=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2220/03_CONFWS18_paper_24 |storemode=property |title=Insights for Configuration in Natural Language (short paper) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2220/03_CONFWS18_paper_24.pdf |volume=Vol-2220 |authors=Andrés Felipe Barco,Élise Vareilles,César Iván Osorio |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/confws/BarcoVO18 }} ==Insights for Configuration in Natural Language (short paper)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2220/03_CONFWS18_paper_24.pdf
              Insights for Configuration in Natural Language
                                  Andrés F. Barco1 and Élise Vareilles2 and César I. Osorio1

Abstract. Usually, in configuration processes, customers interact            2. answer a predefined series of questions, always in the same order
with a decision support system, also named configurator, by explic-             whatever his/her knowledge and needs about the product,
itly selecting components or required functionalities through a writ-        3. express his/her needs and preferences in such a way they fit the
ten series of questions, until the complete configuration is done and           predefined set of choices and options proposed online by configu-
the desired product is defined. The interactions during a configura-            rators, and
tion process may vary vastly depending on the customers’ knowledge           4. click to select the relevant functions or components meeting the
about the product and his/her understanding of its potential function-          best of his/her needs.
alities. However, configurators are not conceived for making a differ-
ence between expert and inexpert customers as interfaces and input              All these facts gathered make the configuration of products more
information are all expected to be the same for everyone. This pa-           and more a counter-intuitive process. Also, current interaction makes
per discusses how natural language can enhance configuration pro-            no difference between expert and non-expert user as most of the input
cess by making possible for customers to express their desires, needs        mechanism (such of as graphical windows, drawings, text fields) are
and preferences in natural language, and for configurators to interpret      all expected to be the same for everyone [2].
their words and better help them to find relevant solutions. This kind          This paper discusses how the mature techniques from AI may be
of configuration process could have as foundations an expert systems         used to allow a more natural interaction between customers and con-
that that maps speech into constraints and objectives. We present the        figuration systems. In essence, we describe the future of configura-
artificial intelligence trends motivating our research, an initial archi-    tion in which natural language interactions could replace the tradi-
tectural design and potential applications of the research.                  tional one based on writing, explicit selection of items and rigid se-
                                                                             ries of questions. More precisely, we argue that current AI advances
                                                                             like natural language processing could help customers to express
1     Introduction                                                           their needs implicitly in speech format (e.g. “I need a cheap lap-
For several decades now, customers want to bring a personal touch to         top with good video card”) while an expert system could infer the
their products to make them special and unique. To meet this grow-           requirements and set the goals of the configuration (e.g. video card
ing demand of personalization, companies nowadays no longer of-              ≥ good). We call this kind of configuration Configuration in Natural
fer standard products, but more and more personalizable ones [1].            Language. We also present an idea of architecture of such an expert
Thanks to the Web technologies and dedicated decision support sys-           system.
tems, named configurators, this personalization is done directly and            The paper is divided as follows. In Section 2, the traditional and
interactively online [1]. Customers can play with the wide range of          future customer-system interactions in configuration are discussed.
choices and options offered by companies: they can assemble, cut,            In section 3, a software architecture based on current advances in AI
color, choose, ..., and visualize the result of their desires and ulti-      is introduced. In Section 4, some of the mathematical frameworks
mately order it, all in few clicks and minutes.                              from which the configuration in natural language can take advantage
   This concept of personalization or configuration of products con-         are discussed. Finally, in Section 5, some applications of the research
sists in assembling modules or predefined components, to produce a           and conclusions are presented.
unique and specific product [10]. For businesses, this is a way to of-
fer personalized products to stand out from the competition and build        2     Configuration Interactions: Past and Future
customers’ loyalty through more accurately reflecting their tastes and
needs.                                                                       We present in this section the interaction typically made in configu-
   Interactions between potential customers and configurators, be-           ration systems and contrast it with the idea of configuration in natural
come now one of the key aspects of configuration problems [22].              language proposed in this paper.
Nevertheless, often the configuration relies in a long data capturing
process. Normally, to configure the product object of desires, any
potential customer has to:
                                                                             2.1    Traditional Configuration Interactions
                                                                             In most of the cases, configuration systems follow a series of itera-
1. Face the increasing range of choices and options without being            tive steps that guide the customer and help him/her to progressively
   completely able to focus on his/her essential items,                      configure his/her own product. These steps, that we call the standard
1 Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali. Santiago de Cali, Colombia. email:   way of configuration, are as follows:
2     Université de Toulouse, Mines      Albi.   Albi,   France.   email:   1. The system shows some sets of components and functionalities to
    elise.vareilles@mines-albi.fr                                               the customer in a predefined way,
2. The customer either selects the most relevant component or func-        functionalities, and goals; critical to reach an appropriate configura-
   tionality which meets his/her needs and desires, or specifies a         tion solution. For instance, in the first of the two previous examples,
   value for the most important criteria (such as the price he/she is      both the processor speed and the computer cost may be seen as con-
   willing to pay for the product),                                        figuration goals. For tackling this challenge, we propose an expert
3. The system removes or assigns the set of remaining components           system architecture built upon AI trends.
   and functionalities according to the set of constraints in the prod-
4. The system computes the price of each possible product and valu-        3   AI Trends-based Architecture
   ates their criteria.                                                    The field of AI is generating broad interest. Technological advances
                                                                           using AI techniques, such as the DeepMind GO system developed
   In step 2, the selection is usually done manually by clicking on        by GoogleTM [19] and the IBM WatsonTM analytic system [11],
the relevant item via a mouse-click or a touch screen, or by inputting     draw the attention of the academic and non-academic world on the
its specific value directly from a keyboard. At the end of the standard    innovative role of mathematical models from computer science and
way of configuration, the customer selects his/her unique product and      philosophy. Current trends show that the use of AI and other related
orders it.                                                                 fields are being widely used sectors such as economy, health, trans-
                                                                           port industry, aviation and games, among others [20].
2.2    Future Configuration Interactions                                      The configuration in natural language is motivated by the recent
                                                                           advances in AI and by industrial trends, in particular the growing in-
The configuration in natural language changes the interactions be-         terest in the construction of machines that understand human emo-
tween customers and configurators. Customers will be able, what-           tions and act according to the interaction with human [16]. It is
ever their requirements and knowledge about the product, to express        sought that the machines assist decision-making processes whereas
better in a more natural way their preferences, desires and needs and      the understanding of human emotions helps to improve the expert
configure faster their own products. The significant difference be-        systems behavior and interaction [8]. This idea, known as Human
tween traditional and forthcoming configuration interactions lies in       Aware AI, is not new in configuration as it has been used as a goal
the way of expressing and capturing customers’ needs and goals. The        in different configuration systems (see for instance [3]). Further, the
steps for the configuration in natural language are as follows:            idea of understating or inferring user needs has been widely study
                                                                           in the plan recognition problem [6]. Nonetheless, to the best of our
1. The system welcomes the customer.                                       knowledge, current advances in natural language use remain to be
2. The customer writes or says what he/she wants or needs by using         adopted in configurators implementations.
   his/her own words.                                                         Within the human aware AI field, the Natural Language Understat-
3. The system infers the set of components and functionality the user      ing (NLU) [4] and Natural Language Processing (NLP) [12] draw at-
   wants or needs, and the goal of the configuration.                      tention for its capabilities of human computer interaction. In essence,
4. The system removes or assigns the set of remaining components           NLU and NLP systems allow the user to ask questions in everyday
   and functionalities according to the set of constraints in the prod-    language and try to understand these questions in order to return
   uct.                                                                    appropriated answers. Typically, these systems makes some hypoth-
5. The system computes the price of each possible product and valu-        esis according to the question and a knowledge base, such as Inter-
   ates their criteria.                                                    net, and then process an output. This is akin to the problem of plan
                                                                           recognition, i.e., knowing the user’s plans and goals [6]. Further, if
   To exemplify this kind of configuration, limit us to written inter-     these systems are improved with natural language generation (NLG)
actions in natural language via a keyboard or similar device. Three        in order to produce responses, the system then becomes a question
examples of such interactions when configuring a computer, and the         answering system (QAS) [13]. These systems were conceived to re-
respective responses of the inferring engine, are:                         ceived provide argued answers to user queries. From these systems,
                                                                           WolframAlphaTM [7] and IBM WatsonTM [11] present the more
• Customer express: “I want a really fast computer but not too ex-         innovative results for configuration as these systems are able to rec-
  pensive”                                                                 ognize some information in form of requirements within informal
  System      infers:    Component(processor,    speed,      high)         speech in text format.
  Goal(computer, cost, low)                                                   To illustrate these capabilities, Figure 1 shows the result when
• Customer express: “I just want to play video games, preferably           querying “I want a computer of less than 1000 dollars.” in the
  not heavy so I can carry it easily”                                      WolframAlphaTM system. To construct a response, the system
  System infers: Component(video card, processing, high)                   maps the input into a more elaborated query, encoding the query thus
  Goal(computer, weight, low)                                              making a syntactic and semantic analysis. Nevertheless, as the sys-
• Customer express: “I need to write my texts”                             tem does not focus on inferring mathematical notions, it is easily con-
  System infers: Component(keyboard, comfort, high) Goal(none,             fused by adding words that add relevant constraints. For instance, no
  none, none)                                                              result shown when querying the same computer but DellTM man-
                                                                           ufactured; “I want a dell computer of less than 1000 dollars”. We
   As expected, inferring components or functionalities and configu-       consider that this is a major drawback in the system when addressing
ration objectives is a major challenge. On the first hand, the universe    configuration problems.
of words used by humans to express the same thing may be vast.                The IBM WatsonTM system works similarly to the
Second, the way to build expressions may vary largely depending on         WolframAlphaTM . It encodes a query by applying automated
academic background, experience, state of mind and mood, to name a         reasoning, machine learning and several other techniques to analyze
few. Finally, it is difficult to set a difference between components and   the speech. One of the more innovative applications of the IBM
       Figure 1. Output example of WolframAlphaTM system.

WatsonTM system is the personality characterization from written
speech. To do this, in addition to question answering, different
techniques of sentiment analysis [21] are applied. This kind of
analysis may be useful to infer expertise level of the user and then
behave accordingly.
   In spite of the recent advances of NLU, NLP and QAS, these
are not well-suited for addressing configuration problems given that
they do not focus on constructing the mathematical notions (con-
straints and objectives) needed in most configuration problems. Be-
sides, question answering systems are too powerful in the sense they
are of general purpose having different question types and extensive
knowledge bases. At the other end of the spectrum, specific applica-
tions using question answering systems technology do not necessar-
ily deal with extensive vocabularies, hypothesis and so on, as these
applications are domain-dependent. Ergo, its underlying mechanism
may be simpler although more robust and may count with reduced
knowledge, question types and small knowledge bases. In conse-
quence, we have devise an architecture, presented in Figure 2, for
implementing configurators that exploits the aforementioned natural
language elements. The mandatory module is that of NLU whereas
NLP and NLG are optional (used if formatted answers are desired).           Figure 2. Architectural view of expert system for configuration NL.
External services may be attached in order to fulfill specific tasks.
   The differentiating element in the architecture is the inference en-
gine. This key element is in charge of discriminating among the set
                                                                          that sum, subtract, division and multiplication are allowed as well
of words those referring to components of the product, functional-
                                                                          as inequality symbols. This helps to make the mapping unambigu-
ities and/or configuration objectives. This is in fact a challenge as
                                                                          ous. Given that our main innovative application is the configuration
different conclusions may be reached from a given sentence.
                                                                          in natural language, mathematical frameworks used to tackle config-
                                                                          uration problems comes naturally. Here, we briefly describe three of
4   Mathematical Frameworks for Configuration in                          these models.
    Natural Language
                                                                          • The first framework, Constraint Programming (CP), has been
Unlike NLP and QAS, configuration processes are mapped, gen-                identified as a key paradigm in the expansion of applied computer
erally, into mathematical (optimization) models that unify the cus-         science [17]. CP is part and good representative, of the declarative
tomers requirements and problem domain limitations into a single            programming frameworks. This is one of the most used framework
framework. To infer constraints and objectives from informal speech,        to address configuration problems as it suits their constrained na-
it is needed an underlying mathematical framework in which such             ture [15]. First, the knowledge (constraints) that restricts possible
notions are built. In other words, to construct a mathematical formula      configuration of elements (variables) is easily modeled under the
it is necessary the set of values and operands allowed in the formula.      declarative framework of constraint satisfaction problems. And
As an example, if constructing inequalities, the expert system knows        second, constraint-based configurators are able to present different
  solutions to users, often optimal, even when they do not provide        REFERENCES
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