=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2220/12_CONFWS18_paper_15 |storemode=property |title=Generating Configuration Models from Requirements to Assist in Product Management – Dependency Engine and its Performance Assessment |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2220/12_CONFWS18_paper_15.pdf |volume=Vol-2220 |authors=Juha Tiihonen,Iivo Raitahila,Mikko Raatikainen,Alexander Felfernig,Tomi Männistö |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/confws/TiihonenRRFM18 }} ==Generating Configuration Models from Requirements to Assist in Product Management – Dependency Engine and its Performance Assessment== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2220/12_CONFWS18_paper_15.pdf
             Generating Configuration Models
    from Requirements to Assist in Product Management –
     Dependency Engine and its Performance Assessment
         Juha Tiihonen1 and Iivo Raitahila1 and Mikko Raatikainen1 and Alexander Felfernig2 and
                                              Tomi Männistö1

Abstract. Requirements engineering is often, especially in the con-           ments to be implemented simultaneously might need to follow all
text of major open source software projects, performed with issue             dependencies transitively, which is not readily supported by the is-
tracking systems such as Jira or Bugzilla. Issues include require-            sue trackers. The issue trackers are not either necessarily optimal for
ments expressed as bug reports, feature requests, etc. Such systems           the concerns of product or release management that need to deal with
are at their best at managing individual requirements life-cycle. The         different requirement options, alternatives and constraints, as well as
management of dependencies between issues and holistic analysis               their dependency consequences when deciding what to do or not to
of the whole product or a release plan is usually scantly supported.          do. However, dependencies in general are found to be one of the key
Feature modeling is an established way to represent dependencies              concerns that need to be taken into account, e.g., in requirements pri-
between individual features, especially in the context of Software            oritization [1, 9, 18] and release planning [2, 17]. In fact, the above
Product Lines — well-researched feature model analysis and con-               concerns are not at the core of issue trackers’ support for the require-
figuration techniques exist. We developed a proof-of-concept depen-           ments engineering activity. Rather, issue trackers focus more on a
dency engine for holistically managing requirements. It is based on           single issue, its properties, and its life cycle. The situation is not nec-
automatically mapping requirements and their dependencies into a              essarily specific only for issue trackers, but it exists also in other
variant of feature models, enabling utilization of existing research.         kinds of RMS.
The feature models are further mapped into a constraint satisfaction             In the context of a Horizon 2020 project called OpenReq, we de-
problem. The user can experiment with different configurations of             veloped a proof-of-concept Dependency Engine for holistically man-
requirements. The system maintains the consistency of dependencies            aging requirements as a single model. It is based on automatically
and resource constraints. To evaluate the feasibility of the system, we       mapping requirements and their existing isolated dependencies into
measure the performance of the system both with some real and gen-            the Kumbang [3] variant of feature models, enabling utilization ex-
erated requirements. Despite some remaining performance issues, it            isting research. A feature model is further mapped into a constraint
seems that the approach can scale into managing the requirements of           satisfaction problem. The user can experiment with different config-
large software projects.                                                      urations of requirements. The system maintains the consistency of
                                                                              dependencies and resource constraints.
                                                                                 This paper outlines the principle of the Dependency Engine and
                                                                              addresses its feasibility in terms of performance. We measure the
There are various kinds of requirement management systems (RMS)               performance of the system both with some real and generated re-
applied in requirements engineering [10]. In particular, different is-        quirements. Responsive performance is important for interactive us-
sue tracker systems, in which requirements are captured as issues,            age, e.g., what-if analysis of requirements to include in a release.
are becoming increasingly popular, especially in large-scale, glob-           Furthermore, it is important that decisions are based on current in-
ally distributed open source projects, such as in the cases of Bugzilla       formation; either relatively fast model generation or a way to update
for Linux Kernel, Github tracker for Homebrew, and Jira for Qt. An            models ’on-the-fly’ are required.
issue tracker can contain tens of thousands requirements, bugs and               The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines
other items that are different ways interdependent from each other.           the concept of a feature model. Section 3 presents the research ques-
   Issue tracker systems as RMSs provide primarily with support               tions, general idea of the Dependency Engine, applied data and tests.
for individual requirements throughout various requirements engi-             Section 4 presents the results, Section 5 provides analysis and dis-
neering activities, such as requirements documentation, analysis, and         cussion. Finally, Section 6 concludes.
management as well as tracking the status of a requirement over its
life cycle. Even though individual dependencies, including more ad-
vanced constraints, can be expressed in the case of an individual re-         2    BACKGROUND: FEATURE MODELING
quirement, more advanced analysis over all requirements of a system
                                                                              The notion of a feature model, similarly as a requirement, is not un-
taking into account the dependencies and properties of the require-
                                                                              ambiguous. A feature of a feature model is defined, e.g., as a char-
ments is not well supported. For example, deciding a set of require-
                                                                              acteristic of a system that is visible to the end user [12], or a system
1 University of Helsinki, Finland, first.last@helsinki.fi                     property that is relevant to some stakeholder and is used to capture
2 Graz University of Technology, Austria, alexander.felfernig@ist.tugraz.at
                                                                              commonalities or discriminate among product variants [8]. A feature
model is a model of features typically organized in a tree-structure.
One feature is the root feature and all other features are then the
subfeatures of the root or another feature. Additional relationships
are expressed by cross-branch constraints of different types, such as
requires or excludes. Feature model dialects are not always precise
about their semantics, such as whether the tree constitutes a part-of
or an is-a structure [19]. Despite this, feature models have also been
provided with various formalizations [8, 16] including a mapping to
constraint programming [5, 6].
   Specifically, we apply the Kumbang feature model conceptualiza-
tion [3] as the basis. It has a textual feature modeling language and
it has been provided with formal semantics. Kumbang specifies sub-
features as part-of relations and allows defining separate is-a hier-
archies. Kumbang supports feature attributes and its constraint lan-
guage can be used to express cross-branch relationships.
   A feature model is a variability model roughly meaning that there
are optional and alternative features to be selected, and attribute val-
ues to be set that are limited by predefined rules or constraints. When
variability is resolved, i.e., a product is derived or configured, the
result is a configuration. Variability is resolved by making configura-
tion selections such as an optional feature is selected to be included,
or one of alternatives is selected. A consistent configuration is a con-
figuration in which a set of selections have been made, and none of
the rules have been violated. A complete configuration is a consistent
configuration in which all necessary selections are made.
   Feature modeling has become a well-researched method to man-
age variability and has been provided with several different analyses
to assist in system management [4].                                                    Figure 1. Workflows of the Dependency Engine

                                                                              Milla is a front-end that is used to access requirement data via
We follow Design Science in the sense that the aim is to innovate          volatile or case-dependent interfaces. For example, it extracts re-
a novel intervention and bring it into a new environment so that the       quirements via the API of Jira. It outputs MulSON, a JSON based
results have value in the environment in practice [11]. Dependency         intermediate transfer format understood by Mulperi.
engine is the artifact of the intervention and this paper focuses on its      Mulperi converts from a small number of stable requirement in-
quality attributes. The specific research questions are:                   put formats such as MulSON into the Kumbang feature modeling
                                                                           language. It can generate a number of queries to SpringCaaS.
• RQ1: Can the OpenReq Dependency Engine scale to real-world
                                                                              SpringCaaS takes as input Kumbang feature models and converts
                                                                           them into a corresponding Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP).
• RQ2: How can the performance of the Dependency Engine be
                                                                           Choco Open-Source Java library for Constraint Programming [15]
                                                                           was selected because it is Java-based, popular, and has good per-
                                                                           formance and a permissive license. The Kumbang model and corre-
3.1     Approach and architecture                                          sponding the data structures are saved for subsequent use.
To facilitate requirement management via a feature-based approach,
we make each requirement correspond to exactly one feature. The            3.2    Potential bottlenecks and related tests
properties of a requirement correspond to the attributes of a feature.
                                                                             Network and external system bottlenecks Jira integration
The dependencies of individual requirements are mapped to hierar-
                                                                           fetches requirements from the RMS one requirement at a time
chies and constraints of a feature model. We currently rely only on
                                                                           over network, which can potentially create performance bottlenecks.
the dependencies explicitly expressed in requirements although we
                                                                           These bottlenecks are outside the scope of this paper4 .
will aim to extract missing dependencies with NLP technologies. In
order to make such a mapping, we need a feature model dialect that
is conceptually relatively expressive supporting feature typing and         Requirement model generation Milla generates feature models
attributes. Kumbang was selected for this purpose.                         from requirements data fetched from Jira. Effectively, relevant data,
   The Dependency Engine currently consists of three stand-alone           such as IDs, dependencies and the attributes that are needed in infer-
software components with specific responsibilities: Milla, Mulperi         ence, are extracted and a MulSON presentation is generated.
and SpringCaaS, see Figure 1. There are two different workflows:
creating a model from requirements data and making subsequently             Feature model generation A requirement model expressed in
queries against the model. These three components operate as REST-         MulSON is sent to Mulperi. Mulperi generates a feature model ex-
type services and are implemented using the Java Spring framework3 .       pressed in the Kumbang feature modeling language. Mulperi’s func-
3 https://spring.io/                                                       4 Bottlenecks were identified and solved by adding parallel connections.
tionality is largely based on data structure manipulation - JSON input       3.3.2    Synthetic data
and Kumbang output. The transformation is straightforward. Mulperi
also saves the results into an in-memory database. This model is then        The synthetic datasets were created and run using automated scripts.
sent to SpringCaaS in a single message.                                      SynData1 dataset contains a total of 450 models with permutations
                                                                             of the amounts of requirements (from 100 to 2000), a ’requires’ de-
                                                                             pendency (from 0 to 75% of the requirements), an optional subfea-
 Feature model to CSP A feature model expressed in Kumbang is
                                                                             ture with one allowed feature (from 0 to 75% of the requirements)
parsed. Kumbang syntax resembles many programming languages.
                                                                             and a number of attributes (from 0 to 5 per requirement); each at-
Therefore parsing is potentially heavy.
                                                                             tribute has two possible values, e.g., 10 and 20.
   Based on the data structures representing the feature model, a cor-
                                                                                A smaller dataset (60 test cases), SynData2, was used for opti-
responding Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is generated. Ba-
                                                                             mization tests with sum constraints, see Section 3.4.5. SynData2
sically, a set of Boolean CSP variables represents instances of indi-
                                                                             contains models with permutations of the amounts of require-
vidual feature types. Each of these is related to corresponding integer
                                                                             ments (from 100 to 2000), a ’requires’ dependency (from 0 to
CSP variables that represent attribute values of these individual fea-
                                                                             75% of the requirements), no further subfeatures and 1 or 2 at-
tures. Enumerated strings are mapped to integers. Choco constraints
                                                                             tributes with a fixed random value from 1 to 100. An example of
are created based on the dependencies; the constraints can access the
                                                                             a SynData2requirement in MULSON format:
presence of a feature, and relationships between attribute values of
features. The current implementation supports only binary relation-          {
                                                                             "requirementId": "R4",
ships (requires, excludes).                                                  "relationships": [
   In addition, it is possible to specify global resource (sum) con-         "targetId": "R25",
                                                                             "type": "requires"
straints over specific attributes. For example, the sum of efforts of        }
included features can be constrained. To facilitate this, the imple-         ],
                                                                             "attributes": [
mentation reserves attribute value 0 to attribute values of features         {
                                                                             "name": "attribute1",
that are NOT in configuration.                                               "values": ["9"],
                                                                             "defaultValue": "9"
                                                                             "name": "attribute2",
 CSP solving The prime suspect for performance bottlenecks is                "values": ["22"],
                                                                             "defaultValue": "22"
solving the CSP representing a model of requirements. There are a            }
number of tasks to accomplish based on a constructed model.                  "name": "Synthetic requirement nro 4"
• check a configuration of features for consistency
• complete a configuration of features                                       3.4     Empirical tests
• determine the consequences of feature selections
                                                                             3.4.1    Test setup
  The selection of search strategy often has significant effect on
solvability and quality of solutions [15].                                   Measurements should be conducted when the software’s behaviour is
                                                                             typical[13]. Since there is currently no production environment, the
                                                                             tests are conducted on a development environment that closely re-
3.3     Data                                                                 sembles the possible production environment. Furthermore, we aim
The performance evaluations are based both on real data from the Qt          to perform tests that could correspond to real usage scenarios.
company and synthetic data.                                                     The test machine is an Intel Core i5-4300U 1.9GHz dual core lap-
                                                                             top with 16GB of RAM and an SSD disk, running Ubuntu Linux
                                                                             16.04 and a 64-bit version of Oracle Java 1.8.0. All software compo-
3.3.1    Real requirements                                                   nents except for Jira are run on the same machine.
Qt is a software development kit that consists of a software frame-             The examined software components log execution times to files
work and its supporting tools that are targeted especially for cross-        that are collected after each automated test run. A timeout was set to
platform mobile application, graphical user interface, and embedded          limit the solving of Choco in SpringCaaS.
application development. All requirements and bugs of Qt are man-               Although SpringCaaS is a single component, we often report the
aged in the Qt’s Jira5 that is publicly accessible. Jira6 is a widely used   execution time in two parts: Choco Solver and the rest of Spring-
issue tracker that can contain many issue types and has a lot of func-       CaaS. This is because often Choco’s solve operation takes the most
tionality for the management of issues. Issues and bugs can be con-          time, but the initial tests showed that the Kumbang parser becomes a
sidered as requirements and they have dependencies and attributes            bottleneck in specific situations.
with constant values, such as priority and status. Thus, known re-
quirements and their dependencies have already been identified and           3.4.2    Initial trials and initial search strategy
entered into Jira. Qt’s Jira contains 18 different projects and although
some of the projects are quite small and discontinued, QT-BUG as             Initial testing was performed with the goal to complete a configura-
the largest project contains currently (April 2018) 66,709 issues.           tion of requirements with a minimal number of additional require-
   For empirical evaluation with real data, a set of issues was gath-        ments. The pareto optimizer of Choco was applied to provide alter-
ered from Qt’s Jira and processed through the whole pipeline. Only           native solutions7 . All features were included in the pareto front. By
well-documented requirements having dependencies were selected               default, Choco uses the domOverW Deg search strategy for interger
to the dataset JiraData that contains 282 requirements.                      and Boolean variables [15]. Table 3 describes the search strategies
5 https://bugreports.qt.io                                                   7 Pareto optimizer dynamically adds constraints: a solution must be strictly
6 https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira                                      better than all previous solutions w.r.t. at least one objective variable [15].
applied. In our domain and way of modeling, the strategy effectively       minDomLBSearch, see Table 3. These were augmented with
leads to selection of excessive number of features. This is contrary to    bestBound, lastConf lict or both; e.g., bestBound adds directs
the initial goal. As results in the beginning of Section 4 will show, an   search based on the objective function and a strict consistency check.
alternative search strategy was required to achieve satisfactory per-
formance. The Search Strategy was changed to minDomLBSearch; it                         Table 1.   Resource constraints for optimization tests
is used in the rest of the tests unless otherwise mentioned.
                                                                                 Constraint#                  P Constraint
                                                                                     0                        P attribute1 > 1000
3.4.3   Requirement model generation                                                 1                        P attribute1 = 1000
                                                                                     2                           attribute1
                                                                                                                          P< 1000
JiraData and SynData1 Datasets were applied to run the whole                                       P
pipeline from gathered requirements to a Kumbang textual model
                                                                                     3             P attribute1 > 1000 ∧ P attribute1 < 2000
                                                                                     4               attribute1 > 1000 ∧         attribute2 < 2000
and a serialized feature model. The process is illustrated at the left
hand side of Figure 1. The different steps were timed.
   In the case of SynData1 dataset, Milla was bypassed because the
test cases were expressed directly in MULSON. Note that model gen-                Table 2.   Constraints, number of attributes and usage scenarios
eration includes finding a consistent configuration of features; this
search is performed as a form of a model sanity check.                         Constraint#     #attributes Optimization goal
                                                                                 0, 1, 3       1           Simulate achieving desired utility with a
                                                                                                           minimal number of requirements to imple-
3.4.4   Requirement configuration                                                                          ment. Minimizes the number of require-
Autocompletion of configurations was performed with the                             2          1           Check the consistency of a given partial
JiraData dataset. A run was performed with a sum calcula-                                                  configuration with respect to maximum ef-
tion constraint. Here, each requirement has a numerical priority                                           fort and complete the configuration with
                                                                                                           as few requirements as possible. Minimizes
attribute. The query instructed SpringCaaS to give a configuration                                         the number of requirements. In the case of
where the sum of these priority attributes was greater than 100.                                           SynData2, the test is redundant, only the
   More substantially, requirement configuration was also performed                                        root feature will be included.
with the SynData1 dataset to analyse the performance under vary-                    4          1           (Not relevant, 2 attributes in constraint, 1 in
ing number of requirements and their properties (attributes, depen-
                                                                                0, 1, 2, 3     2           Simulate maximisation of utility under
dencies), and user-specified requirements. This test applies optimiza-                                     resource constraint: Maximize sum of
tion to find a (close to) minimum configuration that includes pre-                                         attribute2
selected features, if any. Effectively, the configuration of require-               4          2           Minimize the number of requirements to im-
ments is completed. This is presumably one of the computationally                                          plement under constraints of minimum util-
                                                                                                           ity and maximum effort.
most intensive operations. The configuration phase is tested in ten it-
erations: first selecting only one requirement and then increasing the
number of selected requirements by 10% so that the tenth iteration
has 1 + 90% requirements selected.
                                                                           4      RESULTS
3.4.5   Optimised release configuration under resource                     The results of the initial trials are in the two first rows of Table 4. The
        constraint                                                         timeout and solution limits were disabled. The processing time was
                                                                           unacceptable, as reflected in the results.
We performed a number of resource-constrained optimization tests.
Here, we applied global sum (resource) constraints specified in Ta-
ble 1 to constrain the allowed solutions. SynData2 Dataset contains
                                                                           4.1      Requirement model generation
test cases with 1 or 2 attributes per requirement (see Section 3.3.2).     The first two rows of Table 6 present the results of processing the
Effectively, the combination of number of attributes and the applied       JiraData dataset through the whole pipeline. Table 5 shows the re-
constraint correspond to usage scenarios presented in Table 2. Fi-         sults of processing the SynData1 dataset. A save operation includes
nally, we applied the bestBound(minDomLBSearch()) search                   finding a consistent non-optimized configuration of requirements.
strategy, after we had experimented with different alternatives, see          Figure 2 presents cases with 1000 requirements. Each bar color
Section 3.4.6 and corresponding results.                                   corresponds to a test case with a specific number of dependencies
   We run the tests with 60s, 10s and 3s timeout values to see the         (from 0 to 200) and subfeatures (from 200 to 1000). The elapsed
effect of allowed time on the solvability and to get an impression on      time in Mulperi, SpringCaaS and Choco are shown for 0, 2000 and
the quality of solutions. In addition, we developed and experimented       5000 attributes, that is, 0, 2 or 5 attributes per feature, each with two
with a custom algorithm that (roughly) first ’filled’ effort bounds with   possible values per requirement.
’big’ features and used ’small’ ones to meet the bound.                       Figure 3 depicts a case with 1000 requirements and different num-
                                                                           ber of subfeatures (a requirement can be a subfeature of many re-
                                                                           quirements). Please note the logarithmic scale. With 5000 subfea-
3.4.6   Determining search strategy
                                                                           tures it took over five hours to parse the model.
We tested a set of different search strategies for performance,               Starting from (some) models with 1000 requirements, the serial-
utilizing the 2000 requirement test cases of the SynData2                  ization of the parsed Kumbang model failed due to a stack overflow
dataset. The experimented basic search strategies included                 error. It was necessary to increase the Java Virtual Machines stack
activityBasedSearch, Choco default domOverW Deg, and                       size to one gigabyte to prevent out-of-memory errors.
                                         Table 4.   Effect of search strategy with Pareto optimizer, JiraData dataset

              Strategy            Optional features       Mandatory features        Attributes    Solutions                               Time
               default                           14                        0                  0          60                       130 to 300 ms
               default                           20                        0                  0       1046     11600 to 11900 ms (unacceptable)
          minDomLBSearch                         14                        0                  0           1                       120 to 170 ms
          minDomLBSearch                         20                        0                  0           1                       150 to 190 ms
          minDomLBSearch                        235                        0      2 per feature           1                       160 to 200 ms
          minDomLBSearch                        118                      117      2 per feature           1                       400 to 650 ms

                               Table 5. Minimum, maximum and median test cases of the save phase, SynData1 dataset

        Requirements      Dependencies      Subfeatures    Attributes    Mulperi time (ms)   SpringCaaS time (ms)       Choco time (ms)   Total time (ms)
                 500              375               200             0                   85                    158                    98               341
                 500               50               500         1000                   504                    247                   493              1244
                 500              250               500         2500                  1971                    439                  2133              4543
                 750              563               150             0                  159                    220                   401               780
                 750              375                 0         1500                  1040                    371                  2239              3650
                 750              563             1125          3750                  4988                    684                  6359            12031
                1000              750               400             0                  309                    347                   670              1326
                1000              750                 0         2000                  1895                    584                  4144              6623
                1000              750             1500          5000                  8859                   1029                12772             22660
                1500             1125               600             0                  584                    509                  2009              3102
                1500                 0            1500          3000                  4942                    733                  8756            14431
                1500              750             2250          7500                21747                    1738                30270             53755
                2000             1000               800             0                  661                    566                  4781              6008
                2000             1500                 0         4000                  6958                   1079                15816             23853
                2000             1500             2000         10000                37692                    2018                46433             86143

                   Table 3. Choco Search strategies

Search strategy     Description
activityBasedSearch Search strategy for ”black-box” constraint solving.
                    ” ... the idea of using the activity of variables during
                    propagation to guide the search. A variable activ-
                    ity is incremented every time the propagation step
                    filters its domain and is aged.”[14]. Used parame-
                    ters (GAMMA=0.999d, DELTA=0.2d, ALPHA=8,
                    RESTART=1.1d, FORCE SAMPLING=1) [15]                                          Figure 2. Performance effect of attributes
domOverWDeg         Choco default. ”Intuitively, it avoids some trashing
                    by first instantiating variables involved in the con-
                    straints that have frequently participated in dead-
                    end situations” [7]. Slightly oversimplifying, the
                    strategy attempts to solve hard parts of a CSP
                    first, weighting constraints by their participation in
minDomLBSearch ”Assigns the non-instantiated variable of smallest
                    domain size to its lower bound” [15]
bestBound           Search heuristic combined with a constraint per-
                    forming strong consistency on the next decision
                    variable and branching on the value with the best
                    objective bound (for optimization) and branches on
                    the lower bound for SAT problems.[15]
lastConflict        ”Use the last conflict heuristic as a plugin to im-
                    prove a former search heuristic Should be set after
                    specifying a search strategy.”[15]

                                                                                                     Figure 3. Kumbang parser’s fatigue
                                        Table 6.   Measurements from the whole pipeline, JiraData dataset

                        Function    Requirements               Request                Milla time   Mulperi time    SpringCaaS time
                       Save model              1                   -                     0,182 s        0,010 s                0,050 s
                       Save model            282                   -                     1,252 s        0,311 s                0,315 s
                        Configure              1                empty                          -        0,050 s                0,005 s
                        Configure           282                 empty                          -        0,050 s                0,143 s
                        Configure           282               10 features                      -        0,040 s                0,172 s
                        Configure           282               25 features                      -        0,077 s                0,127 s
                        Configure           282               50 features                      -        0,116 s                0,099 s
                        Configure           282     10 features with dependencies              -        0,040 s                0,093 s
                        Configure           282       sum calculation constraint               -              -     5,098 s (timeout)

                         Table 7. Minimum, maximum and median test cases of the configuration phase, SynData1 dataset

 Requirements    Dependencies   Subfeatures   Attributes    Requirements in request       Mulperi (ms)    SpringCaaS (ms)      Choco (ms)   Total (ms)
          100             10              0            0                          1                  9                 10               4           23
          100             10             20         200                         91                  10                 21               8           39
          100               0             0         500                           1                 27                 54              14           95
          500               0           100            0                       451                  34                 79              19          132
          500            100            200            0                       101                  33                 61              71          165
          500               0             0        2500                        201                  34                266             549          849
          750               0           150            0                       601                  60                122              55          237
          750               0           150        1500                        376                  63                156             344          563
          750            375              0        3750                        601                  70                273            1614         1957
         1000            750          1000             0                          1                129                133             126          388
         1000            500              0        2000                        401                  90                252             777         1119
         1000               0             0            0                          1               1344                414            1788         3546
         1500               0             0            0                      1351                 186                363             179          728
         1500               0             0        3000                        751                 185                364            2159         2708
         1500            300              0        7500                       1351                 263                715            9087       10065
         2000               0             0            0                      1801                 237                619             334         1190
         2000            200              0        4000                        801                 297                515            4445         5257
         2000           1000              0       10000                       1801                 573               1056          16464        18093

   Figure 4. Performance effect of dependencies, 1500 requirements
                                                                                    Figure 5. Performance effect of selected requirements and unselected

4.2    Requirement configuration
                                                                              4.3       Optimized configuration under resource
The results of the configuration task with the JiraData dataset are                     constraint
from row 3 onwards in Table 6. In case of the sum constraint (the last
row), SpringCaaS was able to find 107 to 120 solutions before the             Table 8 presents a summary of the results of test that minimize the
timeout at 5s was reached.                                                    number of features. Note that constraint #4 is from test cases with 2
   Table 7 contains the minimum, maximum and median measure-                  attributes, the others apply to test cases that have one attribute that
ments of total execution times for varying numbers of requirements,           is constrained. Because all features are optional, tests with constraint
dependencies, subfeatures, attributes and number of pre-selected re-          #1 trivially contain only the root feature of the model.
quirements in the request.                                                       Table 9 represents the results of optimizing via Maximization of
   Figure 4 shows the effect of the number of dependencies in case            the sum of attribute 2 (e.g. utility) under constraints on attribute1.
of 1500 requirements per test case, but with a varying number of                 Test cases with 100, 500, 750, 1000, 1500 and 2000 requirements
requires-dependencies.                                                        and varying numbers of requirements are solvable with 60s timeout.
   Figure 5 shows the effect of the number of requirements and at-            10s handles all cases except 2000 requirements. 3s timeout is only
tributes in case of 1500 and 2000 requirements per test case.                 applicable to cases with 100, 500 and 750 requirements.
 Table 8. Minimization of the number of features. Results of 60 second timeout compared with 10 and 3 second timeouts and the custom algorithm. Lower
number of features in a solution is better. T est: the type of the testcases, #a: the number of attributes in the test cases. N : the average number of features in
  the minimal solution found with the 60s timeout. N=10 : the number of test cases where 10s timeout search finds the same number of features than the 60s
 version. N>10 : the number of test cases where 10s timeout search includes a larger number of features than the 60s version. ∆N10 : the average number of
additional features included in a solution found with 10s timeout when compared to the 60s search. ∆N10 (%): the average percentage of additional included
   features found by the 10s version. N=3 , N>3 , ∆N3 , ∆N3 (%): 3 second timeout versions analogously as 10s. The corresponding figures of the custom
  algorithm are presented similarly: N=c , Nc , ∆Nc (%). Note that N10     ∆N10      ∆N10 (%)         N=3     N>3      ∆ N3      ∆N3 (%)       N=c      Nc       ∆Nc (%)
         0       1     14.3     14         11      0.48       3.38%            7       8       0.60       4.92%          4       7        19       2573.33%
         1       1     14.3     14         11      0.52       3.63%            7       8       0.67       4.92%          6       4        20        106.67%
         2       1      1.0     25          0      0.00       0.00%            15      0       0.00       0.00%         30       0         0         0.00%
         3       1     14.3     13         12      0.52       3.65%            7       8       0.73       4.92%          4       7        19        620.00%
         4       2     14.4     17          8      0.32       2.26%            6       9       0.67       4.40%          0       0        30       1456.67%

  A memory of 3 GB was required to complete the tests. The                           Requirement model generation The number of dependencies be-
bestBound search strategy became feasible by applying the opti-                     tween the requirements seem to have no impact during the save
mization to one variable or to the sums of attributes. A pareto front               phase. To avoid out-of memory errors, Kumbang model read and
with all feature variables caused excessive memory consumption.                     write methods could be overridden with an implementation that suits
                                                                                    better for the Kumbang data structure, or the serialization phase
4.4      Determining search strategy                                                could be omitted altogether. On the other hand, optimized solving
                                                                                    needs even more memory.
Table 10 compares search strategies with 2000 require-                                 Increasing the number of attributes increases the processing time
ment test cases and minimization tasks. def aultSearch and                          of each component steadily, see Figure 2. Increasing the amount
activityBasedSearch fail in a number of cases with 60s timeout.8                    of subfeatures increases the processing time of Mulperi and Choco
minDomLBSearch can solve all these cases. Negative ∆N                               steadily as well, but when the amount of subfeatures is very large,
indicates that the compared search strategy found better solutions                  the Kumbang parser slows down drastically, see Figure 3.
(e.g. Total number of features was 18 less in the 30 tests) .
   Constraint #2 with 2 attributes is essentially uncon-
                                                                                     Requirement configuration The results in Section 3.4.4 suggest
strained for big problems. Here, the optimal solution in-
                                                                                    that a five second timeout would be sufficient for models with about
cludes all features. Plain minDomLBSearch fails to
                                                                                    500 requirements or less. The configuration of all 1000 requirement
’notice’     that.    Both       bestBound(minDomLBSearch())
                                                                                    models and most of the 1500 requirement models can be performed
and            lastConf lict(bestBound(minDomLBSearch()))
                                                                                    in less than five seconds.
help the solver to find the maximal solution. Of
                                                                                       The timeout value of the save phase could be set to be longer. Both
these, in terms of maximized result on attribute2,
                                                                                    timeout values could be controlled with parameters, for example if
bestBound(minDomLBSearch()) is slightly better in 3
                                                                                    the user thinks that he/she can wait for a full minute for the process-
cases and lastConf lict(bestBound(minDomLBSearch())) in
                                                                                    ing to complete. During the configuration phase, the dependencies
one. Due to limitations of space, further details are omitted.
                                                                                    actually ease Choco’s inference burden. Figure 4 with 1500 require-
   Earlier tests with all features in the pareto front prevented the us-
                                                                                    ments shows that when there are no dependencies, the preselected
age of bestBound strategy due to increased memory consumption.
                                                                                    requirements in the configuration request speed up Choco linearly.
                                                                                       The increase in configuration request size adds processing over-
    Table 10.   Comparison of search strategies with 2000 requirement cases         head to SpringCaaS. Secondly, when the dependency rate gets
                   and Minimization tasks with 60s timeout
                        Search Strategy                       # no so-    ∆N        higher, more requirements are included in the configuration early on,
                                                              lution                again helping Choco perform faster. The same is true for subfeatures:
                   minDomLBSearch()                           0            0
           lastConf lict(minDomLBSearch())                    0           -12       selecting requirements with subfeatures decreases processing time.
            bestBound(minDomLBSearch())                       0           -18          With attributes, the situation is the opposite. The more there are
     lastConf lict(bestBound(minDomLBSearch()))               0           -18
                     def aultSearch()                         20                    attributes and the more configuration request contains selected re-
               bestBound(def aultSearch())                    45                    quirements, the more time it takes to select attributes, see Figure 5.
                  activityBasedSearch()                       50
           bestBound(activityBasedSearch())                   49                       The optimization task is computationally intensive. It is difficult
    lastConf lict(bestBound(activityBasedSearch()))           49
                                                                                    for the solver to determine if an optimal solution has been found.
                                                                                    Therefore solving practically always ends with a timeout.

                                                                                      Optimised release configuration under resource constraint
                                                                                    When a solution is found, the versions with a lower timeout value
 Initial trials The results of Table 4 turned out to be too good:                   remain almost as good as solutions obtained with 60s timeout. The
it happens that the minimal requirement configurations of models in                 custom algorithm was expected to perform well in test case types 1
JiraData are unique. That is, the solver can find a minimal solution                and 2. However, this seems not be the case. Out of 150 test cases, the
with MinDomLBSearch and even prove its optimality.                                  algorithm finds better solutions than the the ’normal’ minimizer in
8 This test was performed with a different, weaker computer than the nor-           18 cases. In the clear majority of cases, it performs worse.
    mally used one.
 Table 9. Maximization of sum of attribute 2 (e.g. utility). Results of 60 second timeout compared with 10 and 3 second timeouts. The custom algorithm is
excluded. Higher sum of attribute 2 (a2) is better. T est: the type of the testcases, #a: the number of attributes in the test cases. N60 : the average number of
 features in a solution found with the 60s timeout. a160 , a260 :average value of attribute 1 / attribute 2 in solutions identified with 60s timeout, respectively.
 N10,a2,< and N10,a2,= : the number of test cases where 10s timeout search finds a lower / same same sum of attribute 2 than the 60s version, respectively.
    ∆N10 (%) : the average difference (percentage) between number of included features between 60s and 10s timeout versions. ∆a210 (%): the average
difference (percentage) between sum of attribute 2 of included features between 60s and 10s timeout versions. 3 second timeouts are analogous, SynData2.

    T est   #a     N60     a160       a260      N10,a2,<      N10,a2,=       ∆N10 (%)       ∆a210 (%)       N3,a2,<      N3,a2,=       ∆N3 (%)       ∆a23 (%)
      0      2     976     48979      49255         0           25            0.0%            0.0%             0           15            0.0%         0.0%
      1      2     33.2     1000       1821        24            1            -2.1%          -4.1%            15            0           -2.9%         -5.9%
      2      2     33.5      998       1831        21            4            -3.4%          -4.6%            13            2           -5.7%         -6.5%
      3      2     53.6     1998       2860        23            2            -2.1%          -3.2%            15            0           -3.6%         -4.5%

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