www.ifla.org/ files/assets/cataloguing/frbr/frbr 2008.pdf (2009) 7. Kjus, Y.: Live and Recorded: Music Experience in the Digital Millennium. Springer (2018) 8. Thalmann, F., Wilmering, T., Sandler, M.B.: Cultural heritage documentation and exploration of live music events with linked data. Workshop on Semantic Applica- tions for Audio and Music (SAAM 2018), Monterey, California USA (2018) 9. Wilmering, T., Thalmann, F., Sandler, M.B.: Grateful live: Mixing multiple record- ings of a Dead performance into an immersive experience. In: Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society Convention 141 (2016) 9 https://archive.org/