=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2183/paper1 |storemode=property |title=Computational Layout Design for Keyboards with Multi-Letter Keys |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2183/paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-2183 |authors=Ryan Qin,Suwen Zhu,Yu-Hao Lin,Yu-Jung Ko,Xiaojun Bi }} ==Computational Layout Design for Keyboards with Multi-Letter Keys== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2183/paper1.pdf
Barcelona, Spain | September 3, 2018                                                                                MobileHCI 2018 Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects of Text Entry

                                                                Computational Layout Design for
                                                                Keyboards with Multi-Letter Keys

                            Ryan Qin                                    Yu-Jung Ko                                          Abstract
                            Ward Melville High School                   Computer Science Department                         Keyboards with multi-letter keys (i.e., a key corresponds
                            East Setauket, NY, USA                      Stony Brook University                              to multiple letters) have been commonly used on small
                            Stony Brook University                      Stony Brook, NY, USA                                touchscreen devices to mitigate the problem of tapping
                            Stony Brook, NY, USA                        yujko@cs.stonybrook.edu
                                                                                                                            tiny keys with imprecise finger touch (e.g., T9 keyboard).
                                                                                                                            We have proposed a computational approach to designing
                                                                                                                            optimal multi-letter key layouts by considering three key
                            Suwen Zhu                   Xiaojun Bi
                                                                                                                            factors: clarity, speed, and learnability. In particular, we
                            Computer Science Department Computer Science Department
                            Stony Brook University      Stony Brook University
                                                                                                                            have devised a clarity metric to model the word collisions
                            Stony Brook, NY, USA        Stony Brook, NY, USA                                                (i.e., words with identical tapping sequences), used the
                            suwzhu@cs.stonybrook.edu    xiaojun@cs.stonybrook.edu                                           Fitts-Digraph model to predict speed, and introduced a
                                                                                                                            Qwerty-bounded constraint to ensure high learnability.
                            Yu-Hao Lin                                                                                      Founded upon rigorous mathematical optimization, our
                            Computer Science Department                                                                     investigation led to Qwerty-bounded T9-like (i.e., 3 × 3)
                            Stony Brook University                                                                          layouts optimized for both clarity and speed. A
                            Stony Brook, NY, USA                                                                            preliminary user study showed promising performance of
                            yuhalin@cs.stonybrook.edu                                                                       such keyboards.

                                                                                                                            ACM Classification Keywords
                                                                                                                            H.5.2. [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User
                            Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or           Interfaces-Input devices and strategies.
                            classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
                            for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
                            on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.          Author Keywords
                            For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
                                                                                                                            Text entry; touchscreen.
                            Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
                            MobileHCI, 2018 Barcelona, Spain.

         Barcelona, Spain | September 3, 2018                                                     MobileHCI 2018 Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects of Text Entry

                                     Introduction                                                         programming [9] have been proposed based on
                                     Typing on keyboards supported by small embedded                      single-letter key layout design. Alphabetically constrained
                                     devices such as smartwatches is often extremely                      keypads [5] and the Qwerty-like 9-key layout [7], a
                                     cumbersome. As the finger is inherently inaccurate, the              multi-letter key layout optimized with a bias for layout
                                     combination of an imprecise input device and tiny                    adaptability, have also been introduced. Moving forward,
                                     congested keys makes typing incredibly error-prone. One              we advance the multi-letter layout optimization to
                                     of the most popular approaches to combat this input                  performing Pareto optimization on three critical objectives
                                     problem is via a multi-letter key design, in which                   – speed, accuracy, and learnability.
                (a)                  individual letters are amalgamated to enlarge the key size.
                                                                                                          Past research has also shown that the modern statistical
                                     We advocate a novel computational approach for                       decoding technique worked reasonably well on small
                                     designing multi-letter key layouts by considering three              keyboards. Gordon et al.’s work [6] revealed that human
                                     important factors in layout design: clarity (i.e., reducing          motor control adaptability, coupled with modern
                                     the number of words with identical tapping sequences),               statistical decoding and error correction technologies
                                     speed, and learnability. In particular, we have devised a            developed for smartphones, can enable a surprisingly
                                     clarity metric to model the word collisions (i.e., words             effective typing performance for both gesture typing and
                                     with identical tapping sequences), used the Fitts-Digraph            tap typing on a regular Qwerty keyboard on a watch-sized
                                     model [2, 14] to predict speed, and introduced a                     screen. Inspired by Gordon et al.’s research, we coupled
                (b)                  Qwerty-bounded constraint to ensure high learnability.               multi-letter key layout design with the modern statistical
                                     Based on the proposed models, we applied a rigorous                  decoding technology and compared the optimized
                                     mathematical optimization with a Qwerty-bounded                      multi-letter key layout with a regular Qwerty keyboard.
                                     constraint to search for optimal 3 × 3 multi-letter layouts.
                                     To understand to what degree the optimized layout would              Optimizing Multi-Letter Key Layouts
                                     improve typing performance in realistic text entry tasks,            A number of factors must be carefully considered and
                                     we conducted a pilot study to evaluate the performance of            balanced in the keyboard design task. For a novel layout
                                     the optimized layout alongside two de facto standard                 to flourish, we believe the following factors are key:
                                     layouts : Qwerty and T9.                                             clarity, speed and learnability.
                (c)                                                                                       Clarity defines a multi-letter key layout’s capability of
                                     Related Work
                                     Various keyboard optimization approaches have been                   minimizing the potential word collisions (i.e., words
Figure 1: (a): the optimized
                                     proposed, beginning with improving input speed                       sharing identical tap sequences because of merged keys).
layout that maximizes the
average of the clarity and speed     exclusively [2] to eventually considering multiple factors           We define clarity score to describe how likely layout L can
scores. (b): the layout with         such as speed, accuracy, and learnability [1, 3, 4] with             resolve word collisions:
maximum clarity score. (c): the      both single-letter and multi-letter key layout design.                                     M
layout with maximum speed            Methods including the Metropolis algorithm [13], Pareto                           C(L) =         f (Wj )clarity(Wj ),        (1)
score.                               multi-objective optimization [12], and integer                                             j=1

Barcelona, Spain | September 3, 2018                                                      MobileHCI 2018 Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects of Text Entry

                            where M represents the number of words comprising the                 optimized keyboard is learning the layout. Consequently,
                            corpus, f (Wj ) is the frequency of a given word Wj , and             despite numerous layouts having been proposed, very few
                                               f (W )                                             are actually implemented extensively. To achieve superior
                            clarity(Wj ) = PN fj       is a value between 0 and 1 for
                                               i=1 Wi
                                                                                                  performance over existing layouts, users likely have to
                            Wj among total number of words N . The corpus for
                                                                                                  spend a considerable amount of time practicing, and not
                            optimization was taken from American National Corpus
                                                                                                  every user is willing to make such an effort. For an
                            (ANC) [8].
                                                                                                  optimal layout to maintain high learnability, we devise a
                            The typing speed metric estimates how fast expert users               strict Qwerty-bounded constraint: we preserve Qwerty’s
                            will be able to tap type on a keyboard layout. We used                alphabetical arrangement to ensure that users can
                            the widely known Fitts-Digraph model [2, 14] for speed                immediately use this keyboard fluently. Note that the
                            prediction, which shows that the average time (t) for                 Qwerty-bounded constraint only works for layouts with 3
                            inputting a letter is:                                                rows.
                                                     26 X
                                                     X                                            Multi-Objective Optimization
                                                t=             Pij Tij ,                (2)       With the two aforementioned objectives (clarity and
                                                     i=1 j=1
                                                                                                  speed) and the Qwerty-bounded constraint (learnability),
                            where Pij is the frequency of the ordered character pair              designing a multi-letter key layout is essentially a
                            i, j from 26 Roman characters, and Tij is the movement                multi-objective optimization problem: searching for a
                            time for the input finger travelling from key i to key j,             layout optimized for both clarity and speed, subject to the
                            which is typically predicted by the Fitts’ law:                       Qwerty-bounded constraint.
                                            Tij = a + b log2 (       + 1),              (3)       As commonly used in layout optimization research, we
                                                                 Wij                              adopted the Pareto optimization technique [4, 3] to
                            where Dij is the distance from the center of key i to the             address this multi-objective optimization problem. Instead
                            center of key j, and Wij is the key width. Since each key             of generating a single optimized layout, Pareto
                            tap action is essentially a 2-dimensional Fitts’ law task, we         optimization will lead to a Pareto front, in which each
                            used min(Wij , Hij ) (i.e., the minimum of key width or               layout is Pareto optimal, meaning that none of its metric
                            height) as Wij in Equation (3) [11]. Previous research                scores can be improved without compromising the other
                            [11] showed it yielded a fairly successful fit for 2D Fitts           scores. The designer then later picks layouts from the
                            tasks. In the context of touchscreen typing, Fitts’ law               Pareto front, after considering the relative weights
                            parameters were a = 0.083s and b = 0.127s, estimated by               between metrics or other factors.
                            Zhai et al. [14]. t has the unit of seconds. t can be
                            converted to input speed (V ) in characters per minute                Computationally Designing 3 × 3 Layouts
                            (CPM): V = 60/t.                                                      Our algorithmic overview consists of the following three
                                                                                                  major phases. First, we exhaustively iterate through all
                            Learnability is critical to the success of any new layout             layout candidates subject to the Qwerty-bounded
                            design: perhaps the biggest obstacle of any newly

                Barcelona, Spain | September 3, 2018                                                                        MobileHCI 2018 Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects of Text Entry

                                                 constraint. Second, we utilize the Pareto optimization                             Evaluation
                                                 approach to attain the final optimal configuration. Third,                         We carried out a preliminary study with 4 users (1 female)
                                                 to empirically evaluate the proposed computational                                 aged from 25 to 34. The average text entry speed
                                                 approach, we applied it to design optimal 3 × 3 layouts for                        following Mackenzie [10] was 18.99 WPM (SD = 4.03)
                                                 a watch-size multi-letter key layout based on Apple Watch                          for the optimized keyboard, 14.76 WPM (SD = 0.43) for
                                                 screen specification (312 pixels (26.15 mm) by 390 pixels                          T9, and 18.19 WPM (SD = 2.93) for Qwerty.
                                                 (32.69 mm)). A watch platform was selected as we devise                            Additionally, the average word error rate was 2.05%
                                                 this novel computational approach with the aim of                                  (SD = 1.54%) for the optimized keyboard, 2.30%
                                                 improving text entry specifically on small devices.                                (SD = 0.64%) for T9, and 1.54% (SD = 1.41%) for
                      Highest clarity                                                                                               Qwerty. At the end of the study, participants were asked
           1                  Maximum average    Figure 2 illustrates the complete Pareto front formed by 71                        to give an overall subjective rating for each keyboard on a
          0.8                                    Pareto optimal layouts. As shown, the front approximately                          continuous scale of 1 (very dislike) to 5 (very like). The
                                                 forms a curve spanning the top-left and bottom-right                               average rating was 4.5 for the optimized keyboard, 1.75
          0.6                                    corner, indicating that clarity and speed are conflicting                          for T9, and 3.75 for Qwerty.

                                                 metrics: one metric increases at the expense of the other.
          0.4                                    Figures 1b and 1c display the layouts at two ends of the                           Overall, the small-scale study results showed the optimized
                                                 front: the one possessing the highest clarity and the one                          layout was promising. Its input speed was greater than
                             Fastest speed
                                                 holding the fastest speed. In Pareto optimization, the final                       original T9 and Qwerty, and the subjective ratings were
           0                                     compromise keyboard proposal is taken to be the                                    also in favor of it. We plan to carry out a more formal and
                0.2    0.4      0.6    0.8   1
                             Speed               keyboard that achieves best on average. Thus, as we are                            large-scale user study to investigate its performance.
                                                 particularly interested in the layouts with the most
          Figure 2: The Pareto front.            balanced typing clarity and speed, we closely examine the                          Conclusions and Future Work
                                                 layouts near the center of the Pareto front. We selected                           We have proposed a computational approach for designing
                                                 the layout carrying the maximum average of normalized                              optimal multi-letter key layouts by taking into
                                                 clarity and speed as the optimized layout subject to our                           consideration clarity, speed and learnability. To evaluate
                                                 specific Qwerty constraints. We referred to this                                   its validity, we have applied it to computationally design
                                                 configuration as our optimized layout (Figure 1a), which                           3 × 3 layouts. Our investigation led to an optimized layout
                                                 lies on the 55.4 degree line from the origin. The clarity                          which struck a balance between clarity and speed. Both
                                                 scores and estimated input speeds are shown in Table 1.                            the theoretical analysis and a preliminary user study
                                                                                                                                    showed such a layout has outperformed the original T9
                                                                                                                                    layout and could be promising for text entry on small
                                                            Optimized   Highest clarity   Fastest speed     T9     Qwerty
                                                  Clarity    0.8738        0.9412            0.6519       0.9234     1.0
                                                                                                                                    touchscreen devices (e.g., smart watches). We plan to
                                                  CPM        309.70        284.27            343.14       278.18   169.74           carry out more formal studies to further investigate the
                                                  WPM         61.94         56.85             68.63        55.64    33.95           pros and cons of the proposed methods as well as the
                                                                                                                                    generated optimal keyboard layouts.
                                                 Table 1: The clarity and speed (in CPM and WPM) of
                                                 different 3 × 3 layouts.

Barcelona, Spain | September 3, 2018                                                  MobileHCI 2018 Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects of Text Entry

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