=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2182/paper_3 |storemode=property |title=A Framework to Support the Trust Process in News and Social Media |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2182/paper_3.pdf |volume=Vol-2182 |authors=Carlos Laufer,Daniel Schwabe |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/LauferS18 }} ==A Framework to Support the Trust Process in News and Social Media== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2182/paper_3.pdf
       Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls:
     Semantic Web for Transparency and Privacy

 Piero A. Bonatti5 , Bert Bos2 , Stefan Decker4 , Javier D. Fernández1 , Sabrina
     Kirrane1 , Vassilios Peristeras3 , Axel Polleres1 , and Rigo Wenning2 ?
                   Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
                          International Hellenic University, Greece
                       RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Germany
                      Universita‘ degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy

        Abstract. Managing Privacy and understanding the handling of per-
        sonal data has turned into a fundamental right—at least for Europeans—
        since May 25th with the coming into force of the General Data Protec-
        tion Regulation. Yet, whereas many different tools by different vendors
        promise companies to guarantee their compliance to GDPR in terms of
        consent management and keeping track of the personal data they handle
        in their processes, interoperability between such tools as well uniform
        user facing interfaces will be needed to enable true transparency, user-
        configurable and -manageable privacy policies and data portability (as
        also—implicitly—promised by GDPR). We argue that such interoper-
        ability can be enabled by agreed upon vocabularies and Linked Data.

1     Why Privacy needs Interoperability
The level of privacy and trust concerns has raised to a point where regulators,
citizens and companies have started to take action. Services on the Web are
often very complex orchestrations of cooperations between multiple actors, and
the processing of personal data in Big Data environments is becoming intrans-
parently complex. The level of complexity will increase further if the upcoming
Internet of Things is taken into account. If trust in such services is eroded, the
growth of the Web and the digital economy itself, and therefore the prosperity
of society in general are endangered. The challenge is how to convey the trans-
parency to the user to allow for informed personal data self determination. This
includes especially methods to gather and manage user consent, even in an IoT
    Authors alphabetically odered. Copyright c 2018 for this paper by its authors.
    Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.
2        A. Polleres et al.

    While building privacy-by-design[3] into systems is a much wider scope, we
already lack the tools and best practices for those wanting to be good citizens of
the Web to provide interoperable and understandable privacy controls, with the
exception maybe of work on Permissions[6] and on tracking protection[5], but
even those only cover partial aspects.
    We argue that existing work on Standards in this domain have not yet en-
abled interoperabilty. In particular:
 – There are no standard vocabularies to describe and interchange personal
    data – these are needed to support the data subjects’ right to personal data
 – There are – with the exception maybe of starting points in P3P [4] no agreed
    upon vocabularies or taxonomies for describing purposes of personal data
    handling and kinds of processing: the GDPR requires that both consent and
    data processing are tied to a concrete purpose and processing data for other
    than this purpose is unlawful. Consequently personal data processing should
    be logged with a standard reference to a purpose which complies with the
    users consent. While e.g. the PROV ontology [9] vocabulary provides a means
    to express processing and provenance of processed data, and ODRL [6] allows
    to describe certain permissions and obligations, concrete taxonomies for such
    processing and permissions in the context of personal data handling are not
    yet standardized.
 – There are no agreed upon vocabularies or ontologies that align the termi-
    nology of privacy legislations, such as the GDPR, with the above mentioned
    vocabularies, that would allow software vendors to claim compliance with
    such regulations.

2     Finding agreement on areas for Standardisation
As a first step towards closing these gaps, on the 17th and 18th April 2018,
some forty people took part in a W3C workshop on data privacy controls and
vocabularies in Vienna. The initial idea was that linked data annotations can
help tackle the issue of privacy in modern data environments and will allow for
the creation of the next generation of privacy enhancing technologies. Of course,
the enactment of the GDPR was also prominent in the discussions. The agenda,
developed on the basis of position statements submitted by various stakeholders
active in the area of standard solutions for interoperable privacy6 consisted of
sessions on four themes,‘relevant vocabularies and initiatives’, ‘industry perspec-
tive’, ‘research topics’ and ‘the governmental side & initiatives’. The workshop
ended with a discussion on next steps and in particular on priorities for stan-
dardisation. In order from highest to lowest priority, the goal is to develop a:
 1. Taxonomy of regulatory privacy terms (including all GDPR terms).
 2. Taxonomy for personal data.
 3. Taxonomy of purposes.
    All the over 30 position statements and expressions of interests by various stake-
    holders and organisations are available at https://www.w3.org/2018/vocabws/people.html
                                  Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length     3

4. Taxonomy of disclosure and consent.
5. Metadata related to the details of anonymisation.
6. Log vocabularies to describe and exchange logs on personal data processing.

3     The Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls
      Community Group
One of the primarily outputs of the workshop was the setup of a ‘W3C Commu-
nity Group (CG)’ entitled Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls CG (DPVCG) 7
which was created on the 25th of May, the official starting date of the General
Data Protection Regulation.
    The goal of the CG is to harmonize related efforts and bring together stake-
holders that already have put forward proposals to develop vocabularies to enable
semantic interoperability and interchange of transparency logs about personal
data processing, enable data portability for data subjects, etc. The exact scope
of use cases related to making personal data processing interoperable by respec-
tive standards in order to ease proof of compliance with the GDPR and related
privacy protection regulations will be the first deliverable of the CG.
    More concretely, the following steps and deliverables are planned so far.
1. Use cases and requirements: in a first step we will collect and align com-
   mon requirements from industry and also from other stakeholders to identify
   areas where interoperability is most needed in the handling of personal data.
   The outcome shall be a prioritized list of requirements for what needs to be
   covered by shared vocabularies to enable interoperability in the identified
   use cases.
2. Alignment of vocabularies and identification of overlaps: in a second
   document, we will collect existing vocabularies and standardization efforts
   to identify their overlaps and suitability as starting points to minimally and
   extensibly cover the requirements prioritized in step one.
3. Glossary of GDPR terms: a third deliverable will be an understandable
   glossary of common terms from the GDPR and how they shall be covered
   by the agreed vocabularies.
4. Vocabularies based on the heterogeneity or homogeneity of the agreed upon
   use cases and requirements, we plan define a set of vocabularies for exchang-
   ing and representing interoperably: personal data, purposes/processing, dis-
   closure/consent, anonymisation, and transparency logs.
   Some starting points for these vocabularies e.g. for transparency logs that
companies can keep on their collected consent and personal data handling [8],
along with lightweight reasoning techniques [1, 7, 2] to check GDPR-compliance
over these logs have already been created in draft versions by the EU H2020
project SPECIAL8 , in which several of the co-authors are actively involved.
    Scalable Policy-aware Linked Data Architecture For Privacy, Transparency and
    Compliance, cf. http://specialprivacy.eu
4       A. Polleres et al.

Starting points in terms of a description of existing vocabularies and gaps be-
tween them can be found in [10].

4    Input and Collaboration
Interoperability and agreed upon vocabularies are in our opinion crucial for truly
implementing the goals of stricter, more user-centric privacy controls for data
subjects, but also to alleviate the burden for companies in the context of fulfilling
their compliance obligations in the context of GDPR. We invite any interested
stakeholders to join the Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community
Group and provide feedback to its drafts. The first Face-2-face meeting is being
planned at the MyData2018 conference in Helsinki, Finland, in August, and the
second 2nd Face-2-face meeting being planned to be co-located with the Euro-
pean Big Data Value Forum in Vienna, Austria, in 12-14 November 2018. We
hope the SW4CG workshop at ISWC also offers a stage to discuss the emerging
needs for interoperability in terms of privacy and personal data handling, and
how Semantic Web technologies and standards can help to satisfy these needs.

Acknowledgments. This work has been supported by the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant 731601 (SPE-

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    Policy language v1 (Dec 2017), SPECIAL public project deliverable
 2. Bonatti, P.A.: Fast compliance checking in an OWL2 fragment. In: Proc. IJCAI
 3. Cavoukian, A.: Privacy by design. Take the challenge. Information and privacy
    commissioner of Ontario, Canada (2009)
 4. Cranor, L., Langheinrich, M., Marchiori, M., Presler-Marshall, M., Reagle, J.:
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    https://www.w3.org/TR/P3P/, W3C Rec.
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 6. Iannella, R., Steidl, M., Myles, S., Rodrı́guez-Doncel, V.: ODRL Vocabulary &
    Expression 2.2 (Feb 2018), https://www.w3.org/TR/odrl-vocab/, W3C Rec.
 7. Kirrane, S., Bonatti, P.A., Fernández, J.D., Galdi, C., Sauro, L.: Deliverable D2.4:
    Transparency and compliance algorithms v1 (2018), SPECIAL public project de-
 8. Kirrane, S., Fernández, U.M.J.D., Polleres, A.: Deliverable D2.3: Transparency
    framework v1 (2018), SPECIAL public project deliverable
 9. Lebo, T., Sahoo, S., McGuinness, D., Belhajjame, K., Cheney, J., Corsar, D.,
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    2013), https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/, W3C Rec.
10. Polleres, A., Kirrane, S., Wenning, R.: Deliverable D6.3: Plan for community group
    and standardisation contribution (2017), SPECIAL public project deliverable