=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2180/paper-85 |storemode=property |title=Elsevier's Healthcare Knowledge Graph and the Case for Enterprise Level Linked Data Standards |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-85.pdf |volume=Vol-2180 |authors=Alex DeJong,Radmila Bord,Will Dowling,Rinke Hoekstra,Ryan Moquin,Charlie O,Mevan Samarasinghe,Paul Snyder,Craig Stanley,Anna Tordai,Michael Trefry,Paul Groth |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/DeJongBDHMOSSST18 }} ==Elsevier's Healthcare Knowledge Graph and the Case for Enterprise Level Linked Data Standards== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-85.pdf
Elsevier’s Healthcare Knowledge Graph and the
Case for Enterprise Level Linked Data Standards

     Alex DeJong1 , Radmila Bord1 , Will Dowling1 , Rinke Hoekstra1 , Ryan
    Moquin1 , Charlie O1 , Mevan Samarasinghe1 , Paul Snyder1 , Craig Stanley1 ,
                Anna Tordai1 , Michael Trefry1 , and Paul Groth1
                         Radarweg 29. Amsterdam 1043 NX
    a.dejong, r.bord, w.dowling, p.groth, r.hoekstra, r.moquin, charlie.o,
    m.samarasinghe, p.snyder, c.stanley, a.tordai, m.trefry, @elsevier.com

        Abstract. Linked Data principles and standards provide a powerful
        means for data integration across multiple sources. However, these stan-
        dards are often too open to interpretation. In this work, we describe the
        necessity to define enterprise wide Linked Data standards in order to
        deliver Elsevier’s healthcare knowledge graph and lessons learned in its

    Introduction: Data from multiple parts of an organization is increasingly seen
as an asset to enable new product functionality. This is similar at Elsevier. Else-
vier provides a number of products in its health division that focus on different
parts of the health system. For example, Order Sets provides groups of prepack-
aged actions for patients to do after diagnosis; Clinical Key provides key reference
material for physicians, and the Gold Standard Drug Database provides com-
prehensive timely information about available medicines. As Elsevier looks to
develop new products for clinical decision support across the clinical workflow3 ,
providing access to data from across products is necessary. Hence, our goal is to
provide a data network that provides internal developers access to health data
from different systems within Elsevier in a connected way.
    However, there are a number of challenges in creating such a data network.
First, the data is stored in different databases and the APIs differ across prod-
ucts. Second, each of these products has different pipelines for the sourcing and
curation of its data. This includes already built applications that are designed
for in-house experts and complex processes for data ingest. Lastly, the products
are written on different software stacks, ranging from .NET to Java. Rewriting
all these source systems on a common platform would be costly. Centralizing
the data itself with a standard ETL process would introduce delays between
data updates. Accessing the databases directly is also not advisable as, in many
cases, there is coupling between application logic and the underlying database:
for example, knowledge about which tables can be combined, or about access
and licensing controls is in the logic.
     Thus, to tackle these challenges, we looked to Linked Data which addresses
many of these concerns in terms of heterogeneity of technology stacks and the
distributed nature of data. Here, we describe how we adapted Linked Data to
Elsevier’s context and a number of lessons learned in this internal adoption.
     A Linked Data Approach: As a starting point, we asked three development
teams to expose their data using APIs following the Linked Data principles.4 In
the course of initial development, it became clear that the breadth of technology
choices that are Linked Data compliant is large and hindered interoperability.
For example, end-points could provide RDF-XML as their serialization format
or JSON-LD. Both are valid formats to establish an a Linked Data end-point,
but a data consumer application that wants to use these end-points has to un-
derstand and implement two formats. Likewise, in other areas Linked Data is
under specified. For example, security is is typically a limited consideration in
the standards, since it is assumed all the data is publicly accessible on the In-
ternet, which is true for many published endpoints but enterprise data needs to
consider access requirements.
     Thus, we took a two pronged approach. The first prong was, working with
the development teams, to define a set of enterprise-wide Linked Data standards.
Examples of constraints in these standards are as follows: All URIs need to be
dereferenceable, support content-negotiation and at a minimum must return
JSON-LD. A common set of namespace prefixes is specified. Class and property
definitions need to follow a common set of naming conventions. Basic provenance
information with a common set of provenance relations must be provided.
     The second prong was to provide a central location (i.e. hostname) for access
to the data network. This proxy maps selected context paths, e.g. /health/drugs,
to a specific linked data API in the network. This central location has three
benefits. It provides a well-known location to access Elsevier’s Linked Data. It
allows us to have control over what APIs are able to become officially part of
the data network. Lastly, it allows us to employ standard security measures
across the data network minimizing overhead on the decentralized providers.
The combination of a technical enforcement point with clear guidance provided
a path to implementation. Our current healthcare knowledge graph is currently
being used in the development of a number of new products.
     Conclusion & Lessons Learned: Overall, Linked Data has provided a viable
mechanism for producing a cohesive data network. In the process, we came away
with a number of key lessons learned: 1. an API centric approach is crucial as
it fits in with standard web app models; 2. using existing developer tools (Jira,
Git, Slack, Confluence) is important for integrating into the development cycle;
3. specifying which part of Linked Data technologies should be used is criti-
cal; 4. providing internal examples eases adoption; and 5. the platform agnostic
nature of Linked Data is helpful in heterogenous environments within the enter-