Generation of Customized Dashboards Through Software Product Line Paradigms to Analyse University Employment and Employability Data Andrea Vázquez-Ingelmo1[0000-0002-7284-5593], Francisco J. García-Peñalvo1[0000-0001-9987- 5584] and Roberto Therón1,2[0000-0001-6739-8875] 1 GRIAL Research Group, Computer Sciences Department, Research Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain 2 VisUSAL Research Group. University of Salamanca. Salamanca, Spain {andreavazquez,fgarcia,theron} Abstract. University employment and, specifically, employability has steadily gained relevance nowadays as the study of these fields can lead to improvement in the quality of life of individual citizens. However, the empirical research is still insufficient to make significant decisions within this domain. It is necessary to rely on powerful tools in order to reach insights about university employment and employability. Information dashboards have become a key software tool to reach insights and make informed decisions about a specific topic, domain or field of study. Nevertheless, dashboards’ users can have several requirements that differ from each other (including displayed information itself, design features or even functionalities), and it is necessary to take into account all of these specifi- cations, allowing users to exploit data with its own necessities and aiming to its own goals. Applying software product line paradigms, it is plausible to face dif- ferent requirements regarding information dashboards’ development in an effi- cient, scalable and maintainable way. To validate this approach, a case study is presented in the context of the Spanish Observatory of Employability and Uni- versity Employment, an organization that aims to become an information refer- ence for these fields. Keywords: University Employment; University Employability; Domain Engi- neering; SPL; Information Dashboards; Information Systems. 1 Introduction There are certain fields of study that are gaining relevance over the years as they can enhance access to employment, prevent unemployment and improve job quality, ele- ments that are part of the main concerns in society nowadays. Employability is becom- ing a key pillar to explain the employment situation of individuals. However, this re- search area has not yet a strong theoretical foundation given the absence of agreement regarding the definition of employability, and, consequently, the complexity of acquir- ing indicators to evaluate it. Employability factors can vary depending on the research Copyright © 2018 for this paper by its authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018 perspective used and socioeconomic context, so it is necessary to take into account several variables to analyze this theoretical construct, from identifying the competen- cies that individuals would need in their career to even sociodemographic variables (taking a “broad” approach [1]). Universities have a key role related to the employability of individuals (specifically, of their students) [2], as they are acquiring a series of skills that could improve their capacities to obtain a job. Recollecting employment and employability data in the aca- demic context can help to reach insights about the linkage between the university train- ing and the working career of the graduates. Research on these fields could offer meth- ods for individuals to identify the factors that affect their employability and, conse- quently, their career path. However, as it has been aforementioned, there are several variables that can be in- volved in the research of the student’s employability and employment. The recollection of employability and employment data is crucial, but the possession of large data vol- umes is not valuable by itself; it acquires real value when it is analyzed and exploited with the goal of extracting knowledge from it [3]. Data analysis has gained relevance in different sectors through data-driven [4] approaches with the vision of conducting well-informed knowledge management [5, 6] and decision-making processes [7]. In the academic context, this kind of processes could help policymakers and institu- tions to improve and promote the most influential factors that affect the employability and employment of the students, placing it in the scope of emergent areas like the Ac- ademic Analytics [8-12] or Institutional Intelligence [13, 14]. For that reason and given the social implications that these decision-making pro- cesses could have, it is crucial to count on powerful tools that allow decision makers to reach insights about certain fields of study (in this case university employability and employment) and to support their decisions with an informed foundation. Information dashboards constitute one of the most commonly used software prod- ucts for knowledge extraction and datasets exploitation [15], being composed by a se- ries of graphic resources and metrics with the goal of showing information in an under- standable manner [16] and allowing the identification of relevant patterns and indica- tors for making decisions. But the development of information dashboards is not a trivial process. Not every decision maker has the same requirements and aims to the same goals. What is more, during the decision-making processes different profiles could be involved, generating communication gaps as they could not have the same knowledge regarding their spe- cialties [17]. It is then, important to take into account the requirements of the target users (i.e. the users that will make use of the dashboard). However, developing a dash- board for every profile encountered could be a very complex and time-consuming task. In addition, not only the developing process but also the maintenance of the dashboards will end up being barely an impossible and not scalable job. Software engineering paradigms like software product lines (SPL) [18, 19] offer po- tential solutions for managing diverse sets of requirements, focusing in the reutilization and combination of base software assets (core assets) to improve scalability and main- tainability, as well as providing a systematic framework for efficiently developing soft- ware products. Given the benefits of software product lines, applying this approach Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018 could be a potential solution for generating customized and flexible dashboards based on the users’ requirements. With regard to all these considerations, a proposal to automate the generation of customized dashboards for analyzing employability and employment data (in the con- text of the Observatory of Employability and Employment, OEEU, described in Section 2) is made through the design of a domain specific language (DSL) to control all the features and parameters of the dashboard product family that fuels a template-based source code generator. The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 describes the issues faced by the OEEU regarding the dissemination of their studies’ results and the personaliza- tion of its products for each user, followed by Section 3, in which the methodology used is described. Section 4 summarizes the results obtained by the application of the SPL paradigm to the OEEU ecosystem, followed by section 5, where these results are dis- cussed. Finally, section 6 offers the conclusions derived from this work and future re- search lines. 2 Context The work presented in this paper has its motivation behind the problems and issues regarding data analysis and visualization faced by the Observatory for University Em- ployment and Employability (also known as OEEU, it’s Spanish acronym, This organization aims to become an information reference for under- standing and exploiting knowledge about employment and employability of students from Spanish universities, by conducting studies about these fields in the academic context [20-22]. To do so, the Observatory takes a data-driven approach to recollect, analyze, visual- ize and disseminate employment and employability data of graduates from Spanish uni- versities. During the recollection process universities send their administrative data rec- ords, and then, their students answer a questionnaire in which they are asked about their sociodemographic context, their skills levels, their career path, etc. At the end of this process, the bank of knowledge of the Observatory counts on a significant set of varia- bles from the students’ sample. For instance, in the 2015 study edition more than 500 variables were collected from 13006 bachelor students. On the other hand, in the 2017 study edition 376 variables were collected from 6738 master degree students. However, the volume of the data collected makes the presentation of the study results to the ecosystem’s users (i.e. administrators, Spanish universities and general users) a challenge. The presentation of the results is not trivial, as the users have different re- quirements and permission levels to access the study data. These are the very reasons why an approach based on domain engineering fits the OEEU necessities, as it will allow developers to efficiently generate customized dash- boards to present the studies’ results, meeting different requirements. Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018 3 Methodology As it has been aforementioned, the core of this work is the application of the software product lines (SPL) paradigm. To put it into practice, there are two main phases: the domain engineering phase and the application engineering phase. In the domain engineering phase, the abstract features of the domain are identified. This process focuses on identifying the commonalities and variability of the different products (dashboards, in this case) belonging to the line. Commonalities and variability are modelled through feature models [23], offering a structured diagram with the man- datory, optional or alternative features that a product of the line could have. Taking into account the results of this modelling task, the core assets for the software product line are implemented. These core assets compose the foundation of the product line. They will materialize the variability points [24-26] specified in the feature model, so they can be configured and reutilized in specific products of the line based on the requirements of the stakeholders. For example, for the software product line of dashboards designed for the Observa- tory, the top-level feature model is showed in the Fig. 1. Only this level of the feature model is showed given its magnitude. To sum up, a dashboard has a mandatory feature, which is the base system that gives support to the product line. Dashboards will have at least one page in which different visual and control components can be displayed: scatter diagrams, heat maps, chord diagrams or a data filter. Every individual compo- nent will have its own functionalities, which can be mandatory, optional or alternative. Fig. 1. Top-level feature model of the SPL for the Observatory’s dashboards Once this phase is complete, the application engineering phase starts. During this phase, the core assets previously implemented are retrieved and configured to meet the requirements of the final product being implemented. The configuration process could be automated to improve the efficiency of the generation of specific products of the software line [27-29]. Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018 This automatic generation was made in this work through a template-based code generator implemented in Python and Jinja2 [30]. Every component and functionality of the dashboard product line is implemented in templates in which the different fea- tures are injected according to the requirements through the definition of macros. To specify the configuration of the dashboard being generated, and consequently, to inform the code generator which functionalities should add to the different components, a domain specific language (DSL) was implemented through XML technology [31]. This DSL is based on the feature model obtained during the domain engineering phase, and it fuels the code generator to allow the configuration of the product according to the requirements specified in the DSL. The outcomes of the code generator (Fig. 2), in this case, are the different JavaScript and HTML files that will compose the final dashboard. These files are automatically deployed on the folder from which the dashboard will be served to the specific user which it has been generated for. Fig. 2. Outline of the code generator inputs and outputs. 4 Results The application of this paradigm along with the automatic generation of code has brought valuable results in terms of development time, maintainability and scalability of the OEEU’s dashboards. The configuration of the components through XML files makes the personalization of dashboards a straightforward task, being the specification of the requirements the difficult part. Once the requirements are collected from the stakeholders, it is only nec- essary to specify them in terms of the DSL designed and execute the code generator to provide the dashboard. To illustrate the results, a series of examples of the potential of this approach are described. One of the main parts of the Observatory studies are the evaluation of a series of skills from different perspectives. Students give a score to the level of the skills they felt they have, the level they felt they acquired during their studies and the level they Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018 felt they required during their jobs. The visualization of these results was previously made through bar charts [20, 21], as they are simple and a common way to visualize this kind of variables. However, this kind of visualization makes difficult the comparison of the different perspectives (possessed skills, skills acquired during the studies and skills required in job), so another method to visualized these variables was necessary. The representation of the skills through a heat map was proposed [32], as it allows the identification of values that stand up through a color codification (Fig. 3). Most intense colors represent greater values than the less intense ones. This visualization could help decision makers to identify at first sight, which branch of knowledge lack different competencies, for example. Arts & Humanities Sciences Judicial & Social Sciences Health Sciences Fig. 3. Visualization of a series of skills from different perspective, aggregated by branch of knowledge of the studies pursued (top section shows required skills in job, middle section the possessed skills and the last and bottom section, the contribution of the studies to the skill). Engineering & Architecture To materialize the previous heat map, the configuration showed in the Fig. 4 was specified. Through the DSL, it is possible to specify that a heat map component is re- quired with three dimensions, one for each skills’ perspective. Each dimension has a particular data source (in this case, the Observatory’s API codes to retrieve the neces- sary information about the students’ skills). The DSL also allow developers to specify specific functionalities, like the possibility to export the visualization as an image or different controls (data selectors to explore Arts & Humanities different data aggregations or data filters). Sciences Judicial & Social Sciences Health Sciences Engineering & Architecture Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018 Fig. 4. Example of the configuration for the component presented in the Fig. 3. This heat map is a core asset of the SPL, so it can be reutilized for other purposes. For example, the representation of the most used methods to search job can be also done through the heat map (Fig. 5), being only necessary to specify in the XML con- figuration files the new data source for this component (Fig. 6). Arts & Humanities Fig. 5. Visualization of the frequency of use of a series of job search methods, aggregated by branch of knowledge of the studies pursued. Sciences Judicial & Social Sciences Health Sciences Engineering & Architecture Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018 Fig. 6. Example of the configuration for the component presented in the Fig. 5. On the other hand, a user could rather to explore this data with a scatter plot in order to find patterns and relations between the variables collected. In this case, the scatter diagram component would be selected during the configuration of the product to have a new perspective. Or even a set of components could be part of the same page (Fig. 7) to allow comparisons and different perspectives simultaneously, obtaining the final dashboard presented in the Fig. 8. Fig. 7. Example of the configuration for the whole dashboard presented in the Fig. 8. Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018 Fig. 8. Example of a dashboard generated given a particular XML configuration (contents in Spanish). To accomplish the previous visualizations, it has only been necessary to change the XML configuration for a target user and regenerate the code automatically through the code generator. 5 Discussion Applying the software product line paradigm in the context of the Observatory for Uni- versity Employment and Employability has proved to be an interesting approach to manage different and dynamic requirements among users with varied profiles. Once the core assets are implemented, the reconfiguration and maintainability of the code that gives support to the dashboards is straightforward. Adding new components Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018 from scratch to the product line is also easy, as it does not affect the rest of the features previously implemented. This pilot framework for generating this kind of software products given a set of requirements could lead to the construction of more effective dashboards. The tough part in the design of a dashboard is not the implementation, although it is, obviously, also a time-consuming process. The main problem in the design of dashboards is the recollection and specification of requirements from the users that will end up employ- ing the final product. Dashboards are not a set of visualizations and graphical resources that show arbitrary data; they need to seek for a goal that could give support to decision- making processes. This kind of approach could ease the refinement of the dashboards implemented, as it allows the evolution of requirements in a smooth and effective way. It could also help testing different configurations of the dashboards to find the right one for every profile involved without consuming significant resources, or even add the capacity of generat- ing dashboards in different languages on demand. Domains continuously evolving like employment and employability or academic an- alytics could benefit from this paradigm by having powerful and adaptive visualization tools to support decision-makers and policy-makers. In this case, new components could be added to the software product line or new product could be configured in order to exploit and explore new perspectives of em- ployability and employment in the academic context. There are some challenges, however, to face. The automatic generation of user in- terfaces is not trivial [33-35]. Interfaces not only need to be functional but also usable, and modelling usability is a major challenge. Usability could lead to a good or a bad experience with the dashboard, no matter how many functionalities it has. Further re- search will involve usability tests on the automatically generated dashboards. Another challenge are data sources. Data is the fuel of dashboards and sources need to be well integrated in order to maintain interoperability and scalability, as data sources can be heterogeneous and can be presented in different formats. 6 Conclusions The software product line approach has been applied to the Spanish Observatory for University Employment and Employability to manage the presentation of their studies’ results taking into account different requirements. This approach allows the automatic generation of dashboards by composing different visualizations with different function- alities that consume from a variety of data sources. Data visualization is important to reach insights about different fields (in this case, university employment and employability), but it is crucial to take into account the requirements of the final users of the dashboards, as they will be the ones involved in decision-making processes. 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