=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2180/paper-80 |storemode=property |title=From Data Search to Data Showcasing: The Role of Semantic Technologies in a New Service |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-80.pdf |volume=Vol-2180 |authors=Peter Cotroneo,Wouter Haak,Gabriel Oscares,Eleonora Presani,Abhinav Rohatgi,Paul Groth |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/CotroneoHOPRG18 }} ==From Data Search to Data Showcasing: The Role of Semantic Technologies in a New Service == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-80.pdf
From Data Search to Data Showcasing: The Role
   of Semantic Technologies in a New Service

Peter Cotroneo1 , Wouter Haak1 , Gabriel Oscares1 , Eleonora Presani1 , Abhinav
                         Rohatgi1 , and Paul Groth1
                        Radarweg 29. Amsterdam 1043 NX

       Abstract. Universities and other research institutions increasingly want
       to present and showcase the datasets their researchers produce. In this
       work, we describe how Elsevier has leveraged semantic technologies in
       the form of knowledge graphs and cross-organizational metadata in order
       to create a dataset showcasing service.

Introduction The scientific community is increasingly concerned with the avail-
ability of datasets in order to improve the scientific process.3 This has led to a
large ecosystem of research data repositories where researchers can make their
datasets available including data specific repositories (e.g. the Protein Data-
bank), general data repositories (e.g. Zenodo), institutional data repositories
(e.g. University of Melbourne data repository), to field specific repositories (e.g.
ICPSR). Institutions interested in understanding their output in terms of data
thus face a challenging proposition: they need to be able to discover datasets
across all these repositories and provide a navigable index. This navigable in-
dex is what’s termed a showcase. While they can, and in some cases do, require
researchers to register their datasets with a central portal, this is a time consum-
ing process especially in institutions with thousands of researchers who work in
multiple disciplines. In this work, we describe the use of two kinds of semantic
technologies: 1) cross-organizational metadata and 2) a knowledge graph of re-
search to build a data showcasing service. Importantly, the launch of this service
has been a critical component of Elsevier’s Research Data Management value

System Description A prerequisite to the the creation of the showcasing service
was the ability to index existing data from multiple repositories. Elsevier had
already developed a research data search engine4 with the primary use case being
to support researchers in their search for data.5 The search engine provides deep
  Mesirov, J.P.: Accessible reproducible research. Science 327(5964), 415–416 (2010).
  de Waard, A.: Research data management at Elsevier: Supporting networks
  of data and workflows. Information Services & Use 36(1-2), 4955 (Sep 2016).
indexing (i.e. both metadata and data) of over 30 data repositories. A key part
of the search engine is that it normalizes the metadata provided by the multiple
data repositories to a common schema. This, for example, ensures that we index
the author name, institution, license, links to publications, etc in a common way.
Using this information, we can essentially look-up all datasets with an associated
institution. However, this is not as trivial as it first seems. First, we face the issue
that many of the repositories do not provide an institution name at all for their
datasets. Second, the institution name is provided as free-text. This is where
semantic technologies come into play.
    Cross-Organizational Metadata: To obtain institutional names associated with
datasets, we use the notion that research data is often associated with schol-
arly articles. Over the last several years, the Scholix initiative6 of the Research
Data Alliance and the World Data System was formed to allow organizations to
exchange metadata about the links between datasets and literature. It is sup-
ported by over 15 organizations including Elsevier, DataCite, OpenAire, Cross-
ref, ANDS, and EBI for example. Concretely, a common schema7 was designed
to express these links. Data repositories then register these links with one of
the Scholix hubs; for example with DataCite or CrossRef. The OpenAire Sc-
holexplorer Service harvests and aggregates these links and exposes these using
a web API. Thus, there is a shared semantics about what is contained in these
links and how to address them. Elsevier’s system then uses the Scholexplorer
service to enrich its knowledge graph of research to have links between articles
and datasets.
    A Knowledge Graph of Research: Scopus is a database of the world’s scientific
literature. It forms a knowledge graph connecting 69 million unique article enti-
ties, with 70,000 institutional entities and 12 million author entities stored using
standard search engine technologies. Our showcasing service uses this knowledge
graph to first identify all the articles associated with an institution. It then fil-
ters out all articles that contain a link to a dataset and that is also contained
in the data search index. Thus, using data search we can generate a searchable
showcase page limited to datasets published by the institutions. Furthermore, we
can use the knowledge graph to disambiguate free text institution names when
available in the data search index.

Conclusion In this work, we briefly described our approach to creating a new
service that would be difficult to build without two semantic approaches: knowl-
edge graphs and cross organizational shared metadata. It was not just enough to
provide disambiguated entities, it was necessary to be able to have links between
entities - being able to jump from institution to article to dataset. Likewise, a
shared schema across providers is crucial in being able to deliver this service at
scale across multiple independent and heterogenous data repositories. Overall,
we have seen that the time to market has been reduced using these approaches.
    Burton, A., Fenner, M., Haak, W., Manghi, P.: Scholix Metadata
    Schema for Exchange of Scholarly Communication Links (Nov 2017).