=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2180/paper-87 |storemode=property |title=Knowledge-based Question Answering for DIYers |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-87.pdf |volume=Vol-2180 |authors=Doo Soon Kim,Zhe Feng,Lin Zhao |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/KimFZ18 }} ==Knowledge-based Question Answering for DIYers== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-87.pdf
     Knowledge-based Question Answering for DIYers

                      Doo Soon Kim? and Zhe Feng and Lin Zhao

                         Bosch Research, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA

       Abstract. DIY (Do-It-Yourself) requires extensive knowledge such as the usage
       of tools, properties of materials, and the procedure of activities. Most DIYers use
       online search to find information but it is usually time-consuming and challenging
       for novice DIYers to understand the retrieved results and later apply them to their
       individual DIY tasks. In the work, we present a Question Answering (QA) system
       which can address the DIYers’ specific needs. The core component is a knowl-
       edge base (KB) which contains a vast amount of domain knowledge encoded in a
       knowledge graph. The system is able to explain how the answers are derived with
       reasoning process. Our user study shows that the QA system addresses DIYers’
       needs more effectively than the web search.

1    Problem
Our goal is to build a QA system for the home improvement DIY projects available at
Bosch-Do-It 1 . Table 1 shows the common DIY question types, which were collected
through a user study. Given a question, the QA system should provide not only an an-
swer but also an explanation on how the answer is derived. The explanation capability is
particularly important for the DIY questions which are generally a non-factoid question.

2    The DIY QA System
Fig. 1 shows the overall architecture of our system. The key component is a KB which
is graphically represented using RDF and stored in Stardog 2 , a semantic web platform.
The ontology defines a taxonomy of about 300 entity concepts and 150 action concepts.
The entity concepts include the common DIY objects such as tools (e.g., J IGSAW), ac-
cessories (e.g., D RILL -B IT) and materials (e.g., W OOD -S CREW). The action concepts
include the DIY actions such as S AWING and G LUING, and also include the tool-related
actions such as R EPLACING -B LADE. Each concept is associated with domain knowl-
edge such as the definition and other attributes. Each DIY project is then represented us-
ing the concepts. Specifically, the project representation consists of the required entities
and the action structure. The required entities indicate the entities needed in the project
along with their specification information, while the action structure describes a hierar-
chical structure of the sub-actions to represent the decomposition of the project steps.
Our KB also contains the product knowledge which are used to recommend the tools or
accessories suitable for a project. Different types of knowledge are inter-connected to
one another and therefore can be combined to answer more complex questions.
   The first author is now affiliated with Adobe Research (contact: dkim@adobe.com).
2          D. Kim et al.

Question Type      Sub-question type                       Example
                                                           What power tools do I need in the project?
                   required entities / properties
                                                           What is the length of the drill bit needed in the project?
                 alternative entities                      Can I use a circular saw instead of a jigsaw in step 2?
                 time / difficulty / cost                  How long does the project take?
Project Question
                 explanation of actions                    Can you explain the sawing step in more detail?
                 specific location of actions              Where should it be screwed?
                 alternative actions                       Are there other options instead of pre-drilling?
                 definition of tool / accessory / material What is jigsaw?
                 related action                            What can I do with a jigsaw?
                 tips                                      Is there any safety tip for using a jigsaw?
Domain Question
                 structural info                           What does a jigsaw look like?
                 comparison                                How does a jigsaw differ from a circular saw?

               Table 1: Selected types of the DIY questions and their examples

             Natural                  structured       grounded         structured            Multi-modal
            language                   question        question          answer                natural
             question                                                                           answer
                          Question                                               Answer
                                              Grounding        Reasoning
                        Understanding                                           Generation

                         Taxonomy         Project    Domain       Product    User / Context
                         of Concept         KR         KR           KR             KR

                                Fig. 1: Architecture of Our QA System

    The KB is then used by the reasoner to derive an answer. For most question types,
our system converts the question into a SPARQL query using in-house NLP solutions
and execute it against the knowledge graph. For some complex question types (e.g.,
’alternative entities’ in Table. 1), we use advanced AI reasoning techniques 3 .

3      Evaluation and Discussion
In the pilot study, we compared our system against online search, a common method
for information seeking. Specifically, we conducted a user study where 20 users were
given a sample DIY project along with 5 questions and were asked to find an answer
using online search and our QA system in separate sessions. With online search, the
average time of finding an answer was 3.8 min. while our QA system can instantly
provide an answer. The users’ satisfaction rate with our system was also found to be
significantly better than that with online search. In the talk, we also want to share the
lessons we learned from this project: pipelined architecture vs. end-to-end architecture,
importance of explainability, and the knowledge acquisition bottleneck.
     See Wang, Y., Lee., J., Kim, D.S.: A logic based approach to answering questions about alter-
     natives in DIY domains, Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI), 2017.