Visualization Index for Educational Resources by Learning Analytics Noemı́ DeCastro-Garcı́a1[0000−0002−5610−0153] and Ángel Luis Muñoz Castañeda2[0000−0001−6993−9110] 1 Department of Mathematics, Universidad de León, Campus de Vegazana s/n 24071, León, Spain 2 Research Institute of Applied Science in Cybersecurity (RIASC), Universidad de León, León, Spain Abstract. In this paper, we propose an oriented-graph - design of the database generated in a virtual educational platform with the records of students access to the learning resources. This theoretical model lets us compute a visualization index for students and for the available ma- terial in the platform in a total and a partial way, by the 1-norm of the adjacency matrix of the graph. These coefficients let us construct a classification system that it could be useful for determining different levels for students and for the material. Then, we can propose different scaffolding for the learning activities and effective learning outcomes for a meaningful learning experience depending on the interaction between the students and the resources. Keywords: Learning analytics · Learning design · Learning resources 1 Introduction Current educational context is characterized by the diversity of the instruction, students, and multimedia supports. Moreover, there exist a large number of hybrid courses in which the blended, online and face-to-face learning are present at the same time. In this framework, a thought about the material provided by the teacher is an essential action in order to find learning patterns and improve the learning and teaching processes. Learning analytics techniques may provide very useful tools that help the teachers to optimize their work (see [1]). The second axiom that is used in [2] to analyze the development of the learning analytics field is based on the idea that learners are agents. This assumption implies that they have the capability to exercise choice in reference to preferences (see [3]). And one of the conditions that could influence in their preferences is the course instructional design, that includes the learning material. The analysis of data that are generated from the interactions between the students and the virtual environment can be used to predict the achievement of learning outcomes, take decisions on resource design or analyze the evolution or behavior of the students ([4]). Copyright © 2018 for this paper by its authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain - LASI Spain 2018 Although learning analytics give the teachers methods and tools of gathering information on how learners are interacting with learning resources, usually there is a gap between this information and the pedagogical actions that help to the teachers in their learning designs ([5]). Moreover, this gap is bigger in situations in which the teachers have not statistical or technical profile. In this scenario, it is necessary that the learning analytics and learning design come together. Learning designs describe frameworks that can be used to help the teachers in the design and the choice of learning resources, learning tasks or activities, and learning supports in order to create a meaningful learning experience for the stu- dents, especially with the use of Information and Communication Technologies, (see [6],[7], [8] and [9]). In the conceptual framework that links learning analytics and learning design, we have four dimensions on which we can work: temporal analytics, comparative analytics, cohort dynamics and tool specific analytics . The third one, the cohort dynamics, is a category that helps us to propose different learning outcomes depending on the different interaction patterns manifested in a course between students and resources. In this context, the study of whether a student has accessed or not to a specific resource is one of the most requested questions by different educational agents as desired information about a course (see [5]). The answer to this question could help to identify what learning activities or resources need to be modified in order to adapt them to the needs of students (see [10]). The above question could appear a very simple issue, and frequently, the data that let us answer it are generated in the educational platform as Moodle. However, the usual learning management systems have not available simple tools that provide this information in a visual and easy form (see [5]). The data are structured, but they are registers or logs of activity with a lot of redundant features that mean difficulties to analyze, visualize and discuss, in a global way with effective filters, especially for non-expert teachers in analytical studies. One of the usual available tools in an educational platform is the flow visu- alizations of the number of visits that each resource has had trough the time. These graphics are often performed with the absolute frequencies of the visits, so its interpretation has to be done carefully because it could be deceptive and confused. For example, we can have a resource that has the highest number of visits and, however, it has been seen only by a minority number of the students. In Figure 1 we can see a typical flow of the visits of the resources by the students in a course in Moodle. We have information about the number of visits per day but we do not know what resources have been visited or the students that have accessed to the material. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account that the interpretation of the obtained results can imply different learning insights depending on the context of implementation. So, simple tools of an overview of the results, for students and resources, are needed in order to get a good understanding of this type of cohort dynamics. This is the motivation for this work: to obtain more specific information about the visualization of the educational resources by the students, in an easy way Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain - LASI Spain 2018 Fig. 1. Flow visualizations by Moodle that let us create a simple tool. We propose a simple mathematical model that allows us to analyze the interaction between them and, finally, to obtain a classi- fication system for both of them. This approach is based on the consideration of the visualization index. Its computation and the subsequent classification let us provide an overview of the results of the analyses that it is easily understandable for non- experts in learning analytics. In addition, this index can be applied for a global course, and in a partial form (for students or for resources).The proposed model is based on an oriented graph having as nodes both, the students and the resources. Since the most of the learning management systems for education have implemented models with social network analysis, it would make easier its integration in the usual educational platforms. This work is organized as follows: In Section 2, we list the goals of this article. The proposed model to analyze the data is developed in Section 3, together with a simple example that helps to understand the essential ideas. Finally, the conclusions and references are given. 2 Goals The main goals of this work are: 1. To define a measurement index of visualization that let us analyze what happens or what happened in a course regarding the interaction between the students and the provided resources. 2. To define a classification system for resources and students that depends on the developed metric. 3. To obtain a simple procedure that gives us a general overview of the situation. Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain - LASI Spain 2018 3 Main results This section describes the design of the mathematical model that let us compute the visualization indices of a course. 3.1 Model of the database We have used a graph approach to model the data. A graph database is a database that can be structured in graph form so that the nodes of the graph contain the information, and the edges contain properties and/or define relations between the information contained in the nodes. One of the main strengths of this kind of databases is the capability to give answers in short time for questions regarding relations (see [11]). Remark 1. We will state the following notation 1. The set X = {x1 , . . . , xl } is going to be the set of nodes that represent the students. 2. The set Y = {y1 , . . . , ys } contains the resources that the teacher provides through the virtual platform 3. The database D that we can download from the virtual platform, usually in .csv format. This database contains the set of all registers Rk . Each register represents a case in which each student visits one specific resource. We can now attach a graph structure to D. In order to do so, we have to define the set of nodes, N , and the set of arrows, A. The graph, G = (N, A), is going to be composed by two layers of nodes in such a way that all the arrows have their source in one layer and target in the other one. 1. Layer 1: the nodes are the elements of the set X. 2. Layer 2: the nodes are the elements of the set Y . 3. We have an edge xi → yj if and only if the student xi has visited the resource yj . From now on this relation will be expressed as yj ∈ xi . Example 1. In this example, we suppose that we have a face-to-face course with six students and five resources (four of them about contents of the course, and y5 that is a learning task). So, the layer 1 has six nodes and the layer 2 has five nodes. We suppose that we have obtained the database D that is shown in Table 1. Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain - LASI Spain 2018 Table 1. Example of D of registers. Date & time User Resource Component Source IP 1/11/2018 11:25 x1 y1 System web 1/11/2018 11:40 x2 y1 System web 1/11/2018 18:36 x2 y1 System web 2/11/2018 12:10 x1 y1 System web 2/11/2018 12:20 x3 y1 System web 2/11/2018 12:55 x1 y2 System web 2/11/2018 15:36 x3 y3 System web 3/11/2018 19:46 x3 y1 System web 4/11/2018 20:54 x4 y1 System web 6/11/2018 17:36 x3 y2 System web 6/11/2018 17:52 x2 y2 System web 6/11/2018 21:52 x3 y2 System web 7/11/2018 21:52 x3 y5 System web 7/11/2018 21:52 x5 y5 System web The look of the corresponding graph of D and the filtered data are in Figure 2. User Resource x1 y1 x2 y1 x3 y1 x1 y2 y1Y b f yE 2Y y3 y4 < yO5 O O O x3 y3 x3 y2 x2 y2 x3 y5 x5 y5 x4 y1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 Fig. 2. Graph and filtered database associated to D In the sequel, B will denote the set {0, 1}, and the set of matrices with entries in B with l rows and s columns will be denoted by B l×s . Definition 1. The adjacency matrix of D is defined as the adjacency matrix, A ∈ B (l+s)×(l+s) , of the associated graph: Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain - LASI Spain 2018 x1 . . . xl y1 . . . ys x1  ..  . 0 C = (cij )  xl    y1    ..    . 0 0  ys where  1 if yj ∈ xi cij = (1) 0 if yj ∈ / xi for i = 1, . . . , l , j = 1, . . . , s Remark 2. Note that we are only interested in the block C that have been de- fined. So, the study of the adjacency matrix is reduced to the study of the matrix C. For this reason, in this paper, we will use both, the letter A and the letter C, to make reference to such adjacency matrix if there is no possible confussion. Example 2. The adjacency matrix associated to the vector database of Example 1 is   00000011000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1   0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1   A= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2)  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000 where the matrix C is highlighted in bold characters. 3.2 Visualization indices Once we have obtained the adjacency matrix associated to D, we can compute the total visualization index of the course by the following formula Definition 2. The total visualization index, ιD , is the rate of resources that have been visited, at least, one time. k A k1 ιD := , (3) l·s k A k1 being the 1-norm of the matrix A, that it is, the number of 10 s in the matrix A. Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain - LASI Spain 2018 Ths visualization index is a real positive number less or equal than one, ιD ∈ [0, 1]. Definition 3. The partial row-visualization index, ιxi , is the rate of resources that have been visited by the student xi at least one time, k ai• k1 ιxi := , (4) s k ai• k1 being the1-norm of the i-th row of the matrix A, that it is, the number of 10 s in the i-th row of the matrix A. As more resources the student visit, as higher the index is. Definition 4. The partial column-visualization index, ιyj , is the rate of students that have visited the resource yj at least one time, k a•j k1 ιyj := , (5) l k a•j k1 being the1-norm of the j-th column of the matrix A, that it is, the number of 10 s in the j-th column of the matrix A. As more students visit the resource, as higher the index is. Like the visualization index, the partial visualization indices are positive real numbers less or equal than one. We highlight that the value of the visualization index has a different inter- pretation depending on the type of the course we are teaching. For instance, we have to take into account that the index has different consequences if we deal with an in-person course or an online course. This fact is very important in the prescriptive design stage. The ideal scenario would get the indices in different checkpoints that let us analyze the dynamic of the course. Example 3. The total visualization index for D given in Example 1 is 10 ιD = = 0, b 3, (6) 30 As we can see in the partial row-visualization indices shown in Figure 3, the student x6 has not visited any resource. On the other hand, the student x3 is the one that more different resources has visited. The partial column-visualization indices are included in Figure 4. In this case, the resource y1 has a high visualization index. It could mean that the content of the resource has not been well understood because of most of the students have revisited it. Another possibility is that this resource is directly related to the assessment. In the case of y4 , the interpretation is the inverse. Finally, at the stage computation, the task has been visited by less than half of the students. Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain - LASI Spain 2018 Fig. 3. Students visualization indices of D (%). Fig. 4. Resources visualization indices of D (%). 3.3 Classification system Although we can have a global insight of the use of the resources with the values of the indices mentioned above, it would be interesting to have a visualization tool that let us label the resources or the students depending on the value that the index has. This system provides us with a ranking of the most visited resources and the most visiting students. The system is done by constructing classification intervals, each of them carrying with a label, in such a way that we assign to every student or resource the label corresponding to the interval to which the visualization index belongs. We develop the procedure only for the resources since for the other case the procedure can be developed in a similar way. Definition 5. Let I be the set of partial column-visualization indices of all re- sources. Let C be the set {vmin , I1 , I2 , I3 , I4 , vmax } where vmin and vmax are the minimal and maximal values that the visualization indices take in the database D, and I1 , I2 , I3 , I4 are the intervals between Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , the quartiles of the set I. Then, we define the following map Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain - LASI Spain 2018 ζ : Y −→ C    vmin if ιyj ≤ vmin I1 if vmin < ιyj ≤ Q1     I2 if Q1 < ιyj ≤ Q2  yj 7→ ζ(yj ) =   I3 if Q2 < ιyj ≤ Q3 I4 if Q3 < ιyj < vmax     vmax if ιyj ≥ vmax  Example 4. In Table 2 we can observe the obtained ranking of D. Table 2. Classification system of D. Ranking of students and resources Interval Resource Student M ax y1 x3 I4 I3 y2 x1 , x2 I2 y5 I1 y3 x4 , x5 M in y4 x6 4 Conclusions Learning analytic techniques, together with strategies for learning design, may provide very useful tools that let the teachers optimize their sequences of the didactical resources.One of the current challenges that the techniques and sys- tems of learning analytics face are to help to assess the success and adequacy of a concrete educational resource, taking into account the pedagogical and local context of the course in which these procedures are being implemented. In this work, we propose a mathematical model that can be useful to solve this need. Our future work is related to the use of the visualization index to obtain information about an effective instructional course by scaffolding. 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