=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2188/Paper4 |storemode=property |title=Learning Analytics and Recommender Systems Toward Remote Experimentation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2188/Paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2188 |authors=Alexandre L. Gonçalves,Gustavo R. Alves,Lucas M. Carlos,Juarez B. da Silva,João B. da M. Alves |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/lasi-spain/GoncalvesACSA18 }} ==Learning Analytics and Recommender Systems Toward Remote Experimentation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2188/Paper4.pdf
    Learning Analytics and Recommender Systems toward
                 Remote Experimentation

 Alexandre L. Gonçalves1, Gustavo R. Alves2, Lucas M. Carlos1, Juarez B. da Silva1,
                              João B. da M. Alves1
                  Federal University of Santa Catarina, Araranguá, Brazil
                            Polytechnic of Porto, Porto, Portugal
                 a.l.goncalves@ufsc.br; gca@isep.ipp.pt;
           lucas.mellos@posgrad.ufsc.br; juarez.silva@ufsc.br;

         Abstract. This paper presents a process based on learning analytics and recom-
         mender systems to provide suggestions to students about remote laboratories ac-
         tivities in order to scaffold their performance. For this purpose, the records of
         remote experiments from the VISIR project were analyzed taking into account
         one of its installations. Each record is composed of requests containing the as-
         sembled circuits and the configurations of the measuring equipment, as well as
         the response provided by the measurement server that evaluates whether a par-
         ticular request can be performed or not. With the log analysis, it was possible to
         obtain information in order to determine some initial statistics and provide clues
         about the student’s behavior during the experiments. Using the concept of rec-
         ommendation, a service is proposed through request analysis and returns to the
         students more precise information about possible mistakes in the assembly of
         circuits or configurations. The process as a whole proves consistent in what re-
         gards its ability to provide suggestions to the students as they conduct the exper-
         iments. Furthermore, with the log, relevant information can be offered to teach-
         ers, thus assisting them in developing strategies to positively impact student’s

         Keywords: Remote Experimentation, Learning Analytics, Recommender Sys-

1        Introduction

Nowadays, taking into account the stage of science and technology, new approaches to
education are required in order to positively impact student’s performance. In the con-
text of engineering education, solid knowledge is required not only from theoretical
classes, but also from experimentation in laboratories [1]. In this sense, calculus classes,
hands-on laboratories, simulations and remote laboratories are important resources in
the training of students. As stated by [2], students have to become fluent in the language
of nature and a successful designer, and for that (…) must perform numerous experi-
ments, practice, laboratory work.

    Copyright © 2018 for this paper by its authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes
Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018

   Thus, the skills developed by the students throughout the course will impact on their
professional careers. In general, experimental work has traditionally been developed in
laboratories. However, the increase in the number of higher education students in the
last decades has put pressure on the physical structures and resources of laboratories.
To overcome this, researchers have developed computational simulations and remote
laboratories, enabling the expansion of educational boundaries.
   This scenario provides new opportunities to enhance the student’s learning process.
With the advent of online systems, the data generated by student interaction in remote
laboratories and simulations can be collected and analyzed. From this, some areas have
been promoting support, among them, Learning Analytics (LA) and Recommender
Systems (RS).
   Learning analytics (LA) appears as an important tool that can leverage students’
learning experiences as well as provide insights to teachers so they can learn and im-
prove their classes. LA as a knowledge discovery paradigm can help stakeholders in-
volved with the learning process to better understand its potential and interconnections
[3]. Additionally, taking into account the collected and analyzed data, it is an oppor-
tunity to offer stakeholders recommendations about the educational context. In this
way, Recommender Systems (RS) can supply suggestions to increase student’s perfor-
mance in learning activities. Generically, RS intends to recommend items that may be
of interest for a user [4][5]. Originally coming from e-commerce, RS has evolved to
compose solutions in a couple of areas, including e-learning. RS toward e-learning usu-
ally aim to help students in choosing courses, subjects and learning materials or activi-
ties [6]. Also, this kind of system can scaffold students by providing them with means
to improve their performance in remote laboratory activities.
   This paper proposes a process based on LA and RS in order to assist students in their
remote lab activities. The process has two main goals, as follows: a) to analyze the data
generated from student interaction through remote experimentation environments aim-
ing to offer insights to stakeholders in the educational context; and b) to generate rec-
ommendations that can increase students' performance in learning activities. Section 2
introduces the background of the study. Section 3 presents the proposed process. Sec-
tion 4 shows the experimental design. The results, the scenario analysis, and a general
discussion about the process are presented in Section 5. Lastly, Section 6 draws con-

2      Background

2.1    Remote Experimentation
There are several educational resources able to scaffold the students' learning process.
Calculus classes pose abstract and methodic aspects, dealing with mathematics and
knowledge about certain topics [7]. Hands-on lab activities allow achieving more com-
plex competences by strengthening the connection between theory and practice and
enabling students to achieve haptic skills and instrumentation awareness [7] [8] [9].
Simulation represents another important resource, although students should understand
that they are dealing with a simulated reality as this may lead to some disconnection
                              Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018

between the real and the virtual world [10]. Nevertheless, studies such as those pub-
lished by [11] [12] point out that simulations can complement calculus classes and
hands-on lab exercises.
   Just like hands-on laboratories, remote laboratories require space and devices to
compose the infrastructure. However, this approach goes beyond the traditional one and
enables students to carry out real experiments controlled by computers through the in-
ternet. It increases the frequency and places in which experiments can be executed [9].
Additionally, by using remote laboratories students can access real equipment, which
can leverage their out-of-classroom experiences [13]. Experimental devices can be
shared by enhancing the infrastructure of traditional laboratories. In this way, remote
laboratories, regarding the student’s learning process, are seen as additional tools with
some of the benefits of hands-on laboratories and computer simulations. However,
there may be some difficulties in terms of availability of use since remote laboratories
are connected to real equipment. On the other hand, students have access to simulators
available on the internet, being a resource that does not require any kind of physical
mechanism. Thus, remote and simulation labs have a further role in the educational
context for providing teachers with complementary tools [9][14].

2.2    Learning Analytics
Learning has several impacts on student’s lives. It is increasingly distributed across
space, time and media, generating a large volume of data about students and the learn-
ing process [15]. All students’ interactions through online educational environments
leave traces about their experiences, making it possible to carry out a wide variety of
analyses. Taking into account this behavior, Learning Analytics (LA) is more and more
becoming a relevant tool that can positively impact student’s performance.
   Among the LA definitions, the following is the most cited one: “the measurement,
collection, analysis, and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes
of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs”
[16]. As stated by [17], LA has been incorporated in the context of educational institu-
tions and has its origins or basis from the business intelligence field. Other fields in-
clude web analysis, educational data mining, and recommendation systems [18]. Fo-
cusing initially on the capture, analysis, and report of data by educational stakeholders
as well as on the provision of information to enhance the performance of educational
institutions, learning analytics has currently a mostly operational perspective. It intends
to supply tools toward students and teachers for the achievement of higher performance
and a broader understanding of the learning process.

2.3    Recommender Systems

Since the mid-1990s, Recommender Systems (RS) have evolved and become an im-
portant research field [4][5][19]. The objective is to provide suggestions generally by
analyzing a great amount of options in situations where users may find some difficulties
in making their choices [20]. This kind of system is suitable for the user and the service
provider due to its capacity to help during the selection of items, making it a more
Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018

enjoyable process in addition to leading to the achievement of better results. As stated
by [21], “the purpose of RS is to generate valid recommendations for items that may be
of interest to a set of users”. An “item” is a piece of information representing, for in-
stance, a product, a paper or a service, which is suggested to users when they interact
with RS via the web, email or text message [22]. According to [23], an “item” is the
general designation to denote what is going to be recommended to users by the RS.
    There are some approaches presented in the literature, among them, content-based
filtering (CBF), collaborative filtering (CF), and hybrid filtering [24][25]. More re-
cently, the semantic web technology has empowered RS to deal with the overload of
information and heterogeneous data sources [26]. Approaches based on formal struc-
tures of knowledge, such as ontologies, have been developed [27]. Also, in the educa-
tional context, there are e-learning recommender systems, an evolution from traditional
e-learning systems [6]. These systems provide suggestions about what students should
take into account, such as courses, subjects or learning activities, aiming to scaffold
their performance.

3      Process Proposition

This section shows the proposed process considering the context of learning analytics
and recommender systems. It aims to analyze the data generated from the interaction
of students with a specific remote experimentation environment and generate recom-
mendations that can help them to carry out the simulations. It intends to provide ways
to scaffold students’ performance on remote experimentation. Fig. 1 demonstrates the
process in which a student performs experiments and receives more detailed infor-
mation of possible problems found from the established configurations. Each experi-
ment is composed of some elements that will be described in Section 4.

 Fig. 1. The process toward students’ performance analysis and suggestions of possible errors.

  During the process, there are three phases consisting of logging, recommendations,
and data analysis.
                               Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018

   All student requests are sent to the server, which executes two main tasks. The first
one consists of sending the request containing the settings made by the student to the
recommendation service. The service then, considering a domain ontology, makes an
inference to determine whether the request is correct or not. If it is not, the service
recommends one or more types of errors. These errors are then sent to the remote lab
interface so students can analyze the settings and carry out the necessary modifications.
Also, both the request and the response, correct or not, provided by the server are
   Data analysis also has two essential functions. The first one focuses on monitoring
the log acquiring all requests and responses from the experiments. A request is com-
posed of a set of configurations which will be detailed in Section 4. New log entries are
analyzed and stored in a database to provide means to easier analyze the result of the
experiments achieved by the students. Besides, the data is summarized to provide in-
formation that may help teachers to better understand the students’ performance during
remote experimentation activities. In general, the summarization can provide interest-
ing inputs for teachers to have information about the difficulties faced by the students.
It allows an analysis of the causes of poor performance in specific subjects and can
therefore guide teachers in actions of revision or improvements in their theoretical and
hands-on classes.

3.1    Support Structures
Whenever a given experiment is configured, the student can send those settings to be
evaluated by the server and receive a response. This information is characterized as the
log of the remote experimentation process. From this, the analysis and persistence of
each log entry in the database are carried out to evaluate student’s performance. To
support that, a database model was devised as illustrated in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Database model devised to enable log persistence and analysis toward teachers’ under-
standing about students’ performance.
Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018

   The main table represents the experiment, which is named Experiment. Each ex-
periment is composed of configurations performed by students taking into account cir-
cuits assembly and Multimeter, Function Generator, Oscilloscope and DC Power set-
tings. In addition, there are two basic types registered into the Type table as request
and response. After those experiment configurations, the student can send the data rep-
resenting a request. From that point, the remote experimentation server analyzes the
request to determine if all parameters were correctly selected. In affirmative case, all
the measurements carried out are returned thus enabling the results to be presented
through the interface.
   After each request or response, the data are recorded in the Experiment_Type rela-
tionship table, hence allowing to store the information of which circuits were used and
configured, which equipment was configured for the experiment and which parameters
were defined. The Equipment table stores the available equipment in the remote ex-
periment environment, while the Parameter table keeps the possible parameters for
each equipment that will be used in a particular remote experiment.
   To support the process as a whole, a domain ontology is also used. The ontology
represents the knowledge base with the rules that make it possible to determine whether
a given experiment has an error and, if so, what type of error. The ontology is presented
in Fig. 3 and represents an overview of a multimeter.

Fig. 3. Domain ontology used in the analysis of the experiments and recommendation of possible

   The ontology is composed of a set of classes, and the two main classes are Experi-
ment and Output. The Experiment class makes it possible to define an instance
through a set of properties. The instance represents a request made by the student and
related with instances already defined in the VoltageSource, Assembly, and Selector
classes. Using this information and through a reasoning process, it determines whether
the output represents an error or not. In case of error, a more detailed message is pro-

4      Experimental Design

The process proposed here was implemented in the VISIR project. In order to detail the
experimental design, both the VISIR project and the log are described as follows.
                                    Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018

4.1     Remote Experimentation
The Virtual Instruments Systems In Reality (VISIR) project aims to provide support to
the area of Electrical and Electronics Engineering focusing on the subject of circuit
theory and practice.
   Thus, by means of remote experimentation as an additional approach to other edu-
cational resources, such as calculus classems, hands-on lab activities, and simulations,
the student has the opportunity to leverage their skills. Fig. 4 presents a demonstration
board with components donated by Toyota®.

         Fig. 4. Example of a circuit that students had to assemble in the Toyota® demo board.

   A VISIR remote lab installation is used to interact with the physical boards and com-
ponents. Through the environment of remote experimentation, the student can carry out
the assembly of the circuits as well as define all the measurement parameters. Fig. 5
shows an example of configuration and measurement.

Fig. 5. Using VISIR to measure the voltage/current in the 100Ω resistor, in one of the circuits used in the
individual lab assessment.
Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018

4.2     Data
After assembling the circuits and defining the measurement parameters for a particular
experiment, the student then executes it. When doing so, a request is sent to the server,
which performs all the checks and calculations, returning a response with the measure-
ments or the information that the experiment was not successful, without however in-
forming the specific type of error. Both the request and the response generated by the
server are then logged.
   For the present paper, a copy of the VISIR logs installed in the Polytechnic of Porto
- School of Engineering (ISEP) was used. The log has a total of 545.152 records (re-
quests, responses or errors) ranging from 2010-07 to 2018-03.
   As already explained, a record in the log consists of a request and a response. The
request has all the settings made by the student through the remote lab interface and the
response has all the measurements performed by the server. If the settings are miscon-
figured or put the equipment from the physical laboratory at risk, a general error is sent.
Fig. 6 shows an example of a partial log considering a request.

         W_X A25 DMM_VHI
         W_X A26 DMM_VLO
         POT_X A25 A26 A27 100k 64
   .... Other configurations ...

Fig. 6. Partial log taking into account a request message.

   Basically, the request log stores all the components used, indicating the positions
where they are arranged on the breadboard, indicated by the  element. In
addition, if the student has selected and configured a multimeter, the values used for
that are indicated by the  element. Other types of equipment are available
at the remote lab interface, including a function generator, an oscilloscope, and a DC
power, being these resources available to be used simultaneously.

5       Results and Analysis

In this section, the main results achieved so far are summarized taking into account the
data analysis and the recommendation phases, as shown in the process described in
Section 3.
                               Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018

5.1    Data Analysis
In this session, some analyses obtained from the data of the experiments registered in
the log are discussed. The log is composed of 272,576 requests made by students from
the interface of the remote laboratory considered in this paper. Of these requests,
238,949 (87.66%) had an adequate response, that is, after the evaluation, the server sent
a response with the result of the measurements. Of the remaining responses provided
by the server, 33,627 (12.34%) represent measurement errors. In the current VISIR
version, the answer is generic and does not detail the type of error committed in the
assembly of the components or in the configuration of the measuring equipment.
   Each request belongs to the context of a remote lab session in which the student sets
up a given experiment and sends it to the server. During the session, the parameters can
be modified and resubmitted. Thus, multiple experiments can be performed. A total of
37,645 distinct sessions were identified, averaging 7.24 requests.
   Finally, a comparison between the types of instruments used in the remote experi-
ments is presented (see Fig. 7). As can be seen, the multimeter is the most used instru-
ment with 79.46%, followed by DC Power, Function Generator and Oscilloscope with
78.64%, 48.83, and 47.52%, respectively.

Fig. 7. Comparison between the types of instruments used in the requests made by the students.

5.2    Recommendation Approach

In this phase of the process, the requests made by students when using a specific remote
laboratory are analyzed. As already mentioned, the request is sent to the server that
accesses the recommendation service.
   The recommendation service receives the request parameters involving the configu-
ration of the circuits and the measurement equipment and fulfills an instance of the
Experiment class in the domain ontology using object properties. Fig. 8 shows an in-
stance for an experiment named Experiment_1.
Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018

                  Fig. 8. Instance of an experiment named Experiment_1.

   An experiment instance relates to the VoltageSource, Assembly, and Selector clas-
ses through the hasVoltageSource, hasAssembly, and hasSelector properties, respec-
tively. In the previous example, instances related to the experiment are VS_Yes (Yes
or No), Parallel (Series or Parallel) and Selector_Resistance_Ohm (V-, V ~, A-, A ~, Ω
or OFF).
   Based on the relationship of the experiment with instances of VoltageSource, As-
sembly, and Selector classes, it is possible to make the inference to determine whether
there is an error or not in the configuration. Considering the relationships between in-
stances of classes, there are 24 output possibilities. Fig. 9 presents two rules based on
first-order logic.

 hasVoltageSource(?x, VS_Yes), hasAssembly(?x, Parallel), hasSelector(?x, Selector_Re-
 sistance_Ohm) -> hasOutput(?x, Type_AD)
 hasVoltageSource(?x, VS_Yes), hasAssembly(?x, Parallel), hasSelector(?x, Selector_Volt-
 age_V-) -> hasOutput(?x, Type_AB)
        Fig. 9. Examples of rules that can be analyzed during the inference process.

   The first rule, after the evaluation, will return a Type_AD output. This output
(instance) represents an error and has an associated message, namely “Resistance read-
ing with the circuit in tension”. On the other hand, the second rule returns a Type_AB
output instance that represents a possible and correct configuration.
   Finally, after receiving the return from the recommendation service, the server
composes the error in the form of response and returns it to the remote lab interface. It
also records the request and the response in the log for further analysis.

6      Conclusion

The current scenario of education presents new challenges that require the combination
of strategies and tools with a more sustainable vision. In this sense, remote experimen-
tation allows overcoming some obstacles and limitations faced by hands-on laborato-
ries. The present study focused on the application of concepts of learning analytics and
recommender systems in the context of remote experimentation. For this purpose, the
student interaction records made available by the VISIR project were used from one of
its installations.
    Experiment log analyses can reveal relevant information that help understand diffi-
culties faced by students and provide subsidies for teachers to improve their classes and
                                    Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain – LASI Spain 2018

increase students’ learning performance. In the present paper, the total of 12.34% of
measurement errors seems to indicate acceptable figures since, at first, in addition to
the theoretical and practical classes, there is a learning curve about the remote experi-
mentation environment. Relating the students’ errors to the duration of the course could
provide additional information to better understand the learning process.
    Currently, taking into account the response to a given experiment that was evaluated
with error, the server only logs a general message without describing a specific type. In
this sense, this paper uses an ontology to provide a knowledge base that can be used to
clearly typify the error. The ontology presents only a part of the knowledge necessary
to map all the possible errors, but it allows an initial visualization of how the errors can
be made available to the students and stored for future analysis.
    The results obtained are incipient but consistent in the scope of the proposed process.
Knowing the main errors made during the experiments and allowing them to be re-
turned to students is fundamental for improving the student’s learning process.
    With the development of this study, a better understanding is sought about the diffi-
culties faced by students in an environment of remote experimentation. In addition, it
is intended for the identification of the main errors produced, as well as their correlation
with the executed experiments in order to provide teachers with information for class


We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from UFSC-Brazil and ISEP-

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