=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2180/paper-84 |storemode=property |title=Linking Media: adopting Semantic Technologies for Multimodal Media Connection |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-84.pdf |volume=Vol-2180 |authors=Delia Fernandez-Canellas,Elisenda Bou-Balust,Xavier Giro-I-Nieto |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/Fernandez-Canellas18 }} ==Linking Media: adopting Semantic Technologies for Multimodal Media Connection== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-84.pdf
Linking Media: adopting Semantic Technologies
       for multimodal media connection

    Dèlia Fernández-Canellas1,2 , Elisenda Bou-Balust1 , Xavier Giró-i-Nieto2 ,
    Juan Carlos Riveiro1 , Joan Espadaler1 , David Rodriguez1 , Aleix Colom1 ,
     Joan Marco Rimmek1 , David Varas1 , Issey Massuda1 , and Carlos Roig1
                                        Vilynx, Inc.
                        Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

       Abstract. Today’s media and news organizations are constantly gen-
       erating large amounts of multimedia content, majorly delivered online.
       As the online media market grows, the management and delivery of con-
       tents is becoming a challenge. Computational approaches can help to
       overcome this challenge by governing different applications such as con-
       tent creation, production, search, and its promotion and distribution to
       different audiences.
       In this abstract we present a success story of the adoption of semantic
       technologies on the aforementioned applications, which are built on top
       of a semantic tagging framework, based on a Knowledge Graph (KG).
       The presented pipeline combines multimodal inputs into a contextual
       entity linking module, which indexes documents and links them to trends
       and stories developing on the news. We will describe how documents are
       linked and provided to media producers through Vilynx’s platform, which
       is currently indexing over 20k media documents a day.

       Keywords: semantic web · knowledge graph · linked data · multimedia

1    Motivation
Media producers publish large amounts of multimedia content online - both text,
audio and video. To be able to explode all this information we need methods
to connect multimodal documents. Integrating and linking media documents
requires the understanding and extraction of semantics which describe its con-
tent with a universal representation. Labels could be used to describe document
contents. However, most of the times this data is not labeled or when labeled it
does not use standards. Moreover, manually labeling data is unfeasible, therefore
automatic methods for tagging are needed.
    Vilynx provides a media platform with semantic solutions to automatically
index multimedia documents from a library and generates search and recommen-
dation engines by linking them to other contents, trends and to stories developing
in the news. The user interface displays in an intuitive manner the links between
media documents and stories and allows navigation through related content by
using associated semantic tags. This interface is a powerful industrial tool for
publishers to index, retrieve and visualize their contents. It helps them identify
which topics require more attention, or retrieve related content that has already
been published about the stories. Moreover, recommendation and search tools
        Fig. 1. Scheme of Vilynx’s multimodal document tagging framework.

are build on top of the detected semantic entities and integrated on customer’s
web pages.

2    System Overview
In this section we give a brief explanation of the framework that powers this
media linking platform (shown in Figure 1). The media documents are indexed
with a rich collection of tags associated to KG entities. The system provides
tags from three different sources: visual, audio and associated text. The visual
tagging algorithm provides detection of the people and places appearing on the
video using deep learning analytics. The tags from the text block are gener-
ated by parsing document web pages and applying a Name Entity Recognition
(NER) module to extract mentions. The audio transcript from videos is obtained
through speech to text algorithms, and the mentions in the audio are extracted
using NER, as for the text source. Finally, mentions and entities extracted from
the multi-modal sources are linked to KG entities by the Entity Linking (EL)
module, using the entity’s relations as context. Moreover, entities’s relations are
updated on the KG when new relations are found on tagged documents.
    Once semantic tags are assigned, the document becomes part of the linked
data space. This allows us to relate it to other documents, trends and associated
stories developing on the news.
    Vilynx’s platform displays contents from the customer library, the top trend-
ing entities from social networks, and the top trending stories on the news. This
platform allows navigation through contents using semantic links. Also, search
tools are developed for fast access to information. Due to space considerations,
we have omitted the details of our system. For more information see [1] [2].
1. Fernàndez, Dèlia, et al. ”ViTS: Video tagging system from massive web multimedia
   collections.” Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Web-scale Vision and Social Media
   (VSM). IEEE Press, 2017.
2. Fernàndez, Dèlia, et al. ”What is going on in the world? A display platform for me-
   dia understanding. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Multimedia
   Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR). IEEE Press, 2018.