=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2182/paper_5 |storemode=property |title=Creating and Using an Education Standards Ontology to Improve Education |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2182/paper_5.pdf |volume=Vol-2182 |authors=Sabbir M. Rashid,Deborah L. McGuinness |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/RashidM18 }} ==Creating and Using an Education Standards Ontology to Improve Education== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2182/paper_5.pdf
            A Framework to Support the Trust Process
                   in News and Social Media

               Carlos Laufer1[+552135271500] and Daniel Schwabe1 [+552135271500]
                                 Dept. of Informatics, PUC-Rio
                 R. M. de S. Vicente, 225, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22453-900, Brazil
                  laufer@globo.com, dschwabe@inf.puc-rio.br

           Abstract. Current society is heavily influenced by the spread of online infor-
        mation, containing all sorts of claims, commonly found in news stories, tweets,
        and social media postings. Depending on each user, they may be considered
        “true” or “false”, depending on the agent’s trust on the claim. In this paper, we
        discuss the concept of content trust and trust process, and propose a framework
        to describe the trust process, which can support various possible models of con-
        tent trust..

        Keywords: trust, provenance, linked data, social networks, news.

1       Introduction
      The issue of trust has been present in the Internet shortly after its popularization in the early
90s (see [13] for a survey). The focus has been on lower level of the Internet Architecture, with
an emphasis on authentication. More recently, with the advent of the Web and social networks,
the cybersphere, and society as a whole, has become heavily influenced by information (and
misinformation) that flows in news sites and social networks in the Internet. There are many
studies carried out in several disciplines attempting to characterize and understand the spread of
information in the cybersphere, and how this affects society (see [18] for an overview). A more
visible aspect has been the spread of “fake news”, actually a term used to refer to several different
misuses of information, as postulated by Wardle in [24]. This has also been the focus of much
research and many initiatives (e.g. [8, 9, 3]).
      The advent of user-contributed data has raised the issue of “data quality”, as evidenced for
example in case of online reviews and social media, often with direct effects on commercial
success (e.g. [4]). This highlights the fact that data, in reality, expresses a belief or opinion of
some agent.
      The original vision for the Semantic Web included a “Trust” layer, although its emphasis
was more on authentication and validation, and static trust measures for data. There have been
many efforts towards representing trust, including computational models - a general survey can
be found in [20]; [5] presents an excellent earlier survey for the Semantic Web; and [23] surveys
trust in social networks. In the Linked Data world, it is clear that facts on the Semantic Web
should be regarded as claims rather than hard facts (e.g., [6]).
      Most if not all research surveyed in [20], present what Gerck calls “Trust Models”, as op-
posed to “Models of Trust” [10], i.e. a model of what is the trust process that is being adopted or
assumed, where the former presumes the latter. In this paper, we propose a framework to describe

the trust process, which can incorporate various alternative models of content trust (using the
terminology proposed in [11]).
     From a more global perspective, the ability to support a trust process over the information
available in the cybersphere is directly related to at least two of the UN’s Sustainable Develop-
ment Goals1 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, and Reduced Inequalities. At the very least,
a well-supported trust process can improve Transparency with respect to the actions undertaken
by political agents, by allowing members of society to rely on information about these actions to
make decisions and eventually take further actions in response.
     The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the concept of trust;
Section 3 presents a model of the trust process; Section 4 discusses trust regarding information
flow in news media and social networks.

2        The Concept of Trust
     Whereas there are many definitions of trust (e.g. [19]), we base ourselves in the work of
Gerck [10] and Castelfranchi et al. [7], taking the view that trust is “knowledge-based reliance
on received information”, that is, an agent decides to trust (or not) based solely on his knowledge,
and the decision to trust implies the decision to rely on the truth of received or known information
to perform some action.
Castelfranchi et al. define trust in the context of multi-agent systems, where agents have goals,
asserting that trust is “a mental state, a complex attitude of an agent x towards another agent y
about the behavior/action relevant for the result (goal) g. This attitude leads the agent x to the
decision of relying on y having the behavior/action, in order to achieve the goal g”.
Gerck presents a definition of trust as “what an observer knows about an entity and can rely upon
to a qualified extent”. The two definitions have close parallels: the observer is the agent who
trusts; the entity is the trusted agent; the qualified extent is the behavior/action. Both associate
trust with reliance. However, the former definition mentions explicitly the goal-oriented nature
of trust.
From both definitions, we observe that trust implies reliance: when an agent trusts something, it
relies on its truth to achieve some goal without further analysis – even if it is running the risk of
taking an inappropriate or even damaging action if the object of trust is false.

3        A Framework for the Trust Process
    Given the considerations above, we present a model for the trust process that underlies the
use or consumption of data/information on the web, represented diagrammatically in Figure 1.2
     We focus here on the cases where an Agent needs to act, i.e., do some computation, to de-
cide, or take some Action. The agent must act based on some Data/Information items which,
clearly, it must trust – the Trusted Data. The Data/Information items to be used by the agent may
come from several sources, and it is not always clear (to the Agent) what is the quality of this
Data, or the trustworthiness of the Information it contains. Therefore, the Agent must apply a
Trust Process to filter the incoming Data/Information items and extract the Trusted Data items
to be used by the Action. From this point of view, an item is considered as the smallest indivisible
element that can be used in the Trust Process and may have an internal structure when used by
the Action.

    This section has been extracted with some adaptation from [16]

     This Trust Process can be based on a multitude of different signals, some of which we have
singled out in the diagram in Figure 1, namely, the Metadata which describes various properties
of the Data/Information items, and the Context in which the Action will take place. The criteria
used in the Trust Process are expressed by Policies determined by the Agent. Notice that in this
framework, the Context contains any arbitrary information items used by the Policies, in addition
to Metadata and the Data/Information items themselves.


                                                                       Trusted Data




Figure 1 – A Framework of the Trust Process. Continuous lines represent “consume/produce”;
                            dashed lines represent “executes”.
      Many, if not most, of the trust models discussed in the surveys mentioned in Section 1 [5,
23] can be regarded as providing models or representations for one or more of the elements of
this trust framework, such as different representations for the metadata, or specification language
for the policies, or particular types of context information that can be added to the data. Regard-
less of these models, it should be clear that, as far as the Action is concerned, the whole process
is binary: An incoming Data/Information item is either accepted and added to the Trusted Data,
or it is not – there are no “half filters”. In other words, when time comes to Act, either the Agent
uses that Data/Information item, or it does not, it cannot “use it partially” – an element is con-
sidered indivisible from the point of view of the Trust Process [2].
      Thus, the actual trusting process (“Model of Trust”) should not be confused with models
which may attribute non-discrete or continuous values to the trustworthiness assigned to data/in-
formation items that are used to determine if the incoming data/information items should be fil-
tered or not (“Trust Models”).
      To further illustrate this difference, the earlier approaches such as [12, 21] propose to com-
pute measures of trust by treating the RDF graph of the statements about the relations between
resources a social network graph. The trust process is implicit in the subset of RDF properties
(relations) considered. For instance, in [12], for trust between persons, an additional relation in-
dicating the trust level of one person on another person, for a given “subject” (topic). Given one
such graph, it is possible to extract a sub-graph with respect to a subject of interest, and then
compute the proposed measures over this graph. This model does not explicitly deal with the
notion of claims and how the “trusted graph” is actually built. Furthermore, it does not discuss
how trust policies, including automated ones, could be integrated, and does not directly identify
who the trusting agent is.
      The work reported in [6] introduces the notion of information filtering, in the broader con-
text of information quality, one of which is trustworthiness. In this respect, it is similar to the
general schema proposed here, but does not directly identify the specific components to enable

trust, as outlined here. Within this view of a filtering process, trust policies can be expressed in
suitable languages, such as the ones proposed in [2, 15], which would be consistent with our
proposed approach, but requiring extensions to represent the elements of the model proposed
here, such as the trusting agent and the action to be performed.
      Another point to notice is that, in this framework, only the Agent determines the policies it
wishes to apply to incoming Data/Information. The metadata associated with the incoming
Data/Information may contain Data/Information about the publisher or provider of a Data/Infor-
mation item, and the Policies may take this into account in the filtering process.
      In contrast, privacy issues would require adding a similar set of metadata and policies to the
published Data/Information that will be consumed by the Agent, which would act as an additional
filter, applied before the Data/Information is made available to the Agent. The privacy Policies
of a Publisher may use information about the (requesting) Agent, the Action and the Context.
      In this work, we will focus on specific types of Data/Information – those pertaining to Po-
litical Systems, and one specific type of metadata, Provenance, in the context of news media. In
the next section, we discuss the trust process in this context, and propose a model for information
and metadata to support it.

4         News Media, Social Networks and Provenance
      The nature of information in news and social media must, necessarily, be seen as containing
claims made by someone about some “fact” (or “statement”), i.e., someone (an agent, i.e. a person
or organization) claims a certain fact to be true. It is up to the reader to accept the truth of these
claimed facts.
      For an agent A to accept the truth of a certain claim about a hitherto unknown fact F entails
either establishing the truth of F through direct observation3, (or a chain of interdependent obser-
vations), or trusting the source S of the claim. The trust towards S then implies that one expects
the claim to be true because S has been consistently (predictably and expectedly) correct in the
      If, however, S is not trusted, one may require some evidence to serve as the basis to establish
the truth of the claim. Such evidence is, in turn, another (possibly a set of) fact(s) F1 in a claim
made by some third-party SS, which S believes is more trusted by A than itself (S). In this fashion,
a chain of interdependent claims is established, such that the truth of F relies on the trust towards
the agent at the end of the chain (SS in this example).
      In most societies, certain public agents (e.g., Vital Record Office, Notary Public) have, by
convention and mutual agreement among its members, the so-called “public faith”, meaning that
whatever they claim (about specific kinds of facts) is deemed “true”. For instance, Obama’s na-
tionality was determined by a birth certificate which “proved” as far as the law is concerned that
he is indeed a US citizen.
      From the discussion above, it is safe to say that provenance data about information published
in the cybersphere is crucial to enable agents to consume this information – i.e., accept it as true
and eventually act based on this. This has been clearly recognized by many researchers and schol-
ars studying the “fake news” phenomenon, at least with respect to “fabricated content” as out-
lined in [24].
      We have been involved with an initiative to publish a database about Political Agents in
Brazil in the form of Linked Data, named “Se Liga na Politica”4 (SLNP). The data in this database

     It is of common sense that a person normally trusts her/himself as a source of information,
    although s/he may defer on this perception if someone s/he believes to be wiser (with respect to
    this particular subject matter) contradicts her/him. Furthermore, current technology can success-
    fully trick human perception. (e.g. Google Duplex - https://goo.gl/mG4E9h).

is obtained from several sources, in both automated and non-automated ways. Most of the auto-
mated extraction is made from official sources, such as the open data published by the House of
Deputies and by the Senate. In addition to such sources, data may also be contributed by individ-
uals, in crowdsourced fashion. One of the main usages for this database is to provide context
information for news stories, to allow readers to establish trust in the claimed facts based on their
own criteria. We present here the rationale and design decisions for the underlying ontologies
used in this database, starting first with our motivations.
     We regard a Political System as sets of agents and organizations that govern a society. Our
goal in the SNLP project is to help make the existing relationships between political agents in a
Political System explicit and thus subject to analysis. We do so by providing a Linked Data da-
tabase where such relationships appear as data items. Given the multiplicity of sources, and the
nature of the subject matter, this database is designed so that facts are seen as claims made by
some agent, and therefore provenance information becomes a “first class citizen” of the domain.
     The SLNP database represents claims based on the nanopublication model [14], where a
claim, represented by a set of statements, is recorded as a group of three named graphs:
 • assertion graph - containing the set of statements that compose the claim, using the
       POLARE family of ontologies [17];
 • publication info - containing statements that give provenance information about the claim
       publication activity, using the provHeart PROV-O pattern [16];
 • provenance - containing statements that give provenance information about the claim itself,
       using the provHeart pattern.
Further details on how Provenance can be used to support the trust process can be found in [16].

5       Conclusions
      In this paper we have presented and explicit model of the trust process which can be seen as
an evolution of a collection of previous work by several authors. It makes explicit the elements
of the trust process – Trusting Agent, Action, Information, Meta-Information, Context and Poli-
cies. We have also outlined how this model is well suited to support the use of news and social
media information, by representing this information as claims and recording provenance.
      Ongoing and future work will examine suitable policy languages; how to mine implicit pol-
icies employed by humans when consuming online information; how appropriate narratives can
be constructed and to better convey trusted information to human beings, and how this can be
effectively communicated in human-computer interfaces.

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