=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2193/paper15 |storemode=property |title=EnAbled: A Psychology Profile based Academic Compass to Build and Navigate Students' Learning Paths |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2193/paper15.pdf |volume=Vol-2193 |authors=Alexander Bolotov, Gabriele Pierantoni, Ayleen Wisudha, Zebokhon Abduraimova, David Chan You Fee |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ectel/BolotovPWAF18 }} ==EnAbled: A Psychology Profile based Academic Compass to Build and Navigate Students' Learning Paths== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2193/paper15.pdf
EnAbled: A Psychology Profile based Academic Compass
    to build and navigate students’ Learning Paths

    Alexander Bolotov1, Gabriele Pierantoni1[0000-0002-8522-0197], Ayleen Wisudha2, Ze-
                  bokhon Abduraimova1 and David Chan You Fee1
      1 Dept. of Computer Science, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom
         2 Dept. of Psychology, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom

      Abstract. In the modern educational environment students are faced with a plethora of
      different options in their learning journey during the University years. To help them to
      make optimal choices among all these options, that best correspond to their individual-
      ity, we have conducted a research project “Enabled: Educational Network Amplifying
      Learning Experience” (EnAbled). The project aims at “mapping” these choices to per-
      sonal preferences and individual learning styles. We allow students to either self-assess
      their profiles or use the Lumina Psychological Traits of Behavioral Preferences tests.
      We argue that this approach will be beneficial not only to the students but also to the
      academics assisting them in the preparation and delivery of modules and providing
      them with more insight into what and how teaching is delivered.

      Keywords: eLearning, Psychological Profiles, Threshold Concepts, Strategies for
      Online Learning.

1       Introduction

   In modern days, students face a plethora of different options in their learning journey
during the university years. From the classical approach of attending lectures and tuto-
rials to learning from online videos or participating in fora and tutorials - there are so
many possible paths and approaches that it is becoming difficult for students to make
an informed and optimal choice among available resources. Furthermore, it also be-
comes challenging for lecturers to prepare modules which optimally make use of all
these resources. To overcome this “over choice” dilemma, we have conducted a re-
search project “Enabled: Educational Network Amplifying Learning Experience” (En-
Abled) [2] presented in this paper. The EnAbled project provides a software tool to
assist lecturers to build their modules by considering different approaches and the stu-
dents to choose between learning paths based on their inclinations.

We target first year students who find themselves in a transition period, or "liminal"
space [5] – a period of time over which they make the transition from an observational
learner, who learns from examples, “mimicry” or reverse engineering, to a learner, who
can handle difficult abstract concepts and techniques. We pay attention to the notion of
“threshold concepts” [1] – those “building blocks” that students develop and use during

this transitional period. These concepts are not only different from the “didactic” con-
cepts that form the basis for the classical educational model but often cannot be explic-
itly expressed by the students. Our contribution is the interpretation of Threshold Con-
cepts in the Use Case as edges in the module conceptual map (see Section 3).
    The project also creates “Academic Compass”, a digital platform, which students
use to navigate across various learning options guided by both their preferences and
learning styles and previous learning experience. Lecturers, in turn, use the platform to
model their modules encompassing the various options available at each learning stage.
In our pilot study, we used qualitative methods to collect data required to build students’
individual learning profiles. Subsequently, these profiles were exploited in the Use
Case that models the revision sessions for a first-year module, “Mathematics for Com-
puting”. We discuss the results of the conceptual testing of the proposed solutions
showing their contribution to assisting students in building their autonomous learning
and helping academics to tune the delivery of material based on individual needs,

2      Concepts and Model of the EnAble Project

   EnAbled adopts a metaphor of a Compass which helps the students to navigate
through a map of learning pathways as if they were crossing a new territory with this
map and a compass. Modules of their curriculum are modelled as graphs that encom-
pass multiple routes and each path is made of several steps (Learning Objectives) con-
nected by edges (Learning Activities).

                                                    A graph model of a module, with
                                                    each node potentially further de-
                                                    tailed in a sub-graph:
                                                    this is a two-layered graph model
                                                    with two upper level paths (P1 and
                                                    P2) and the sub-graph describing
                                                    one node (P2C).

                 Fig. 1. Graph-Based Model of the Learning Paths in EnAbled.

   We allow students to define their individual learning profiles either self- assessed or
by taking the Lumina Spark Behavioral Preferences test [6]; This allows to“map” stu-
dents’ choices of what, how and when to learn using personal preferences and individ-
ual learning styles based on Kolb’s model [4]. We argue that this approach will also
benefit academics assisting them in the preparation and delivery of modules and provid-
ing them with a deeper reflection of what is taught and how it is taught. Fig. 2 illustrates
the project concepts: a Module Builder (A) is used to create a two-layered graph which
represents various learning paths and where each node is connected with relevant teach-
ing materials. Once the module setup is completed, the students are able to navigate
through the EnAbled compass tool (C). It suggests to the students an optimal choice

based on a color-based decoration of each path linked to the student profile. Students
can either take the (B) Lumina tests to discover more about their profiles or simply
auto-assess them when they first use the digital compass.

    Fig. 2. Building and Navigating through Modules with EnAbled

   The EnAbled Academic Compass suggests students would make choices, which is
based on their psychological and learning profiles, whilst academics will utilize this
framework to model various learning paths.

Fig. 3. The Architecture of the EnAbled Prototype and Graph Editor screenshot.

3      The Prototype and the Use Case

Figure 3, on the left, presents the main prototype’s modules. The Login module author-
izes users to either the Student or Lecturer modules, and saves user details to a Mon-
goDB database through a JavaScript interface. The Student Interface integrates the in-
formation from the psychological profiles with updated information on the status of the
student (e.g. the amount of time available to execute the next Learning Activity) and
presents various learning paths associated with each topic created by the Lecturer. The
Lecturer module creates various graphs associated with different learning paths, by us-
ing a drag and drop tool as shown in Fig. 3 on the right. The Graph Editor allows to
update nodes with necessary links, while edges represent Learning Activities and can
be associated with metadata information - the duration and color coding used to define
preferred choices based on the student profiles and current situation. The module con-
tent including its graph structure is saved in JSON format in the MongoDB database.

  Figure 4 shows the Use Case – first year module “Mathematics for Computing”,
which was used for Prototype testing.

                                     A route to revise a Conceptual Map of the module
                                     suitable for the “Abstract Conceptualization” style.
                                     “Threshold concepts” are transitions – this is much
                                     closer to what students operate with in their practice
                                     [3]. Traversing the graph from the leaf - “Axiomatic
                                     Proof” a student would follow a blue line leading to
                                     this concept from the node “Deductive Proof”; the
                                     threshold concept here links “Axiomatic Proof” with
                                     “Deductive Proof” as its type. The green lines leading
                                     to “Axiomatic Proof” would lead a student to the two
                                     types of rules – substitution and modus ponens that are
                                     used in axiomatic proofs.

                            Fig. 4. Graph Representation of the Use Case

4         Conclusion.

This paper presented and discussed a prototype of the EnAbled Academic Compass to
assists students with their choices. The theoretical grounds are students’ psychological
and learning profiles and conceptualization of the module content reflecting threshold
concepts. The effectiveness of its approach will be fully tested during the Academic
Year (2018-2019). The first prototype will be further developed and tuned to be ready
for testing by students and lecturers at the start of the next (2018-2019) Academic Year.

    1. G. Cousin. An introduction to threshold concepts. Planet, 17:1, 4-5, DOI:
    2. A. Bolotov, G. Pierantoni, A. Wisudha, Z. Abduraimova and D. Chan You Fee. Enabled:
       Educational Network Amplifying Learning Experience. (EnAbled). https://www.re-
    3. S. Kolari and C. Savander-Ranne (2004), Visualisation Promotes Apprehension and Com-
       prehension, International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 484-493,
       0949-149X/91, 2004 TEMPUS Publications.
    4. D. Kolb. "The Learning Style Inventory: Technical Manual", Boston, Ma.: McBer, 1976.
    5. R. Land, J. Meyer, and C. Baillie, Editors’ Preface: Threshold Concepts and Transforma-
       tional Learning, Threshold Concepts and Transformational Learning, Sense Publishers,
       Rotterdam, pp. ix-xl, 2010.
    6. “Lumina Learning | Home Page.” [Online]. Available at: https://www.luminalearn-
       ing.com/luminahome/index/en. [Accessed: 29-Apr-2018].