SMT-like Queries in Maple Stephen A. Forrest Maplesoft Europe Ltd., Cambridge, UK Abstract. The recognition that Symbolic Computation tools could ben- efit from techniques from the world of Satisfiability Checking was a pri- mary motive for the founding of the SC2 community. These benefits would be further demonstrated by the existence of “SMT-like” queries in legacy computer algebra systems; that is, computations which seek to decide satisfiability or identify a satisfying witness. The Maple CAS has been under continuous development since the 1980s and its core symbolic routines incorporate many heuristics. We describe ongoing work to compose an inventory of such “SMT-like“ queries ex- tracted from the built-in Maple library, most of which were added long before the inclusion in Maple of explicit software links to SAT/SMT tools. Some of these queries are expressible in the SMT-LIB format us- ing an existing logic, and it is hoped that those that are not could help inform future development of the SMT-LIB standard. 1 Introduction 1.1 Maple Maple is a computer algebra system originally developed by members of the Symbolic Computation Group in the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. Since 1988, it has been developed and commercially distributed by Maplesoft (formally Waterloo Maple Inc.), a company based in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, with ongoing contributions from affiliated research centres. The core Maple language is implemented in a kernel written in C++ and much of the computational library is written in the Maple language, though the system does employ external libraries such as LAPACK and the GNU Multiprecision Library (GMP) for special-purpose computations. 2 The commands is and coulditbe Consistent with Maple’s roots as a computer algebra system, its core symbolic solvers (such as solve, dsolve, and int) generally aim to provide a general solution to a posed problem which is both compact and useful. Further trans- formation or simplification of such solutions using simplifiers based on heuristic methods [3] is often necessary. SMT-like Queries in Maple 119 Nevertheless the approach of posing queries as questions about satisfiability or requests for a satisfying witness is not unknown in Maple. The most obvious example is in the commands is and coulditbe. These are the standard general- purpose commands in Maple for querying universal and existential properties, respectively, about a given expression. [5] They are widely used by other symbolic commands in Maple (e.g. solve, int). The is command accepts an expression p and asks if p evaluates to the value true for every possible assignment of values to the symbols in p. The coulditbe command operates similarly but asks if there is any assignment of values to the symbols in p which could cause p to evaluate to true. Both is and coulditbe return results in ternary logic: true, false, or FAIL. Both also make use of the “assume facility”, which is a system for associating Boolean properties with symbolic variables. This provides limits on the range of possible assignments considered by is and coulditbe and is roughly analogous to a type declaration. For example, the expression is(x^2>=0) evaluates to false because there are many possible values of x which do √ not evaluate to nonnegative real numbers, in particular the imaginary unit −1. By contrast, the expression is(x^2>=0) assuming x::real returns true because the range of possible values of x has been constrained to real numbers. An illustrative example is found in the function product. In the evaluation of the expression product(f(n),n=a..b), the system seeks to compute a symbolic Qb formula for the product n=a f (n). As one can verify by inspecting the source code with showstat(product), the implementation of product computes a set of roots of f (n) and, if neither a nor b is infinite, checks whether there exists a root r such that r is an integer and a ≤ r ≤ b. If so, it returns zero as the result of the product. (Similar logic is applied if either of a or b is infinite.) As evidence of the ubiquity of such queries, Table 1 summarizes the distinct invocations of is and coulditbe encountered during a complete run through Maplesoft’s internal test suite for the Maple library performed on 24 April 2018. (An investigation into an earlier version of this dataset was published in [4]). This includes both instances in which the test case explicitly calls is/coulditbe and instances in which is/coulditbe are invoked by other library functions such as product, as shown previously. Note that in the above table, whenever logic L2 is an extension of logic L1, the listed results for logic L2 refer only to those queries which are expressible in L2 but not in L1. For example, the 2888 is queries expressible in QF LIA are not included among the 1449 queries expressible in QF LIRA, even though all of them are expressible in the more general logic. In total, 24006 distinct is and 5701 distinct coulditbe queries were issued during the course of the test run. The inputs vary considerably in size and in the complexity of the underlying theory, and for both is and coulditbe approxi- mately 11% of queries cannot be decided (i.e. return FAIL rather than true or false). A complete list of queries encountered may be viewed at 120 Stephen A. Forrest Description is coulditbe Total expressible in SMT-LIB 15572 4690 Expressible with QF LIA 2888 1686 Expressible with QF NIA 2129 744 Expressible with QF LRA 1542 505 Expressible with QF NRA 284 41 Expressible with AUFLIRA 1449 687 Expressible with AUFNIRA 7230 1027 Total not expressible in SMT-LIB 8434 1011 Expressible with complex arithmetic 4134 565 Linear arithmetic with Gaussian integers (“QF LICA”) 258 171 Nonlinear arithmetic with Gaussian integers (“QF NICA”) 259 88 Linear arithmetic with complex numbers (“AUFLIRCA”) 165 32 Nonlinear arithmetic with complex numbers (“AURNIRCA”) 2728 207 All “special” functions 3248 441 Exponential functions and logarithms 461 76 RootOf expressions 232 40 RootOf with exponential and trigometric functions 231 24 Remaining queries with Boolean structure 599 5 Total distinct queries 24006 5701 Table 1. Distinct is and coulditbe queries encountered in a full library test run Of the total, 15572 of the is queries and 4690 of the coulditbe queries can be assigned to one of the SMT-LIB2 predefined logics. Of the queries which cannot be so assigned, the reasons include the use of special functions unsupported by SMT-LIB, as well as complex arithmetic. 3 Future Work Recent versions of Maple have seen the addition of explicit links to SAT and SMT solvers: Maple 2018 is distributed with both the SAT solver MapleSAT [1] and the SMT solver Z3 [7]. In future, we aim to examine the effectiveness of using these packaged solvers on SMT instances which arise during evaluation of symbolic expressions. An important factor in this assessment will be whether this implementation offers better performance and meaningful answers (not FAIL) for a larger class of such queries than existing tools in Maple. References 1. Hui Liang, Vijay Ganesh. MapleSAT development site. 2. Clark Barrett, Pascal Fontaine, and Cesare Tinelli. The Satisfiability Modulo The- ories Library (SMT-LIB),, 2016. SMT-like Queries in Maple 121 3. Jacques Carette. 2004. Understanding Expression Simplification. In Proceed- ings of the 2004 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Compu- tation, Santander, Spain (ISSAC 2004), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 72-79. doi:10.1145/1005285.1005298. 4. Stephen A. Forrest. 2017. Integration of SMT-LIB Support into Maple. Second Annual SC2 Workshop, ISSAC 2017, Kaiserslautern, Germany. 5. The Assume Facility in Maple, Maple Online Help : The Assume Facility. 6. Logics in SMT-LIB, 7. de Moura, L. M., and Bjørner, N. Z3: an efficient SMT solver. In TACAS (2008), vol. 4963 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 337340.